The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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First he tied their wrists together, using a fresh rope for each pair. Then he did the same with their feet. Finally, he wrapped two lengths of rope around their middles, leaving one length free to tie them up elsewhere at each person’s back.

Curtis pointed to a wooden box-shaped framework with rungs up one side and across the top. “Stand in the center of the box,” he ordered.

Curtis watched as Nicholas took charge of his and Autumn’s movements, as if they were on a dance floor, maneuvering them across the stone floor to the equipment. It took a few minutes, but soon they were where he’d instructed them to go. Nevertheless, the entire point of this evening was to get them to leave all the decisions to him. To rest in the knowledge that he was in control and he had planned out everything perfectly. Instead of them feeling they always had to strive hard and work for their pleasure, they needed to know he alone could give them perfect release and all they needed to do was obey him. He alone was Master in the dungeon. Here there should be no more thinking, no more planning, no more struggling. Just pure obedience. Once they gave their bodies over to him their climaxes and releases, both mental and physical, would be ten times better than when they had to stress and strain.

Curtis cracked his birch loudly. “Did I say you could lower your arms? Did I say you could touch each other?” he roared at them.

“No, Master,” said Autumn softly.

“No, Sir,” said Nicholas.

Curtis marched across the floor, making sure his boots stomped loudly on the stones. “Nicholas, what is your role in the dungeon?”

“To obey you, Sir.”

“Yes. That is your only task here.” Curtis slammed the birch into Nicholas’s ass, letting it sting and bite across those taut muscles.

“Who is your Master in the dungeon, Autumn?”

“You are, Master.”

“Remember that.” This time he made sure the strands were parted. It would still sting but not bruise her more delicate skin, just give her eighteen reminders to obey him.

Slowly and carefully, he tied the ends of the ropes to the framework, arms spread out to the sides and legs stretched wide apart also. Then, using the ropes at Nicholas’s waist and just above Autumn’s hips, he tied them to the sides of the framework so they had almost no movement. They were linked closely together. They would feel each other’s arousal intimately yet be incapable of responding to it. They could part their chests somewhat and even their pelvises an inch or so, but not enough to prevent themselves becoming more and more aroused by each other’s responses to the whipping he was about to administer. They could also see each other’s faces and facial responses, which should further heighten the drama of the scene they were about to play.

All in all, this should be a lesson to them that when they were totally unable to take action yet were together, their pleasure would be intensified exponentially.

“You will remain totally unmoving,” he ordered.

“Yes, Master.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Curtis marched back and forth across the dungeon, stomping his feet loudly as he went, making his pace even and measured and remaining always within arm’s reach of his submissives. After a few minutes he cracked his birch across Nicholas’s shoulders as he passed but ignored Autumn. He repeated his actions twice before immediately whipping Autumn on the same pass. He did not slow or alter his pace at all.

Then he changed the way he moved. They would have gotten used to his measured pace, so now he slowed down and marched loops around the equipment, making his progress quite random. As he passed them, now and again, he’d lay a stroke on one or another ass.

Finally, he swiveled and stayed in place, hitting their shoulders, backs, and asses at random. He even made sure a lighter flick from one or two strands caught them between the legs, on the oh-so-sensitive inner skin.

Curtis himself was sweating now, and so were his two subs. Both had delightfully pink butts and some red lines across their shoulders and upper backs. He looked down and saw Nicholas’s cock was huge and the insides of Autumn’s thighs were damp. He was willing to bet that was arousal, not sweat.

“Is your cock hard, Nicholas?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Would you like to move closer to Autumn and drive it deep inside her hot, wet cunt?”

“Yes please, Sir.”

“Autumn, would you like a cock inside you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“What if I said he had to fuck you here, roped together like this?”

“You’re in charge of our pleasure, Master. If you say so, I know we’ll be able to do it.”

“Good answer, sub.” Curtis smoothed his hand across her hot ass, then down her thigh and up the inside. She was extremely wet and sticky. Oh yes, she was ready to be fucked.

He untied one set of feet. “Wrap your leg over his hip so he can enter you, Autumn.” Obediently, she raised her leg, resting her inner knee on Nicholas’s hip and her heel against his spine. Nicholas had to wiggle up and down and sideways, but Curtis smiled as they both heaved a huge sigh when his cock penetrated her pussy.

“You may fuck and come,” he said.

Curtis walked across to where he’d left his outdoor clothing and grabbed a jar of ointment. He stood behind Autumn and scooped some ointment onto two fingers and closely watched the speed and pattern Nicholas was using to take Autumn. It seemed that Nicholas was going deliberately slowly, which suited Curtis fine. As Nicholas withdrew, Curtis pushed his fingers into Autumn’s anus, smoothly lubing the ring of muscles and just inside her entry.

Autumn gasped softly. Nicholas nodded and appeared to make his movements even more deliberate so Curtis could match his pace with theirs. He gently pushed his fingers deeper inside her, softening and stretching her tissues. Finally, he decided she was ready and freed his cock, coating it with the ointment before placing the jar on the floor.

He waited until Nicholas was moving faster and pushing deeper into Autumn then bent down and kissed his way around her entry, biting gently on the muscles and sliding his tongue just inside her. The ointment he’d used was an edible one, which not only lubed her but also gave her a slightly minty flavor. I think I prefer the real unchanged her,
he decided.

Now he held her hips and braced his own dick at her rear entry. He waited until Nicholas was withdrawing from her then slammed into her as hard as he could, holding her ass firmly against his balls. The moment Nicholas drove back inside her Autumn screamed and shattered. Nicholas pounded into her as Curtis held her still, making it easier for Nicholas to achieve his release. Once Nicholas began to shake, Curtis began to withdraw and push in himself, knowing that having Nicholas inside her as well would drive her into a second orgasm. Just to be sure, he took one hand from her hip and slid it along the join between her body and her leg, forcing it between her belly and Nicholas’s pelvis until his fingers could play with her clit.

