Read The Do-Over Online

Authors: Mk Schiller

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotic Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

The Do-Over (18 page)

BOOK: The Do-Over
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She uttered a single word in his ear that made his whole body shudder. “Delicious.”

* * * *

They woke up early on Sunday to get the newspaper. Kyle had it delivered, but he wanted to get the first hot copies. They ate breakfast at a coffee shop. They sat on the same side of the booth again, but this time Kyle put his arm around Lanie, and they read his article together.

“It’s really good, Kyle. I knew you would give this story the justice it deserved,” she said and kissed him on the cheek.

“Better than Thomas Watkins?”

“Thomas Watkins couldn’t write a menu compared to you,” Lanie replied, holding up a piece of bacon to her mouth. Kyle moved her hand to his mouth, biting on the strip she held.

“You really have a problem letting me eat. Are you trying to say you want me to lose weight or something, mister?”

“For the record, I love watching you eat. I like the way your mouth works. It turns me on.”

“Hmm, when I’m eating Popsicles?”

“Oh, especially those, but really anything.” He shook his head, trying to get the image out of his mind. They’d had sex several times, but Lanie had some sort of power to turn Kyle on with only a few words, or a turn of her hair, the pout of her lips, or any other delicious gesture.

“It’s a very insightful article,” she said, regaining his focus.

Kyle’s heart filled with a gratitude for the girl in his arms. He kissed her head. “Lanie, I am indebted to you. This is a career maker for me.”

She shrugged. “I just wanted to make sure my clients were treated respectfully, and you did that. So Senator Hayes refused a quote, huh?”

“The bastard didn’t even return my calls. His office called with a no-comment statement.”

“I figured as much.”

“Speaking of calls, I’ve gotten a few asking me for interviews. Since your clients aren’t doing any, I’m getting requests from some major news outlets. My paper wants the publicity. How do you feel about that?”

She was quiet for a moment, assessing his question. “I think you should do it. The publicity will be good for the case, after all. Brad is going to do some interviews too.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes. “Why Brad? It’s your case.”

“Actually Brad is lead counsel now,” Lanie replied and moved away from him. He tightened his grip on her. “I reasoned with my clients that this was for the best, and I finally got them to agree.”

“You gave him the case?”

She sighed. “Yes, I told you, I don’t want credit for this. This is just something I have to do. Brad is better at this stuff than me. And please don’t think I gave it to him to garner favor in any other areas.”

“I know you wouldn’t do that, but this is your case. You’re the one who’s put in all the hours and the late nights.”

“I know they trust me, and that’s why I’m doing it. I don’t want accolades. I just want to win. So are you going on these interviews?”

“I don’t feel comfortable acting as their mouthpiece. I report the news, not make it.”

“That’s fine, but I would be happy if you went.”

“We’ll see,” he said, taking her hand and kissing the fingertips. Kyle realized that the dread in the pit of his stomach wasn’t from the thought of doing these interviews. He was having a difficult time with the idea of being away from her.

Chapter Seventeen

Kyle brought over a pizza and a couple of beers on Monday night. Lanie stuck to soda, claiming she was going back to her sober ways again. Brad and Cassie were out to dinner, so they had the place to themselves. The idea made Kyle very happy, but unfortunately, Lanie had to work for a while. He sat in the bed next to her, booked his airline tickets for the interviews he’d agreed to, and caught up on his e-mail. It felt very comfortable to share a normal evening with her. Now that she was no longer a virgin, the pressure was off for both of them.

“Why don’t you drink?”

She shrugged. “I don’t like the taste.” Kyle cocked his eyebrow.

“You were slamming it down the other night,” Kyle commented, putting his laptop away.

“I can drink. I just choose not to.”

Kyle decided it was better to leave it alone. There was so much about Lanie that was a mystery, and she obviously did not want to talk about it.

They sat on her bed and watched the game. Kyle held his arm out, and Lanie leaned her head against his chest. She seemed to fit in that position so perfectly. She regaled him with some statistical information. Kyle knew she was a fan, but he was surprised how well-informed she was. He had gone out with girls who were self-proclaimed sports junkies only to find out they didn’t know a tight end from a quarterback.

“Have you ever been to a game?” he asked her.

“No, I never got a chance,” she said, snuggling in his arms.

“We should go.”

