The Duke's Alliance Book Two: A Dangerous Husband (5 page)

BOOK: The Duke's Alliance Book Two: A Dangerous Husband
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'I have, it shall be the weekend after next. Perry and Aubrey are returning next week and Giselle is coming home tomorrow. I've a list of two dozen names – there'll be sufficient couples for dancing. Do I have your permission to employ musicians?'

'You may do whatever you wish, my love, it's been horribly quiet here without our siblings. I almost think back to the house party with fond memories.'

She laughed. 'I was thinking we might repeat the experience for the Christmas festivities. Bennett and Grace will have returned from their wedding trip by then and I should like to spend time with them both.'

'Let me see who you intend to invite before you send out cards, I don't want my brothers and I to be pursued by hopeful young ladies as we were last time.'

'Have you heard any news from Heatherfield? Is Lord Carshalton progressing with the investigation?'

'I know no more about the matter than you do. The militia are still searching the neighbourhood but haven't discovered any of the would-be murderers.'

'I hope the matter's resolved soon for it must be decidedly unpleasant for Lady Carshalton to be unable to go about without an armed guard.' Although she didn't mention his lordship, they both knew her concerns were more for him than his grandmother.






Chapter Five



Grey was worried that his grandmother had been adversely affected by the unfortunate events. Three days had passed and she was almost taciturn and had sent her friends away. He hoped his good news would raise her spirits.

'Grandmamma, we've had an invitation to an informal supper party at Silchester Court next weekend. I hope you will feel more yourself by then.'

She continued to stare into the fire without answering for a few minutes, but then she sat back and smiled. 'How kind of them to think of us especially after what happened when they were here. I should love to go.'

'Excellent. I'll send an acceptance note immediately. You will also be pleased to know that the area is clear. The militia captain has agreed to send out a regular patrol to ensure there are no further incidents.' He joined her in front of the fire, flicking aside his coat-tails before he sat.

'I would like to visit St Albans, my boy, I believe there is much of historical value to be seen. Although the Abbey is in a sad state of disrepair I wish to see it. I had not liked to ask whilst there was any risk attached to a visit away from here.'

'The weather is set fair so I suggest we go tomorrow. You must take your maid for company as I shall ride. The drive is no more than two hours when the roads are dry. If we leave at eight o'clock we should arrive in good time.'

'I should prefer to go next Monday, I have letters to write tomorrow and I don't care to travel at the week's end.'

'Very well, Monday it shall be. Grandmamma, I wish you would reconsider leaving here. Although I love to have your company I'm too busy to entertain you and now that your friends have gone you will be lonely.'

She nodded and leaned across to pat his hand affectionately. 'That's one of the letters I intend to write, my dear, for I've now decided to depart in November. The weather becomes inclement and the roads impossible after that.'

'In which case, I'll make every effort to spend time with you until you leave. I've been alone for much of my life and I was delighted to discover that I had a loving relative. I just wish the rift could be repaired between my uncle and cousin.'

'As do I. The feud was none of your making and it's ridiculous for my youngest son to hold a grudge.'

A footman appeared to tell Grey he was needed in the study and he apologised and left his ancient relative to her book.

Smith was waiting for him. He greeted him with a wave, indicating he should take a seat in front of the desk.

His man shook his head. 'No, I'll not be stopping. I just came in to tell you that four of the men I sent for have arrived. I've billeted them with us above the stables. Do you have any orders?'

'They must familiarise themselves with their surroundings and let the local populace see that they are employed here. I don't want them being mistaken for miscreants.'

'They'll be right glad of regular employment, sir, and after a good scrub under the stable pump, and wearing the new togs you've put by for them, they'll look more the thing. They've had a hard time of it these past few years.'

'Once we have a full complement you can mount regular patrols around the perimeter of my estate. Jenkins can leave for London now – there's no urgency so he can travel by the common stage.'

He pulled open the desk drawer and removed a handful of silver coins. 'This should be more than enough to get him there and back, and pay for a night's lodging as well.'

