The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh. (10 page)

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“Even though they were willing to risk death to bring forth our children, they still couldn’t give birth normally. The child was just too large to pass out into the world by normal means. They had to be cut open – a caesarean birth.” She lifted her eyes from the small jumper and then lowered them almost straight away.


“And some didn’t even have the chance to have that done. Some of our powerful children couldn’t wait to be cut free; they simply ripped their way out of the womb with their bare hands and kicking feet, standing up upon their own two large feet, while biting at the umbilical cord that still attached them to the bloodied and mangled body they had just crawled from.

“They grew abnormally fast; towering far above all mere mans children. At the age of ten they stood twelve feet tall and more intelligent than a grown human adult. And the strange thing was they just never stopped growing, for as long as they lived. Of course, things like infighting and wars attributed to this factor, but they just kept getting bigger, depending on how much they ate. The avenge size was anything between twenty and thirty feet tall. Some, the older nephilim even excelled forty feet tall.


“These powerful beings became a law unto themselves, even defying us their very fathers. Of course we couldn’t destroy them, how could we, our beautiful children. It was amazing, just like our heavenly father, we had created something new.

“There was many of them, as stated in the book of Baruch, chapter 4 verse 10:
God caused the Flood over the earth and destroyed all flesh and 409,000 giants.


“Realizing they were different they took control using their phenomenal strength and size to laud it over mankind. They soon gathered together making mere mankind their slaves and playthings.

“They also took whomever they chose for sexual relations, male, female even animals. Many died at their strong hands and over sized bodies. Any that refused them died slowly and painfully. You had more chance of survival if you gave into them; at least you had a chance surviving their sexual abuse than you did their murderous rage.” She replaced the cigarette and continued. Her eyes turned back to dead eyes, glassy and unresponsive, and then within a heartbeat they came alive with his unnatural power.


“They made mankind build them vast structures, the size of which had never been seen before. Immense eating halls to fulfil their appetites; appetites that became insatiable. As The Book of Enoch chapter 7 verses 12 and 13 states:
‘These devoured all which the labour of men produced: until it became impossible to feed them; when they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them.’
Yes they became man-eaters.

“Also they had even larger gathering areas made where they fulfilled their sexual fantasies and twisted games.


“But this was before the Great Flood, and most of those buildings are still in existence, just under what are now oceans. In fact, there are over two hundred sunken cities in the Mediterranean alone. All built when the water level was considerably lower. One example, a city under two thousand feet of water, covering almost twenty cubic miles is just off the coast of Cuba. Just like you, our fleshly children liked the warmer climates of the world. My firstborn wasn’t really a temperate zone kinda guy.

“This was a city my firstborn had mankind build for him. Some say it has a taste of Teotihuacán culture of the Yucatán in its styling. He always did have a flare for style.


“My first son – and most powerful, and even large for their kind, a mountain in size – was called Lucifer, which actually means Light Bearer. I called him this because he would bring a new light into the world of man – it was also my heavenly name. He was stronger than any other nephilim and he controlled everything that happened in the world of mankind.” The little lady’s eyes closed tight as if the memory was choking her and she was finding it hard to convey it.

“But alas something even more unsettling happened. Our giant violent offspring in turn became fathers. If you remember they slept with man, women and beast!


“Yes, animals! Bestiality – fucking creatures, depending on their preference. This was mainly because they grew so large that human females just weren’t an option after a certain age. Of course that meant human females were the sexual object of choice of their adolescent years, this was, after all, the reason we fell in the first place, because they were so sexually stimulating and beautiful. No fake tits back then, oh no, all natural and sublime.” A long sigh.

“But because they out grew the humans, animals became a replacement, and that caused more trouble. Unnatural trouble,” she whispered making it difficult to hear her.


After the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, then the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord’
That’s from the Book of Jasher chapter four verse eighteen, talking about the bestiality that filled the earth.
‘“They began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish’
Enoch states in chapter seven verse five and six. A truly ungodly mess.

She started a slow chuckle that was almost silent. “Fish, ha. Reminds me of Klantos the Mountain, one of the largest giants ever to roam the earth – and the oldest. He reached forty-three feet tall, when stood straight, which was hard considering his height and weight. Always bent double that Klantos. See, they were always sexually active, nymphomaniacs you would call them in today’s world. And as they outgrew humans they had to turn to other animals.


“Once, Klantos even dragged a sperm whale up onto the shingle beach to have his way with it. He kept it until it became unusable. Then, after he had been tenderizing it for the best part of a week, he consumed it. Always did like his sushi that Klantos.” She gave a glassy eyed look. “You could say the name sperm whale stuck after that. I don’t recall its original description. The slight humor disappeared from her voice.

“See some of the animals became pregnant, vile things came from them, half human-form and half beast. Our angelic blood had once again produced a new kind of breed. The nephilim killed most of them, but some they let mature, their curiosity wanting to see what they would become. Blood drinkers.


Looking like us in our human form but thin with white skin, long arms tipped with claws and a wide mouth full of serrated pointed teeth. Thin lanky bipeds with unnatural strength and appetites.” She made herself more comfy.

“Vampires you would call them. See every story you have, every legend, has its roots somewhere, and here lay the tale of the blood drinkers. They grew fast, their strength almost as powerful as their giant fathers. They were kept in huge deep pits, unclimbable even for them. The nephilim tossed down victims and watched as they were ripped apart by clawed hands and serrated teeth. All they took from their victims was their blood, needing it to survive.


“Even, on a few occasions, a nephilim would try and prove himself mighty or simply be blind drunk. He would jump into the pit and start fighting the savage creatures with his bare hands. Most died, bled dry by twisted sucking mouths.

