The Elegant Universe (43 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

BOOK: The Elegant Universe
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The important thing about BPS states is that their properties are uniquely, easily, and exactly determined without resort to a perturbative calculation. This is true regardless of the value of the coupling constants. That is, even if the string coupling constant is large, implying that the perturbative approach is invalid, we are still able to deduce the exact properties of the BPS configurations. The properties are often called nonperturbative masses and charges since their values transcend the perturbative approximation scheme. For this reason, you can also think of BPS as standing for “beyond perturbative states.”

The BPS properties exhaust only a small part of the full physics of a chosen string theory when its coupling constant is large, but they nonetheless give us a tangible grip on some of its strong coupling characteristics. As the coupling constant in a chosen string theory is increased beyond the realm accessible to perturbation theory, we anchor our limited understanding in the BPS states. Like a few choice words in a foreign tongue, we will find that they will take us quite far.

Duality in String Theory

Following Witten, let’s start with one of the five string theories, say the Type I string, and imagine that all of its nine space dimensions are flat and unfurled. This, of course, is not at all realistic, but it makes the discussion simpler; we will return to curled-up dimensions shortly. We begin by assuming that the string coupling constant is much less than 1. In this case, perturbative tools are valid, and hence many of the detailed properties of the theory can and have been worked out with accuracy. If we increase the value of the coupling constant but still keep it a good deal less than 1, perturbative methods can still be used. The detailed properties of the theory will change somewhat—for instance, the numerical values associated with the scattering of one string off another will be a bit different because the multiple loop processes of Figure 12.6 make greater contributions when the coupling constant increases. But beyond these changes in detailed numerical properties, the overall physical content of the theory remains the same, so long as the coupling constant stays in the perturbative realm.

As we increase the Type I string coupling constant beyond the value 1, perturbative methods become invalid and so we focus only on the limited set of nonperturbative masses and charges—the BPS states—that are still within our ability to understand. Here is what Witten argued, and later confirmed through joint work with Joe Polchinski of the University of California at Santa Barbara: These strong coupling characteristics of Type I string theory exactly agree with known properties of Heterotic-O string theory, when the latter has a small value for its string coupling constant. That is, when the coupling constant of the Type I string is large, the particular masses and charges that we know how to extract are precisely equal to those of the Heterotic-O string when its coupling constant is small. This gives us a strong indication that these two string theories, which at first sight, like water and ice, seem totally different, are actually dual. It persuasively suggests that the physics of the Type I theory for large values of its coupling constant is identical to the physics of the Heterotic-O theory for small values of its coupling constant. Related arguments gave equally persuasive evidence that the reverse is also true: The physics of the Type I theory for small values of its coupling constant is identical to that of the Heterotic-O theory for large values of its coupling constant.9 Although the two string theories appear to be unrelated when analyzed using the perturbative approximation scheme, we now see that each transforms into the other—somewhat like the transmutation between water and ice—as their coupling constants are varied in value.

This central new kind of result, in which the strong coupling physics of one theory is described by the weak coupling physics of another theory, is known as strong-weak duality. As with the other dualities discussed previously, it tells us that the two theories involved are not actually distinct. Rather, they give two dissimilar descriptions of the same underlying theory. Unlike the English-Chinese trivial duality, strong-weak coupling duality is powerful. When the coupling constant of one member of a dual pair of theories is small, we can analyze its physical properties using well-developed perturbative tools. If the coupling constant of the theory is large, however, and thus the perturbative methods break down, we now know that we can use the dual description—a description in which the relevant coupling constant is small—and return to the use of perturbative tools. The translation has resulted in our having quantitative methods to analyze a theory we initially thought to be beyond our theoretical abilities.

