The Duke's Lady (Historical Romance - The Ladies Series) (25 page)

BOOK: The Duke's Lady (Historical Romance - The Ladies Series)
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The same thought ran through Jewel’s mind. Tonight she would become one with Adam, hoping he wouldn’t soon forget her. She spoke with her eyes, wanting him to understand the unspoken words she’d never get to say.

She slipped her hands around his neck, drowning in this new world of sensuality. Her breasts were crushed against Adam’s chest. His dark, curling hairs rubbed the tips of her nipples into firm, taut peaks. Reaching over, she laced her fingers through Adam’s dark hair and pulled his lips to within her reach. She gazed deep into Adam’s mesmerizing eyes, finding a burning passion that she was going to quench.

The storm whipped at the drapes. Another bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, shedding its light on their flushed bodies.

“I’ve never desired someone as much as I do you.” Adam’s admission sounded more like a growl just before he captured her lips. This time his kiss was different . . . hungry . . . urgent. His tongue plunged into her mouth, mating with her tongue. Soon their kisses matched the fury of the storm, be
coming hotter and bolder as the fire between them built to a boiling point.

Adam’s hands glided along Jewel’s silky thighs before moving back to her ripe breasts. Trailing kisses down her neck, he lowered his head until he found her rose-tipped nipples, where he licked circles around the tight nubs. Her skin held the luster of creamy satin, and it felt smooth against him. He captured one trembling peak in his mouth, teasing it to the hardness of stone. She gasped as his other hand continued its path with agonizing slowness, parting her legs and finding the tempting flesh she offered him. With a little coaxing, she parted her legs, and his fingers slid through the curls down to her moist warmth. God, she was tight. He groaned. He could wait no longer. His hunger consumed his self-control.

He had to have her—Now!

Spreading her legs further apart with his knee, he positioned himself above her and drove deep inside her warmth. Too late he felt the tearing membrane as Jewel stiffened in his arms and cried out in pain.

“Christ! Why didn’t you tell me?” Adam groaned out, feeling stupid that he’d rushed. If he’d known, he could have made it so much easier on her. Now he felt the pain as much as she did. He lay very still, even though his body demanded more. He throbbed, wanting to take all of her.

Jewel had been a virgin. All his other doubts vanished. There had never been another man. And he’d kill any man who would dare try and take her from him.

“It hurts, Adam,” she cried, bringing him back to the moment at hand. Tears trickled down her face.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t think. But trust me, the pain will ease in a moment.” He kissed her tears away, giving her time to adjust to his size. Nibbling on her lips, he whispered, “You’re mine, sweetheart, now and for always.”

Slowly, he started to move, feeling her tightness surrounding his manhood. He shivered. She was driving him crazy with desire. He moved with the rhythm of love, building, driving, and finally consuming them both with a white heat that demanded satisfaction.

Jewel cried out with fulfillment. Slowly, she floated back down to earth on a cloud of contentment. There had been too much brandy, and too many new emotions for her tonight. Drained, she felt sleep beckon to her. Wrapped in the warmth of Adam’s arms, she felt a sense of peace and safety claimed her. “I love you, Adam,” she murmured just before sleep claimed her. But sleep had already claimed Adam, and he didn’t appear to have heard her softly spoken words.



The hinges rattled on the bedroom door. “Who the hell is doing that infernal pounding?” Adam growled, jerking awake from sleep. He felt Jewel snuggled next to him in the dark, and pulled the cover up over her.

The insistent knocking again brought his attention back to the intruder. Sitting up, he bellowed, “Who the bloody hell is it?” Jewel stirred beside him.

“Surely, you wouldn’t shoot me on sight, ol’ boy,” Jonathan said, coming in with a candle. “I know it’s early, but before you go barking at me, I have to talk to you about Jewel.” He walked up to the comer of the bed.

Adam was sitting up, shielding Jewel with his body as he lit a candle by the bed. She was hidden well and Jonathan hadn’t seen her. He started to pace back and forth.

“This better be damn good, Jonathan. What time is it?”

