The Doctor and the Naughty Girl (21 page)

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“Come for me, Amity. Squeeze down now, let it come.”

She shrieked as his thumb eased over her clit, his fingers inside her pussy pressing hard against that spot, stroking at the same time, his thick fingers reaming her bottom hole firmly. She squeezed tight, then it came down and her whole body froze, drawing a strangled cry from her at each hard spasm, afraid she’d pee all over him, her vision graying out as the spurts of fluid arced up, soaking his wrist, dark drops spreading on his shirt, the pleasure so intense she thought she might pass out from it.

“Gooood girl, such a good girl,” he murmured, excitement in his voice. “More, more. That’s right.”

The room filled with her scent and she laid her head back, her breath gone, pleading, begging him to stop, to never stop.

But diabolical man that he was, he didn’t stop, instead leaving his two fingers deep in her bottom and turning to the table next to him. He held up a gleaming S-shaped tool made from smooth, polished steel.

“You’re not done, girl—not by a long shot.”

Dane inserted the tool into her seething sex, and she jumped, the cold of it seeming to awake her nerve endings all over again as it pressed firmly against that same, special spot

“You’ll hold it back until I tell you to come,” he growled, the predatory glint in his now dark gaze. “I want to see you squirt again.”

The next twenty minutes were a haze of frantic moans, pleading, tears, overwhelming sensation, and drowning pleasure as he worked that spot within her, his fingers plundering her aching, burning bottom hole all the while. He worked her up to a peak, growling at her to hold,
threatening her with the cane again if she failed him. Then he’d stop, smiling down upon her, stroking her shaking thighs as she begged, delirious, the fire within her sex slowly dying to agonizing embers.

And then he did it all over again.


* * *


She trembled in his arms as he carried her up the stairs, her arms wrapped around his neck, her head buried under his chin. Her soft, spent, beautiful body practically poured from his arms onto the bed. In the shadowed bedroom, she lifted her bottom to him, her luminous brown eyes looking back at him where her flushed cheek pressed to the bedspread.

Her sex opened for him further as she hollowed her back, just as she knew he liked, her little white feet so vulnerable below the wide, open impossibly wet fragrant cunt waiting for him. He slid into her with a long growl, her body shuddering beneath him. Dane didn’t speak a word then as he took her, wrapping his fist in her long dark hair, clasping her narrow waist in the grip that said it all, said what he felt, what he knew now in his bones.


Twice more, deep into the night, he made her open for him, made her accept his rightful place deep inside her, claiming that which they both now knew was his, until she had no more to give.

He woke to find her little body curled up against his, the covers kicked down, her pale skin luminous in the shadows, his hand easing over the alluring curve of her hip as they lay there in the darkness.

“I like it when you do that.” Her bright eyes peered up at him, her head on his chest. “When you just touch me.”

“I’d touch you every minute of the day if I could.”

She smiled, and kissed his chest. Then she watched him—he didn’t know for how long—the quiet growing heavier and heavier, waiting for his thoughts to crowd in on him as they so often did at night. Having her next to him though, it quieted those thoughts. Having her next to him showed him what was right with the world, right with life. He hugged her closer.

“How do you do it?” Her fingers stroked through the hair on his chest, making his nipples harden and tingle. “The babies, how do you keep doing it, knowing the risks?”

“You mean being sued?”

She nodded against him.

“We all fear it, sure. But nothing worth doing is easy.” He shrugged. “I know some deep sea fisherman must fear drowning, alone at sea. But somebody’s gotta do it, so they do. I understand how they feel.”

“I’m… I’m in awe of it. Of what you do.”

His heart swelled more than it should have at her words. He knew with every sigh, every sweet word, every admiring look of those big brown eyes, he was dangerously close to losing himself to this fascinating young woman.

“This job—you get to witness something every day that most of us take for granted. Each time you see those blue eyes open—it’s the beginning of a story. I know this probably sounds stupid, but I really think of it that way.”

“I don’t think it’s stupid,” Amity said in a soft voice that had his cock coming to life all over again.

