Read The Elusive Wife Online

Authors: Callie Hutton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

The Elusive Wife (19 page)

BOOK: The Elusive Wife
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That might be a better idea. I shall leave if things become too difficult.

“My room is third on the left in the east wing. Go there and slip inside. I’ll get the champagne and join you.”

His velvet voice in her ear caused naughty feelings to arise, like the time she and Elizabeth had climbed out the school window to wander around London at night. Heat gathered in her center, and she suppressed a girlish giggle as she hurried to Jason’s room.

With most of the guests already in their rooms, she saw no one. She felt rather lighthearted and pushed niggling doubts to the back of her mind. She and Jason would merely share a bottle of champagne, and then she would depart for her room.

Wasn’t it her plan to see if she could engage feelings other than lust? This could be a golden opportunity to begin her campaign.

How much trouble could that get her into?

Chapter Twenty-One

Olivia ran her palms up and down her arms to ward off the chill in the room. Perhaps the coldness came from within. Or perchance it wasn’t a chill at all, but anticipation. And she was afraid she knew for what. Jason suspected her resistance to him was melting.

If only she could keep her anger at the forefront. He wed her and left her to fend for herself. Somehow that no longer brought the ire it used to. He was a notorious rake and even bedded tavern wenches. That was before they’d married. According to what she’d overheard, his mistress had had no intention of giving him up. But the last time she saw Lady Sheridan the woman had attached herself to Lord Allington, and had completely ignored Jason.

Handsome, charming, and sought after by both married and unmarried ladies, he claimed to be tired of it all. And she didn’t doubt his desire for her. She felt it in his touch, saw it in his piercing blue eyes. Was she to be the next woman to warm his bed and then cast aside? Since she was his legal wife, the casting off would be different from one of his mistresses. Jewelry, perhaps. But his name, wealth, title, and his heir would remain hers. Except for a child, the rest was poor compensation for a cold bed.

Olivia had risen from the blue and green brocade chair to stare at the low burning fire when Jason arrived. His presence absorbed all the air in the room. The space that had seemed large when she entered had shrunk in size. She tensed slightly and wondered if she should return to her bedchamber.

As if gauging her mood, Jason came up behind her, and placing his hands at her waist, pulled her already sensitized body against his. “Not having second thoughts, are you?” He nuzzled her neck.

“Truth be known, yes. I am. Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” She turned to him, her breath catching as her breasts rubbed against his hard chest, the desire so evident in his eyes.

He gathered her in his arms. “No worry. Merely two friends sharing a bottle of champagne.”

“Are we friends, Jason?” she asked softly.

He ran his finger over her jawline. “Yes, my love. We are friends, as well as husband and wife, a relationship which eludes me right now.” Grasping her chin between his index finger and thumb, he bent his head and gently kissed her. His lips were soft and warm and she could taste the brandy he’d had after dinner. She inhaled deeply of the welcoming whiff of Bay rum and leather.

Jason slid his hand around to cup her head, shifting his mouth as his kiss deepened. She opened her lips at his prodding and a rush of heat raced through her as he swept his tongue in, teasing all the sensitive parts. Her instinctive response to him was powerful, an explosion of desire racing through her body. She pulled away, trembling. Jason looked down at her, his eyes burning with need.

“I think I’ll have some of that champagne now.” She backed away as her voice cracked.

He smiled tightly. “Coward.”

They sat in the chairs in front of the fire, drinking the champagne. Jason rose several times to refill their glasses. With each refill she grew warmer and more relaxed. She giggled as she reached down and unfastened her shoes, sliding her feet out and wiggling her toes toward the fire. Not happy with that, she hiked her skirts up, and removed her stockings. Jason watched her every move. Neither spoke, but the tension in the room was palpable.

“Are you trying to get me drunk, my lord?” she said after the third time he refilled her glass.

“Do you feel tipsy?” His gaze roamed over her lazily.

“Ummm. I guess you could say I am quite relaxed.” Olivia regarded him sitting there, stretched out like a feline lying in the sun.

He stared at the fire, seeming lost in thought. No surprise that he attracted the attention he did. His muscles stretched the seams of his well-cut lawn shirt. After having removed his jacket and cravat, she’d sat dry-mouthed as he opened the top button of his shirt, exposing his tanned neck, a few dark hairs visible. Her fingers itched to run through the hair that no doubt covered his powerful chest.

