The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel) (4 page)

BOOK: The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)
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Nae motioned for Olivia to sit, and she did. Nae disappeared
behind another door and came back moments later with a tray of breakfast. As
Nae placed it down in front of her, she whispered in her ear, “You’re lucky to
have a bed and to eat in this room. Most of the other women are down in the
dungeon. Don’t piss him off.”

Olivia looked up at her quickly, knowing her eyes held a
million questions.

Nae mouthed, “Not now.”

Sighing, Olivia began to eat her eggs and some type of
porridge. She couldn’t help but keep glancing over at the other young woman.
The woman seemed oblivious to Olivia’s arrival. She had long curly blonde hair
and big grey eyes. She was very beautiful and Olivia guessed they were similar
in age.

“Are you finished, Emily?” Nae gently asked the other young
woman. Emily’s head snapped up, her eyes still blank. She nodded slowly, and
mechanically stood from her chair. She was wearing the same pajamas as Olivia.
As she moved passed Olivia, she noticed that Emily had a small number seven on
the inside of her wrist.

“Don’t anger Gorside,” Nae whispered quickly to Emily as she
reached for the doorknob. “You won’t get another chance.”

Olivia gasped, realizing that this young woman must belong
to Gorside. Emily’s head whipped around and her eyes came into focus as she
narrowed them at Olivia.

“This will kill you, too,” Emily whispered, her eyes boring
into Olivia. Frightened, Olivia wanted to look away but couldn’t.

“Oh no, they won’t literally kill you. That would be too
kind. Instead, they kill you on the inside.”

Nae gently shoved her and Emily disappeared out the door.

“Don’t listen to her,” Nae said, but Olivia heard her
half-hearted tone; they both knew that Emily had spoken the truth.

“So what happens today?” Olivia asked bravely, partly
wanting the day to be over.

“After you eat your breakfast, you will go back down to
dressing room number eight where Calista and Daphne will prep you. You are
scheduled to spend the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon with

Olivia nodded, losing her appetite. She lingered over
breakfast a bit longer anyway and then followed Nae down to Calista and Daphne.

Calista and Daphne were upbeat, smiling and talking
cheerfully as they tried to raise Olivia’s spirits. Olivia smiled weakly at
them, and allowed them to lead her around the bathroom, washing her hair,
shaving her legs, waxing her. Olivia hardly felt the pain or sting from the hot

She was primped and prepped and finally thrust in front of
the mirror. It took her a moment to recognize her own reflection. Her hair had
been skillfully curled and gently teased, giving her an angelic look. Her
eyebrows had been plucked, making her look even softer, and her bright eyes
popped against the soft eye shadow. She was dressed in a cream column dress
that draped over one shoulder, leaving her other shoulder completely exposed.
The dress fell softly down to the ground and Olivia could just make out the
delicate gold heels she was wearing.

“Beautiful,” Calista sighed.

“Gorgeous,” Daphne agreed.

Olivia tried to express her gratitude, but she couldn’t.

“Let’s get this over with,” she murmured. The nymphs led her
out of the room, and Olivia came face to face with Michael’s sneering features.

“You look delicious,” Michael groaned in a sick way that
made Olivia want to sink through the floor. Robotically, she followed Michael
to Rurik’s room, and she found herself being led inside. She sat on the couch,
which had haunted her dreams, and she waited for Rurik to appear.

As she waited, she began to smell a different scent fill the
room. It was lovely, and Olivia closed her eyes, inhaling the calming scent. It
was a mix of lavender and something else sweet. If Olivia truly tried, she
could almost imagine that she was laying somewhere in a field of wild flowers,
the bright sun beating down on her.

As she continued to inhale the scent, she felt her body
begin to relax. She began to feel loose and free, and a strange warm sensation
was creeping over her body. The sensation was foreign and familiar at the same
time. With a jolt, Olivia realized this was how she felt in her dream.


Olivia’s mind went pleasantly blank and she lounged across
the couch, actually looking forward to Rurik’s entrance. She didn’t have to
wait long, for moments later Rurik came into the room. His deep groan of
satisfaction let Olivia know that he found her attractive.

“You are too beautiful for this room,” he breathed, picking
her up as if she were light as paper. He carried her down a hall and opened
another door. Olivia felt as if she was suddenly transported to a lovely hotel.
The room was dimly lit, with electric light, not torches, and a giant, inviting
bed took up most of the room.

