The Elegant Universe (31 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

BOOK: The Elegant Universe
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In their groundbreaking paper, Candelas, Horowitz, Strominger, and Witten took the first steps toward this goal. They not only found that the extra dimensions in string theory must be curled up into a Calabi-Yau shape, but they also worked out some of the implications this has on the possible patterns of string vibrations. One central result they found highlights the amazingly unexpected solutions string theory offers to longstanding particle-physics problems.

Recall that the elementary particles that physicists have found fall into three families of identical organization, with the particles in each successive family being increasingly massive. The puzzling question for which there was no insight prior to string theory is, Why families and why three? Here is string theory’s proposal. A typical Calabi-Yau shape contains holes that are analogous to those found at the center of a phonograph record, or a doughnut, or a “multidoughnut”, as shown in Figure 9.1. In the higher-dimensional Calabi-Yau context, there are actually a variety of different types of holes that can arise—holes which themselves can have a variety of dimensions (”multidimensional holes”)—but Figure 9.1 conveys the basic idea. Candelas, Horowitz, Strominger, and Witten closely examined the effect that these holes have on the possible patterns of string vibration, and here is what they found.

There is a family of lowest-energy string vibrations associated with each hole in the Calabi-Yau portion of space. Because the familiar elementary particles should correspond to the lowest-energy oscillatory patterns, the existence of multiple holes—somewhat like those in the multidoughnut—means that the patterns of string vibrations will fall into multiple families. If the curled-up Calabi-Yau has three holes, then we will find three families of elementary particles.16 And so, string theory proclaims that the family organization observed experimentally, rather than being some unexplainable feature of either random or divine origin, is a reflection of the number of holes in the geometrical shape comprising the extra dimensions! This is the kind of result that makes a physicist’s heart skip a beat.

You might think that the number of holes in the curled-up Planck-sized dimensions—mountaintop physics par excellence—has now kicked an experimentally testable stone down to accessible energies. After all, experimentalists can establish—in fact, already have established—the number of particle families: 3. Unfortunately, the number of holes contained in each of the tens of thousands of known Calabi-Yau shapes spans a wide range. Some have 3. But others have 4, 5, 25, and so on—some even have as many as 480 holes. The problem is that at present no one knows how to deduce from the equations of string theory which of the Calabi-Yau shapes constitutes the extra spatial dimensions. If we could find the principle that allows the selection of one Calabi-Yau shape from the numerous possibilities, then indeed a stone from the mountaintop would go tumbling down into the experimentalists’ camp. If the particular Calabi-Yau shape singled out by the equations of the theory were to have three holes, we would have found an impressive postdiction from string theory explaining a known feature of the world that is otherwise completely mysterious. But finding the principle for choosing among Calabi-Yau shapes is a problem that as yet remains unsolved. Nevertheless—and this is the important point—we see that string theory provides the potential for answering this basic puzzle of particle physics, and this in itself is substantial progress.

The number of families is but one experimental consequence of the geometrical form of the extra dimensions. Through their effect on possible patterns of string vibrations, other consequences of the extra dimensions include the detailed properties of the force and matter particles. As one primary example, subsequent work by Strominger and Witten showed that the masses of the particles in each family depend upon—hang on, this is a bit tricky—the way in which the boundaries of the various multidimensional holes in the Calabi-Yau shape intersect and overlap with one another. It’s hard to visualize, but the idea is that as strings vibrate through the extra curled-up dimensions, the precise arrangement of the various holes and the way in which the Calabi-Yau shape folds around them has a direct impact on the possible resonant patterns of vibration. Although the details get difficult to follow and are really not all that essential, what is important is that, as with the number of families, string theory can provide us with a framework for answering questions—such as why the electron and other particles have the masses they do—on which previous theories are completely silent. Once again, though, carrying through with such calculations requires that we know which Calabi-Yau space to take for the extra dimensions.