Actually proving that the strong coupling physics of the Type I string theory is identical to the weak coupling physics of the Heterotic-O theory, and vice versa, is an extremely difficult task that has not yet been achieved. The reason is simple. One member of the pair of the supposedly dual theories is not amenable to perturbative analysis, as its coupling constant is too big. This prevents direct calculations of many of its physical properties. In fact, it is precisely this point that makes the proposed duality so potent, for, if true, it provides a new tool for analyzing a strongly coupled theory: Use perturbative methods on its weakly coupled dual description.

But even if we cannot prove that the two theories are dual, the perfect alignment between those properties we can extract with confidence provides extremely compelling evidence that the conjectured strong-weak coupling relationship between the Type I and Heterotic-O string theories is correct. In fact, increasingly clever calculations that have been performed to test the proposed duality have all resulted in positive results. Most string theorists are convinced that the duality is true.

Following the same approach, one can study the strong coupling properties of another of the remaining string theories, say, the Type IIB string. As originally conjectured by Hull and Townsend and supported by the research of a number of physicists, something equally remarkable appears to occur. As the coupling constant of the Type IIB string gets larger and larger, the physical properties that we are still able to understand appear to match up exactly with that of the weakly coupled Type IIB string itself. In other words, the Type IIB string is self-dual.


Specifically, detailed analysis persuasively suggests that if the Type IIB coupling constant were larger than 1, and if we were to change its value to its reciprocal (whose value, therefore, is less than 1), the resulting theory is absolutely identical to the one we started with. Similar to what we found in trying to squeeze a circular dimension to a sub-Planck-scale length, if we try to increase the Type IIB coupling to a value larger than 1, the self-duality shows that the resulting theory is precisely equivalent to the Type IIB string with a coupling smaller than 1.

A Summary, So Far

Let’s see where we are. By the mid-1980s, physicists had constructed five different superstring theories. In the approximation scheme of perturbation theory, they all appear to be distinct. But this approximation method is valid only if the string coupling constant in a given string theory is less than 1. The expectation has been that physicists should be able to calculate the precise value of the string coupling constant in any given string theory, but the form of the approximate equations currently available makes this impossible. For this reason, physicists aim to study each of the five string theories for a range of possible values of their respective coupling constants, both less than and greater than 1—i.e., both weak and strong coupling. But traditional perturbative methods give no insight into the strong coupling characteristics of any of the string theories.

Recently, by making use of the power of supersymmetry, physicists have learned how to calculate some of the strong coupling properties of a given string theory. And to the surprise of most everyone in the field, the strong coupling properties of the Heterotic-O string appear to be identical to the weak coupling properties of the Type I string, and vice versa. Moreover, the strong coupling physics of the Type IIB string is identical to its own properties when its coupling is weak. These unexpected links encourage us to follow Witten and press on to the other two string theories, Type IIA and Heterotic-E, to see how they fit into the overall picture. Here we will find even more exotic surprises. To prepare ourselves, we need a brief historical digression.


In the late 1970s and early 1980s, before the surge of interest in string theory, many theoretical physicists sought a unified theory of quantum mechanics, gravity, and the other forces in the framework of point-particle quantum field theory. The hope was that the inconsistencies between point-particle theories involving gravity and quantum mechanics would be overcome by studying theories with a great deal of symmetry. In 1976 Daniel Freedman, Sergio Ferrara, and Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen, all then of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, discovered that the most promising were those involving supersymmetry, since the tendency of bosons and fermions to give cancelling quantum fluctuations helps to calm the violent microscopic frenzy. The authors coined the term supergravity to describe supersymmetric quantum field theories that try to incorporate general relativity. Such attempts to merge general relativity with quantum mechanics ultimately met with failure. Nevertheless, as mentioned in Chapter 8, there was a prescient lesson to be learned from these investigations, one that presaged the development of string theory.

