The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 2 (3 page)

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 2
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Lesson 11: Generosity or Greed?

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

Have you ever had to borrow money from a friend or family member? Imagine if you needed to borrow $1 and they charged you another $3 just for loaning you the money! That wouldn't be too fair, would it? This is what is going on in the parable we are about to read. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 16:1-15

In this story, Jesus mentions the master, the manager, and the debtors. What did the manager do for the debtors who owed money? (Look at verses 5 – 7.)

Was the master happy he did this? 

What does Jesus say you cannot serve?

Which group of religious leaders was Jesus talking to in this parable? (Look at verse 14.)


The Treasure:

The manager in this story was charging people extra money. Even though this was very mean, he still did it because he loved money more than doing what was right. Jesus isn't saying it's wrong to have money. He is teaching that we should never love money more than God. God is our treasure!


The Display:

Do you know what it means to be greedy? That was the problem in this story. Jesus wants His disciples to be generous. What are some ways you can be generous with what God has given you?

Lesson 12: Marriage Matters

Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.


The Map:

My mom and dad got married a long time ago. In fact, they have been married for 49 years. That is a long time! I know you are a long way away from getting married, but in this lesson, we'll learn about how God created marriage and why it matters.


The Dig:
Luke 16:16-18

Which two people in the Bible were the first to get married? Take a look at what Jesus says in Mark 10:6-9.

Who does Jesus say marriage is for? 

In Mark 10:9, Jesus says that marriage is when a man and a woman are joined together as one. What does He say a married couple should try really hard to not let happen?


The Treasure:

Marriage matters, so stay together! During Jesus' time, some of the husbands were not treating their wives very well. Instead of staying together, they were separating. Jesus was reminding them that God really wants a husband and a wife to be faithful to one another in marriage. 


The Display:

Being a mom and dad is hard! Tonight, before you go to bed, write a note to your mom and dad telling them how much you love them and appreciate all they do.

The Oasis

Congratulations! You have made it through the next six lessons! The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let's find out!


Review Key Verse:
Luke 15:10

Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verse. Remember, you are not allowed to look!


Review Questions:

1. In Lesson 7, we learned about how there will be a great feast or party in Heaven. Did everyone come who was invited?

2. What do some of the people who are invited do?

3. In Lesson 8, we learned about a man who was building a tower. What is he supposed to do before building?

4. In Luke 15, Jesus told three parables about something that was lost and then found. What are those three things?

5. In the story of the son who ran away from home, what does the father do when he sees his son returning?

6. How would you explain God's grace?

The Oasis Activity

Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section. To download and print your copy, please visit
and log in using the password below: 


Lesson 13: The Rich Man

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

In this lesson, we'll read a sad story about two men who die. One is very rich and the other is very poor. The rich man thought he had everything he needed. The only problem was that he didn't have God. Don't forget to start memorizing your next key verse. It is Luke 18:16. Let's dig! 


The Dig:
Luke 16:19-31

How does Jesus describe the rich man in verse 19?

How does Jesus describe the beggar in verses 20 and 21?

What happens to both of them in this parable?

What does the rich man want to do?


The Treasure:

Don't leave God out of your life! Even though the rich man thought he had it all, he didn't have God. He thought his possessions were more important than loving and obeying God. 


The Display:

The Bible teaches that we should use what God has given us to help others in need. What are some ways you can help those around you?

Lesson 14: Be Forgiving

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

Several years ago I had to leave a dig I was working on in Turkey to go to Egypt. Before I left, I made sure the archaeologist I was working with was ready to continue the work when I was gone. As Jesus is heading to Jerusalem, He is going to be teaching about making sure His disciples are ready once He is gone!


The Dig:
Luke 17:1-10

What is Jesus warning His disciples not to do in verse 1? 

If someone sins against us, what does Jesus say we are supposed to do?

Take a look at Ephesians 4:32. Why are we supposed to forgive other people?


The Treasure:

Be forgiving because you have been forgiven! It is not easy to forgive someone when they sin against us. But Jesus is teaching us that just as God has forgiven us, we should be willing to forgive others. Because God loves us, we can love others!