He caressed her cheek. “A story that’s never been told before, and won’t ever be told again—and one only a few people may ever even know about. But I get a glimpse.” He kissed the top of her head and she purred. “And each one is as sweet as the first, Amity. That pure joy on those parents’ faces as they meet that new little person for the first time? Nothing on this earth like it.”

“Nothing on this earth like you,” she whispered against his skin.

“Flattering your boss will get you everywhere.”

Amity giggled, then peered up at him, her expression sobering.

“What about when it goes… wrong?”

The memories flooded back, the ones he put away in that steel box, where they couldn’t hurt anymore, where they wouldn’t make him doubt everything he thought he knew about life—and death. He took a deep breath, her small hand giving his belly a comforting caress.

“Sometimes… they don’t make it. I had one die last year—perfectly healthy boy. Big kid, almost nine pounds. Went into cardiac arrest completely out of the blue at the nurse’s station. Crash team got called, but none of it mattered. He was just gone—no reason at all to it.” He pushed down the hurt that surged up suddenly, the hurt that made him want to scream with the helplessness and injustice of it. “I had to be the one—to tell them. As soon as I walked into their room, the parents, they just… somehow they just knew that my next words were going to shatter their lives. And they did.”

Her soft kisses against his chest were a sweet balm against that terrible pain. “I’m
sorry, Dane. So, so sorry.”

“Part of the job, right?” He pulled her further up onto his chest so he could kiss her cute little nose. “Just like you, bad girl.”

She frowned. “Is that all I am to you?”

“Oh, you’re a lot more than part of the job,” he said, turning to his side and flipping her around so that her soft bottom pressed to his rapidly hardening cock. He cinched an arm under her breasts, his other hand playing with the hard nipples. “And the sweetest part a man could imagine.” He nibbled on the join between her shoulder and neck. “Put your leg over my hip.”

As she did, he slid into her wet heat, drawing a long shuddering sigh from Amity.

Her hands closed over his, and her hips swiveled the tiniest bit.

“No,” he whispered. “Be still. I just want to hold you. Just like this.”

Dane needed this, to be close, to feel this woman, to have someone to share the night with.

And as sleep swiftly overtook both of them, it came to him, the clarity of it making him sigh with relief, at last free of the burden of it.

Steph was finally gone.

Chapter Fifteen



“You seem to like that one particular workstation, Dr. McKendrick. Is there some, uh, ergonomic feature particularly suited to you?” Cathie stopped next to him, her hand on her hip, rolling her eyes. “You don’t have to watch her all the time. She’s not gonna blow away or anything.”

Dane was entering in patient data at one of several of the standing only computer terminals set in a line outside the row of exam rooms. He liked the end one, which afforded him a clear view down the hallway through the glass doors into the lobby. He could—just as he was doing now—watch Amity, if he chose. And he often did.

“I don’t want to hear it, Cathie. I don’t comment on your extracurriculars, do I?”

She lowered her voice so only Dane could hear. “This really isn’t just you getting your dick wet, is it? You’re really into her.”

He scowled at her. “Jesus Christ, I swear you were born a man with the mouth you have, Nurse Severin.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Dane looked down, shaking his head. He waved a dismissive hand over his shoulder. “Leave me alone. Go do… nurse stuff.”

He looked down the hallway at Amity. She was wearing a crisp white blouse and a long black skirt, and he watched her pink lips move as she talked to a patient who leaned over the lobby counter. She sat back in her chair, and her brow creased for just a moment. He knew she was sitting on a tender bottom. That very morning, in the cool of his pre-dawn bedroom, he’d finally given her that caning he’d been promising her. Ten red weals later, he’d tucked her back into bed, kissing her tears from her cheeks, his whispered order to go back to sleep the last thing he’d said before slipping out the bedroom door.

Amity glanced up at him, her lips quirking in a quick smile before she turned her attention back to the patient. The color high in her cheeks told him she was thinking of anything but the conversation at hand.

