The Doctor and the Naughty Girl (20 page)

BOOK: The Doctor and the Naughty Girl
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“Yes, sir, I do…”

He walked over to the rack, pausing a moment to select an implement, then returning back behind her. She didn’t dare look to see what he’d chosen.

The hard, thin line of the cane came down so quickly at first she wasn’t sure he’d actually struck her, but then the burn-ache sank into her bottom and she yelped. Another stroke immediately followed, just below the first, and this time she cried out, both fiery lines merging into one thick band of hurt across both clenching buttocks. His fingers investigated the already swelling, tightening marks.

“Okay, Amity. I don’t want to give you any more if I don’t have to. Can you obey me now?”

“Yes, sir!”

There was no way in hell she was going to do
that would get her more of that evil fucking cane. She’d heard about what the cane felt like, had been titillated by the fantasy descriptions of it in fiction, but
of it had prepared her for just how much it hurt.

His hands spread her bottom open again, his palms irritating the now throbbing marks left by the cane. “Show me, girl. Squeeze as tight as you can.”

Amity closed her eyes as she did it, willing her body to obey.

“That’s a girl, keep it tight. Squeeeze. Good!”

“Oh, my God,” she whispered, shame and arousal warring within her.

“Now push out, bear down now. More. That’s it.”

Amity hid her face in her arms, grateful he couldn’t see the fierceness of her blush.

He made her do it several more times, each time just as mortifying as the last, then he let go of her bottom, and she sighed in relief.

It was very short-lived relief.

“Reach back and spread those cheeks for me.”

“I—I can’t.”

“You will, or you’ll have another visit with the cane. It’s your choice, girl.”

Slowly she reached back, her cheek resting on the soft, cool leather of the exam table. She took hold of her buttocks and spread them.

“More than that. I want to see that bottom hole.”

Amity groaned out her embarrassment as she complied, opening herself as wide as she could go.

“Now hold that.”

There was the sound of a cap being popped off behind her, then something cold and wet pressed to her anus.

“Push out against this as it goes in, girl.”

“What is it?”

“Just push, bear down on it.” He slapped her hip lightly, a warning. “Come on now, open.”

It burned as her bottom hole finally gave way, but the lubricant eased its passage. Once fully in it was uncomfortable, but not painful. There was a click behind her and suddenly she felt warm liquid pouring inside her bowels.

Oh, shit.

“Dane, please…”

“It’s all right, girl. Just going to get you cleaned out here.” His hand caressed her bottom, one side then the other. “Never had an enema before?”


“Oh, that’s even better,” he murmured, patting her ass as if to soothe a frightened beast. “First time for everything then.”

Incredibly, she could feel her belly expanding below her as the water continued to pour inside, the sensation like nothing she’d ever felt before.

He shushed and cooed at her as it did, occasionally reaching down to press against her lower belly with a palm.

Then the first small cramp hit and she looked back at him. “Dane?”

“It’s just a little soap. You shouldn’t cramp too much, but there’ll be some.”

Easy for him to say.

Then the flow suddenly ended, and the intruder in her bottom was jostled as he did something with it.

“Now, I want you to hold that for ten minutes.”

Ten minutes? She didn’t think she’d be able to hold it for ten more seconds.

“Dane, there’s no way…”

“Ten minutes, or I’ll be strapping that big bottom for you after your exam.”

“No! I’m sorry. I-I’ll do it—sir.”

The cramping became more frequent, making her groan each time a wave of pain hit. He stood next to her, silently stroking up and down her back, gruffly ordering her to face forward when she tried to look back at him.

As she endured in silence, the discomfort and urgency growing each minute, she glanced over at that tiled corner, the drain in the floor filling her with a unique dread.

Would he?

Another wave of cramping hit, and she looked back. “Dane, please… I have to!”

He helped her stand then, kissing her ear, her cheek, the corner of her mouth. “Just a couple more minutes. Breathe through the cramps, Amity. Be a good girl.”

Dane’s palm stroked over her bulging belly almost lovingly as she leaned back against him, burying her blushing face under his chin. His other palm slid down to cup and gently squeeze her naked and already seething hot sex, her clit hard against the heel of his hand. How was she still aroused, despite the discomfort of the enema?