“Only one could climb back out of the pit, all the blood drinkers’ dead, crushed and ripped apart by strong hands, and that was my firstborn son – Lucifer, a chip off the old block.


“Other animals gave forth different kinds of monsters, things that give credence to creatures such as werewolves, which were in fact just genetic mutations of wolf and nephilim. Other nightmares too, which you wouldn’t have heard of. Kept as pets and mere amusement and eventually as weapons.

“When the women we had laid with become pregnant we didn’t know what to expect, for we have amazing powers I couldn’t even begin to explain to you here. And we believed they might have transferred over to our children. But no. Yes, they were stronger than humanly possible, being able to pull large towering trees out by their very roots. Even attack and kill bull elephants with their bare hands, ripping their long tusks from their bloodied face and using them to stab them to death, and all this purely as sport for them.


“But all our magical powers were not found it them. And their liaisons with beasts had created freaks and monsters, but the women they lay with also brought forth children. As I said, our powers didn’t transfer to our nephilim children, but to these, our grandchildren. They looked like normal humans, not abnormal giants. But in adolescence they started to manifest some of our abilities. Starting fires with nothing but their minds, being able to lift objects with their thoughts, and even controlling the very elements around them. Sorcerers are what you would call them in today’s world.

“The nephilim reacted in the only way they knew how – with violence – killing all their children. Not wanting them to grow older and possibly take their positions from them. The freaky blood drinkers were no threat, easily locked away at birth to grow up inside prisons they had built. Not so for their children from women. Women who knew what would happen to them if they were found to be pregnant.


“Some offspring escaped, helped by their mothers who had survived being raped by the giant tyrants. These went into hiding, growing and maturing, becoming powerful sorcerers.” A long sigh came from her old cracked lips.

“Then started the War of Gods Children – as it was referred to by those that survived. Giants against magi. Fathers against powerful hating sons, whom the mothers had rightfully told them about the way they had been treated; raped and then attempted murder.


“Both nephilim and magi used mere man as their main weapons, sending out vast armies of them together into open fields of violent battles. Millions died, killing each other for reasons they couldn’t even begin to comprehend.

“They even unleashed the blood drinkers using them as vile weapons.


“We stood back not interfering with what we had started with our unnatural intercourse.

“The magi used their phenomenal powers to bring the elements to their aid, using nature to pull down the towering structures the giants had had the humans build for them. In turn the giants stormed the vast buildings the magi had erected with the aid of magic, using the trunks of vast ancient trees to batter the structures to rubble.

“The bloody war went on for decades. One side never gaining the upper hand over the other. Millions – as I said – perished.”

Suddenly my mind’s eye saw pictures, not simply the images I was creating while hearing the story unfold, but for the first time since he had started telling his story I could physically see what he was describing, possibly through his power I was seeing what actually took place thousands of years ago. Either that or some residue from his powerful emotions was seeping into my mind.


The images flashed back and forth.

One moment I was standing on a high battlement, looking down as huge muscle bound giants of varying sizes used large trees, which they had physically pulled from the ground, to smack against the massive structure. Walls toppled like children’s play bricks. Bodies of mere mankind – who were defending their magi masters – fell from the crumbling walls. Others human slaves were tossing spears and firing arrows. Those that could penetrate the larger giant’s tough skin were nothing but insect bites to them.


Standing on the tall towers were the giant’s children, now imposing men with phenomenal magical abilities. They used the elements to try and drive back their nephilim fathers. Huge chunks of wall were thrown by their kinetic powers. Lightning bolts struck continually from the churning black clouds far above that they had summoned with their minds. But whenever one giant was killed another picked up its weapon and continued where the last had left off. Dead human bodies littered the ground like fallen leaves. The giant’s tattered remains looked like mountains of flesh.

Suddenly the image changed.


A vast battlefield with hundreds of thousands of humans rallied against each other. Two sides both made up by mere men. The magi and giants standing at a distance to witness the outcome. Here and there magi would be destroying large gatherings by forces they had manipulated. A giant over thirty feet tall would raise a vast club, made from the whole trunk of a towering tree, that had hammered strips of metal wrapped around it, and bring it down upon forty men at once. Slaves held creatures on long metal leashes, prodding them forward with sharp spears. The white thin twisted naked bodies of the blood drinkers would rush forward on all fours killing any enemy within reach, and sometimes their handlers, if they got the chance.

I stood between rushing armies with the wind blowing my hair, seeing the carnage unfold around me. The clouds above dark and angry churning and boiling with magical manipulation, with lightening bolts furrowing the ground, the wind battering from all sides. Humans exhausted and covered in blood, fighting hand to hand, to the death. Screaming and battle cries all around. Weapons clashing together. The look of confusion and fear on their human faces. They couldn’t understand why they were being rallied against each other. Killing their own kind for the benefit of their unnatural, cruel, supernatural rulers.


An arrow whizzed past nicking my forearm, a sudden flash of pain and I was once again sat beside my fire. The old lady’s face all twisted in her Cheshire cat grin.

I grasped my arm, blood trickled between my fingers. Nothing serious, just a nick. How? As they say in the movie The Matrix, did my mind make it real?


She continued talking.

“Great tracks of land were now uninhabitable because of the magic the sorcerers had unleashed. That was until He decided enough was enough.” She stopped her knitting, the clicking of needles momentarily halted. She looked me in the eye, which was unnerving.


“So much death and anger boiling around in what was meant to be a perfect world. Violence was so prolific that upon the whole world He could only find one man and his family who were worth saving.” She lowered her glassy gaze and continued knitting.

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