Though Amity had asked him not to change anything, he had—he’d gotten even stricter. Any cursing, any cross word with Cathie, and even a second late to work, and she’d be in for it. The first time had been the very next day after they’d had sex. Amity had come back to the office just before noon, and Cathie—as usual—had given her the eye-rolling disdain Amity had come to expect, even as it set her teeth on edge. Cathie had of course reported the wayward girl’s indiscretion.

Ten minutes later, Amity found herself taken aside into one of the spare exam rooms, Dane standing close, her breast lifted in one of his hands, squeezed so hard she winced. His lecture reminding her of her promise to treat Cathie just as she would him, had left her shamefaced, her eyes threatening tears, and no doubt with a sore, throbbing boob. She learned quite quickly that just because he was fucking her didn’t mean he wouldn’t be holding her accountable for her behavior. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Where at first, he might see her once a week—at most—soon she was spending most nights at his house. She’d even started leaving some clothes there. But it had never been anything spoken of explicitly—it had just happened organically. She’d learned to shape up quickly though in her job, and while she played the good girl at work, and had dramatically improved her performance and her behavior, her nights increasingly belonged to him. He took great pleasure in putting her through her paces, his expectations for her increasing every week, his evolving requirements ensuring she’d always have plenty of faults they’d both enjoy having him punish her for.

Now, things were… different. He didn’t like being apart from her, and eventually she became the first thought on his mind in the mornings, and the last image as sleep finally took him at night. It was emotional territory he swore he’d never tread again—not after Steph.

The vibration at his front pocket startled him. He pulled out his cell, and cursed under his breath. He looked at his watch and pointed at Cathie. “Mrs. Bryant should be here for her thirty-two week. I’ve gotta take this but I’ll be right back.”

He slipped quickly into his office, connecting the call as his door closed.

“Mr. Derrington, this is… unexpected.”

“Dane, I thought we understood one another.”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to. What’s going on?”

Dane’s limbs tightened, adrenaline already pouring into his bloodstream. He’d never given Chuck his cell phone number.

“I know you’re seeing her, and I won’t have it. You need to end it.”

Dane took a deep breath, schooling his voice into a calmness he wasn’t even close to feeling.

“I don’t recall giving you veto power over my personal life, Chuck. And I need to ask how you got this number.”

“I vet everyone I’m considering helping. I don’t take chances, doctor. I learned a lot more during the vetting process than I expected—or wanted—to learn. But now it’s out in the open, and I don’t like it.” Chuck’s voice dripped with disgust. “I’m not going to let her be dragged down into your lifestyle. Your perversion. She’s my daughter.”

“She’s also a grown woman who can decide for herself what she does with her life.”

Chuck let go a long sigh, and when he spoke again, the smooth, confident elite was back. “Dane, look. I’m prepared to overlook this as merely a personal failing—we’re all human, right? If I have to, I can separate a person’s failings from their skillset. I’ve done it before. It’s never too late to start doing the right thing here, the smart thing, so I’m going to put this in plain terms. You stop seeing her, for good—right now—and that door stays open for you. I’ve got the contract paperwork sitting right here on my desk.”

“Chuck,” Dane said, rubbing his temple with two fingers. “I don’t think my personal life has any bearing whatsoever on this. Let’s just put it aside, okay? This is work—business. That’s all.”

“No, it’s not anymore, Dane. I need you to see that, and take a step back. Think about what you’re doing. What I’m offering you, I don’t offer to just anyone. This is that golden ticket, doctor. Look, to be honest, I don’t really care what fucked-up shit you get up to in your personal life, as long as you keep it quiet. But I’ll be
if it’s going to be with my daughter. I know you’re not a father, so perhaps you don’t understand this, but it’s how it is.”

“This is… bullshit.” Dane cleared his throat. “Okay, say I’m interested—and I’m
saying I am. What exactly are we talking about here? This ‘door’ as you put it.”

“Assistant director of OB operations. You won’t have to see patients anymore, no more being on call. Your salary will more than double—and that’s before bonuses kick in.”

Jesus Christ.

Chuck continued. “Jack Delaney’s been director of obstetrics and gynecology since before the fucking earth cooled. He’s gonna retire soon, it’s only a matter of time. That’s the
open door.”

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