Then, as her murmured pleas grew desperate, he picked her up, her arms clutching her belly, and carried her down the hall to the bathroom. He bade her to lay her hands on the white enamel of the vanity, the incandescent lights above the mirror casting warmth over her face.

“Now, squeeze hard when I pull the plug from you. You understand?”

“Yes… oh, God, Dane, hurry!” Another hard cramp hit, and she lowered her head to her hands, breathing deep. His fingers eased her cheeks apart then the plug was gone, and she squeezed frantically as he wiped the excess lubricant from her anus.

Dane paused at the bathroom doorway. “When you’re done, I want you on the exam table, legs in the stirrups. Understand?”

She didn’t have the strength to look at him, her cheeks hot. “Yes, sir.”

Before the door closed fully, she was already on the toilet, holding her head in her hands as she emptied, trying to ignore the heat still between her legs, the hardness of her nipples.

How is this fucking possible?

“Maybe he put Spanish Fly in there,” she muttered, laughing grimly at her own joke.

On shaky legs she returned to the exam room, the cold floorboards creaking under her bare feet. She found Dane perched on the stool, and he gave her an amused arch of an eyebrow as she slipped inside the room. She froze when she saw the roll-around table now covered in various instruments, the light gleaming off surgical steel.

“You know what to do.” He tipped his head toward the table. “Don’t make me strap you down.”

In seconds, he’d strapped her feet into each stirrup, and she looked up at the ceiling, squinting against the harsh lights overhead. She gasped as something cold and very wet was wiped up and down through the crack of her ass, scrubbing for a moment at her anus. She blushed furiously, remembering what she’d just done. Was she not clean enough?

Oh, God…

As if he’d read her mind, he leaned over her, his hazel eyes glinting. “Just an antibacterial, girl. You’re just fine. Now, I need you to relax for me—this might be a little uncomfortable at the beginning.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, not sure what was worse—him swabbing her bottom hole, or the trickle of moisture between her labia she was sure he’d be able to see.

He held up a small bottle of dark green glass, pouring some of the liquid inside on two fingers. Then the scent of it hit her, and her mouth dropped open.

He’s not seriously…


“Three parts oil, one part ginger extract, actually.” He grinned at her like the wolf grinning at the lamb. “It’s about to get hot in here. Scoot your bottom down further. I want it at the edge of the table.”

“Dane, what are you doing?”

“Are you going to do as you’re told?” He held up two fingers soaked in the oil. “Or do you want me to try some of this on your clit?”

Part of her wondered exactly what that might feel like, even as she nodded vigorously. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry—I’m scared. Only a doctor’s ever touched me…

He smiled at her then, caressing her trembling inner thigh. “Well, I’m a doctor too, aren’t I? I’m not going to hurt you, girlie. Now, lie back and relax.”

Amity jerked as a finger traced dripping fluid over her bottom hole, rubbing it in firmly. Immediately it began to heat, at first just a pleasant warmth, but soon it had grown to a distinct prickly heat, and worse, it quickly spread upward to other parts of her anatomy, her clit beginning to throb, her labia feeling heavy and swollen.

“What’s… happening?”

“The oil, my dear. Just relax now.”

She heard the sound of lubrication, then his finger presented itself to her burning bottom hole. “Push out. Good, much better.”

The finger pushed deep and she let out a breath. He thrust it gently in and out, the sensation entirely too pleasant. The tip of his finger pressed inside at various points until he hit one spot that made her tense with a strange mixture of intense pleasure and the vague need to urinate.

“Oh… God, what was that?”

Dane smiled through the V of her legs. “Some women are sensitive here—it’s the same type of tissue that makes up your G-spot. It’s called the urethral sponge. Every woman’s different, but lucky you, you’re one of them.”

Amity wasn’t sure she’d call that particular news ‘lucky.’

The finger pulled out, and he held up two fingers this time so she could see him lubricate them.

“That—no, they won’t fit!”

“Yes, they will.” The fingers pressed at her bottom hole expectantly. “Open, girl. This should be no problem as long as you cooperate.”

