The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance (41 page)

BOOK: The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance
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It was a lot of effort to hold back when he was trying so hard to break her, but she thought she had it under control.


“Now, baby, now.” Rafe growled out, and she let go of something that released the flood of pulses and contractions in her body with an orgasm so strong it hurt a little. She heard him come, but because he’d wanted them to do it together, she didn’t get a chance to watch him. He probably didn’t know that he was one of her favorite things to watch. With all his masculine beauty, his head back and hips pumping, she could almost come again thinking of it.


He pulled out of her, and she got up to clean them both up. Then, the icy fear of intuition covered her body in goose bumps. Nothing had changed and there was no one around, but she felt it.


Giving him a warm wash cloth, she watched him clean up as she did the same. They both finished putting on their clothes, and she waited to hear what they were supposed to do next.


“I’m going to go back to the club and see what can be done about this, Emma. I don’t think your people know what went on yet—and maybe we can use that to our favor.”


“What am I supposed to do?” Emma wasn’t really good at lying or being asked a lot of questions; but, if he had a plan, she would trust that it would work out for the both of them.


“Just do what you normally do for the next few days. I’ll get in touch with you with your cell.”


He stood up, and his phone started ringing. Pulling it out of his pocket, he put it on speaker so he could finish getting himself together.


“Rafe.” Emma didn’t know who was on the other side of the line, but he sounded a bit frantic.


“Hey, Fat J.—what’s up?” Rafe said, sitting down to put his boots back on.


“Look, I’m not sure where you are, but some of the Headless Reapers are on their way over to where Emma is. They found a message on Marks phone from her telling him to go to the parking lot to meet her and they have questions.”


“What?” Emma couldn’t hold back that squeal of surprise.


“Damn. That’s what I thought.” Fat J. sounded like he was torn about what to do. “From what I’d heard they are paying a friendly call to her to make sure she’s alright and find out if she was threatened in any way. I got this information just seconds ago, but the men left some time ago.”


“I don’t want to leave her here alone with them,” Rafe said, finishing with his boots and throwing on his leather vest with his club’s logo on the back.


“They won’t harm her to the best of my knowledge; but, if they find you there, it will be the death of both of you. She is supposed to be where they think she is. Get out of there now, Rafe.”


“I hear you, Fat. I’m leaving.” Rafe disconnected the call and prepared to leave. He stopped to give her a kiss on the mouth. “Keep your cell nearby. I’ll text you to see if you’re free to call.”


“Alright.” Emma felt like this was the beginning of a dangerous end, and she didn’t want to let on that she was scared to death of the visitors who would soon be at her door. She knew Fat J. was right about them finding him here and what that would mean for them both. He was a rival, and she’d be a traitor. Both of those offenses could cause her club to kill her.


He walked toward the door and a loud banging made Rafe freeze in his tracks. “Emma. Open up me and some of the boys want to make sure everything is okay. Someone said you had some company in here, and we want to check on you.”


The pounding was loud enough to sound like the police, and she hoped that they didn’t plan on busting open the door; but, the way they were knocking was rattling the door frame.


She hadn’t said anything, and she turned to put her slippers on, hoping she came up with something to say about a guest someone said she had. Would opening the door to these men be the last thing she ever did?


Rafe had moved to the back bedroom door, and she waved him inside. She could tell he didn’t want to leave her but he had to. This was life or death. For both of them.


The knock came again, and although it was hard to believe they were louder and more insistent than the first one. “We are going to count to three, and then we’re busting this door down.”


Emma moved quickly to get to the door, but they counted one, two, three so quickly she couldn’t get to the door before they broke it open.


“Damn, guys. I was on my way to answer it. I was in the bathroom.” She was proud that she sounded like she was out of breath from running to the door, but she was really scared to death. Her blood pressure made her feel like she’d run a marathon although she’d not moved much from this spot.


“Where is he?” One of the older bikers asked, and she hoped she could pull this off.




“Don’t play dumb, honey. Whoever was in here. We think it was Rafael Neal. That’s what a witness said they saw.”


“We had a pizza delivered earlier. Maybe that’s what someone saw.” This sounded ridiculous even to her ears.