Rurik laid her on the sheets and Olivia had never felt
anything so soft.

“I will try to be gentle,” Rurik gasped, his thick hands
tugging at her single strap. It fell down, exposing her breasts. Rurik’s
massive hands moved across her breasts, easily groping them both in one hand.
He massaged and tugged them, the feeling rough but pleasurable. Olivia heard
her own voice cry out with the pleasure and pain of it, her nipples hardening.
Rurik brought his mouth against each nipple, his sharp teeth grazing her
sensitive nipples as he licked and bit softly.

“Did you like your dream?” he groaned.

Olivia looked wildly at him. Had he caused her dream?

“I sent it,” he whispered before his hands groped at her,
squeezing her ass hard in the palm of his hands. Olivia tried to focus on his
words, but at that moment she looked down to see his giant cock beginning to

“Touch me,” Rurik ordered.

Tentatively, Olivia reached down to his cock, running her
hands along it’s bumpy ridges. Slowly, she began to caress it, sliding her
hands back and forth as she felt it throb under her fingers. Rurik groaned, and
he pushed Olivia down on the bed, hiking her dress up as he shoved her legs
apart, just like the dream.

Rurik’s thick, rough head was between her thighs, his mouth
hot and heavy against her sex. He wasted no time, bringing his mouth to her
pussy, sucking and pulling at her clit. Olivia shrieked with the intense
sensation, and Rurik backed off, sensing it was too much. He gently slid his
tongue out between his putrid lips, flicking softly against her tender skin.
Olivia writhed with pleasure, bucking under Rurik as he pushed her higher and
higher. Olivia could feel herself moistening as her thighs trembled.

Rurik was relentless, his tongue strumming against her as he
pushed the tip of his tongue near her opening. Olivia moaned wantonly, as she
felt the slight pressure of his massive tongue at her pussy. Slowly, Rurik
pressed his tongue in further, not wanting to hurt her. The full sensation was
mind-blowing, but just as Olivia thought she could take no more, Rurik withdrew
his tongue.

“You’re not ready for my cock just yet,” he said hoarsely,
sliding his fingers in her arousal. “I’m going to fuck you a different way.”

Taking his index finger, he pushed it against Olivia’s sex
and she cried out. His finger was thick and rough, and Olivia wanted him to shove
it inside her. Slowly, Rurik pushed just the tip of his finger in, and Olivia
cried out as she stretched open. Breathing heavily, Olivia knew that Rurik’s
finger was not as large as a human cock, but it was still large enough

Rurik groaned as he felt Olivia’s pussy clench around his
finger. He pushed in deeper, and Olivia moaned. Not able to hold back any
longer, Rurik pushed his entire finger inside of Olivia and began fucking her.
Olivia writhed from the pleasure, feeling Rurik push his finger from side to
side against her four snug walls.

“Come,” Rurik ordered and Olivia knew what he meant; he
wanted her to let go. She let go, allowing her body to buck and twist as she
experienced her first orgasm, her eyes flying open as she studied Rurik’s
grotesque face. She moaned and whimpered as her body continued to shake on its
own accord, until finally she stilled, her chest rising and falling quickly.

“Touch me,” Rurik ordered, and Olivia reached up to wrap her
hands around his thick cock. She began rubbing and stroking him, feeling him
throb against her hands.

“You are mine!” Rurik growled, before his cock jerked hard
in her hand. Seconds later, his tip opened and thick, creamy semen flowed out
in generous spurts. Olivia cried out with arousal, as Rurik emptied himself
along her thighs, pussy, and belly. She felt the warmth of him against her
skin, and she knew that this was his way of leaving his mark on her. Rurik’s
body shook, and he brought his thick hands to her body, rubbing his juices all
over her.

His eyes were wild and crazed and he cried out a deep animal
noise as he continued to spurt and smear his semen over Olivia’s body. When he
finally finished, he stood up.

“Stay here with my seed all over you,” he growled before
leaving the room.