She took another sip of champagne and considered life with him. Was she prepared to watch women throw themselves at him? And how long would he resist? Especially being a member of the
, whose members not only looked the other way at infidelity, but accepted it as their due.

Steeped in dark thoughts, Olivia glanced at Jason who’d turned his attention to her. Quietly, he put his glass down and walked over. She gazed up at him as he removed the champagne from her hand and set it aside. Watching her carefully, he pulled her up with both hands. She grabbed his shoulders at the sudden lightheadedness. “Oh, I feel a bit dizzy.”

“No problem, sweetheart.” His voice was smooth and soothing as he bent and picked her up. Taking a few steps, he placed her on the bed. His darkened blue eyes met hers as he yanked his shirt from his trousers. He joined her on the bed, and with gentle fingers, smoothed the small frown from her forehead. Olivia ran her tongue around her lips and he groaned.

He reached behind her and pulled the pins from her hair. Her curls fell in soft waves over her shoulders to her breasts. Tugging her toward him, he feathered kisses where her pulse beat rapidly. She sighed at the sensations coursing through her, and eased her head back to give him better access. He rolled her toward him and quickly opened the buttons at the back of her dress. He slid the garment off her shoulders and unlaced her stays. She gasped at the speed with which he removed it, and then pulled her chemise over her head.

Exposed to him, a rush of cool air wafted over her breasts. She should stop now, for it had already gone too far. Before she could protest, he’d taken her mouth again in fierce possession.

His teeth nipped at her lower lip, and all the while his warm fingers plucked at her nipple. She let out a soft cry.

Jason pulled away and cupped her face. “I love the mewing sounds of pleasure you make.”

“We shouldn’t do this.” Her voice came out barely a whisper before she scattered kisses along his jawline. How could she resist? The amount of champagne she’d consumed seemed to muddle her brain. The man was experienced and renowned for his skills in the bedroom. And she’d grown so tired of denying him—and herself.

“Yes. We should. It’s past time, sweetheart. You belong to me, only me, and always will.” Once again his warm mouth covered hers, and he gathered her close, sliding her gown over the indent at her waist and the fullness of her hips. Jason drew it away, then made quick work of removing her drawers, leaving her naked body free to press against his. The sensation of his clothing as it rubbed against her exposed skin made her feel wanton.

Jason drew a nipple into his mouth and suckled. She moaned softly and moved her legs restlessly. He continued on to her other breast, using his clever fingers on the nipple he just left to coax it into a rigid point. Olivia ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as his mouth worked its magic.

He lifted his head and slowly perused her body stretched before him. “You are so beautiful, love. I want you so much, more than any woman I’ve ever met.” He pressed the evidence of his desire against her hip.

“If we’re to continue, my lord, perhaps you should divest yourself of your garments.” Olivia smiled as she unbuttoned his shirt. Jason leaned up and helped her take it off. Mesmerized at the dark hair on his chest, she smoothed her palms over the coarse curls, rubbing her fingertips over his flat nipple.

“Such strength.” She traced his muscles as they flexed with his movements. Golden skin rippled at her touch.

He shifted his mouth to her ear. “I’m also hard. Let me show you.” He reached for her hand and placed it on the stiff ridge.

As if it touched fire, she yanked her hand back.

“No, don’t pull back. I want you to touch me.” He brought her hand back again.

Hesitantly she squeezed, marveling at how his member seemed to grow larger with her caress.

Given his moans, what she did obviously brought him pleasure. Loving the power she held over this arrogant and confident man, she opened the buttons on the fall and his erection sprang forth. When she wrapped her fingers around him, he lurched and grabbed her hand. “No, sweetheart, I’m about to explode.”

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. I just need to make sure you’re ready for me.” Once again he returned his mouth to her breasts, while his fingers kept busy circling and stroking the folds between her legs. She moaned when he inserted a finger into her body.

“That’s it, love, lie back and let me bring your pleasure.” His hungry lips returned to her mouth, kissing her deeply, and he slowly inserted a second and then a third finger.

Her body was all sensation. He rubbed his chest against her breasts, the friction causing ripples of pleasure to flow from her nipples to her core. His fingers left her center and the heel of his hand moved up to massage the dark curls at her juncture. Unable to hold still, Olivia ran her palms up his broad back to his shoulders, pulling him closer as if to crawl inside his hot, hard body.

