The Doctor and the Naughty Girl (11 page)

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She probably thought about it enough for the both of them.

He crossed the lobby, walking around the desk to stand next to her, inches away, the heat from his body against her skin. Looking down at her, he laid a hand on her shoulder. It was a harmless gesture—but the electricity that danced across her skin, the heat of his touch, the way her pussy tightened, was anything but ordinary.

“I need you to work some overtime tonight.”

Amity swallowed down the lump in her throat, feeling as if she’d gotten a reprieve from the hangman’s noose.

Thank you, God.

“Um, okay.”

She’d never been asked to stay for overtime before, but she knew she could use the money—and looking at his tight, square jaw and cool, intent hazel eyes, she knew he wasn’t going to let her get out of it with a lame excuse either.

“Can you be discreet, Amity?” He leaned a hip against the lobby desk, turning toward her, his voice dropping to almost a whisper. “I need to trust that you can keep information confidential.”

It took real effort to look him in the eye and not drop her gaze to his crotch, remembering the size of the erection he’d had during her punishments—and during her exam.

“Of course. I pride myself on it. My friends all come to me because they know I won’t go blabbing sh—stuff.”

“Good catch,” he said, eyes flashing.

Her nipples tightened at that. It seemed he hadn’t forgotten everything after all.

She hated that he was so strict with her about her foul language, but in a way, it did feel good not to do it. Perhaps not cursing so much had helped her feel slightly more… grown up?

It made no sense of course, but little about Amity’s life was making sense of late.

“I’ll send you the address in a few minutes—to your phone.”

“My phone?” She took her headset off. “What address? Wouldn’t I be working… here?”

Dane shook his head, pulling his black phone from his pocket, his thumbs moving over the screen rapidly.

“Just texted it to you. You think you can find it?”

“Deacon Road and 299th? North side of the county, right?”


It wasn’t quite out in BFE, but it was close. Definitely outside the city, along the foothills to the mountains that loomed to their east. If her memory served, that area was mostly farms with a few new developments popping up. There’d be as many tractors on the road as there were cars.

“So, what am I doing? I mean, with the overtime work?”

She met his gaze and he just stared at her, his eyebrow raised expectantly.

“Oh. Um, sir.”

His pleased smile made her belly flutter again. Saying the word did still make her blush, at least a little. But the honorific didn’t feel strange anymore. No, not strange at all.

“I have an after-hours practice.” He tilted his head, pursing his lips. “It’s something I do for the clients who can’t drive into town. Or those with special, uh, requirements.”


“Okay, um, why the worry about keeping my mouth shut though? I mean, I will, don’t worry about that…”

He stared at her for several seconds. “The medical group I’m a part of… doesn’t approve of, uh, moonlighting.”

She smiled, unable to help herself. It made her strangely… happy, to know he’d trust her with something like this. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt it just the same.

“Secret’s safe with me. Sir.”

His eyes narrowed as if considering something, then he gave her a quick quirk of his lips. “You’ll need to be there in case I need help with records, or to assist with a patient.”

“Wouldn’t that be something Cathie would…?”

He shook his head. “Don’t worry, no nursing duties for you. It’s more of a just in case I need another set of hands. Easy duty.”

“Oh.” That didn’t sound so bad. She’d take the easy money wherever she could get it. Maybe she’d actually be able to pay Kaitlyn back for once.

Yeah, right, bitch. Gonna take a lot more than a couple of hours of time and a half to get you out the hole you’re in.

Okay, maybe not. She was behind on more than one bill, her phone being the most delinquent. At least this would help her stay above water. For a while.

“I’ll text you later and let you know when to show up.” Dane opened the door to the hallway back to Exam.


He turned back, that sly smile back on his too-handsome face. “Amity?”

“What is this place?” She held up her phone, his text still on the screen. “Basically farms out there, right? Is this a new office park or hospital campus?”

“Neither,” he said, shouldering the door aside and heading back down the hallway. “It’s my house.”


* * *


“You sure she’s ready for this, Dane?”

