The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 2 (2 page)

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 2
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What were the Jewish religious leaders doing? Why do you think they weren't helping her?

What does Jesus do?


The Treasure:

Help the hurting! Each day you may have friends or even a brother or sister who needs your help. While the religious leaders stood around, Jesus did something for the woman who needed help. He didn't ignore those around him who were hurting.


The Display:

Can you think of people around you that may be going through a tough time? What are some ways you could help people who are hurting?

Lesson 3: Little Is Big in God's Eyes

Key Verse:
Luke 13:29

And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.


The Map:

In this lesson, we'll be looking at how small things grow into big things for God! Jesus is going to use the example of a tiny mustard seed and yeast to teach us a very valuable lesson. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 13:18-21

Jesus uses two examples in this passage. What are they?

How do both of these things, the seed and the yeast, start out? Are they big or small?

What does the seed grow into?

What happens to the yeast?


The Treasure:

Little things done for God can turn into something big! Have you ever seen a small seed? A seed might start out small, but as it grows, it eventually becomes something much bigger. Some things we do for God might seem small. There may even be times when we obey God and nobody is around to see it. But obedience, even in small things, can make big changes in the world!


The Display:

Take a moment and list a few things that might seem like "small things." How could these small things make big changes in the world?

Lesson 4: The Narrow Door

Key Verse:
Luke 13:29

And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.


The Map:

There is a large mountain fortress in Israel called Masada. It is very close to the Dead Sea. It was built by King Herod and then later used by the Romans. One day we were digging for artifacts on top of Masada. As we were leaving, we came across two doors. We knew one door took us outside the fortress, but the other one led deep into the ground where they used to store water. Choosing the right door was very important! This lesson deals with two doors and choosing wisely. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 13:22-30

What question do people ask Jesus at the beginning of this passage?

Which door does Jesus tell them to enter? Will people be able to enter through the door after it is closed?

Look at verse 29 again. Where will people come from to be a part of this big party, or feast, in Heaven?


The Treasure:

Jesus is the only way to Heaven! We are not saved by the good things we do. We are saved by our faith in Jesus. He is the door we must enter to go to Heaven one day! Jesus is teaching us that He is the Way. He doesn't want us to wait to trust in Him.


The Display:

God created you and loves you. He wants you to believe in Him as your Savior. Why do you think we need a Savior? Have you ever prayed and asked Jesus to be your Savior? Do you have friends you can pray for who aren't Christians?

Lesson 5: Crying Over Jerusalem

Key Verse:
Luke 13:29

And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.


The Map:

Do you know someone who cries a lot? Well, the Bible tells us that Jesus cried, too! He didn't cry because He got in trouble or because someone didn't give Him what He wanted. In this lesson, we'll learn about how Jesus cried for the people in Jerusalem because they had not turned to Him to be saved from their sins.


The Dig:
Luke 13:31-35

What do some of the Pharisees tell Jesus to do?

Even though Herod wanted to kill Jesus, does it stop Him?

Why is Jesus so sad for the people of Jerusalem?


The Treasure:

Jesus wept for people who were unwilling to come to Him as their Savior. Jesus loved people so much that it made Him sad when He knew that there were some who wouldn't believe in Him as the Messiah, God's Savior. It broke His heart because He had come to help them and save them. He knew the time was running out for them to turn to Him and be forgiven of their sins.


The Display:

Jesus has a big heart for people! Not only did He care about those who were His disciples, but He also cared for those who had not yet believed in Him. How can you show love for family or friends who aren't Christians? Are there people you know who don't believe in Jesus yet that you can begin praying for?

Lesson 6: The Great or the Grateful?

Key Verse:
Luke 13:29

And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.


The Map:

Several years ago I had the chance to meet with the greatest archaeologist in the world. We were both going to be in Israel working on a dig in the same city. I was so excited because I actually got to eat lunch with him! Jesus is going to teach us a very important lesson about who belongs with Him. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 14:1-14

Look at verse 8 again. Where does Jesus say not to sit?

Take another look at verse 10. Where does Jesus say that the invited should sit?

What does Jesus say will happen to the humble? If you need a hint, look at verse 11.


The Treasure:

Jesus loves the humble! Some people think they are great because of what they know or what they can do. Jesus is teaching us that we should not focus on how great we think we are, but keep our eyes on how great God is. A humble person thinks more about God and others than they do about themselves.


The Display:

Being humble doesn't mean you never think about yourself. It just means you think about others and God more often. What are ways you can think about others first?