Jason’s lips left hers and he moved away, rolling off the bed. Frantic at the loss of heat, Olivia opened her eyes, searching. He pulled his boots, then hose, off. Her husband stared at her as he shoved his pantaloons down and stepped out of them. His erection stood in majestic glory and Olivia’s body tightened. Her heart raced at the sight of this magnificent man, whose evidence of his desire fascinated her, awakened her woman’s passion.

Her senses heightened as he crawled to her with the stealth of a predator, then flipped her body so she lay sprawled on top of him. Cupping her underarms, he slid her up and his mouth caught her nipple where he feasted, pulling, tugging and licking. Engulfed with sensation, she rubbed herself against him, then fisting both hands in his hair, pulled him closer.

In one quick motion he reversed their positions, then kneed her legs open, gazing down at her as he knelt above her. “My wildest dreams can’t compare to what my eyes are a witness to right now.”

She reached for him. “Please Jason.” Her body burned and the area between her legs swelled and throbbed. His heated gaze bore into her, that alone raising her temperature further.

“I know, my love. I’m here, and I promise I will not leave you wanting.”

He lowered himself and slowly entered her. Olivia closed her eyes as his hard member slid into where her body wept. Once more he took possession of her mouth and smoothed back the damp curls from her forehead. His hips stopped their forward motion and he put his mouth to her ear. “I would give anything not to hurt you, but the pain will only be for a moment. I’m sorry.” He pushed forward and Olivia squeaked with the sharp twinge.

Jason held still for a moment, his jaw clenched. Soon the pain faded, quickly replaced with a pleasurable feeling of fullness.

As his body began to move, her sense of need returned in full force. After several thrusts, Jason slipped a hand between their bodies and circled the flesh at the juncture of her thighs with his thumb. She ran her palms across his back, her hips meeting him as he thrust in and out. Her hand moved to his hair, where her fingers wove their way through the dark silkiness.

She loved the weight of his body on hers. By now covered in sweat, they slid against each other, the sound of their deep breaths filling the air. Something teased her, coiled inside her. She strained and tightened her leg muscles. Jason picked up the pace as the most incredible feeling washed over her, in wave after wave, shortly before his rugged voice cried out her name, and he convulsed before collapsing on her.

Olivia felt as if all her bones had melted. What a glorious thing they had just shared. She’d never felt so close to another human being in her life. She wanted to bring her hand up to touch his shoulder, make contact, but her brain could not make her body move.

They both lay panting, Jason’s mouth against her neck. “You are incredible,” he said, taking a deep breath. He leaned up on his elbow and looked at her. Then he tucked a curl behind her ear and kissed the tip of her nose.

“Did I hurt you? I’ve wanted you for so long, I’m afraid I may have been a little rough.”

“No, I’m not hurt.”

Jason moved off to the side, and pulled her close against his chest. Olivia shifted to peer up at him. “Tell me, is the joining of a man and woman always like this?”

His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“My mother passed away when I was so young, no one ever discussed the marriage bed. The few times I’ve overhead ladies discussing the subject, it always sounded so—I don’t know—painful and nasty.” She felt heat rise in her face, which was silly since they both lay stark naked.

“No, sweetheart, it doesn’t have to be hurtful or nasty. Well, except for the first time. It’s too bad so many young girls are put off by well-intentioned mamas. For some reason the falsehood prevails that women should not enjoy intimacy, when the opposite is true.” As he spoke, he ran his hand lightly over her curves. The activity they just shared, the champagne, and his warm, rich voice surrounded her in a warm, snug cocoon.

“It’s much more pleasurable for the man if the woman is an active participant. In fact,” he said giving her a thoughtful look, “one reason a man will stray is if it’s obvious his wife views his attentions as something unwanted.”

“Is that a warning, my lord?” She smirked.

“No, sweetheart, that is merely the way of the world. A wife for begetting heirs, a mistress for pleasure.”

“Your world.”

“Our world, Lady Coventry.” He ran his knuckles down her cheek. “But the world of the Earl of Coventry and his Countess doesn’t have to be like everyone else, nor do I wish it to be.”


“I’ve never desired a
marriage, love. I saw the misery my parents put each other through. I want a wife who welcomes me to her bed with open arms. Who enjoys what we do together, doesn’t consider it a ‘duty.’” He shifted and pulled her close. “I desire a woman who shares everything with me—her sorrows, joys, and fears. Despite our ugly beginning, I know in my heart you are that woman.”

BOOK: The Elusive Wife
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