The preceding discussion gives some idea of how string theory may one day explain the properties of the matter particles recorded in Table 1.1. String theorists believe that a similar story will one day also explain the properties of the messenger particles of the fundamental forces, listed in Table 1.2. That is, as strings twist and vibrate while meandering through the extended and curled-up dimensions, a small subset of their vast oscillatory repertoire consists of vibrations with spin equal to 1 or 2. These are the candidate force-carrying string-vibrational states. Regardless of the shape of the Calabi-Yau space, there is always one vibrational pattern that is massless and has spin-2; we identify this pattern as the graviton. The precise list of spin-1 messenger particles—their number, the strength of the force they convey, the gauge symmetries they respect—though, does depend crucially on the precise geometrical form of the curled-up dimensions. And so, once again, we come to realize that string theory provides a framework for explaining the observed messenger-particle content of our universe, that is, for explaining the properties of the fundamental forces, but that without knowing exactly which Calabi-Yau shape the extra dimensions are curled into, we cannot make any definitive predictions or postdictions (beyond Witten’s remark regarding the postdiction of gravity).

Why can’t we figure out which is the “right” Calabi-Yau shape? Most string theorists blame this on the inadequacy of the theoretical tools currently being used to analyze string theory. As we shall discuss in some detail in Chapter 12, the mathematical framework of string theory is so complicated that physicists have been able to perform only approximate calculations through a formalism known as perturbation theory. In this approximation scheme, each possible Calabi-Yau shape appears to be on equal footing with every other; none is fundamentally singled out by the equations. And since the physical consequences of string theory depend sensitively on the precise form of the curled-up dimensions, without the ability to select one Calabi-Yau space from the many, no definitive experimentally testable conclusions can be drawn. A driving force behind present-day research is to develop theoretical methods that transcend the approximate approach in the hope that, among other benefits, we will be led to a unique Calabi-Yau shape for the extra dimensions. We will discuss progress along these lines in Chapter 13.

Exhausting Possibilities

So you might ask: Even though we can’t as yet figure out which Calabi-Yau shape string theory selects, does any choice yield physical properties that agree with what we observe? In other words, if we were to work out the corresponding physical properties associated with each and every CalabiYau shape and collect them in a giant catalog, would we find any that match reality? This is an important question, but, for two main reasons, it is also a hard one to answer fully.

A sensible start is to focus only on those Calabi-Yau shapes that yield three families. This cuts down the list of viable choices considerably, although many still remain. In fact, notice that we can deform a multihandled doughnut from one shape to a slew of others—an infinite variety, in fact—without changing the number of holes it contains. In Figure 9.2 we illustrate one such deformation of the bottom shape from Figure 9.1. In much the same way, we can start with a three-holed Calabi-Yau space and smoothly deform its shape without changing the number of holes, again through what amounts to an infinite sequence of shapes. (When we mentioned earlier that there were tens of thousands of Calabi-Yau shapes, we were already grouping together all those shapes that can be changed into one another by such smooth deformations, and we were counting the whole group as one Calabi-Yau space.) The problem is that the detailed physical properties of string vibrations, their masses and their response to forces, are very much affected by such detailed changes in shape, but once again, we have no means of selecting one possibility over any other. And no matter how many graduate students physics professors might set to work, it’s just not possible to figure out the physics corresponding to an infinite list of different shapes.

This realization has led string theorists to examine the physics resulting from a sample of possible Calabi-Yau shapes. Even here, however, life is not completely smooth sailing. The approximate equations that string theorists currently use are not powerful enough to work out the resulting physics fully for any given choice of Calabi-Yau shape. They can take us a long way toward understanding, in the sense of a ballpark estimate, the properties of the string vibrations that we hope will align with the particles we observe. But precise and definitive physical conclusions, such as the mass of the electron or the strength of the weak force, require equations that are far more exact than the present approximate framework. Recall from Chapter 6—and the Price is Right example—that the “natural” energy scale of string theory is the Planck energy, and it is only through extremely delicate cancellations that string theory yields vibrational patterns with masses in the vicinity of those of the known matter and force particles. Delicate cancellations require precise calculations because even small errors have a profound impact on accuracy. As we will discuss in Chapter 12, during the mid-1990s physicists have made significant progress toward transcending the present approximate equations, although there is still far to go.

