Read The Do-Over Online

Authors: Mk Schiller

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotic Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

The Do-Over (7 page)

BOOK: The Do-Over
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“Another offer,” she answered immediately.

“Exactly. You’re looking at your other offer. Brad will be too.”

“I don’t know about this,” Lanie replied, chewing her lower lip.

“Trust me, it’s a male ego thing. The more unavailable you are, the more desirable you become. In order for this to work, though, you need to listen to everything I say. Just call me Professor Higgins, Eliza,” Kyle said with a wicked grin.

Lanie gave him a genuine laugh. The sound was almost melodic to Kyle. “
My Fair Lady
is one of my favorite movies, but I’m no Audrey Hepburn.”

“No,” Kyle said grimly, “you’re more like Katherine Hepburn, but we’ll work on it. Are you onboard?”

Lanie looked down at her hands and back up to him. Her worried expression broke out into a beautiful smile. “Yes, Professor.”

Chapter Seven

Kyle adjusted his favorite silver tie with the diamond pattern in the vanity mirror of his car. He was waiting for Lanie, so they could start their double date with Brad and Cassie. Date? The thought of dating her was so strange. He wondered what his friends or previous lovers would think of them together. They would laugh their asses off and think Kyle was playing a practical joke. It would be difficult to persuade people they were a couple, but Kyle was willing to give it the old college try.

He smoothed down his hair and wondered how Lanie would be dressed. The thought only depressed him. She was totally lost when it came to clothes. She might as well wear a bedsheet. His cock suddenly stirred at the idea of Lanie in nothing but a bedsheet. I need to get laid, he thought to himself, shaking his head.

The other thought that plagued him was the good-bye kiss from the other night. Kyle had tried to make a show in front of Brad and Cassie by giving her a sweeping kiss, and she’d backed away from him. No girl had ever rejected his kiss. He was the one who rejected kisses and tried to keep girls at arm’s length. The rebuff, especially from this mousy girl, stung a little. He would have to talk to her about that tonight. It was hard enough to portray a couple without her making it seem completely unrealistic by rejecting him. They needed a few shows of public affection to pull off the desired effect. Kyle wasn’t looking forward to it, but he had committed and, like he promised Lanie, would see it through.

Kyle’s jaw dropped when Lanie stepped out of a silver convertible. He’d never seen Lanie’s car, since she always left before him. Kyle jumped out of his SUV to survey it more closely.

“This is what you drive?” he asked in disbelief.

“Why are you so surprised?” she asked, smiling boldly.

“It’s just so…different than what I thought you’d choose.” Lanie seemed like the kind of girl who drove a sensible, fuel-efficient midsize sedan.

She shrugged. “I like fast cars.”

Kyle walked around the vehicle, appreciating the artistic lines of its fine craftsmanship. It wasn’t an automatic either. He had never met a girl who could drive stick shift.

“Can I take it for a spin?” he asked, trying not to drool.

“No,” she replied without hesitation. “I don’t let anyone drive my car. I don’t even park in valet.” Kyle was perplexed. Just when he thought he had this weird girl figured out, she threw him for a loop.

“I’m a good driver. I can drive a stick.”

“I’m sure you are, Kyle, but I don’t like anyone driving my baby but me.” Lanie spoke about her car the way a man would. Kyle wondered how much she really knew.

“Three-liter engine?”

“Yeah, right. Try five. I like horsepower,” Lanie answered smugly.

“Pulling power?”

“You mean torque? Three-ninety grunt, but this car isn’t just all torque and no action, Kyle. It’s a V-8. I’m talking eyeballs in the back of your head. It rotates on a dime and shifts like butter too.”

Kyle whistled, impressed by the girl’s knowledge as much as the car.

He took her arm and led her into the restaurant. He grimaced, forgetting his fixation with her car when he looked down at her clothes. “What the hell are you wearing?”

She glanced down. “It’s a sweater dress,” she answered as if it was obvious. The black knit dress did indeed look like a never-ending sweater. God, she was wearing those shoes again. Didn’t he tell her to get rid of those?

“It looks like a burka,” Kyle muttered.

“Well, I haven’t had time to shop yet, Mr. Fashion Plate,” she said dryly, “but I did have my surgery, see?”

He stared at Lanie’s eyes. He had been too busy looking at her hideous outfit and gorgeous ride to notice them. Now that he saw them, it was difficult to look away. Even in the dim light, he could see she had mesmerizing eyes. They were hazel but completely unique, with a fluctuating color that transitioned somewhere between the earthy forest floor and bright golden stars. Kyle was lost in them. Her eyes were definitely her best feature.