“A pizza, huh? You keep the pizza man here for a little recreation?” They doubted her story, and she had no idea what she could do to make them believe her.


“No.” She shook her head and looked toward the bedroom door.


The older biker followed her gaze and told her to be quiet. She couldn’t believe she’d given herself away like that. The crew of them walked toward the door and pushed it open. They were in there for a few seconds that felt like forever.


“Where is he?” The older man asked again.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m the only one here.” She hoped she was right; but, since they were still asking questions, Rafe must have gotten out of there somehow.


“Come along with us. We have some questions for you.” The man took her by the arm and brought her along with him.


“I can’t leave now. You kicked my friend’s door open. If we leave, someone could come and take all of her stuff.”


“Well, that’s nice of you to think of that. How about we leave Jimmy here until we can get someone to fix Adrian’s door. He can also wait and see if your ‘pizza man’ makes another appearance.”


“Alright, but where are you taking me?” Emma wanted to keep them talking for as long as possible—because if she kept talking, maybe she could keep living.


“Joe has a few questions for you that just popped into his mind, and he thought you may have the answers.”


“I’ll try to help in any way I can.” Emma wondered what was next for her and if she’d ever see her lover again. She was strong and capable. This was the mantra that was going to get her through this.


The man holding her arm turned to the older man. “Get the video camera footage, maybe we can see the pizza guy on there.”


Emma’s heart felt like it’d had dropped to her stomach, but she kept her head up and kept walking. Was she walking to her doom? She didn’t know, but fate had brought her here so she would just hold on for the ride.



Two weeks, three days and counting. Emma Walsh sat on the couch in the main room that was filled with happy people and good times. Too bad she was an outcast that wasn’t allowed into the fun. A little over two weeks ago, she’d been one of The Headless Reapers club girls and she was one of the special ones. She had been the one the other girls came to for advice and the men came to for a good time. She had been happy, well for the most part. Thinking back for a minute she knew that last part wasn’t really true. She’d been thinking about busting out of this motorcycle club girl thing and doing something else with her life. A job or a family would be nice, because being a party girl was getting old and so was she. It didn’t help that she had fallen for the man she’d had a crush on since she was a teenager in foster care… a man from The Reaper’s rival club The Mountain Tribesmen.


“Do you want something to drink?” Tricia was another club girl and Emma’s favorite person in the house.


Honestly, Tricia was one of the only people who could look her square in the eye. Most of the guys thought she’d got she’d gotten Mark “The Hammer” Spencer killed by an unknown assailant. The truth was she had done some things that the Reapers didn’t approve of and some things they couldn’t prove that she’d done. The fog of speculation was a thick covering for what had happened but she was very quiet about it and it didn’t matter who they sent over to make her talk it wasn’t going to be successful. Although Emma wasn’t talking, she could feel the anger brimming all around her like thick pea soup. Dammit, she hated pea soup.


“No thanks, Tricia, I think I’m going to head up to bed.” Emma knew she was supposed to stay downstairs in the main room most of the day so they could keep an eye on her, and she could leave with the president Joe Burgundy or Tricia. They’d taken her cell phone, well technically, it was their cell phone and while she was on this modified house arrest, she didn’t dare try to reach out to Rafe.


She was a prisoner, although she was not physically bound. The eyes of Big Brother, which was everyone at the club, followed her constantly and she lived with the relentless threat of discipline if she made one more wrong move.


Rafael “The Lucky One” Neal. He was the reason she was in so much trouble… no, that wasn't technically true. She knew when he lifted the mask of his sexy face the day he’d visited the Reaper's club that it was a life changing event. He’d lived in the foster home she’d lived in with Miss Marlene, but he’d left a few months before she’d gotten there. She’d fallen for him before she’d ever met him. She'd used him for masturbatory material and secretly flirted with him when she’d seen him out. The thing was all the women flirted with him and he seemed like catnip to the women of the Headless Reapers.


She’d snuck out with the VP of the Mountain Tribesmen and had the night she’d wanted for most of her adult life. Too bad it all went to hell in a hand basket moments after she returned the next day. Her friend, Tricia was still there and she looked like she wanted to say something. As long as it wasn’t another lecture she’d be fine but if one more person asked her what happened that night and warned her of the trouble with men outside the club she may actually scream.