The lesson, which perhaps became most clear through the work of Eugene Cremmer, Bernard Julia, and Scherk, all of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1978, was that the attempts that came closest to success were supergravity theories formulated not in four dimensions, but in more. Specifically, the most promising were the versions calling for ten or eleven dimensions, with eleven dimensions, it turns out, being the maximal possible.11 Contact with four observed dimensions was accomplished in the framework, once again, of Kaluza and Klein: The extra dimensions were curled up. In the ten-dimensional theories, as in string theory, six dimensions were curled up, while seven were curled up for the eleven-dimensional theory.

When string theory took physicists by storm in 1984, the perspective on point-particle supergravity theories changed dramatically. As emphasized repeatedly, if we examine a string with the precision available currently and for the foreseeable future, it looks like a point particle. We can make this informal remark precise: When studying low-energy processes in string theory—those processes that do not have enough energy to probe the ultramicroscopic, extended nature of the string—we can approximate a string by a structureless point particle, using the framework of point-particle quantum field theory. We cannot use this approximation when dealing with short-distance or high-energy processes because we know that the extended nature of the string is crucial to its ability to resolve the conflicts between general relativity and quantum mechanics that a point-particle theory cannot. But at low enough energies—large enough distances—these problems are not encountered, and such an approximation is often made for the sake of calculational convenience.

The quantum field theory that most closely approximates string theory in this manner is none other than ten-dimensional supergravity. The special properties of ten-dimensional supergravity discovered in the 1970s and 1980s are now understood to be low-energy relics of the underlying power of string theory. Researchers studying ten-dimensional supergravity had uncovered the tip of a very deep iceberg—the rich structure of superstring theory. In fact, it turns out that there are four different ten-dimensional supergravity theories that differ in details regarding the precise way in which supersymmetry is incorporated. Three of these turn out to be the low-energy point-particle approximations to the Type IIA string, the Type IIB string, and the Heterotic-E string. The fourth gives the the low-energy point-particle approximation to both the Type I string and the Heterotic-O string; in retrospect, this was the first indication of the close connection between these two string theories.

This is a very tidy story except that eleven-dimensional supergravity seems to have been left out in the cold. String theory, formulated in ten dimensions, appears to have no room for an eleven-dimensional theory. For a number of years, the general view held by most but not all string theorists was that eleven-dimensional supergravity was a mathematical oddity without any connection to the physics of string theory.12

Glimmers of M-Theory

The view now is very different. At Strings ‘95, Witten argued that if we start with the Type IIA string and increase its coupling constant from a value much less than 1 to a value much greater than 1, the physics we are still able to analyze (essentially that of the BPS saturated configurations) has a low-energy approximation that is eleven-dimensional supergravity.

When Witten announced this discovery, it stunned the audience and it has since rocked the string theory community. For almost everyone in the field, it was a completely unexpected development. Your first reaction to this result may echo that of most experts in the field: How can a theory specific to eleven dimensions be relevant to a different theory in ten?

The answer is of deep significance. To understand it, we must describe Witten’s result more precisely. Actually, it’s easier first to illustrate a closely related result discovered later by Witten and a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, Petr Hořava, that focuses on the Heterotic-E string. They found that the strongly coupled Heterotic-E string also has an eleven-dimensional description, and Figure 12.7 shows why. In the leftmost part of the figure, we take the Heterotic-E string coupling constant to be much smaller than 1. This is the realm that we have been describing in previous chapters and that string theorists have studied for well over a decade. As we move to the right in Figure 12.7, we sequentially increase the size of the coupling constant. Prior to 1995, string theorists knew that this would make the loop processes (see Figure 12.6) increasingly important and, as the coupling constant got larger, would ultimately invalidate the whole perturbative framework. But what no one suspected is that as the coupling constant is made larger, a new dimension becomes visible! This is the “vertical” dimension shown in Figure 12.7. Bear in mind that in this figure the two-dimensional grid with which we begin represents all nine spatial dimensions of the Heterotic-E string. Thus, the new, vertical dimension represents a tenth spatial dimension, which, together with time, takes us to a total of eleven spacetime dimensions.

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