“Very nice,” he replied, swallowing hard. Only when she turned away was he able to regain his composure.

Brad and Cassie arrived then, so Kyle’s exchange with Lanie was cut short. It irked Kyle, but he had no idea why, since the point of the date was to create a false pretense for Brad. Kyle and Brad sat on one side of the table while the girls sat on the other. Kyle missed Lanie’s presence next to him. He’d gotten used to it.

He sat through most of dinner listening to Cassie drone on about new eyeliners and perfume samples. Brad and Lanie occasionally chatted about work, but Cassie was quick to interrupt them. Kyle had started to focus his attention on the buxom strawberry blonde at the next table when Lanie kicked his shin. Oh yeah, he was supposed to keep his eyes on her. He shifted his gaze, noticing that Lanie’s hair was very soft and shiny. He wondered if it felt as good as it looked. He leaned forward to brush it away from her face, but she jerked from his touch with apparent discomfort. The reaction made him wince. Even though she had some starry-eyed crush on Brad, she could at least act interested. “I really like your tie, Kyle,” Cassie said with fake sweetness, interrupting his thoughts.

“Thanks. Lanie picked it out.” It was a complete lie, but it served a purpose: letting the other couple at the table know their relationship was serious.

“Lanie picked that out?” Cassie asked, rolling her eyes.

Brad said, “That’s a new tie, Kyle? I thought you wore—“

“Yes, Brad, it’s new. Lanie has very good taste,” Kyle interrupted, hoping Brad would just shut up.

“Too bad she can’t apply it to her own clothes,” Cassie said, once again acting as if Lanie weren’t present.

“It’s not what’s on the outside, Cassie. Lanie’s hiding some pretty valuable assets.” Even as he said it, Kyle tried hard not to grin. Brad choked on his drink. Kyle patted his friend on the back much harder than necessary.

Cassie narrowed her eyes at Kyle. “I don’t know about that. This one’s wound pretty tight,” Cassie retorted, putting her arm around Lanie in a sisterly gesture that was more patronizing than affectionate. Lanie was as red as a tomato and about to pass out. Kyle realized he was not doing her any favors. Still, he hated the taunting way her sister spoke to her.

“I prefer tight over loose any day of the week,” Kyle replied, watching for Cassie’s reaction. He hoped she wasn’t too dim-witted to understand his meaning.

Judging from the natural flush that further reddened Cassie’s artificially blushed complexion, she got it. However, unlike Lanie, Cassie wasn’t blushing because she was embarrassed. She was pissed off. She smoothed back her blonde hair, pouted her cherry-colored lips, and crossed her arms.

“Cassie, relax. Kyle wasn’t directing it at you.” Lanie’s voice came out strong but comforting. She rubbed her sister’s back with compassion. “Right, Kyle?” Lanie’s look was almost pleading.

“Kyle…“ Brad started, but Kyle had to stop this now. Their table was about to burst into flames.

“No, my statement was not meant maliciously. Sorry, Cassie. I’m not very good with words.”

“Which is really surprising since you’re a journalist,” Brad replied with sarcastic animosity.

Kyle turned to Brad and gave him his best “I’m a jerk and I know it” look. It had always worked in college, and he knew Brad would move on. Kyle breathed a sigh of relief when the uncomfortable dinner was over. They said pleasant good-byes outside of the restaurant. He stood with Lanie, watching Brad and Cassie walk toward Brad’s car.

Lanie crossed her arms, staring at Kyle with apparent agitation. He did his best to downplay his amusement. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to get me disowned?”

“Shut up, Lanie,” Kyle said.

“Shut up? You don’t tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are?”

“Just wait.”

“Wait for what, you jerk?” she asked and actually punched him in the arm. Kyle was surprised how forceful her little fist was.

“For this.” He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, rocking her back on her heels. He waited until Brad’s car passed them to ensure Cassie and Brad witnessed the intimate moment. Lanie’s lips were soft and full, but he was perturbed because, not only didn’t she open her mouth, she made no motion to return the kiss.

When he released her, she punched him even harder. Then she used her duffel-bag-sized purse to hit him in the chest.

He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bench by the door. He held her tightly until she stopped struggling. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Me? What about you? You can’t just kiss a girl without notice.”

“Notice? What the fuck do you want? A written request? You’re acting like you’ve never been kissed before.”

All the color crept out of her face at once, making her appear ethereal. She looked down at her tightly clenched hands, shifting away from Kyle. He let go of her.

