The Devoted Winter: BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel (Her Winter Love Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: The Devoted Winter: BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel (Her Winter Love Series Book 1)
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Nadiyya was trembling in her state of euphoria as Lucian prepared to enter her. He stripped down to nothing and Nadiyya could do nothing but admire his perfect body as she usually did before he entered her. Lucian was undeniably sexy. He had a body like a god. His chest and abs were nearly perfectly chiseled. His shoulders were broad and strong. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the evening light.


As he moved like a panther to his position between Nadiyya’s legs she bucked her hips up to urge him closer to her. Lucian was bent on teasing her, on forcing her to accept his pace. Lucian moved his hands up to Nadiyya’s breasts and released them from their prison. Every time he saw them, Lucian was more and more impressed with Nadiyya’s massive breasts. He bent his lips to her nipples and swirled his tongue around her dusky areolas. Nadiyya moaned. She didn’t think she could get any wetter.


All she wanted was to have Lucian thrust his hard cock inside her and fuck her hard so all the troubles of the day would disappear or at least fade to the back of her mind for a temporary moment of respite. She loved living out her fantasy with him. He was her ideal man in every way. Nadiyya longed to get closer to him and to feel his skin on hers and to feel them connected in the most significant of ways. Sex was starting to mean more and more for Nadiyya. She couldn’t deny it. Her feelings for Lucian were growing no matter how inconvenient they were.


Lucian finally moved his lips down to her belly. Then he positioned his dick outside her entrance, preparing himself to enter her. Nadiyya’s heavy breathing turned Lucian on, but he waited for a moment before he started to press his cock inside her. Nadiyya tried to wriggle her way out of her bondage again but it didn’t work. Lucian smirked. He was amused at her attempts to break free.


Lucian thrust into her all at once. She groaned as his cock filled her completely. Lucian began to pound her into the bed hard. Nadiyya moaned and did her best to thrust her hips up to meet him. Lucian was fucking her hard and within a few minutes Nadiyya had another orgasm. She screamed and tried her best to claw her way out of her restraints in the euphoria of her orgasm.


After two or three more orgasms, Lucian figured they’d had enough playtime. “I’ll set you free baby,” Lucian whispered as he kissed her neck. Nadiyya didn’t care for his kisses. She just wanted to be filled by Lucian until he came long and hard inside of her. Lucian undid the tie and scarf that were holding her back. Nadiyya wrapped her arms around him immediately and kissed him hard.


“You like that huh?” Lucian asked her. Nadiyya nodded. “Turn around,” Lucian demanded. Nadiyya was happy to oblige. She got on all fours and Lucian stroked her ass cheeks gently spreading them apart. He bent his head to give Naddiya’s pussy a kiss before entering her again. Lucian slowly plunged his eight inch cock into Nadiyya’s wetness. She was just as tight as before. He kissed the middle of her back gently as he began to thrust into her. Nadiyya cried out loud and gripped the sheets as she came again.

Lucian could feel her pussy clench tightly around his cock as she came again. Lucian smacked Nadiyya’s ass hard as he fucked her. He gripped her hips tightly and groaned loudly as he came. Nadiyya felt Lucian’s hot sperm shoot inside her and his cock twitching as he released himself. Lucian rolled over onto his back almost immediately. He was exhausted but not too exhausted to hold Nadiyya close.


He pulled her body close to his. She smelled amazing after they’d just made love. Again, Lucian felt tempted to tell her that he loved her. Nadiyya was the woman he wanted to be with forever. There was no denying that. As time went on he had become more and more attached to her. When Nadiyya had actually allowed him to open up to her seemed to be what sealed the deal.


“Nadiyya, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about Martine. Can I ask your forgiveness?” Lucian began. He stroked her hair, twirling her curls around his finger.


“Yes, I forgive you. But I don’t want there to be more secrets between us,” Nadiyya said, looking up into Lucian’s eyes. She looked so innocent from that angle. Her deep brown eyes always drew him in.


“Do you really think
could promise me that,” Lucian asked.


“No. I guess you’re right...” Nadiyya said with a sigh.


“People have secrets. That’s just the way life is. But we can try our best,” Lucian said before kissing her forehead.


Silence settled over the room. Nadiyya looked up at Lucian and before he could control himself he blurted out, “I think I love you, Nadiyya.”


Lucian felt his face go bright red. He hadn’t meant to say these words but they’d spilled out of his mouth before he could stop himself. These words weren’t to be taken lightly. Nadiyya wanted to say “I love you” back and give Lucian the response that he wanted but she found herself unable to say the words.


“Thank you Lucian. I really
care about you,” Nadiyya replied. She kissed him on the lips but Lucian was reluctant to receive her displays of affection. Nadiyya could see that Lucian was upset. Obviously he’d wanted her to say that she loved him but Nadiyya just couldn’t do it.


“I think we should go to bed. Long day tomorrow,” Lucian said. Nadiyya shut off the lights and then tried her hardest to go to sleep. Knowing that Lucian might be pissed off at her troubled Nadiyya. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him. Things were just… complicated. Nadiyya couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow things were going to get a lot worse.




Chapter 9


Lucian awoke three times during the night in cold sweats. He rarely ever put himself out on the line like that. He had never been the one to say I love you first. Nadiyya seemed to have some kind of effect on him that caused him to question everything he thought he knew about women and love.


She was enigmatic and ethereal in so many ways. Nadiyya was the most beautiful woman Lucian had ever encountered. He’d known that when she first pitched the idea of her company to him. He’s watched her soft black curls frame her face and listened closely to her smoky voice. Now Nadiyya was more than a distant woman he longed to get close to. Once he actually slept with her, things began to change.