“Five in the morning, and I had one hell of a time getting here with this storm, but what I heard couldn’t wait.”

Adam glanced out the window, observing the rain pelting the windows. He also noticed Jonathan was still dressed in his evening attire.

“1 overheard Captain Lee tell Colette he was planning to pay you a special visit today. It seems his ship is anchored at Land’s End, and it would be most convenient to whisk Jewel away.”

Jonathan had Adam’s interest now. “Are you sure?”

Annie chose the moment to stick her head through the open door. “What’s goin’ on in here? I be hearin’ such a ruckus that I hurried up the stairs and canna find Jewel anywhere. Have ye be seein’ her?”

“Damn,” Adam swore, rubbing his chin. Hell, why didn’t they just invite the whole bloody household into his bedroom?

Jewel lay perfectly still, afraid of detection.

“I’m too late,” Jonathan said. “Damn! I knew I should have gotten here earlier.” He threw his hands up. “Now what are we going to do?”

The commotion in front of Adam was becoming quite comical. “Silence!” he roared, realizing he wasn’t going to get rid of either of them. “If both of you will just calm down a minute, I happen to know Jewel’s whereabouts.” Adam moved aside so they could see her hiding behind him.

Annie gasped, and her eyes grew as round as saucers before she turned to give Adam a disapproving look.

Jonathan laughed. “Sorry, o
l’ boy. Didn’t know. Good morning, Jewel.”

Adam turned to Jewel. Her face was absolutely scarlet as she clutched the blanket up under her chin. She didn’t bother answering Jonathan. She merely nodded.

“The fact still remains, Adam, we need to get her away from here. And fast,” Jonathan reminded him.

Adam’s mind had already been working on that particular problem. “Annie, pack Jewel'
s things and prepare a hot bath. We’ll go to the
Wind Jammer.
Jewel will sail with me.”

“Are ye goin’ tae marry the lass?” Annie asked.

“No, there isn’t time.” Adam frowned.

“Well, ’tisn’t proper for a youn’, unchaperoned lady tae be a travelin’ with ye alone . . . just not right.” Annie shook her head.

“Jesus, Annie, the damage has been done!” Adam didn’t want to argue the point. He wasn’t too sure of anything, only that danger was lurking near.

Jewel moaned after that statement, pulling the covers over her head. How embarrassing!

“I’ll marry her,” Jonathan suddenly said.

“The hell you will!” Adam’s powerful voice rang out, silencing everyone.

Jewel cleared her throat and managed to find her voice, sliding the blanket down to her chin. “I’m sorry to be putting you both out.” She looked at the men accusingly. “But I wouldn’t marry either of you if you were the last men on earth!”

Adam looked over his shoulder at Jewel, then back at the other two. This conversation was fast heading in the wrong direction. He sought to end it. “Annie, pack your bags, you’re coming with us. Now, does that satisfy everyone?”

All three nodded their heads.

“Good! Now that we’ve wasted precious time, I suggest everyone get moving. Jonathan, ride ahead and tell Derek what’s happening. At the first break in the storm, we’ll set sail.”

When they were alone again, Adam turned his attention back to Jewel. Rolling over, he placed his arms on either side of her head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, for the intrusion.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve ordered you a hot bath to soak in.”


“Because you’ll be sore after last night, and the bath will help,” he gently explained. “Did you mean what you said?”

She blushed again. “What do you mean?”

“You really wouldn’t marry me?”

“Are you proposing?” Jewel’s brows lifted.


A slight smile touched her lips. “Then I guess you’ll never know.”

Adam looked down into liquid brown eyes, trying to discover his answer, but this time she’d shut him out.

Leaning down, he kissed her. When he finally pulled his mouth from hers he said, “We have some unfinished business to be settled at a later date.”

Chapter Eighteen



After hurriedly packing her things, they were on their way. The coach moved with haste down the well-trodden road. Jewel pushed back into the red velvet seat, thankful for its warmth on such a stormy day. The murmur of Adam’s and Annie’s voices became the only sounds she heard while she rubbed the top of Duke’s head, which he had propped lazily in her lap. The puppy lay on the seat to her left, and Adam claimed the other side. Jewel smiled down at her pet, glad Adam had agreed to let him come on the trip.