The Oasis

Congratulations! You have made it through the first six lessons. The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let's find out!


Review Key Verse:
Luke 13:29

Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verse. Remember, you are not allowed to look!


Review Questions:

1. What does it mean to repent?

2. Which door does Jesus say people should enter?

3. Jesus tells several stories about the Kingdom of God. Do you remember where He says people would come from to eat at the big party or feast?

4. Why is Jesus so sad for the people of Jerusalem?

5. In Luke 14, we hear where Jesus tells people not to sit when they throw a party. Do you remember what seat it is?

6. What does it mean to be humble?

The Oasis Activity

Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section. To download and print your copy, please visit
and log in using the password below:


Lesson 7: You're Invited

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

In this lesson, we'll be looking at a story Jesus tells about an invitation to a party. Have you ever been invited to someone's party? Were you excited to go? Unfortunately, not everyone who is invited to the party Jesus is talking about will go. Don't forget to start memorizing your next key verse. It is Luke 15:10. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 14:15-24

In the story Jesus is telling, what is the man preparing? If you need a hint, look at verse 16 again.

Does he invite a lot of people?

What do some of the people who are invited do?

Who does the man invite next? Look at verse 21.


The Treasure:

Jesus wants others to join Him! In the Old Testament, God's people, the Israelites, pictured Heaven as a big feast or party. Check out Isaiah 25:6. Unfortunately, some people will make excuses and not want to join God. Others will be excited that God loves them so much to invite them to His party!


The Display:

Jesus tells this story to show that all kinds of people are welcomed by God. How do you show other kids they are loved by God and welcomed by you, too?

Lesson 8: Hard, but Worth It

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

There are a lot of mountains and hills in Israel. It can be hot, dusty, and kind of dangerous at times hiking up trails. It might be hard work, but it is a great adventure! In this lesson, we'll read how Jesus teaches us that following Him can be the same way. It's not always easy, but it is worth it! It can be a real adventure to live for God. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 14:25-34

Does Jesus say we are supposed to hate our family to follow Him? (Don't get too worried; I will explain what Jesus means!)

What is the man who is building the tower supposed to do before he builds?

What is the man who is going to war supposed to do before he goes into battle?


The Treasure:

Love everything less than Jesus! Don't worry; Jesus isn't saying we should hate our family. The Bible teaches that we should honor and respect our parents. When Jesus says "hate," it means to "love less." What Jesus is saying is that we should love everything else less than we love Him. He should be number one! 


The Display:

Sometimes it's not easy to follow Jesus, but because we love Him so much, we know that it is worth it! Can you think of some times when it is hard to follow Jesus? Why do you think following Jesus is worth it, even when it's hard?

Lesson 9: Lost

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

Have you ever lost something you really liked? How did you feel? In Luke 15, Jesus is going to tell three parables, or stories, about losing something. The first two parables are about a lost sheep and a lost coin. Let's take a look!


The Dig:
Luke 15:1-10

Who is gathered around listening to this parable? Look at verses 1 and 2 if you need a hint.

What are the Pharisees saying?

How many sheep are lost in this story?

What happens when the sheep and the coin are found in these two parables?


The Treasure:

God loves sinners! The point of these two parables is that God wants to love us and forgive us of our sins. The Pharisees in this story didn't think they needed to be forgiven. We don't have to pretend like we don't sin because God loves us!


The Display:

Even after we become a Christian, we still sin sometimes. Check out 1 John 1:8-9. The word "confess" means to admit to God what we have done wrong. Are there some things you need to confess to God, or ask Him to help you with?

Lesson 10: Loving Father

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

Jesus has already told us two parables about a lost sheep and a lost coin. In this lesson, we'll learn about a lost son who returned home, but most importantly, returned to his loving father. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 15:11-32

What did the youngest son ask his father for?

Where did the youngest son go?

What happens to the youngest son when he is gone?

What does his father do when he returns?


The Treasure:

God is full of grace! Grace is receiving God's love when we don't deserve it. The father did not have to forgive the youngest son's sins and welcome him home, but he did! This is how God the Father acts towards sinners who turn away from their sins and turn to Jesus.


The Display:

Aren't you glad that God is willing to forgive us when we sin? I know I am! Not only does God show love and forgiveness toward us, but He wants us to show love and forgiveness towards others, too. How do you usually treat people if they make you mad? Can you think of some examples of how we can show love and forgiveness?

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