After a deep sigh Tricia started. “It would go so much better for you if you would just tell them what they want to know.”


“And that is…” Emma wanted to act like she didn’t know what her friend was talking about like she did with all the other people but she couldn’t, unfortunately she couldn’t tell her friend the truth either. She knew that Tricia was closer to her than anyone else but she didn’t think she wouldn’t turn her in and get the kudos that would accompany getting her to talk.


Her buddy’s eyes narrowed and her mouth got tight. “You think you’re playing all these people but everyone knew there was an extra pep in your step when The Lucky One was near. Now that all this has happened it’s just making people think you’ve had something going on with him for longer than any of us realized.” Tricia looked around after saying the nick name that had the rough and mean looking president jumping down your throat at its very mention.


“Everyone liked him, Trix. I don’t see why my thinking he looked like a nice pet to ride would make me a criminal or him a murderer. I recall you saying some very sexual things about him too.” Emma hated to bring that up because now thinking about Tricia being interested in Rafe made her feel slightly ill, but she had to make a point.


“They’re saying you left Mark a message to meet you out in the parking lot. Is that true?” Tricia looked like she wanted to help her but Emma couldn’t be too sure. If Emma told her what really happened she would be punished worse than she was getting now. The animosity and anger was subtle but once the truth came out, if it ever came out, the subtlety would be gone and it would be full force everybody against Emma.


“That’s true, but I just wanted to talk to him. He was pretty rough with me here in the club when everyone left and I wanted to get a few things straight before we headed back.” Emma was being pretty honest with what she was sharing but she was leaving out a few points. Like the fact that she’d asked the man she’d spent the night with to talk to her new “Old Man,” someone she thought she was being handed over to because she had broke an unwritten rule: don’t leave the club with someone they don’t know. What happened in that parking lot she would never know because Rafe had put her in a cab and went back to talk to Mark alone. He said it was self defense and she had to believe that. For her sanity she had to believe that, because she would feel horrible knowing that she had a part in the death of anyone. Even a shitty guy like Mark “The Hammer” Spencer. The club was mad because he brought in the most money and she didn’t think they knew how to duplicate his part of the puzzle, which left them scrambling to find out how Mark had been able to make that kind of money and how could they do so again.


Tricia was looking into her face as if trying to find the truth in the words her friend spewed out. From the frustration on Tricia’s face it was pretty clear that she was coming up with a blank. “I don’t know how much longer this is going to go on. They are waiting for Rafael to show up and they want to talk to him but his club is holding steady that they don’t know where he is. I swear Joe is getting more angry by the day. I’d even heard they placed a spy over with the Tribesmen to see when Rafe comes back. They are serious and they want answers one way or another.” Tricia looked at her friend with wide eyes trying to get her point across that the men were getting restless and she’d better get something together to tell them.


Emma stood up, feeling as if she was going to lose whatever food she’d been able to shovel down earlier. It wasn’t like they starved her. She ate what she liked, and watched television, but she was lonely and everyone watched her as if she could take flight at any moment or kill them all depending on her mood. It was as if these people hadn’t been around her for the last few years and gotten to know her. “I know he’s angry and I know it’s at me. I’d like to leave but they won’t let me. That’s probably a good idea anyway, I don’t have any money and I don’t even know what I’d do by myself.”


“Get some sleep, girlie. I’ll tell Joe you went up to bed. Can I trust you not to do anything stupid?” Tricia had to cover her own ass and Emma wouldn’t do anything that would get her friend in the hot seat next to her. This was no place to be. She wouldn’t wish this on her worst enemy.


“Yes, Tricia. I’m not going to do anything but climb up those stairs, take a shower and get some sleep. It’s not like I have a phone or access to any form of social media. There is nothing stupid for me to do,” she said hoping to give her friend some breathing space but Tricia still looked worried.


The walk across the large room decorated with lazy boy chairs and card tables was a long one especially when people seemed to stop talking when she came near and then started back up as soon as she passed them. It would be better for all of them if she just left but for some reason the Reapers didn’t want that to happen. She was being used for something and she was sure it wasn’t good. She wanted no part of bloodshed on her hands or anywhere else. The incident that happened with Mark was bad enough and although she hadn't been there the guilt still plagued her. Walking as slowly and regally as she could because she remembered Miss Marlene always told her no matter how afraid you are don’t run out of a room…walk out with pride and dignity. She had remembered a lot of what her foster mother had said lately because she’d needed strength and calm and that was Miss Marlene in a nut shell.