She let out a whine as the fingers gained purchase, stretching her anus as they slowly plunged into her. He pushed them in until she felt his knuckles against the tight rim, awakening even more sensation deep within her bottom. He fluttered the fingers against that spot, and her bottom hole clenched his fingers automatically. She gasped as the heat instantly doubled.

“Dane,” she hissed. “That burns!”

“Unclench. The oil burns hotter when you squeeze.” He tapped her inner thigh. “Bear down and relax, Amity.”

She hated that he was right, the heat dying down almost instantly as she relaxed her anus. How did he know this shit! She highly doubted they taught such things in medical school.

His fingers began to slowly thrust then; each time he pulled them nearly all the way out, her anus would burn encouraging her to bear down more, to make the passage easier to bear. The heat and disturbing pleasure drawing an involuntary groan from her at each down thrust, the fingertips fluttering deep within her at full penetration.

“I love the oil,” Dane rumbled, not looking up at her, his gaze fixed on her stretched and burning bottom hole. “Teaches bad girls to open their bottoms when told to, doesn’t it?”

He added a finger—thankfully sans oil—to circle her clitoris as he thrust harder, and Amity dropped her head to the table, closing her eyes tight. Each touch to that little bundle of nerves made it feel like her entire sex would explode.

“Oh, Jesus, Dane… that’s…”

“Let go, Amity. There’s nothing you can do about this, except obey me. Do you want to come?”

“God… I—yes!”

“Then you’d better be a good girl. You don’t come until I tell you. Understand?”

“Yes… sir!”

“Not yet.”

She let out a lost moan as he withdrew the fingers from her bottom, the strange feeling of emptiness surprising her with its intensity. Those fingers stayed there though, circling and stroking her spasming rim, a promise and a threat both.

He tapped her clitoris with his other hand. “Have you ever squirted before?”

“I don’t… no. I—don’t think I have that.”

He gave her a knowing wink, cupping her sex in his palm. “Oh I suspect you do. Considering how much pleasure you get from having your bottom taken, I’d be very surprised if you didn’t.” He grinned. “But that’s why we’re here tonight—to investigate.”

Damn him.

His finger was back at her clitoris once more, working it up and down then circling it firmly.

“This clit is so big and swollen, girl. I love it.”

Fingers closed around it, giving it a gentle squeeze, and she yelped loudly, the explosion of sensation making her clench everything, a shaming drop of moisture leaving a trail of wetness down her perineum.

She hated her clit, hated how much larger it was than most women, thankful that at least the hood hid it adequately—except at times like this when she felt seconds away from rocketing into outer space.

Then that finger curled into her soaking pussy, stroking downward, along the upper wall of her vagina as if searching for something.

Then she felt that same sensation she’d felt deep in her bottom, but this time it was much stronger, his pleased murmur confirming he’d found what he’d been looking for.

“I knew it,” he said, stroking it again, making her hips jerk. “I want you to hold out as long as you can. Let it build, and no matter what, you do not come until I say, Amity. You’ll get the strap if you do.”

“Yes, sir.”

How the hell was she going to do this? Each stroke of his fingers inside her had her almost moaning, the strange sensation stirred by his stroking of that spot within her just adding fuel to the fire.

Then he pressed fingers against her bottom once more, the lubricant still there allowing him to push two of them in, deep, deep, the incredible, confusing, forbidden sensation making her take several panting breaths. Her bottom hole seemed to throb in time with her clit now, the stretched tissues still smoldering from the effects of that evil oil.

The stroking of his finger in her pussy came faster then and she moaned loudly, that strange sensation building, that pressure, that urgency spiraling higher and higher.

“Dane, oh, fuck, I can’t hold. Please. Please!”

“Yes, you can. You’re going to learn control. This is just the beginning.” All the while his devastating fingers broke her down even further. “You don’t get to come unless I allow it.”

Sweat broke out all over her then, her whole body tensing as he brought her up to that edge, her panting loud and labored.

“Please… need to come. My God, please!” Her head whipped back and forth, her awareness hazy but for the incredible sensation building and building. “I can’t hold it!”

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