The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)
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The next day Olivia had to count
backwards trying to recall how many days she had been held prisoner. She could
only imagine what would happen after one spent weeks, months or even years. She
fiercely hoped that would not be the case for her. As she splashed water on her
face and brushed her teeth, she thought of her little off-campus apartment and
the bright sunlight that streamed through the windows in the kitchen.

As the mornings before, Nae
collected her for breakfast and Olivia winced as she followed Nae towards the
dining room; she was sorer than yesterday. Nae shot her a sympathetic look. At
breakfast, Olivia noticed that Emily’s bruises seemed to be lighter. Emily
winked and continued to eat her breakfast. Olivia didn’t understand Emily and
her I-don’t-give-a-shit-attitude.

Robotically, Olivia moved from
breakfast to Room Number Eight where Calista and Daphne were waiting for her.
Calista was bright and bubbly but Daphne was subdued.

“I know you saw us yesterday,” Daphne
whispered as she brushed out Olivia’s hair.

Olivia turned crimson and she shook
her head, trying to disagree with her.

“Don’t lie! I know you did! I’m so
ashamed!” Daphne dropped her head into her hands.

“Please don’t be upset,” Olivia
begged, “We’re all prisoners here. I don’t judge you.”

Calista came over and rubbed
Daphne’s back. “Get it together,” she whispered. Daphne nodded and continued
with her work.

A half hour later, Olivia was
dolled up and ready for whatever horrors Rurik had in store for her. To her
happy dismay, Michael collected her, and he laughed as he twisted Olivia’s
hands behind her back before pushing her upstairs.

Olivia was led into Rurik’s suite,
and she perched on the couch, anxiously waiting for Rurik to enter. Olivia
could smell Rurik before she saw him. He took a sharp breath when he saw her
and Olivia surmised that he approved of today’s outfit. She was dressed in a
black silk sleeveless blouse and a short grey skirt that revealed nearly all of
her thighs. She was wearing thigh high black-heeled leather boots. It was
certainly a departure from the evening dresses. Rurik’s two nostrils flared and
her rubbed his thick hands together.

“You look perfect,” he breathed.
His tone made Olivia’s stomach turn. She remembered Mastiv, and she decided she
would try to take advantage of the situation and talk to Rurik.

“Why is it your father gave me to
you?” she asked, trying her best to seductively spread out on the couch. Rurik
let out a low groan and took a step towards her.

“You were a gift. A reward.”

“For what?” She let her fingers
graze just above her breasts. Rurik’s eyes widened and he drank in her shape.

“I pleased my father. I caught a
monster who was working behind our backs.”

“That sounds impressive. How did
you catch him?”

Rurik laughed a slightly manic
laugh and tapped his gruesome head with a thick, stubby finger. “Using my
brains, of course. Mastiv thought he had outsmarted me, but I showed him.”

“Tell me,” Olivia breathed, hoping
she was seducing Rurik.

“I simply followed him! I knew that
it couldn’t take him that long to clean the dungeons! He was sneaking down to
the water! He knew!”

The instant Rurik said it out loud;
Olivia could tell he regretted it. His face became darker and he angrily turned
away. Olivia thought quickly of what she could do or say to make it seem like
she didn’t understand what Rurik had just given away.

“What a horrible job,” she said
airily, “cleaning dungeons sounds disgusting.” She made a distasteful noise.
Rurik turned back around, and smiled a sick smile, his sharp teeth exposed.

“Yes. A dirty job, for a dirty

“You are so clever.” She let her
praise sink in. “Whatever happened to him?” She asked, trying to sound bored as
she inspected her nails.

Rurik growled. “I wanted to kill him,
but Father said he could prove to be valuable. He’s lucky he’s vaulted,” he
scoffed. Olivia felt like jumping on the inside. She was almost certain that
she had discovered where the portal was, and she thought Rurik had given away
Mastiv’s location.

“Why are you so interested in
Mastiv?” Rurik asked suspiciously.

“I wasn’t interested in him,” she
said carefully. “I was only interested in how I came to belong to you.”

“Right. Well let’s get on with it.”
Olivia steeled herself and stood up. She began making her way towards the
bedroom. Rurik let out a low chuckle.