The little button was hot and swollen and Curtis proceeded to pinch and stretch it, causing her to begin moaning again. He drove into her as deeply as he could, using his thigh muscles to push up and in, as his fingers twisted and tweaked her clit. Then she came, her inner muscles rippling and contracting, holding his dick hard inside her. He felt Nicholas jet another stream of cum into her as he broke himself, his own seed shooting from his dick over and over again.

What he’d really like now was for the three of them to cuddle together on a soft bed, maybe take a nap, but tonight was about his two subs acquiring knowledge and learning lessons. He pulled his cock out of her reluctantly then began moving around them, undoing his knots, taking the ropes off them, rolling the ropes up to take them home again.

He picked up the jar of ointment and put all his things in a neat pile then stepped over to Nicholas. The two of them had learned their lesson and were standing exactly as he’d left them.

“You’re obedient submissives. Rub her shoulders and loosen her muscles for her, Nicholas,” Curtis said and began massaging Nicholas’s shoulders himself.

Finally, he said, “Wiggle your muscles and sit down on the floor for a few minutes.” The stone was cold, but their asses would still be hot from the birching. Provided he didn’t talk to them for too long they were in no danger of catching a chill.

“Autumn, what did you learn tonight?”

She looked at him and giggled. “That fucking birch of yours hurts. Um, that when you plan a scene, if we do it as you say, without messing it up, it’ll work fine even if it sounds a little weird. I also learned that when we’re together we can do things that would be difficult or impossible to do alone.”

“Very good. Nicholas?”

Nicholas grinned irrepressibly at Curtis. “I learned you have a fucking devious and twisted mind. But the way you orchestrated the scene built up the tension so when we got to fuck it was way better than if we’d just jumped into bed and done it. By overcoming the difficulties together we appreciated the end result more because our responses were heightened.”

“That’s what I hoped you’d learn. That’s great. We will sleep in a bed one night soon. I just need to organize that. Both of you get dressed now and go home. I need to tidy up this dungeon,” said Curtis.

Autumn came over and kissed him. “Thank you, Curtis. I do appreciate you. And thank you, Nicholas. I appreciate you, too,” she said, kissing him as well.

Curtis gave her a hug, punched Nicholas on the arm, and collected his things. When they had both left he checked the dungeon was as he’d found it and walked out to the parking lot. His scene had worked well. Hopefully, they truly had understood the message he wanted to convey to them. Now all he had to do was find a developer who wanted to buy their movie studio land.


* * * *


Curtis had mulled over whether or not to say anything to Autumn about his and Nicholas’s plans for their joint future. She’d come on board really well with the double fucking and the scene in the dungeon, so he knew she’d be perfect for them.

He and Nicholas had both known that for a while now. But did Autumn know it?

Finally, he realized he had to say something. If they were to be a genuine threesome there couldn’t be a situation where he and Nicholas had plans and ideas that were kept from Autumn. Besides, she was damn smart and would pick up on any of their fears and worries anyway.

So they walked her out into the garden the next evening, even though it was chilly outside, and Curtis asked, “Autumn, you enjoyed that dungeon scene, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” She grinned at them both.

Before she could ask him any questions he said, “And you enjoyed the sex, right?”

“Absolutely.” She looked adorably flushed when she answered him.

“You know that Nicholas and I both love you.”

“We do,” interjected Nicholas, taking her hand and holding it between both of his.

“We want to move our relationship up to the next level. Up several levels. When the movie studio is here at Carnal Connections we want you to live with us.”

Autumn dipped her head. “I don’t know. I can’t answer that question yet.”

“That’s okay. Just think about it. Think about us.” Curtis pulled her against his body, grinding his aching dick into her soft flesh. With one hand he tilted her chin up and kissed her. Immediately, her mouth opened and she kissed him back enthusiastically. Then he stepped back and Nicholas pulled her into a bear hug.

She’d gotten the message. She’d agree to being with them, mating with them eventually. He just had to take one step at a time. Curtis knew it.


* * * *


Autumn was up-to-date with all her yarn projects so had caught a ride to the movie studio with Ramona and Gaynor for the day. She hoped Curtis and Nicholas weren’t going to be angry with her, but she wanted to find out what was happening. Had they made any progress at all in their plans to move to Carnal Connections?

Ramona and Gaynor were talking in the front seat and Autumn, in the backseat, had basically tuned them out. Nicholas and Curtis’s hopes to build their studio next to Carnal Connections was very much still in the planning stages as yet, but she liked the idea of them being nearby. They spent all their spare time with the BDSM community as it was, so it made sense for them to move closer.

Of course, if she did move in with them as Curtis had suggested, having them so close may make things a little difficult when she broke up with the men, when their relationship came to its natural end, but since she could work anywhere, she wouldn’t need to see them until any awkwardness had disappeared.

Autumn intentionally didn’t dwell on the fact that she hated the thought of seeing them with another woman. It was all in the distant future anyway.

Autumn switched her thoughts to all the other things happening in the community.

David was still being a model trainee for JB. She knew Leticia desperately hoped he’d reformed and would be able to stay at the community. She wasn’t sure, but she did understand he’d missed a lot of vital panther socializing which he was now getting, so maybe he’d turned over a new leaf. She wanted to believe he had for Leticia’s sake.

Then there was Galen, who was still missing. To many people, this proved he’d freed Jim from jail and that they were on the run from the authorities. If they were, Autumn hoped they’d go back to Florida or Texas or wherever it was Galen had been for the past three years. Fortunately, Sam was still locked up, and it looked like the ram-raiders were getting a much longer jail sentence this time.

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