Olivia lay perfectly still on the bed, not realizing what
had just happened. She had experienced her first orgasm, and then Rurik had
emptied himself on her. Olivia inhaled deeply, hoping the sweet lavender scent
would calm her. But she smelled nothing, and she began to panic. She began to
comprehend what she had just been a part of and she felt sick. Somehow she had
been aroused and engaged, loving the experience with Rurik, but now she felt
repulsed by it. She knew she couldn’t move and she didn’t want to find out what
would happen if she disobeyed Rurik’s orders.

Instead, she lay on the bed, covered in Rurik’s fluids.
After what felt like hours, Rurik came in for her. Her body was sore and stiff
from remaining still, and Rurik led her to a marble bathtub, where he proceeded
to undress her and bathe her. Olivia could tell this aroused him and she tried
to focus on the fact that she was finally getting clean.

Rurik drained the tub, and lifted Olivia out, placing her on
his floor, naked.

“That will be all for today. Tomorrow I will fuck you

He left the room, and Olivia sagged to the ground with
relief, knowing that for now the nightmare was over. She would deal with
tomorrow when it came. She hurriedly dressed, and made her way towards the
exit. She threw the door open and saw Samuel waiting for her. She never
imagined she could be so happy to see him, and she nearly wept. Samuel studied
her, his expression unreadable once more, and he led her back down to room
number eight with the bed. Olivia was hungry and figured that it was probably
near dinnertime.

She didn’t care.

Instead she peeled off the white dress, and crawled atop the
bed, curling up naked, before falling fast asleep.


Olivia woke with a start; certain she had slept only an hour
or so. Chilly from not having any clothes on, she pulled on the nearby fresh
pair of lavender pajamas. Her stomach growled, and she pressed the buzzer.

Minutes later, Nae arrived with a tray of delicious looking
food. Olivia took the tray gratefully and sat on the bed as she dug in. Nae
lingered as Olivia began to eat.

“You pleased Rurik greatly today,” Nae said quietly.

Olivia gave her a hard stare and continued to eat, not sure
what the proper response was in this situation.

“You’ve been granted some free time this evening.”

“Free time?”

“Yes. After you eat, I’m allowed to take you upstairs to the
rec room.”

Olivia sighed. “Nae, I appreciate you being kind to me, but
can you please explain a little better?”

Nae quickly sat on the bed. “Prisoners who have been
obedient are sometimes given chunks of time upstairs in the Rec Room. There are
windows, couches, books, and games. Things that are normally considered fun for
you humans.”

Olivia was excited and saddened by her reward.

“I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”

When Nae returned, Olivia was ready and waiting, anxious to
see the Rec Room. Surprisingly, Nae led Olivia to an elevator that was hidden
behind a wall and it whisked them upwards. The doors slid open to a vast and
lofty space. Smiling widely, Olivia stepped out of the elevator and looked
around. The room was circular and seemed to be in a tower of sorts. There were
panoramic windows lining the walls.

“The windows are thick and break-proof. Don’t get any
ideas,” Nae muttered. The land outside was lush, green, and wooded. It was also
far below. Olivia ran to the window, pressing her nose to the glass. The sun
was just starting to set and the outside looked lovely.

“You have thirty minutes today. I’ll collect you in a half
hour,” Nae said before disappearing.

After Olivia had her fill of taking in the outdoor
surroundings through the thick glass, she turned back to the room. She hadn’t
noticed that there were two other occupants. One was a human girl who didn’t
look much older than seventeen. She had a sweet, young face, and bright red
hair that was braided down her back. She was nestled on an oversized couch,
reading a worn copy of Little Women.

The other person in the room was actually not a person, but
a monster. He resembled a human in size, though his skin was a sickening gray.
His face resembled that of a wolf, with a snout along with a full set of teeth.
He had beady yellow eyes, and pointy ears that protruded from the top of his
head. Strangely, he was dressed in ragged human clothes, unlike Gorside or
Rurik. He was wearing torn brown pants and a ripped black shirt. She had stared
too long and the beast had noticed; now making eye contact. Quickly, Olivia
turned away but not before she had caught the monster’s interest.

Olivia moved quickly to a nearby art easel, but she could
feel the monster’s eyes on her; her skin crawled. She tried to busy herself by
looking through the array of drawing pastels. Pastels were not her medium of
choice, but she was beyond grateful for any art supplies. Moments later, she
could feel someone standing behind her; she knew it was not the young girl.

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