The Do-Over (27 page)

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Authors: Mk Schiller

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotic Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: The Do-Over
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He walked in confidently, but that self-assurance faded when he was inside the grand ballroom, searching the tables for Lanie. He easily spotted Cassie, since she wore a silver sparkly dress that was too daring for an event like this. Lanie sat next to her in the corner. Kyle sucked in his breath. She was wearing a tasteful black cocktail dress that clung in the right areas without being too revealing. Her auburn hair hung down her back in gorgeous cascades of soft reddish curls.

It was cocktail hour, and the room buzzed with a multitude of conversations as the guests socialized. Kyle had an urge to stride up to Lanie and borrow a line from her favorite movie.
No one puts Lanie in a corner!
Then he’d take her hand and spin her around in some possessive dance. His brain kicked in though. This was not the venue for that, and he was no Patrick Swayze.

He took long strides over to her table, which made him appear more confident than he was. He sat in the empty chair next to her. His mouth was dry, so when he spoke, it came out a throaty whisper. “Hi, beautiful.”

Her eyes widened, and she chewed her bottom lip. “Kyle, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you, baby. You made partner. I’m so proud of you.”

Lanie stared at Kyle for what seemed like an eternity, but her expression didn’t register joy or anger. It seemed sad, and Kyle wanted to kick himself in that moment. She was breathing hard, causing her chest to rise seductively with each breath. He noticed the dress revealed her cleavage and it was devoid of a scar. Slowly, she shook her head.

That’s when he heard the other voice. A familiar one he hadn’t heard in years. “Kyle Manchester? I didn’t know you were going to be here. It’s so nice of you to support Brad.”

He blinked several times to match the face to the voice. “Mrs. Jansen?”

“It’s so good to see you, Kyle. Congratulations on your new job. Looks like both you and Brad are doing so well these days.”

Realization hit Kyle, and he felt like someone had slugged him in the gut. He turned back to Lanie. “You didn’t make partner. Brad did.”

Lanie nodded. “He was the lead counsel on the Hayes case. His work was exemplary.”

“It was your case, Lanie.”

She shrugged. “You should leave.”


Before Kyle could finish, Cassie whispered so loudly she might as well have been yelling, “Lanie, get him out of here. What the hell is he doing? This is Brad’s night.”

They both ignored her and stared at each other. Kyle restrained himself from touching her hair. Cassie must have thought they hadn’t heard her because she kept repeating herself, like an annoying record that skipped. Finally, Lanie said, “Why are you here, Kyle?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“I don’t think there’s anything to say.”

“I have some things to say. Will you please listen?”

“You’re in my seat, Manchester,” Brad said, standing over Kyle.

“Give me a minute, Brad.”

“Is that my suit? What the hell, Kyle?”

“A minute, please,” Kyle said, waving his hand.

“Lanie, get him out of here. He’s making a scene,” Cassie hissed.

Kyle almost laughed. No one was even looking at them. All the intensity in this moment was concentrated at this table alone. Even Mrs. Jansen was paying no attention to the exchange. She was talking amicably to another woman at the table.

“Come with me,” Lanie said, getting up from her chair.

Kyle stood to follow her. Brad reached for Lanie’s arm as she was walking away. The intimacy of the gesture almost made Kyle growl. “Lanie, you don’t have to go with him. I can take care of it.”

Lanie smiled reassuringly. “It’s okay, Brad. I’m just going to talk to him.”

“I don’t want you to miss my speech.”

“I won’t.”

There was something deeper in Brad’s voice and the way he regarded Lanie. Kyle didn’t care for it at all and fought the urge to pull Brad’s arm away from hers.

Cassie’s shrill voice cut through the intense moment like a howling wind in the crowded room. “Let them go, Brad. This is all about you, not them.”

Brad winced at Cassie’s voice, but Lanie nodded to him. “Cassie’s right. I’ll be back.”

She walked away, and Kyle followed her quietly. She surprised him by walking right out of the hotel, past the valet, to a quiet, dim corner on the side of the building. The cold night air made it clear to Kyle she didn’t want to have a long, intimate conversation. She shivered. Kyle took off Brad’s jacket and draped it around her shoulders. He wished it was his jacket and not Brad’s, but either way, his goal was to make Lanie comfortable.

She reclined against the brick facade. Kyle leaned against her, placing an arm on each side of her body. He wanted to block the wind, but mostly he wanted to be close to her. She crossed her arms. She didn’t push Kyle away, but her stance wasn’t encouraging either. Her fragrance drifted around him. He still couldn’t identify it, but he could name it now. It was the scent of comfort, serenity, and peace. It was the smell of home.