“Not today,” he said softly. He
took Olivia’s hand and Olivia had to force herself not to gag when she felt his
rough hand over her smooth skin. Rurik led her to what she had assumed was a
closet door or some other small room, but instead the door opened up to reveal
a private elevator.

“Where are we going?” Olivia asked

“It’s a surprise.” The elevator
whisked them downstairs, and Olivia felt sickened when the doors slid open at
the dungeons. “Come with me,” Rurik said, leading the way.

Olivia couldn’t help but look as
they passed bedraggled women and moaning monsters. Her heart nearly stopped
when she saw Leo. His eyes caught her for only the briefest of moments and then
he looked away, examining one of his paws. Could Rurik know their plans? Olivia
feared what would happen if Rurik or Gorside knew of their conspiring.

Rurik led Olivia to the very last
cage and unlocked the door. At first, Olivia thought there was just a large
pile of dirt in the cage, but after a few moments the heap of dirt began to
stir. Olivia took a quick step back and Rurik quickly grabbed her.

“You are going to make me very
happy,” he murmured excitedly. Olivia’s heart thumped in her chest; she didn’t
like the sound of it. The heap of dirt stood and stretched and Olivia wanted to
scream when she saw that it was a hunchbacked monster who seemed to be made of
wet, dripping mud. His thick body appeared to be oozing, and two black eyes sat
sunken deep within his face.

“Gruhh,” the monster groaned and
Olivia backed away.

“No, no,” Rurik said quietly,
unlocking the cage. “You are going to do this for me.”

Olivia’s mind jumped to Leo who was
only a few cages away and she desperately hoped he couldn’t see or hear her.
The monster was rubbing himself between his legs, his eyes bright with arousal.
Suddenly, Olivia’s nostrils filled with the comforting and relaxing scent of
lavender and sugar. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she let the
fragrance take over her body.

Rurik shoved her inside the cage
and the monster groaned loudly, tugging Olivia’s small body to its massive
frame. Olivia felt his moist hands rubbing over her body and she envisioned
herself covered in mud. But when she opened her eyes and looked down, she saw
that she wasn’t. Whatever made the monster feel slimy was not rubbing off on

She inhaled again, feeling arousal
build deep within her body. She glanced over at Rurik who was leaning against
the dungeon wall, stroking his large cock as he watched Olivia manhandled by
the beast.

“That’s right, Olivia. Let Errgor
touch you.”

Errgor, the beast, stroked Olivia
harder, his hands sliding up and down her exposed thigh that was showing. In
one swift movement, he ripped her skirt off and Olivia found herself in only
the blouse and boots.

“Argh!” Errgor growled with lust
and he grabbed Olivia, bending her over and pushing his face deep into her ass
and pussy.

Olivia cried out in surprise but
couldn’t help her own groan of desire as she felt Errgor’s tongue push deep
into her pussy. He was surprisingly gentle, licking and teasing her aching clit
as she ground against his face, eager for more. In fact, she liked how Rurik
was watching her, and she played to him, murmuring quietly and rubbing her
breasts for him.

Rurik caught on quickly, and he
began to stroke himself faster. Errgor stood up and grasped Olivia’s head,
pushing her down to the dirt floor and pressing his thick, slimy cock into her
face. Part of Olivia knew she should be repulsed, but instead she opened her
mouth, trying to fit her lips around his monster cock.

Errgor was not as thick as Rurik,
and Olivia just managed to wrap her mouth around him. He pulsed thickly inside
of her, and Olivia let her tongue slide over him before she lightly flicked it
against him. Errgor growled and tightened his grip on her hair, yanking her
head further down onto him. Olivia cried out in pain, but Errgor only hardened
further. Her pain turned him on.

Errgor began to push his cock into
Olivia’s mouth and he held her head still as he fucked her. Olivia moaned
against him, wanting him to explode within her, but instead she found herself
being dragged off the earth.

“He’s going to fuck you like the
sweet whore you are,” Rurik groaned, closing his eyes briefly. Olivia was
thrown against the dirt wall and she felt Errgor tear her blouse off her.

“Argh!” he growled, pawing at her
breasts. Olivia yelped as he tugged hard at her nipples, even though it was
painful she felt them harden against his rough touch. Errgor brought his bulky
hand down on her ass, smacking her hard. Olivia cried out in pain and she knew
once more that Errgor was aroused. He hit her again and she bit her lip to
stifle her scream.