The Display:

Describe a time when someone did something to you that you didn't like. What did you do? Take a few minutes and discuss how you can show forgiveness when someone sins against you.

Lesson 15: Be Thankful

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

Have you ever had someone do something really nice for you? I'll bet you thanked them! In this lesson, we'll see what Jesus has to say about being thankful for what God has done.


The Dig:
Luke 17:11-19

In verse 11, where is Jesus traveling?

Who calls out to Jesus? 

What does He tell them to do?

How many return to thank Him?


The Treasure:

The forgetful are never thankful! Out of the ten men who were healed, only one came back praising God. How quickly the other nine forgot what God had done for them. We need to constantly remember all that God has done for us. Remembering God's love will keep us thankful!


The Display:

It's easy to forget about how amazing God is. When we forget how He loves us, saved us, leads us, and provides for us, we stop being thankful. What are a few things you are most thankful to God for?

Lesson 16: Be Ready

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

When I travel to Israel, I always fly out of the Tel Aviv airport. Like a lot of airports, it is pretty big. I always like to get there early to make sure I am ready. In this lesson, we'll learn about what Jesus has to say about being ready. Let's dig!


The Dig:
Luke 17:20-37

The Jewish people during Jesus' day were waiting for God to save them from their enemies. Does Jesus say we will know exactly when He will return?

What does He say it will be like when He returns? If you need a hint, look again at verse 24.

What two examples does Jesus use? Note that He mentions two stories from the Old Testament.

Does Jesus say everyone will be ready when He returns?


The Treasure:

Don't just watch for Jesus – work for Jesus! The Bible teaches that when Jesus returns there will be no more death, pain, sickness, or suffering. What an awesome day that will be! Jesus is teaching that we are to be ready for His return. 


The Display:

We don't know when Jesus will return. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in 100 years! Nobody but God knows for sure. What are you looking forward to the most when Jesus returns? How are some ways we can live to be ready for His return?

Lesson 17: Constant Prayer

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

I have traveled to some pretty scary places in the world, but one thing I always do is pray! In this lesson, we'll be looking at what Jesus says about praying and never giving up. Are you ready to dig?


The Dig:
Luke 18:1-8

Why does Jesus tell this parable to His disciples? Look again at verse 1.

Jesus tells a story about a judge who is not very nice. What does the widow keep doing?

Does the judge listen to her?

How is God different than the judge in this story?


The Treasure:

Never give up on God because He doesn't give up on you! Jesus tells this story to teach His disciples to never give up. Unlike the judge, God is a loving Father who cares about His children. He is always listening, so keep on coming to Him in prayer!


The Display:

Prayer is talking to God. It doesn't have to be fancy and it doesn't have to be only for special times. You can pray anytime and anywhere! What are some things you need to pray about now?

Lesson 18: Humble Prayer

Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."


The Map:

Two years ago I met the director of a museum in France. He is very well-known and important. The problem is that he wants everyone else to know how great he is! We're going to read a story that Jesus tells about someone who wanted other people and God to know how great he thought he was. Let's dig! 


The Dig:
Luke 18:9-17

Who is Jesus telling this story to? Take a look at verse 9.

What does the Pharisee say about himself in his prayer?

What does the tax collector say to God in his prayer?

Which man is accepted, or justified, by God?


The Treasure:

God is great! The Pharisee thought he was someone great, but the tax collector knew that he was a sinner in need of God's love and forgiveness. Some people think they are justified or loved by God because of their good behavior. We know we need God because we are not perfect! 


The Display:

God wants us to come to Him not because we're great, but because He is. He always promises to love us and forgive us when we sin. What do you need to ask God to help you with?

The Oasis

Congratulations! You have made it through the next six lessons! The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let's find out!


Review Key Verse:
Luke 18:16

Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verse. Remember, you are not allowed to look!


Review Questions:

1. What does Jesus teach His disciples to do if they are sinned against?

2. How many lepers does Jesus heal?

3. How many come back praising and thanking God?

4. Does the unjust judge listen to the widow?

5. Which man is accepted by God: the Pharisee or the tax collector?

The Oasis Activity

Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section. To download and print your copy, please visit
and log in using the password below: 

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