So where do we stand? Well, even with the stumbling block of having no fundamental criteria by which to select one Calabi-Yau shape over any other, as well as not having all the theoretical tools necessary to extract the observable consequences of such a choice fully, we can still ask whether any of the choices in the Calabi-Yau catalog gives rise to a world that is in even rough agreement with observation. The answer to this question is quite encouraging. Although most of the entries in the Calabi-Yau catalog yield observable consequences significantly different from our world (different numbers of particle families, different number and types of fundamental forces, among other substantial deviations), a few entries in the catalog yield physics that is qualitatively close to what we actually observe. That is, there are examples of Calabi-Yau spaces that, when chosen for the curled-up dimensions required by string theory, give rise to string vibrations that are closely akin to the particles of the standard model. And, of prime importance, string theory successfully stitches the gravitational force into this quantum-mechanical framework.

With our present level of understanding, this situation is the best we could have hoped for. If many of the Calabi-Yau shapes were in rough agreement with experiment, the link between a specific choice and the physics we observe would be less compelling. Many choices could fit the bill and hence none would appear to be singled out, even from an experimental perspective. On the other hand, if none of the Calabi-Yau shapes came even remotely close to yielding observed physical properties, it would seem that string theory; although a beautiful theoretical framework, could have no relevance for our universe. Finding a small number of Calabi-Yau shapes that, with our present, fairly coarse ability to determine detailed physical implications, appear to be well within the ballpark of acceptability is an extremely encouraging outcome.

Explaining the elementary matter and force particle properties would be among the greatest—if not the greatest—of scientific achievements. Nevertheless, you might ask whether there are any string theoretic predictions—as opposed to postdictions—that experimental physicists could attempt to confirm, either now or in the foreseeable future. There are.


The theoretical hurdles currently preventing us from extracting detailed string predictions force us to search for generic, rather than specific, aspects of a universe consisting of strings. Generic in this context refers to characteristics that are so fundamental to string theory that they are fairly insensitive to, if not completely independent of, those detailed properties of the theory that are now beyond our theoretical purview. Such characteristics can be discussed with confidence, even with an incomplete understanding of the full theory In subsequent chapters we shall return to other examples, but for now we focus on one: supersymmetry.

As we have discussed, a fundamental property of string theory is that it is highly symmetric, incorporating not only intuitive symmetry principles but respecting, as well, the maximal mathematical extension of these principles, supersymmetry. This means, as discussed in Chapter 7, that patterns of string vibrations come in pairs—superpartner pairs—differing from each other by a half unit of spin. If string theory is right, then some of the string vibrations will correspond to the known elementary particles. And due to the supersymmetric pairing, string theory makes the prediction that each such known particle will have a superpartner. We can determine the force charges that each of these superpartner particles should carry, but we do not currently have the ability to predict their masses. Even so, the prediction that superpartners exist is a generic feature of string theory; it is a property of string theory that is true, independent of those aspects of the theory we haven’t yet figured out.

No superpartners of the known elementary particles have ever been observed. This might mean that they do not exist and that string theory is wrong. But many particle physicists feel that it means that the superpartners are very heavy and are thus beyond our current capacity to observe experimentally. Physicists are now constructing a mammoth accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, called the Large Hadron Collider. Hopes run high that this machine will be powerful enough to find the superpartner particles. The accelerator should be ready for operation before 2010, and shortly thereafter supersymmetry may be confirmed experimentally. As Schwarz has said, “Supersymmetry ought to be discovered before too long. And when that happens, it’s going to be dramatic.”17

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