The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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There were a similar number of urinals on the other long wall, a couple of toilet stalls, and half a dozen sinks. Adequate for dusty extras to clean up after a scene, but not what they wanted to offer the woman who would mate with them. No, it was definitely time for a nice modern bathroom of their own.

The three of them moved together under a central showerhead, and Nicholas and Curtis began sponging Autumn clean while she leaned her head back under the spray and let the water run through her hair. She had nice hair, a very dark brown like her fur in panther form, and it fell just below her shoulders. It sure looked sexy all wet and shining and sticking to her back like that.

Nicholas concentrated on sponging her arms and breasts. It’d been so hot shooting his seed on her, marking her as his. He wished he could have let it dry on her so everyone would know she was his, but humans didn’t do that sort of thing unfortunately. It was weird remembering she was a panther, not a wolf, but she felt right to him. The three of them were right together, even if Curtis was human and she was half-panther, half-human. Nicholas didn’t even know any female wolves at all, which was truly strange. Female shape-shifters were rare, and the few he knew were all big cats. It was weird, but that’s just how it was.

Nicholas kneeled on the tiles and sponged her feet. Even her feet were pretty, with long toes and cute round heels. He wanted her so much. Getting her to agree to move out here to the movie studio and live with them might be a bit tricky, but he and Curtis would do it. Once they got her to live with them, sooner or later she’d agree to mate with them both.

Curtis stepped out of the shower and brought them over a big towel each. Nicholas used his own towel to wrap around Autumn’s hair and went back for another one for himself. Curtis nodded to him as if to say,
I should have thought of that
. It was amazing how often they understood each other. Likely because they’d worked together so closely for several years now on this movie studio they co-owned.

Wrapped in their towels, they walked back to the bedroom set, Curtis stopping at the storeroom to grab a clean sheet for the bed.

Autumn helped Curtis make the bed, but when she went to pull the red velvet quilt up, Curtis shook his head and said, “Not yet.”

She sat on the bed, shoved a few pillows between her back and the cold glass of the headboard, and said, “So are we going to talk or get dressed or what?”

“Mostly ‘or what,’” said Nicholas, grinning at her.

“I don’t suppose you’d care to explain that a little?” she asked.

Nicholas glanced at Curtis. As the Dom and the one who’d actually planned the scenes for tonight, it was his role to choreograph what happened next.

“The basic plan was to give you as many orgasms as possible this evening,” said Curtis slowly.

“I’ve already had two, which was very nice indeed. How many did you have in mind?”

“At least one more, preferably two.”

“I need to be able to walk tomorrow. You do understand that?”

“You don’t really need to walk. We could shop online for your new underwear,” said Curtis. But Nicholas knew he was joking. There was the faintest hint of a curve to his lips and laugh lines by his eyes.

Autumn just looked skeptical and said, “Uh-huh.”

Curtis opened the nightstand drawer and took out the lube and the butt plug, resting them on the bed beside him. “You are ours, Autumn, and we want to fuck you properly. Me in your ass and Nicholas in your cunt, together. Double penetration, the best sex a woman can ever experience. Two cocks inside you, Autumn, filling you totally, completely, making you ours.”

“The fucking is fine. I’ve often wondered what it would feel like, ever since Larry and Carey double fucked Jubilee on the stage in the barn at Verity and Serena’s twenty-first birthday party. I think that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. But you’re not to bite me. I don’t want to wake up with a tattoo on my neck like Gaynor’s. On her it’s pretty, but I’m a panther, not a wolf.”

“No one will bite you tonight. I’ve never heard of tattoos like theirs appearing on anyone ever before, but since it happened once there’s always the possibility it could happen again. I promise you Nicholas and I will never claim you without your consent.”

Nicholas had wondered if biting her would bring on a tattoo. He rather liked the idea of them all having matching tattoos. But as Curtis had said, never without her consent. A bite was part of the mating ritual, and mating always had to be consensual. Hopefully, she would adjust to the idea, but it didn’t need to be today or even in the next few months. One step at a time was fine by him.

“So shall we prepare you for the fucking? We need to open your ass first.”

Autumn didn’t answer. She dropped the towel she had wrapped around her body and rolled onto her front. She wiggled around, sticking her ass up in the air, then pulled the towel off her hair and ran her fingers through it.

Nicholas watched, amazed, as the tangled curls instantly smoothed into long, neat strands. How did she do that?

He sat beside her on the bed and massaged her shoulder and her upper arm as Curtis began to prepare her ass. Nicholas watched Curtis smooth lube all around her rear entry then slide one finger inside her and begin to stretch her tissues. He matched the soothing rubbing on her shoulder with the speed and strokes that Curtis was using on her ass.

As Curtis slipped a second finger inside her, Nicholas reached for her breast, almost hidden under her body. He slid his hand under her and found the nipple, stretching and tweaking it, before stroking the warm, round globe of her breast again.

Now Curtis was coating the butt plug with lube. As Curtis pushed it into Autumn’s body, Nicholas leaned down and gently kissed the soft and delicate skin along her neck. Underneath him, Autumn shivered, but it was a sexy, aroused, erotic shiver, not one of fear or pain.

“Roll over, Autumn,” said Curtis.

She did so, blinking at them, and Nicholas realized she’d been in a carnal dream, just enjoying their touches. That meant they’d easily get another orgasm from her before the final one as they fucked her together.

He looked at Curtis and his friend nodded. Yes, they were on the same wavelength.

Nicholas slid down the bed a little and began running his finger, just one finger, along the join between her leg and her torso. Autumn flopped her leg wide open, offering him everything. But not yet. He wanted to arouse her more first. This was to be the preliminary climax. Again and again he teased the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, touching and teasing, always as softly as he could do it and still make her shiver.