“Why are you here, Kyle?”

“I’m glad you had your scar removed. You look beautiful. You always did, either way, but I know it made you self-conscious.” He knew he was avoiding her question, but the rise and fall of her chest was distracting him. He wanted so desperately to kiss her there, to run his hands down the length of her body. How could he not have seen how stunning she was all along, both inside and out?

“Tim’s a good surgeon,” she replied without meeting his eyes. “Answer my question.”

“I wanted to support you. I thought you’d made partner.”

“No. Why are you here in Chicago?”

Kyle swallowed, willing the words he’d rehearsed a hundred times to come out clearly. “Lanie, I missed you. I’m so sorry, baby. I was so wrong that day at my apartment. You were right about everything. I thought I wasn’t capable of being what you needed.”

“And what…now you are? What created this sudden shift in perception? Is New York running low on girls for you to fuck?” Lanie’s voice had a bite, causing Kyle to flinch. Of course that’s what she’d think. He hadn’t let her believe anything else.

“Lanie, there’s been no one else since you. There is no one else
me. I made a mistake. A horrible mistake, and I came to see if I could right it. I have a suite here. Will you come with me so I can explain it all?”

“No, tell me what you need to explain right now. What do you want from me?” Her voice was distant. She sounded far away, but she didn’t hesitate with the words. She gave nothing away.

“I don’t want you to forgive me, because I don’t deserve it, but I promise if you give me another chance, I’ll earn it. I want a do-over. Will you let me have one? I promise I’ll never hurt you again.”

Lanie took in a deep breath, but her posture didn’t relax. She didn’t pull Kyle in for a kiss. She didn’t even smile. She looked miserable, and Kyle wanted more than anything to change that. “Why should I do that?”

“I wish I had compelling reasons in my defense, but I don’t. I’m a stupid, self-centered man, who didn’t realize how lucky he was to have you in his life. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t. So I’ll just tell you what I’m feeling. What I’ve been feeling for a long time now, but I didn’t have the courage or confidence to tell you.” Kyle sucked in a breath and leaned closer to Lanie so he could whisper in her ear. He wanted to shout it from the Willis Tower but needed her to hear the conviction in his voice clearly. “I love you, Lanie Carmichael. I love you very much.”

Kyle stumbled back when Lanie pushed him. She hadn’t shoved him hard, but the act hurt him as much as if she’d sucker punched him in the gut.

Her laugh dripped with hostility, but the hurt in her voice was evident. “Kyle, that’s just something a man says to appease a woman.” She pivoted, and her heels clicked loudly against the pavement as she walked away.

Kyle stood there in stunned silence with the realization that Lanie had used his own words against him. He tried desperately to control the regret and remorse that coursed through every vein. Lanie rounded the corner. Kyle rushed after her. “Lanie, wait!”

That’s when he felt the hand on his shirt. It was dark, and Brad had been so quiet Kyle wondered how long he’d been there. Was he eavesdropping? “That’s enough, Kyle. You’ve said what you came to say. Lanie, go back inside. Cassie’s waiting for you.”

“Brad, it’s okay,” Lanie said.

“Let me pass,” Kyle growled, narrowing his eyes. Brad ignored Kyle, keeping his eyes on Lanie.

“Lanie, please go inside. Kyle and I need to talk for a minute.” Kyle wanted to punch Brad in the jaw, but he controlled himself.

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Go, Lanie.” Lanie looked at the two men dubiously but nodded. She turned and walked back toward the hotel entrance. When she was out of earshot, Brad turned back to Kyle and said, “I don’t fucking care what you want, shithead.”

Kyle had never heard so much authority in Brad’s voice. In fact, he wondered what the source was.

“Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” Kyle said with deliberate slowness, knocking Brad’s hand away.

“You’ve hurt her enough. She was a mess when you left. You need to leave her alone now.”

A stab of guilt pushed through the anger, but he wouldn’t give Brad that satisfaction. This was between Lanie and him. He didn’t owe Brad anything. “What do you know about it? You’re not exactly astute when it comes to Lanie.”

“I was there for her when you weren’t.”

Kyle felt the blood drain from his face, and he clenched his teeth so hard, he thought he might end up with another chipped tooth. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I was there for her as a friend, asshole. She needed one.”

“You took her promotion.”

