The Elegant Universe (40 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

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The Elegant Universe
Chapter 12

Beyond Strings: In Search of M-Theory


n his long search for a unified theory, Einstein reflected on whether “God could have made the Universe in a different way; that is, whether the necessity of logical simplicity leaves any freedom at all.”1

With this remark, Einstein articulated the nascent form of a view that is currently shared by many physicists: If there is a final theory of nature, one of the most convincing arguments in support of its particular form would be that the theory couldn’t be otherwise. The ultimate theory should take the form that it does because it is the unique explanatory framework capable of describing the universe without running up against any internal inconsistencies or logical absurdities. Such a theory would declare that things are the way they are because they have to be that way. Any and all variations, no matter how small, lead to a theory that—like the phrase “This sentence is a lie”—sows the seeds of its own destruction.

Establishing such inevitability in the structure of the universe would take us a long way toward coming to grips with some of the deepest questions of the ages. These questions emphasize the mystery surrounding who or what made the seemingly innumerable choices apparently required to design our universe. Inevitability answers these questions by erasing the options. Inevitability means that, in actuality, there are no choices. Inevitability declares that the universe could not have been different. As we will discuss in Chapter 14, nothing ensures that the universe is so tightly constructed. Nevertheless, the pursuit of such rigidity in the laws of nature lies at the heart of the unification program in modern physics.

By the late 1980s, it appeared to physicists that although string theory came close to providing a unique picture of the universe, it did not quite make the grade. There were two reasons for this. First, as briefly noted in Chapter 7, physicists found that there were actually five different versions of string theory. You may recall that they are called the Type I, Type IIA, Type IIB, Heterotic O(32) (Heterotic-O, for short), and Heterotic E8 × E8 (Heterotic-E, for short) theories. They all share many basic features—their vibrational patterns determine the possible mass and force charges, they require a total of 10 spacetime dimensions, their curled-up dimensions must be in one of the Calabi-Yau shapes, etc.—and for this reason we have not emphasized their differences in previous chapters. Nevertheless, analyses in the 1980s showed that they do differ. You can read more about their properties in the endnotes, but it’s enough to know that they differ in how they incorporate supersymmetry as well as in significant details of the vibrational patterns they support.2 (Type I string theory, for example, has open strings with two loose ends in addition to the closed loops we have focused on.) This has been an embarrassment for string theorists because although it’s impressive to have a serious proposal for the final unified theory, having five proposals takes significant wind from the sails of each.

The second deviation from inevitability is more subtle. To fully appreciate it, you must recognize that all physical theories consist of two parts. The first part is the collection of fundamental ideas of the theory, which are usually expressed by mathematical equations. The second part of a theory comprises the solutions to its equations. Generally speaking, some equations have one and only one solution while others have more than one solution (possibly many more). (For a simple example, the equation “2 times a particular number equals 10″ has one solution: 5. But the equation “0 times a particular number equals 0″ has infinitely many solutions, since 0 times any number is 0.) And so, even if research leads to a unique theory with unique equations, it might be that inevitability is compromised because the equations have many different possible solutions. By the late 1980s, it appeared that this was the case with string theory. When physicists studied the equations of any one of the five string theories, they found that they do have many solutions—for example, many different possible ways to curl up the extra dimensions—with each solution corresponding to a universe with different properties. Most of these universes, although emerging as valid solutions to the equations of string theory, appear to be irrelevant to the world as we know it.

These deviations from inevitability might seem to be unfortunate fundamental characteristics of string theory. But research since the mid-1990s has given us dramatic new hope that these features may be merely reflections of the way string theorists have been analyzing the theory. Briefly put, the equations of string theory are so complicated that no one knows their exact form. Physicists have managed to write down only approximate versions of the equations. It is these approximate equations that differ significantly from one string theory to the next. And it is these approximate equations, within the context of any one of the five string theories, that give rise to an abundance of solutions, a cornucopia of unwanted universes.

Since 1995 (the start of the second superstring revolution), there has been a growing body of evidence that the exact equations, whose precise form is still beyond our reach, may resolve these problems, thereby helping to give string theory the stamp of inevitability. In fact, it has already been established to the satisfaction of most string theorists that, when the exact equations are understood, they will show that all five string theories are actually intimately related. Like the appendages on a starfish, they are all part of one connected entity whose detailed properties are currently under intense investigation. Rather than having five distinct string theories, physicists are now convinced that there is one theory that sews all five into a unique theoretical framework, And like the clarity that emerges when hitherto hidden relationships are revealed, this union is providing a powerful new vantage point for understanding the universe according to string theory.

To explain these insights we must engage some of the most difficult, cutting-edge developments in string theory. We must understand the nature of the approximations used in studying string theory and their inherent limitations. We must gain some familiarity with the clever techniques—collectively called dualities—that physicists have invoked to circumvent some of these approximations. And then we must follow the subtle reasoning that makes use of these techniques to find the remarkable insights alluded to above. But don’t worry. The really hard work has already been done by string theorists and we will content ourselves here with explaining their results.

Nevertheless, as there are many seemingly separate pieces that we must develop and assemble, in this chapter it is especially easy to lose the forest for the trees. And so, if at any time in this chapter the discussion gets a little too involved and you feel compelled to rush on to black holes (Chapter 13) or cosmology (Chapter 14), take a quick glance back at the following section, which summarizes the key insights of the second superstring revolution.