She’d used up a lot of pride just walking through the crowd of people and up to her room and felt like  a deflated balloon when she arrived, but what didn’t kill you was supposed to make you stronger. Emma thought she should have Hulk like strength by now. Taking a few minutes to settle her nerves and take a few deep breaths, she felt like she could breathe easier when she was alone.


This room she’d been given was nice and hadn’t been changed since ‘The Incident’ but she had definitely changed as a person. Maybe a nice hot shower and a good night’s rest would make her feel more excited about the new day that would be the same as every other day she’d had the last few weeks. Just that thought alone made her sad and depressed. Her tomorrow was going to be just like today, yesterday and every day since her incarceration. The funny thing is that they said they were doing this for her benefit.
Yeah, right.
Emma took off her clothes and walked into the bathroom wishing there was a way to wash off the funky mood she was in as well as the grime of the day.


She enjoyed being naked, because it reminded her of Rafe, so at least there was that pleasure and while she was in the shower she could almost forget where she was and the circumstances of her life right now. Looking into the mirror at her reflection, she noticed the bruises on her breasts had faded to practically nothing and was happy that at least her body was getting back to normal. The vicious way Mark had pulled her nipples and degraded her after she’d become his old lady was something she hadn’t been ready for. That had to be the reason she’d asked Rafe for help without thinking of the trouble she’d been asking him to make on her account. In hindsight that probably wasn’t the best thing to do, but she couldn’t fix the past.


The shower was at the perfect temperature and as soon as it hit her body she moaned. She’d been sexually active long before she’d met Rafe but the way he’d worked her body like an instrument coupled with being deprived of any and all sexual adventures for the last few weeks made her want to be cuddled, touched and fucked. Since that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon she was going to be forced to take matters into her own hands. That shouldn’t have been a problem, she’d been bringing herself to orgasm for as long as she could remember, but that didn’t mean she preferred it that way.


The Reapers kept up with her need for supplies and her almond soap was one of her only requirements. Smelling the aroma of toasted almonds and feeling the warmth of the water droplets like tiny fingers on her skin made shower time her favorite time, and that was even before she’d been banished from everyone’s thoughts and concerns.


She started soaping up the bar in her wash cloth enjoying the feel of the building suds and the strong aroma of the almonds. Gliding her hands up and down her body was quickly increasing her arousal and immediately thought of Rafe and what he’d do if he were with her. That man had needed no instructions for how to touch her and make the most of every feeling she’d had. It was as if he had the manual to her body and knew exactly what buttons to push, where to stroke and when to plunge right in. There was a connection there from the start. She’d thought it was because she’d spent so much time thinking about him when she’d not known him personally to the point that she had been all revved up when she finally met him, but that didn’t account for the way Rafe had responded to her.


So in need of touch she discarded her wash cloth, desperate to feel hands on her body even if they were only her own. Leaning back against the wall she anchored her leg up so she could have room to work a little magic by herself. She was already so aroused because she’d been thinking of Rafe, his big hands and thick cock, she didn’t think she’d need much time. Her body was pulsing and just the soft passes on her clit was making her body want a more firm and vigorous touch.


It was time to put the soap down and get serious. Grasping her breast in her hand, she tugged at her nipple like Rafe would and her hips bucked wanting and needing more. She reached down between her legs and pushed two fingers inside her aching orifice. The moan that escaped her lips echoed against the walls of the bathroom and rang in her ears. It sounded as lonely as she was. She’d wanted to finish quickly but this was going to be strong and she didn’t want to fall. That would be an embarrassing thing to have happen. People would come running to see what she was up to and find her fucking herself in the bathroom. Sliding down so she could sit in the tub and she could feel the water softly hitting her throbbing clit. Taking her fingers out of her juicy hole she moved up to her love button and synchronized the tugging of her nipple with the rubbing of her clit. The tension was building up fast and she closed her eyes so she could see the man who was making her so excited and could bring her to the edge of her passion swiftly.

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