This time Brad looked guilty. “I didn’t ask for the lead on that case. Lanie wanted me to do it. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“Why did she want you to do it?” Kyle asked, although he knew the answer. Lanie was a damn smart lawyer, but she had confidence issues, including a fear of public speaking—not a great trait for a trial lawyer.

“I don’t know, but I plan on asking her tonight. Right after I tell her I love her.”

Kyle didn’t know what happened, but he felt the quickening of his heart, the raw tension in his muscles as if each one was flexed painfully, and the fierce pounding in his head. He snapped. His fist connected to Brad’s jaw before his brain fully registered the movement. Brad stumbled back, almost falling, but he steadied himself.

“What the hell, Manchester?” Brad asked, rubbing his cheek.

“You fucking asshole!” Kyle grabbed Brad’s shirt and shoved him against the brick wall. “You had your chance and blew it.”

Brad’s slow smile took Kyle off guard. It was such an unexpected reaction, but it made Kyle flinch. “So did you.”

“You knew the whole time, didn’t you?”

“I had a feeling. I know I was an idiot. Lanie is everything I want and need in my life.”

“What about Cassie? You think Cassie’s going to just wish you the best of luck?” Kyle had no idea why he was bringing up Cassie. He didn’t care about her feelings at all, but she was his last shred of hope and he clung to it.

“No, but I don’t give a damn. I’m breaking up with her tonight either way. I know it will be difficult for Lanie to deal with, but she doesn’t deserve the way Cassie treats her. I don’t feel any guilt about it. She’s been cheating on me for weeks now.” Brad adjusted his tie and ran a hand down his jaw, wincing. “You can’t make Lanie happy, but I can.”

Brad moved toward the hotel entrance, but Kyle wasn’t done yet. He placed his hand on Brad’s shoulder forcefully to halt him. “It’s her choice, not yours.”

Brad stood rigidly. “She made her choice. At least where you’re concerned.”

“I’m not giving her up,” Kyle replied.

Brad turned quickly, pinning Kyle to the wall. Kyle was quicker, though, and managed to deflect Brad’s fist with his own. They tussled for several minutes, connecting fists to jaws, necks, and guts. Kyle bloodied Brad’s nose. Brad blackened Kyle’s eye.

“Don’t fucking make me ruin my own suit, asshole,” Brad screamed.

“You’ll only ruin it with your own blood.”

“Stop it!” Both men turned to see Lanie. Kyle cringed, wondering how much she’d heard. She had her coat and purse with Brad’s jacket draped on her arm. “What the hell is wrong with both of you?” She turned to Kyle, not hiding her disappointment. Kyle placed his hand on the back of his neck, lowering his head sheepishly. “Kyle, you’re a journalist. You report the news, not make it.” She turned to Brad. “And Brad, you’re a lawyer. You know what it would mean if you got arrested for fighting.”

Kyle let go of Brad’s shirt, shoving him a little in the process. Out of breath, they backed away from each other.

“Lanie, where are you going?” Brad asked.

“I’m going home, Brad. You should go in. Cassie’s looking for you.”

“Let me drive you home. You’re upset and you’ve been drinking,” Brad said, walking toward her.

Kyle let out a sarcastic laugh. Brad turned to Kyle with venom in his eyes. “What?”

“Tell him what you’ve been drinking, Lanie.”

Lanie headed toward Kyle. Kyle felt his heart inflate and then immediately deflate when all she did was hand him the jacket…Brad’s jacket. “I’ve only had virgin drinks tonight. I’m fine to drive.”

She turned toward the parking lot. “Lanie, the valet is over here.” Brad gestured toward the front of the building. “I’ll wait with you for your car.”

“She doesn’t park in valet. Lanie has trust issues with her car,” Kyle interjected. Brad didn’t hide his annoyance, and Kyle felt somewhat vindicated in proving to Brad that he knew Lanie better. She began walking away but halted when a shrill voice erupted into the cold night air, making them all stiffen. Damn succubus, Kyle thought grimly.

“Brad, why are you out here?” Cassie gasped. “You’re bleeding!” The sparkles on Cassie’s dress made her glow in the dark.

“Cassie, go back inside and wait for me,” Brad commanded, but Cassie stood her ground, surveying the scene. When she saw Lanie, her confused expression morphed into a scowl.

“This is your fault. You are so fucking self-centered. This is not about you, Lanie. It’s about Brad. He deserves this, and it’s obvious you’re jealous as usual.”

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