'Right you are, sir. Would you be wanting to meet the new men?'

'Of course, but I'll give them time to settle first. By the way, I'm taking Lady Carshalton to St Albans on Monday and I want you to accompany us. Probably not necessary, but I'm not taking any risks.'

'Best to be careful.' Smith touched his forehead and marched off.


'A note has come for you, my lady, the groom is waiting for your reply,' Peebles announced.

Madeline took the letter from the butler and broke the wax seal. She scanned the contents and smiled.


Dear Lady Madeline

I am visiting St Albans on Monday and as my friends have returned to their respective homes I was wondering if you would like to accompany me? I do not like to travel alone in a carriage. There's no need to bring your maid as I shall have mine.

If you agree then I shall collect you at nine o'clock. We should be home before dark. A verbal response is all that is necessary.


How kind of Lady Carshalton to think to include her. 'Please ask the groom to tell Lady Carshalton I should be delighted to accompany her.'

She had visited this town once before, but a day out was always a treat. No doubt the elderly ladies had departed because of the horrid events last week. If Lord Carshalton had been going then she would have refused the invitation as her brother had made it quite clear she mustn't associate with his lordship until the danger from these unknown assassins was definitely over.

Beau was in his study and put down the letter he was reading with a sigh of exasperation. 'Well, my dear, what can I do for you? As you can see I'm busy with estate business.'

Hardly an auspicious start to the conversation. She explained the reason for her visit. 'As you removed the running of the household from my hands I have nothing to do all day. Once Giselle and the twins come home I'll be content.'

'Very well, you may go. I believe that Carshalton said his grandmother has her own outriders so I've no need to send anyone from here. If there's nothing else, kindly go away and let me get on with this wretched paperwork.'

As she was about to leave he called her back. 'I apologise for being so curmudgeonly, sweetheart, I shall be relieved when my estate manager returns from visiting his sick mother and can resume his duties. Shall we play billiards when I've finished?'

'I'd love to, I shall go and practice and hope to make a better fist of it this time.'

Billiards was a gentleman's pastime but when the family were at home alone she and Giselle were allowed to play.


On Monday morning she was smartly dressed in a green promenade gown and matching pelisse. Her bonnet was lined with the same material and even her half-kid boots were green. Beau had handed her a small purse of coins before he left to visit an outlying farm, and these were carefully stowed in her reticule.

The carriage appeared at precisely nine o'clock and a footman was waiting to precede her in order to let down the steps and hand her into the vehicle.

Her stomach turned over when she saw that Lord Carshalton, riding a magnificent black stallion, was also outside. She shouldn't go, but it would be uncivil to refuse after they had made a detour to collect her.

The fact that there were three other riders accompanying the carriage reassured her she would be in no danger and that her brother could not possibly object.

'Good morning, Lady Madeline, I'd no idea until today that you were accompanying us to St Albans. I'm surprised that his grace agreed to the jaunt but delighted that he did so.'

She ran lightly down the steps and smiled up at him. 'I wasn't aware that you were coming, but as you have two men on the box and three outriders I'm sure my brother would have no objection.'

His expression changed and she skipped into the carriage before he could send her back to the house. He could hardly drag her from the vehicle once she was safely seated next to his venerable grandmother.

'Good morning, Lady Carshalton, thank you so much for inviting me. I haven't visited St Albans for several years and I'm so looking forward to it.'

'Good morning, my dear. You look very smart today, is that a new ensemble?'

'No, I've had it since last autumn.' The carriage rocked and they were in motion. Her heart stopped hammering against her bodice now she was certain she wouldn't be forcibly removed from the squabs.

Madeline had had to take the seat opposite her ladyship as the space beside her was already occupied by her abigail, Bates. This was a strange state of affairs as one would expect a servant to sit apart from their mistress.

The maid was hard-faced and unfriendly – not at all the sort of person she could feel happy to have looking after her.

'I was surprised that Lord Carshalton has come today, I was anticipating an outing without a gentleman in tow.'