“That would be fun. I’ve loved football since I was a kid.”

“Did you watch it with your dad?” Kyle regretted the question as soon as she tensed up in his arms.

“No,” she said quietly as if she was afraid to elaborate. Kyle wanted to ask more, but he kept his curiosity in check. A commercial came on showing couples swing dancing in a fifties-type diner. “I wish I could do that.”

He realized she was changing the subject, and he let her. “You don’t know how to dance?”

“Nope, that’s one of the reasons I hate this party on Thursday. They hire a big band, and there’s dancing.”

“And you don’t like it?”

“Oh no, I love the music they play. I just wish I could participate.”

“Well, let’s take care of that,” Kyle said, standing up from the bed and reaching for her hand.


“Dance with me,” he said, bowing down and extending his hand.


“It’s not exactly something we need to make reservations for. Come on, I’ll teach you.”

“I don’t know about this. We don’t have a lot of room.”

Kyle impatiently sighed. “We have enough. Now pick a song.

“Any song?”

“Yes, we’ll do a slow and a fast dance, so you get perspective on both.”

She grinned, jumped off her bed, and reached for her iPod. Two seconds later, the soulful voice of Bill Medley filled the room as “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” came on.

“Oh, God,” Kyle groaned, falling back on Lanie’s bed. “I should have known you’d pick this.”

Lanie crawled on top of him to kiss him. “Please, you said any song. Have you even seen this movie?”

“Not in its entirety, but I know every scene by heart.” Lanie stared at him, confused, waiting for an explanation. “This movie played in my living room for an entire summer on repeat. Rachael and my mom watched it so much they broke the tape.”

Lanie laughed, nuzzling Kyle’s neck. God, she knows exactly how to get what she wants, he thought.

“I knew I felt a kinship with your sister for a reason. Come on, Captain Kyle. Are you not able to dance to this?”

Kyle grasped her hair and brought her lips to his. He kissed her softly before releasing her. “I’m no Patrick Swayze, but I can dance to this.”

“Good. Now you’ve procrastinated so much I have to start the song over.” She shrugged out of his arms to reset it.

Kyle took her hands in his, and she yelped when he pulled her close. “Just feel it. Don’t think too much.”

Kyle spun her around effortlessly, not as well as Johnny Castle of course, but not bad. Lanie tried to keep step, but she kept giggling like a nervous schoolgirl.

“You have to take this seriously, or I might drop you on the lift,” Kyle warned.

Her mouth opened, and her eyes widened. “Don’t lift me.”

“That’s the best part,” Kyle smiled mischievously.

“Kyle, I swear—”

He lifted her before she could finish her sentence.

He was surprised how steady his arms were, but then again she was very light. He looked up at her, amazed at how graceful she seemed, even in her ridiculous pink flannel pajamas. She held her arms and legs out.

“I don’t feel like Jennifer Grey,” she said, staring down at him.

“What do you feel like?” Her hair fell around her and against his arms, encircling him in her sweet, seductive scent.

“Superman.” She giggled, moving her arms up and down.

“That’s not what you look like.”

“What do I look like?” she asked. Kyle’s arms started to shake. Lanie was light, but he was no Patrick Swayze. He stared up at her golden eyes and long auburn hair surrounding them in a curtain. She was quite possibly the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Julia Roberts.” In that moment, all Kyle could think of was how badly he wanted Lanie. How desirable she was to him, and the lusty stare she gave him let him know the feelings were reciprocated. He fell back on the bed with her on top of him. The swift fall managed to push the bed a few inches, right into the nightstand, causing a glass lamp to crash onto the oak floor.

“Are you okay?” Kyle asked her. She didn’t answer. Apparently dancing with him had been an aphrodisiac. She forced his mouth open with her tongue and sought out his for another kind of dance. He willingly obliged, letting his hands roam her back until they flexed around her firm, fleshy ass.

Loud pounding interrupted them, and Kyle wondered for a second if it was his heartbeat, but then the whiny voice came through. It was loud and clear despite the barricade of the wall. “What the hell are you doing in there? Brad has to get up early tomorrow,” Cassie shrieked.

“God, your sister is such a cock blocker,” Kyle said through gritted teeth.

Lanie disengaged herself from Kyle and pounded back. “Welcome to my world.”