A Summary of the Second Superstring Revolution

The primary insight of the second superstring revolution is summarized by Figures 12.1 and 12.2. In Figure 12.1 we see the situation prior to the recent ability to go (partially) beyond the approximation methods physicists have traditionally used to analyze string theory. We see that the five string theories were thought of as being completely separate. But, with the newfound insights emerging from recent research, as indicated in Figure 12.2, we see that, like the starfish’s five arms, all of the string theories are now viewed as a single, all-encompassing framework. (In fact, by the end of this chapter we will see that even a sixth theory—a sixth arm-will be merged into this union.) This overarching framework has provisionally been called M-theory, for reasons that will become clear as we proceed. Figure 12.2 represents a landmark achievement in the quest for the ultimate theory~ Seemingly disconnected threads of research in string theory have now been woven together into a single tapestry—a unique, all-encompassing theory that may well be the long-sought theory of everything.

Although much work remains to be done, there are two essential features of M-theory that physicists have already uncovered. First, M-theory has eleven dimensions (ten space and one time). Somewhat as Kaluza found that one additional spatial dimension allowed for an unexpected merger of general relativity and electromagnetism, string theorists have realized that one additional spatial dimension in string theory–beyond the nine space and one time dimensions discussed in preceding chapters—allows for a deeply satisfying synthesis of all five versions of the theory. Moreover, this extra spatial dimension is not pulled out of thin air; rather, string theorists have realized that the reasoning of the 1970s and 1980s that led to one time and nine space dimensions was approximate, and that exact calculations, which can now be completed, show that one spatial dimension had hitherto been overlooked.

The second feature of M-theory that has been discovered is that it contains vibrating strings, but it also includes other objects: vibrating two-dimensional membranes, undulating three-dimensional blobs (called “three-branes”), and a host of other ingredients as well. As with the eleventh dimension, this feature of M-theory emerges when calculations are freed from reliance on the approximations used prior to the mid-1990s.

Beyond these and a variety of other insights attained over the last few years, much of the true nature of M-theory remains mysterious–one suggested meaning for the “M.” Physicists worldwide are working with great vigor to acquire a full understanding of M-theory, and this may well constitute the central problem of twenty-first-century physics.

An Approximation Method

The limitations of the methods physicists have been using to analyze string theory are bound up with something called perturbation theory. Perturbation theory is an elaborate name for making an approximation to try to give a rough answer to a question, and then systematically improving this approximation by paying closer attention to fine details initially ignored. It plays an important part in many areas of scientific research, has been an essential element in understanding string theory, and, as we now illustrate, is also something we encounter frequently in our day-to-day lives.

Imagine that one day your car is acting up, so you go see a mechanic to have it checked out. After giving your car a once-over, he gives you the bad news. The car needs a new engine block, for which parts and labor typically run in the $900 range. This is a ballpark approximation that you expect to be refined as the finer details of the work required become apparent. A few days later, having had time to run additional tests on the car, the mechanic gives you a more precise estimate, $950. He explains that you also need a new regulator, which with parts and labor costs about $50. Finally, when you go to pick up the car, he has added together all of the detailed contributions and presents you with a bill of $987.93. This, he explains, includes the $950 for the engine block and regulator, an additional $27 covering a fan belt, $10 for a battery cable, and $.93 for an insulated bolt. The initial approximate figure of $900 has been refined by including more and more details. In physics terms, these details are referred to as perturbations to the initial estimate.

When perturbation theory is properly and effectively applied, the initial estimate will be reasonably close to the final answer; when incorporated, the fine details ignored in the initial estimate make small differences in the final result. But sometimes when you go to pay a final bill it is shockingly different from the initial estimate. Although you might use other, more emotive terms, technically this is called a failure of perturbation theory. This means that the initial approximation was not a good guide to the final answer because the “refinements,” rather than causing relatively small deviations, resulted in large changes to the ballpark estimate.

As indicated briefly in earlier chapters, our discussion of string theory to this point has relied on a perturbative approach somewhat analogous to that used by the mechanic. The “incomplete understanding” of string theory that we have referred to from time to time has its roots, in one way or another, in this approximation method. Let’s build up to an understanding of this important remark by discussing perturbation theory in a context that is less abstract than string theory but closer to its string theory application than the example of the mechanic.

A Classical Example of Perturbation Theory

Understanding the motion of the earth through the solar system provides a classic example of using a perturbative approach. On such large distance scales, we need consider only the gravitational force, but unless further approximations are made, the equations encountered are extremely complicated. Remember that according to both Newton and Einstein, everything exerts a gravitational influence on everything else, and this quickly leads to a complex and mathematically intractable gravitational tug-of-war involving the earth, the sun, the moon, the other planets, and, in principle, all other heavenly bodies as well. As you can imagine, it is impossible to take all of these influences into account and determine the exact motion of the earth. In fact, even if there were only three heavenly participants, the equations become so complicated that no one has been able to solve them in full.3

Nevertheless, we can predict the motion of the earth through the solar system with great accuracy by making use of a perturbative approach. The enormous mass of the sun, in comparison to that of every other member of our solar system, and its proximity to the earth, in comparison to that of every other star, makes it by far the dominant influence on the earth’s motion. And so, we can get a ballpark estimate by considering only the sun’s gravitational influence. For many purposes this is perfectly adequate. If necessary, we can refine this approximation by sequentially including the gravitational effects of the next-most-relevant bodies, such as the moon and whichever planets are passing closest by at the moment. The calculations can start to become difficult as the emerging web of gravitational influences gets complicated, but don’t let this obscure the perturbative philosophy: The sun-earth gravitational interaction gives us an approximate explanation of the earth’s motion, while the remaining complex of other gravitational influences offers a sequence of ever smaller refinements.

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