The old lady chuckled. 'He insisted on coming with us, my dear, but I'm sure he'll find something with which to occupy himself whilst we look at the sights.'

'I found a pamphlet about the ancient wall which can still be seen there, and the ruined cathedral. Would you care to peruse it?'

'No thank you, I intend to sleep. I'm not accustomed to rising so early in the morning.'

The maid adjusted the rugs over her mistress's knees and scowled at Madeline as if daring her to speak again.

The countryside they were passing through was familiar but soon they would turn onto the toll road and then everything would be new to her. They were quite a cavalcade passing down the narrow country lane with three outriders and Lord Carshalton accompanying them.

Half an hour or so later she saw her companion's two servants riding across the fields and wondered where they were going. Forgetting she was supposed to be silent and allow her ladyship to sleep she spoke up. 'Your men are leaving us, Lady Carshalton, why is that?'

A remarkably alert response came immediately. 'They will be going ahead to arrange for refreshments at a suitable hostelry. This is a busy road and it wouldn't do to stop anywhere unless we have a private parlour.'

'I see. I apologise for waking you, but I was surprised to see them go.'

The carriage settled back into silence again and now both her companions were fast asleep. The sun shone through the windows making the carriage unpleasantly stuffy. The maid should be asked to open the window but Madeline had no wish to wake her so decided to do this task herself.

She slid along the squabs until she was at the far side of the vehicle and then leaned across to unbutton the leather strap. She held onto this so there would be no sudden noise to wake the sleeping ladies.

A cool refreshing breeze flooded into the carriage and then a rider drew alongside and his lordship looked in. He nodded at the gently snoring women. 'Would you care to come up with me for a while?' He spoke softly so as not to wake them. She nodded and he leaned in and opened the door. 'Move forward and I'll lift you out.'

She did as he bid and was whisked from the carriage as if she weighed nothing at all and positioned sideways in front of his lordship. His man quietly closed the door and then both riders reined back and let the carriage move ahead of them.

'I can't tell you how glad I am to be in the fresh air, I thank you for offering to take me pillion.'

He had shifted back in the saddle allowing her more room, but despite him having one arm firmly around her waist she felt extremely unstable balanced so precariously.

'I don't think this was a good idea after all, I'm in imminent danger of falling unless I ride astride and that's impossible in the gown I'm wearing.'

He reined in and once they were stationary lowered her to the ground. 'You’re quite right; this was an idiotic notion of mine. Smith, ride after the carriage and get it to wait for us.' His man cantered away.

'Fortunately I'm wearing footwear suitable for walking. I've no wish for a repeat performance of last time as my feet have only just recovered…' Madeline stopped, horrified she'd been so indelicate as to mention her feet.

'I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't aware you had on walking boots.' He pulled the reins of his huge horse over its ears and then looped them across his arm. 'You should not have come; the duke will be most displeased.'

'When I agreed to accompany your grandmother I'd no idea you were coming too. I should have politely declined the invitation if I'd known. I could hardly refuse to get into the carriage once she'd arrived, now could I?'

He offered his free arm to her and she placed her gloved hand on it. 'I gave my word to your brother and I'm not happy that I've broken it.'

'I'll explain to him it was entirely my fault. I shall enjoy the stroll, sir, it is particularly beautiful in this lane now the leaves are turning golden. Although I'd prefer to be able to see the surrounding countryside.'

His arm tensed beneath her fingers. He was staring ahead with narrowed eyes. She was about to enquire what was wrong when he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

'There's someone hiding in the woods ahead. I want you to lead my horse and continue to talk as if I was with you. Can you do that?'

Her mouth was so dry she couldn't speak so nodded instead. 'Good girl. I'll be close by, it's me they're after and they won't reveal themselves until I'm close enough to shoot. The hedges on either side mean they can't use their rifles.'

She took the reins and prayed the horse wouldn't object to being led by a female. He removed his riding coat and draped it over the saddle, then he was gone. Her heart was hammering so loudly she could scarcely think.

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