She came back over to Kyle and tugged at his shirt. He sat up to take it off and swiftly worked on her pants. “You can show me the slow dance later. Right now we’ve got other things to practice.” She removed her pajama top, revealing her naked breasts. Lanie was so free-spirited and sexually aggressive that Kyle had a difficult time remembering she was inexperienced. She almost ripped his pants, tugging them off him with force. He managed to take off her pajama bottoms carefully, but once he saw the delicate, lacy pink panties, he couldn’t help himself. He shredded them right off her body. He pulled her toward him, moving down the bed so his head was near the headboard.

She stroked him in her hand, moving slowly up and down his shaft, until he groaned. “Tell me what you want,” he demanded.

“You,” she said huskily.

“That’s mutual. What do you want me to do to you?”

She thrust her breasts in his direction, but he shook his head. “No, baby, use your words.”

“Suck them,” she said. As soon as the words were out, she clapped her hand to her mouth as if she’d said a bad word.

He moved her hand back to his erection. He pulled her closer and massaged her breasts, manipulating them in his hands, running his thumbs over her nipples before bringing one to his mouth. He slowly ran his tongue over the hardened nipple. She moaned softly, and Kyle knew they were both holding back because if they were louder, the sound would travel and make Lanie uncomfortable. He took his time with each one, caressing, sucking, and gently nibbling until she cried out. “Please. Please. Please.” Kyle smiled as he indulged himself in those perfect mounds. She pulled on his hair, which he took as her nonverbal request for him to change positions. Lanie wasn’t able to express what she wanted, but she didn’t have to. He knew.

He gripped her hips and brought her legs around his waist so she was straddling him. “I want you to lead this dance.”

She looked unsure, so he guided her hips where he needed her and adjusted her over his erection, entering her slowly and then thrusting into her. She moaned louder as he pushed her down. She was already slick with arousal. Kyle sat up and swallowed her sounds in his mouth. She moved tentatively with the aid of his hands.

“Go as fast as you want. You’re in control now. Make yourself come. Make me come,” he whispered against her ear. She put both her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and moved in a rhythm. Kyle moaned, and this time she put her mouth to his, consuming his sounds. He ran his hands down her back, letting his fingernails graze her skin. He disrupted her repetitive motions by thrusting into her. She let out a small yelp of surprise, but her lusty gaze told him she enjoyed it. He did it again and soon they were working in unison. Somewhere in the distance, the melody of the music and the less audible noise of the game were mingling with the guttural, animalistic hums of their mutual pleasure. Kyle drove himself upward, increasing his speed through her climax. He followed shortly after, pulling her toward him, holding her tight. The loudest sound in the room was their bated breaths.

“Kyle?” she whispered.

“Yes, Lanie?” He stiffened, hoping she wasn’t about to ruin the moment with something sentimental. Something he couldn’t reciprocate. It had happened to him so many times, especially after sex, and this was some mighty powerful sex in Kyle’s mind.

“You’re a really good dancer,” she replied, kissing his neck.

He chuckled. “You’re a really good partner.” Lanie always managed to surprise him.

Chapter Eighteen

Kyle watched Lanie talking to some coworkers in front of the bar. One thing was for sure—her law firm knew how to give a party. A sixteen-piece band performed a myriad of songs from contemporary to classic. The room was decked out with plush chairs and festive silver tablecloths. Everyone had just enjoyed a sumptuous meal of filet mignon and lobster roll. The participants were devouring drinks as if they were in the middle of the desert, not in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. That was, except for Lanie, who enjoyed her virgin daiquiris. Kyle grinned with the thought that they no longer suited her.

She looked lovely tonight in a dark green form-fitting dress. It was short enough to reveal her gorgeous legs and hourglass shape, but understated and elegant too. Green was definitely her color, Kyle thought, transfixed at the sight of those legs, crossed so seductively and capped with sexy heels. He was surprised how much he had missed her in the past few days while he was out of town. He’d called her every night and even suggested they have video sex. Lanie declined. She was still shy about some things. Kyle had thought he would have a fling while in New York, but he wasn’t in the mood, despite the invitation he’d received from a wanton brunette in the hotel bar. He chalked it up to being focused on his task. The interviews had been very successful, and Kyle’s phone continued to ring off the hook.

BOOK: The Do-Over
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