Watching the raindrops run down the coach window, Jewel wondered about their decision to brave the storm instead of waiting until the weather cleared. Though the wind howled outside the carriage, it didn’t seem to hinder their progress.

Jewel caught glimpses of the English countryside through the rain. What she had thought of as home these last few months slipped quickly past her, and she wasn’t sure exactly how she felt. A part of her was sad, yet she knew she had to find the secret to her past—and she hoped the answers would be forthcoming.

The vehicle swayed, and Jewel reached instinctively out to clutch Adam’s arm. He pulled her closer while never missing a word of his conversation with Annie, seemingly unaware of Jewel’s presence.

The pressure of his arm around her brought back memories of last night. His warm breath as he whispered her name. The feel of his strong arms as he’d held her tenderly. She had tried to put everything from her mind, but somehow it kept sneaking back into her thoughts. Did last night mean Adam loved her and wanted to marry her? He was taking her with him. Yet he had been given little choice since Lee had interfered. Jewel wondered how Adam felt.

Perhaps she was no more than just another conquest for him. After all, he hadn’t said he loved her, nor had he made any promises. One thing she did know, remembering the passion she’d elicited. She definitely had some effect on him, whether good or bad.

By the time they reached the dock, the rain had turned into a cold drizzle. After their luggage was unloaded, Derek took charge of seeing Annie and their bags onto the ship, leaving Adam free to check his charts and make final preparations.

Derek showed Annie to her cabin, putting her trunk just inside the door. Picking up Jewel’s bags, he started for Adam’s cabin, and ran straight into Annie.

“Ye can be puttin’ Jewel’s trunks with mine,” Annie instructed.

Derek stopped and stared at her. A crooked smile etched across his face. “I don’t think that’s what Adam had in mind.”

Placing both hands on her hips, Annie resembled a lioness guarding her cub. “Trust me, mon. I be raisin’ that lad, and deep down he does have a decent streak. I think this will be remindin’ him.”

Derek shook his head, giving into her wishes. “He ain’t going to like this . . . could prove to be a mighty long voyage,” he muttered.

“Quit yer grumblin’,” Annie retorted, then grinned. “After all, Adam will be havin’ ye for a roommate.” She walked over and ran a hand over Derek’s muscular arm. “A big stron’ mon such as yerself can control him, and show him a little reason.”

Derek decided he liked this spirited woman, and hoped he’d get to know her better on this trip. “Annie, dear, you’d best get inside because your cloak is soaked.”

“I will. But first I need tae be findin’ Jewel.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll go and bring her to you. She’s saying good-bye to Jonathan. Now get in there, woman, and change into some dry clothes!”



Tears mixed with rain slipped down Jewel’s face. She was drenched, but didn’t care. “I’ll truly miss you, Jonathan. You’ve become a good friend.” She hugged him in farewell, and wondered if she would ever see him again. He’d made her laugh so many times over the last few months and helped her understand Adam’s moods. Still, she wasn’t certain she really knew the aloof Adam.

“I’ll miss you, too, but you can count on me coming to America, especially now that you’ll be there.” Jonathan winked at her.

Hugging her for the last time, he said, “Adam cares for you, Jewel. But if he ever mistreats you, let me know.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I believe we have an audience. Shall we give Adam something to think about?”

Jewel wasn’t sure what Jonathan was talking about, but she didn’t get a chance to say anything before he took her in his arms and kissed her. Not just a mere kiss on the cheek, but a kiss on the mouth that was slow and drawn out.

Her eyes widened in surprise. “What was that for?”

“For our audience. A little jealousy never hurt anyone.” He grinned wickedly.

“You’re a devil, Jonathan Hird!” She tapped him playfully on the arm. “And I’ll miss you more than words can say. Please take care.” Jewel reached up, placing a quick peck on his cheek, then turned away before she started crying again.

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