Aaron stroked his wife’s jet black hair as she knelt at his feet, her leash tight in his fist. She was almost thirty weeks along. Her large, round belly, encased in a tight, form-fitting gray knit top—the only clothing her husband and master allowed her for this appointment—protruded over her still trim thighs, her naked bottom posed upon her bare heels. Dane was surprised at the intense level his friends Aaron and Lis were still able to maintain in their marriage this late into her first pregnancy.

Lis leaned against Aaron’s long leg, nuzzling her temple against his thigh. “Throwing her into the deep end, aren’t you?”

Dane shrugged. “I’d rather know, right now. If she freaks, then it’s better for both of us to get it out of the way up front.” He smiled at the beautiful tattooed and pierced PhD kneeling at her husband’s knee. “It’s not like I’m expecting her to lead the kind of life you do, Lis.”

“Not yet anyway. I know how deep your depravity really goes, doctor.” Her impish smile made Dane want to hug her tight—or take a crop to her bottom. He knew Aaron would recommend both.

Aaron snapped a quelling look at his wife, pulling her leash a little tighter. “I don’t think that’s how we agreed you’d speak to your doctor, is it?”

Lis’ smile faded, and she kissed Aaron’s knee. “No, master. I’m sorry.”

Aaron looked to Dane, offering him the leash. “Be my guest. She hasn’t been spanked in a while, and she needs it, obviously. Looks like I’ve been going soft on her.”

Even as he offered Dane a chance to spank his own wife—and slave—Dane could see the love and adoration in Aaron’s eyes as he looked upon the kneeling Lis.

Lis’ eyes, wide with fright—and perhaps a little illicit anticipation—looked up to Dane.

“Nope.” Dane smiled reassuringly at Lis, then glanced at Aaron. “Just a check-up tonight. The rest is up to you.”

“She’s far enough along now, I can’t really give her what she deserves.” Aaron went back to stroking her hair, the sudden tension in her body relaxing slightly. “But she knows better, and since you were the target of her smart mouth, you should be the one to punish her for it. Once the little one comes, and she’s back to normal, think about it, okay, Dane?”

Lis swallowed, clutching her master’s leg tight now.

“Of course, Aaron.”

In truth, as bewitching as the little pocket Venus kneeling at her husband’s feet was, all Dane could think about was who he really wanted to spank, who he really wanted to possess. The girl who was even now on her way over, completely unaware of what awaited her.


This was important though, and not for the first time, he was grateful for two friends who understood—and were willing to go to these kind of lengths to help him out.

“You still sure she’s okay with this?” Dane purposely addressed Aaron, despite the subject of his query being right there in the room with them.

Aaron grunted. “Are you kidding? Her cunt’s gotta be dripping by now.” Aaron looked down at the dark hair clutched in his hand. “You know how much she likes being on display.”

Lis blushed fiercely, burying her face against her husband’s legs.

Dane stood, hand extended toward the examination table. “Shall we? Might as well get her ready while we wait for Amity.”

“Make them tight,” Aaron said, a glint in his dark eyes. “I know she’s been thinking about it all day.”

Dane grinned as he took Lis’ hand. “I think I can accommodate her.”

In moments, Lis was on her back, her feet high and wide in the stirrups. Between the tight black straps drawn across her chest, her round, swollen breasts rose and fell rapidly, her body tied fast to the table.

Dane handed the black gag over to Aaron. “Take care of this for me?”

It was the big one, and he knew it would tickle the back of Lis’ throat if her husband strapped it tight.

Aaron always strapped gags tight.

Soon, they had her utterly immobile, gagged, and blindfolded, her breathing regular but rapid. ‘Tolerably frightened’ as he knew Aaron was fond of saying of his slave wife.

Dane cranked the table upward into a gentle incline, mindful that women as far along as Lis often had trouble with lying flat on their backs for any length of time.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out. Aaron was stroking the broad curve of Lis’ belly, murmuring to her as Dane turned away, connecting the call.

“You here?”

“I—think so.” Her voice held a note of anxiousness that he enjoyed. “Is that your black SUV out front?”

“Hmm, no.”

Aaron drove a big white four-wheel-drive pickup.

“This is the house number though.” Amity paused. “Okay, weird, SUV’s pulling away now.”