Curtis was stroking her breasts and also her inner wrists and kissing her, so Nicholas lifted one of her legs high and sucked on the soft skin behind the knee. Her cunt was creaming now, her honey dripping onto the bed. It wouldn’t be long now.

As Curtis took her mouth, Nicholas bent and tongued her clit. She tasted so good, and she looked so beautiful wiggling under their combined attention. His dick was harder than a spike and he could hardly wait to fuck her, but first she needed to come.

He elongated her clit with his lips then reached under her ass and wiggled the butt plug in and out. He wasn’t sure what Curtis did, but between them it was enough. Autumn gave a big sigh and came.

Happily, he maneuvered around and slid his aching, hungry, needy cock deep inside her quivering cunt. Oh yes, that felt wonderful. Hot and wet and oh, so very fucking good. He wanted to pound into her, but now wasn’t the time. Curtis nodded to him and he gathered Autumn’s shaking body into his arms and flipped them around so she was on top of him. Curtis moved behind them both and then Nicholas felt the butt plug being taken away. He braced himself for the highly erotic next step of Curtis’s cock joining him inside her. They could always feel each other’s cocks when they shared a woman. Not that they’d done it very often, but this wasn’t the first time. It was, however, the most important time. Nicholas knew this was their woman. The one they’d both mate.

He held Autumn firmly as Curtis pushed into her ass. Autumn’s pussy had been tight before, grabbing his dick so hard, but with Curtis inside her as well she was even tighter. Their cocks rested against each other, separated only by the thinnest of membranes.

Curtis nodded at him. Now it was time to fuck her brains out. This was the moment they’d show her how very good the three of them could be together. Nicholas waited patiently as Curtis withdrew from her, and only when he felt Curtis begin to press in again did he start to pull out. As slowly as they could they kept up the pressure. One always there as the other moved out, only gradually moving faster, harder, trying to light up every one of her nerve endings as they fucked her.

Soon they were pounding into her, and Nicholas knew he couldn’t last much longer. Already he had that tingling at the base of his spine which meant his time was absolutely up. Desperately, he petted her arms and nuzzled his face against her neck. Just as he was beginning to wonder if he’d disgrace himself by coming first, she burst around him, screaming her release, her head buried against his chest. His cum exploded from him without any effort or thought on his behalf as he rested his face on the top of her head, loving having her in his arms like this. He was still pumping his streams of cum into her as he felt the heat of Curtis’s explosion inside her ass. Together they held her tightly until they all stopped shaking, then Curtis wrapped a leg around them all, turning them on their sides.

They lay like that for the longest time and Nicholas knew that was how he wanted to spend every night of his life. In bed with his best friend and the woman they both loved, his cock buried deep inside her and his arms holding her.


* * * *


The two men dragged Autumn back to the bathroom to shower again, but they had to do most of the work. Her legs felt too wobbly to hold her up, and she was so tired she felt like she’d run a hundred miles. On the other hand, that had been the best orgasm ever in a night of spectacular orgasms, so she wasn’t exactly complaining. But she wouldn’t mind sleeping for an hour or two. Or three. Except that she had to go home. No one would say anything if she stayed out all night. She wasn’t a baby and she wasn’t even a full panther for them to be worrying about rogue panthers taking her, because the rogues insisted they wanted full-blood shifters only. But they would notice and worry, and she didn’t want to upset her friends and her pack. So a nap sure, but then she had to go home.

Curtis changed the bed linens again—
he must spend all his free time doing laundry!
—and this time they snuggled under the softest quilt she’d ever seen. The velvet was positively decadent. Having two men holding her, hugging her, was pretty decadent, too.

“What do you need the green car for? Is that a new movie you’re filming?” she asked, stifling a yawn.

“No, an advertisement. We just inked a deal on a series of community-service advertisements on recycling common, everyday goods. Lots of people pass on outgrown clothing and send baby furniture to charities, but there’re so many other things that can be mended or reused. Secondhand stores can sell almost anything, and there’re plenty of people who mend or reuse things a different way. The series of short films we’re to make will highlight some of these things. The car is our own private joke. It’ll be in every advertisement, but the question is, will anyone know that except us?” said Nicholas.

“I like that idea. It’s very clever indeed,” she said, snuggling down between the men. How awesome it was to relax with these two men. She liked them both very much and tonight had been very special indeed, but part of her refused to let her rest.

She was a panther, a big cat. Nicholas was a werewolf. Curtis was human. She wasn’t sure which was most shocking, for a panther to mix with a wolf or with a human. One thing she was sure of, no enduring relationship could come of such a misalliance. Cats and dogs did not get along together. And throwing a human into the mix just made it even more unlikely there could be any enduring happiness for the relationship.

Dogs chased, and sometimes even killed, cats. While she didn’t exactly think Nicholas would kill her, the relationship could break up in a very, very messy way. Not only would that hurt her terribly, it could possibly even destroy the wonderful relationship Curtis and Nicholas shared, likely even ruining their movie business. There was no way Autumn could ever let the situation develop that far.

But for now, right this minute, she was prepared to enjoy herself. Although likely, it was time for her to get dressed and go home. Thank goodness no one would know she was walking around without underwear.
Naughty Curtis!

She sat up and crawled to the end of the bed.

“What are you doing?” asked Curtis in a bossy voice.

“Getting dressed to go home.”

Nicholas sat upright and stared at her. “Why aren’t you going to spend the night with us?”

“I have my own home and people will worry about me.”

“So text Ramona and tell her you’ve decided to spend the night with us,” said Curtis, giving her a wickedly lascivious look.

Autumn grinned then giggled. “That’s very tempting, but no. I’m going home now.”

Nicholas reached for her, but she sidestepped him and continued buttoning up her blouse.

BOOK: The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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