He’d never felt this way about a woman before, not even Martine. Nadiyya wouldn’t allow him to possess her and as time went on he wanted to possess her less and less. Nadiyya’s drive and her tenacity towards her goals caused Lucian to realize that he had come to develop an extremely warped view of women. Part of his view had been developed by Martine, but he saw the various ways he was to blame too. At some point, Lucian had stopped thinking that women were people. But they were people, and no less than men. Women were not either torturous harpies or damsels in distress waiting for a man.


Nadiyya had inspired change in Lucian and he realized this. But why couldn’t she say that she loved him? Lucian was starting to think that perhaps Nadiyya was too much of a free spirit to ever want to be with him. He could offer her everything in the world but it was all meaningless if that wasn’t what she wanted. Nadiyya wanted her own success and to make a life for herself. She didn’t care about Lucian’s wealth at all. And of course, that was a big part of her appeal.


Lucian noticed Nadiyya waking up slowly and kissed her cheek.


Nadiyya kept her eyes closed. She was lost and thought and didn’t want Lucian to pull her out of it, especially when his very presence seemed to complicate things so much for her. Nadiyya couldn’t figure out what was stopping her from just telling Lucian she loved him. Perhaps it was her rigid determination to keep things casual between them until her business was off the ground. She just didn’t feel like this was the right time.


Plus, Lucian had a wife. Yes they were in the midst of a divorce but until the divorce was final Nadiyya didn’t want to commit adultery by committing her feelings into words. She had already gone against God in so many ways when it came to Lucian. She didn’t need to add one more awful thing to the list by admitting she loved a man who was by God’s law committed to another.


Nadiyya knew it just wasn’t the right time. But how could she explain to Lucian that she just needed time without hurting him? She could tell he already felt rejected by her. Nadiyya needed to fix this with Lucian but she didn’t know how to without saying the words she wasn’t ready to say.



Martine didn’t know about Lucian and Nadiyya yet. Lucian had been clever enough to avoid mentioning her when they had met up for lunch. But Martine knew that she had truly lost Lucian. She no longer had the power of beauty and seduction she had used masterfully in her youth to keep him in line. She had nothing at all. If the divorce went through as Lucian had planned it, she wouldn’t even have any money. She would have gone through all of this for nothing.


Now, Martine was stuck in Vermont another two weeks and Lucian had refused to meet with her again. “We’ll see about that,” Martine thought to herself. When Martine had decided to come to Vermont, she had something up her sleeve. Lucian was foolish enough to assume she’d come without a plan. Ha! Martine wasn’t going to give him up so easily. She wanted her handsome wealthy fool right under her thumb where he belonged.


Martine wasn’t sure what to do with the certain something she had up her sleeve and she knew no one in Vermont except Slade. It hadn’t taken long for Lucian to tell her that Slade was no friend of his. But for this, she didn’t need someone who had Lucian’s best interests in mind. Martine dialed Slade’s number and invited him to her hotel room suite to discuss business in the afternoon.


Slade was eager to hear from Martine. Things were going just as he planned. He marveled at his own ability to predict the behavior of the people around him. They all thought they were better than Slade because they were richer or smarter, but Slade knew that he pulled all of their strings. They were merely marionettes in his puppet show and he made a damned good puppet master.


Slade showed up at her hotel right at four. He dressed up in his best and preppiest. He was Connecticut born after all even if he’d tried to shed the lifestyle when he moved further north. Martine was impressed by the way the slender redhead made an entrance. Sure, he wasn’t as attractive as her husband, but he did look good in a somewhat untraditional way. Slade’s body was toned and there wasn’t a drip of fat on him. He had high angular cheekbones that harkened back to his Norse ancestry. Even his mop of red hair didn’t infantilize him but gave him the appearance of being a fiery dragon of a man. Martine could tell he was certainly impassioned about whatever vendetta he had about Lucian, especially if he’d dragged her so far East.


“Good afternoon Martine,” he said.


“Pour us some wine, dear, and have a seat.”


Martine was a good eight years older than Slade but he still thought she looked sexy for her age. He felt overdressed as he saw what she was wearing in her hotel room. She had on nothing but a red silk kimono, cinched tightly around her waist highlighting her hourglass appearance. Slade felt dirty for being so aroused by her.


Slade obeyed Martine’s request and poured two full glasses of Merlot for them both. They sat next to each other on a plush couch in her suite. Slade swallowed his wine as quickly as he could while Martine spoke. He did love Nadiyya but there was something different and more alluring about Martine that was starting to draw him in. He was barely listening to her, but her twangy voice was hypnotizing him. Martine started at the very beginning and when she finally got to the crux of what she was trying to say, Slade practically spat out his wine.


“I’m pregnant. And it’s Lucian’s,” she said solemnly.


When Slade managed to gulp down a large sip of his wine, he responded, “I thought you were separated.”


“Well. We are separated. I could tell when Lucian got it in his head to leave me so I borrowed some of his ejaculate and froze it. The doctors tell me I’m a couple months along,” Martine said with a smile.


“That bitch is crazy,” Slade thought to himself. But the realization of Martine’s insanity didn’t scare Slade away. He found himself turned on by her devious nature. As his erection began to grow in his pants, Slade tried desperately to obscure it. Martine was no fool regarding her effect on men and despite Slade’s best efforts, she noticed exactly what was going on.


“So uh… What are you going to do about it. I think you need to let your husband know as soon as possible,”


“Well I’m going to tell Lucian, of course! I can’t say I quite love him anymore but I can’t bear to think of going through my life without that money. I’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and I’m not going to have it disappear in front of me. You’ve certainly inspired me to realize this is the right choice to tell him,” Martine said. She finished her second glass of wine in a large sip. Slade could tell she was quite tipsy and he was eager to embrace her cloudy judgment.

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