“Lanie, look at me, please,” Kyle said gently.

She barely met his gaze, but he tilted her chin with his finger until their eyes aligned. “That was your first kiss?”

She didn’t speak but nodded in response.

“I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Kyle felt like a total jackass. He desperately wished for the ability to reverse time by a few minutes.

“It’s okay. Don’t feel guilty about it. I was just surprised. Did I hurt you?”

Kyle would have chuckled at her question. Lanie was tall in stature, but he guessed she was only half his weight. “I’m fine. Does that mean you’re a…you’re a…um…”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Kyle, I’m a virgin.”

“I don’t understand. How old are you?”

“I’m twenty-eight,” she answered, looking embarrassed.

“But…there was never anyone? Like anyone in high school or college?”

“No, I was too busy studying, and then I was very career focused. I never met the right person either.”

“Until Brad?” Kyle was surprised by the bitterness in his voice.

“I guess so,” she replied.

“Are you saving yourself for him?” Kyle thought it sounded absurd, but then again, everything about Lanie was peculiar to him.

“It’s nothing like that. I just never wanted to before. It never appealed to me.”

Kyle’s mouth dropped open. “Sex never appealed to you? Are you listening to yourself, woman?”

“I know it sounds strange to someone like you who needs sex like most people need air and water.”

“I guarantee you I’m not the only one who would find your admission odd.”

“Kyle, I know I’m kind of a freak, but you’re looking at me like I belong in a zoo,” Lanie replied before biting her lower lip. He cursed himself for making her feel worse.

“You’re not a freak. I don’t mean to make you feel that way. I’m sorry I fucked-up your first kiss.” Kyle did feel very contrite.

“Don’t be. If I weren’t so shocked, I bet I would have enjoyed it.” She looked up at him with those big hazel eyes and a halfhearted smile. Kyle found it was difficult to breathe. She smelled good too, sweet and citrusy. Like lemons and roses, two things that shouldn’t go together, but on Lanie it worked.

“Would you let me have a do-over? At least make it memorable?” Kyle asked hopefully, moving closer to her.

She looked thoughtful for a moment but then shrugged in that cute way of hers and nodded. He swallowed hard and imagined giving her the best kiss of his life. Then that’s what he did. He moved closer to her, stopping only a millimeter from their mouths touching. Kyle whispered, “You have a very pretty mouth. Let me taste it this time.”

Then he pressed his lips against hers, moving them slowly with gentle precision. He didn’t place any additional pressure until she returned his kiss. He caressed her hair, noting that the luminous auburn strands were as soft as he’d imagined. They brushed against his hand like spun silk. He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue until she opened for him. Then he explored her mouth, finding her tongue and stroking it with his. The flavor of Lanie was indescribable except to say it was…delicious. A small moan escaped her, which reverberated between them, and Kyle deepened the kiss. He had an urge to pull her on his lap and kiss her for hours, but he restrained himself. Only when he found it was difficult to breathe did he release her. They were both panting. Kyle was relieved he had a takeout box to cover his large erection. Lanie was flushed, but she smiled brightly.

“Was that better?” Kyle asked, praying she’d enjoyed it.

“Yes, much better. What a relief,” she said and exhaled.

“A relief?”

“I’ve been reading and wondering about kissing so much, and I really didn’t like the first one. I thought I was just a bad kisser.” Her smile turned playful as she tilted her head. “Or maybe you were.”

Kyle grinned in amusement. “You’re not, Lanie.”

“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”

Kyle knew he wasn’t a bad kisser. He had received numerous compliments on his kissable lips many times, but at this moment, her simple statement made him feel like a gold medalist.

He stood up and reached for her hand. He walked her to her car, feeling incredibly aroused and dissatisfied at the same time. She opened her door. “Bye, Professor,” she joked. Kyle caught another whiff of her incredible scent and couldn’t resist. He slammed her door shut and spun her so she was facing him.

“One more for the road.” She stared at him with a perplexed expression but didn’t back away. “I want another taste,” he said, feeling his heart race. He leaned her against the car and crushed his lips against hers. This time she ran her fingers through his hair, making him moan. He wanted to touch the curves of her body through the thick fabric of her dress, but he forced himself to concentrate all his efforts on her sexy, soft, pouty lips. When he released her, they were both breathless. Her lips were chapped, and those golden eyes were on fire with a carnal sexuality. There was so much electricity between them that, if harnessed, they could power the whole damn city.

BOOK: The Do-Over
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