Dane walked to the window, thumbing up a slat of the blinds. It was a truck, a Ford, he hadn’t seen before, but it was already too far away to get a look at who it might be. Probably nothing.

“Come on in,” Dane said, hanging up and dropping the phone back into his pocket.

He walked back over to the bound and waiting Lis, and sat down on his chair situated between the woman’s outstretched legs.

Dane’s cock was already hard.

The door opened, then closed with a tentative thud. He gave Aaron a smile before craning his head back over his shoulder. “Down the hall! Last door, Amity.”

Lis tensed as Dane spread open Lis’ pussy, noting the new rings in her outer labia had healed nicely. Her husband had ordered them as celebration of her pregnancy. They’d likely have to come out for delivery, but for now, they were gorgeous.

“Relax, now,” Dane said, slipping the speculum in. Lis sighed as he began to open it up.

He loved how hesitant the sounds of Amity’s footsteps were on the creaking wood floor of the hallway. Then the door opened, just as he was leaning over to get a closer look at Lis’ cervix.

Amity gasped. “Oh—Oh, my God, I’m so sorry—”

Dane looked back at her, pointing at the instrument tray laid out on a table next to Lis’ left side. “Will you hand me that light there?”

All three of them froze, Dane and Aaron watching Amity, the whole room silent, as if even sound hinged upon her reaction.

She stepped forward, slowly, her eyes darting from the bound Lis to Dane and back again. Her cheeks had colored a little, but he didn’t see horror in her wide-eyed gaze. He saw embarrassment, and something else that made him want to yell out in triumphant joy.


Her fingers trembled so much he thought she might drop the light as she handed it to him.

Dane went to work, checking Lis’ cervix. “Nope, only a little effacing. Everything’s looking good.”

He withdrew the speculum to a tiny intake of breath from the bound patient, a whispered, barely audible admonishment from Aaron to his wife.

Dane looked at Amity as he held up the speculum and light, nodding toward the tray. “Right there’s fine.”

Amity seemed rooted to her spot for a moment, then she locked gazes with him and snapped back into motion, setting the tools down and backing away a step. He watched her for a few seconds. She couldn’t peel her eyes from the bound Lis.

Aaron cleared his throat. “Um, who’s this, doctor?”

Dane wiped a palm across his mouth, hiding his smile. “Aaron, I have to apologize. I—forgot to tell my assistant here that we were conducting an exam. Please forgive me.” He held a hand up. “Amity? This is Aaron Rivas and his wife—”

“Slave.” Aaron looked down at Lis, stroking a finger over her gagged lips, the women making a small contented sound.


“Hi,” Amity said, her voice like a frightened mouse. But still she didn’t flee.

“Nice to meet you, Amity.”

Dane exchanged a glance with Aaron, then they both gazed back at Amity.

“Oh!” Amity looked away, a hand to her cheek. “I’m sorry—I… I’ll be in the other room. If you need me.”

Then she was gone.

Aaron unsnapped the gag, wiping Lis’ lips as he pulled it away. She flexed her jaw, then raised her head.

“I felt like a total piece of meat for Miss Curious there.”

accept my apologies, Mrs. Rivas,” Dane said, barely able to keep a straight face.

“Stop apologizing,” the glassy-eyed beauty said, laying her head back down. Her smile was ear to ear. “I


* * *


The room was so quiet Amity swore her pounding heart had to be actually audible. Fortunately, she was alone.

The living room was sparsely furnished—as she’d have expected from a single guy. Wood floors and modern, if basic, furniture. The one unusual feature was the real wood stove, the wrought-iron tongs and poker reminding her of medieval torture devices. Imagining them being worked upon the bodies of the helpless naked bodies of the ‘witches.’

Try to get your mind out of the gutter.

It was just about impossible though, considering what she’d seen in that room. She couldn’t get the vision of it out of her mind. The stretch of the woman’s lips around the gag, the way the husband’s fingers stroked possessively over his wife’s hair.

And all the piercings! My God.

The woman had studs through her nipples, a thick curved one through the hood of her clit that even now made Amity squeeze her thighs together. Several gleaming rings adorned the plump, bare labia too. She’d even had a hoop through one nostril. Amity wondered if that cute little belly button had been pierced too before she’d swollen with the child.

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