Errgor pushed his hand between her
thighs, spreading her legs wide. He ran one hand between her wet pussy lips
while the other hand continued to squeeze at her breasts, which were now
starting to feel raw from the roughness.

“Fuck her! Fuck her!” Rurik hissed,
and Olivia could hear the wet smacking sound of his hands against his own cock.
Olivia braced herself against the dirt wall, her hands digging into the soft
earth. She could feel Errgor fumbling behind her and she knew he was readying
his cock for her. She took another deep breath and she filled with animalistic
lust for the beast to fuck her.

Errgor roared loudly, which
distracted Olivia. She wasn’t prepared for his possession of her. Still sore
and tender from losing her virginity to Rurik the day before, Olivia felt her
body protest as it stretched for Errgor.

“Aggh!” she cried out as Errgor’s
broad, slippery cock slithered into her. Tears of pain welled up in her eyes as
Errgor pushed into her until he was balls deep. He stopped so Olivia could feel
his full length and she tried to catch her breath, panting from the activity.
Slowly, he pulled himself out of her and this time Olivia couldn’t help the
moan of pleasure that escaped her lips.

Errgor pushed into her once, twice
more, and by the third time, Olivia was rocking on her heeled boots, pushing
her hips back to meet Errgor’s crude thrusts.

“Gurh! Gurh!” Errgor snarled as he
took her again and again up against the wall. Olivia’s nails dug into the dank
wall, and she reached one hand down to her pussy, rubbing the pads of her two
fingers against her engorged clit. The clitoral stimulation along with the
penetration was amazing and Olivia felt her body push towards orgasm.

Errgor continued to slam into her,
throwing his whole weight against her. Olivia cast a sideways glance at Rurik,
her eyelids heavy with desire. Rurik cried out when their eyes met, spurting
thick creamy semen on the grimy floor. With each throb of his grotesque cock,
more semen came out, until he was finally spent, and a huge wet spot soaked the
earth in front of him.

Olivia smiled slyly and turned back
to Errgor who was continuing to ravage her body. He put a grubby hand on her
back, bending her over further, which resulted in a deeper penetration. Olivia
couldn’t help the moans and screams that now came from her. With each hard
thrust, Olivia cried out, moaning and screaming obscenities that shocked her.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Harder!

She threw her head back, her hair
flying wildly around her face.

“Yes! Fuck me! Right there! Don’t
stop!” she panted, “Please. Don’t. Stop.”

Errgor roared a terrible sound and
Olivia felt his cock throb and jerk hard within her. The sensation sent her
over the edge and she shrieked with pleasure before she came, her small body
rocking and shaking against Errgor as he emptied himself into her. Olivia’s
tiny body couldn’t hold all his semen, and his hot fluid poured out of her and
around his cock, flowing down her legs and boots. Errgor pulled out and a
cascade of fluid moved down her legs, soaking her.

Errgor didn’t look at her again,
but instead went into the corner and curled up in a ball, looking once more
like the heap of dirt that Olivia originally thought he was.

“Come,” Rurik ordered softly, and
Olivia stumbled out of the cage, feeling dazed. She went to breathe in the
lavender scent once more, but it was gone and she enormity of what happened
began to sink in.

She had just fucked another
monster. And not only that, but she had loved every second. Olivia’s eyes flew
wildly to the burning torches around her and she tried to regain her senses.
Everything had just ended so abruptly and she staggered past the cages,
tripping over her own feet and falling to the ground.

She stared at the earth in front of
her, stunned by her fall. She sensed something looking at her, and she looked
up. In front of her, on his hands and knees, was Leo. He was staring intently
at her, his eyes an intelligent mix of pity, empathy and sadness. Olivia stared
back, suddenly filled with shame, remorse and embarrassment. Even though Leo
was a monster too, she didn’t want him to see her like this. Leo wasn’t like
Errgor, who was dim and slow. Leo was smarter than Rurik, too.

Olivia hurried to her feet, trying
to brush the dirt off her hands and knees, only to look down and see the thick
rivulets of semen running down her legs and the white globs on her boots.

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