The Empress' Rapture (9 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: The Empress' Rapture
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Ten more swats on each cheek heated her ass. She shoved her head into the pillow, stifling her cries and moans. Her eyes watered from the sensation. The machine still screwed her, and fingers gathered her juices from her wet folds. The fingers trailed up to her behind. Slowly one digit pushed into her ass, and then two. The machine continued pumping into her pussy. A hot mouth attached to her clit. The sucking and biting brought on another set of tremors through her body. The pleasure and pain continued until Sierra couldn’t catch her breath. Sweat dripped off her body, and she detected the aroma of her passion.

Another orgasm rushed over her, sending stars dancing through her head. She felt something cold and slippery pushing into her butt. She tried to jump, but one of them held her head down. The handcuffs attached to her arms incapacitated her, and hands slapped her derriere again.

“Don’t move!” Garth ordered and worked the butt plug. “Hold still, this plug will stretch you for us.” The plug was pushed in and out of her, and played with her. “You’ll keep this in you all day. Do you understand? Tonight, we make you ours! You’ll not use any toys unless we tell you to from now on. We’ll buy you all you need and be the only ones to give you pleasure. No masturbation unless we tell you!”

She felt so full, but then the machine was taken away leaving her empty.

“Garth will now put four fingers inside you.” Roman’s voice deepened and sent shivers down her spine. Four fingers slid into her pussy as she whimpered.

“Soon, little one, we’ll train you to take our whole hand in this tight pussy of ours. You’ll learn to love the feel of the flogger against your skin,” Garth said as fingernails scratched her behind to give emphasis to what was to come. “But for now, come for us again, little one,” he said.

Roman pinched and pulled her nipples. Sucking her clit again into his mouth, Garth continued his movements with his hand. Garth pushed it in, rotating, and just when she thought she would explode he pulled it out. She screamed into the pillow, blackness swallowing her once more as her orgasm took control of her body.

She awoke alone in her room, staring at the ceiling. The restraints, machine, and her mates gone. Yet, the plug still pushed into her behind. Smiling, she rolled out of the bed and walked awkwardly to the bathroom. A piece of paper caught her eye. Picking it up, she read it. Shaving cream and a razor lay on the counter next to the note.

Baby, here are the supplies you’ll need for your shower. We want our pussy bare for us tonight. When you’re done, we’re in the conference room with your parents.


Sierra laughed and followed the instructions. She felt bare down there and a little shy about what she had done. Yet, it was more sensitive to the touch now. She grabbed the lotion and smoothed it over her skin.

As she slipped a shirt over her head and stepped in the skirt, a knock sounded on the door. “Come in,” she said, sitting on the bed.

Slipping her shoes on, she noticed her father standing beside the bed as he kicked the door closed with his foot. She tensed and waited. He sat down on the bed next to her his larger body dwarfing her smaller one as he pulled her into his arms and held her like he used to when she was a kid.

“I owe you an apology, baby. It seems I’ve a lot to make up for all these years. I don’t love you any less, my little princess.” He sighed and pulled back brushing her hair out of her face. “I was just more protective of you. I knew there was something special about you, that you needed more protection than your sister. Your powers flared early and were twice as strong as anyone else’s in the family.”

Sierra gazed up at her father’s face as he paused. “You were always wild as a child and you still are, but I knew you needed extra protection. Having the pack house attached to our home we have had many visitors who have sensed your powers. I’ve had to make many excuses over the years about the power they could feel. I know this isn’t an excuse for what I’ve done, but I hope you understand that I’ve been afraid of losing you.” A single tear dripped down his cheek and landed on hers. He smiled and wiped it away.


“Hush, Sierra, let me say this, please. You were right…I did treat you differently. I was harder on you at times because I knew you could take it. You needed that extra protection more than Lily. We always knew who her mate was, but you…we had no idea. You know once you’re marked by your mates others can’t have you. However, there are some who don’t want to believe this. They would take any female to breed her. Some of the men don’t care about the breeding. They just want to use your powers for their benefit. Your magic continues to grow. Even your grandmother is worried about this. We don’t know why you have witchcraft powers running through you. Your grandmother believes you’ll be the one to take her place as Queen.” His gaze caught hers and held it.

“She’s talking to your mates now and they’ll be helping with your training. You have so much to learn. We’re sorry that we cannot give you more time, but someone wants to stop your joining—of that we know.”

Sierra took all this information in, letting her father finish talking. She knew her powers mounted each day, but to be Queen of the Fey was too much. She got up and started to pace the room, thinking while her father watched.

A knock on the door broke the tension. Opening the door, she expected to see her mates there, but instead Jean smiled at her.

“Don’t look so surprised. Chandler brought me here after he explained that he’s my mate. I thought I should tell you and your father something, if you have time. It’s about your Witch powers,” she questioned.

“You know about me? How? I don’t understand?” Sierra asked, standing back so Jean could come inside. “Come in. Jean, this is my father, Drake Blacksmith.”

“We already met, earlier. Hi.” Jean smiled, shaking his hand. “Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier, but I wanted Sierra to hear this first. She’s all I have except Chandler now. About fifty years ago, the Trolls found my mother and father. The Trolls killed my father, believing that if he were dead my mother could breed for them.” Jean gazed at Sierra.

“It didn’t work. I found my mom ten years later. She was dying from the abuse they forced on her. Somehow the Trolls were able to block my mother’s power and entrap her. Mom swore they worked with someone. My mother was a very powerful Witch, and I’m the last of the line for our family. Mom had the gift of sight. She knew you would be like a sister to me and that you would save me that night.”

Jean held up her hand and stopped Sierra’s question. “I know you don’t remember. You wanted to find a town where there was no power play, Trolls, or Shape Shifters, and you wanted to just be yourself. Oh, they weren’t the same Trolls I’ve heard about from your dad. They were from a different region. Anyway, my mom showed me how to transfer her powers to you. I gave you my mother’s powers as she gave them to me. She knew you would need them in time.” Jean glanced at Drake and lowered her head, her beaded braids covering her face.

“So this is how I have your mom’s powers?” Sierra squeezed her hand.

“Yes and when you’re mated, your mates will have some of my father’s powers. They’re hidden in you until the time is right for your true mates to have them. The Council of Witches told me about the powers being placed within me and how to give them to you. I didn’t know at the time how I would meet you. Now I’ll remove the spell so you can remember. Again, I’m sorry about lying to you. In some ways you have part of my mother and father in you. I’ll always be connected to you.” Jean whispered some words and removed the spell.

Sierra sat back on the bed. A memory flashed before her eyes.

Walking towards her new apartment screams from the corner reached her. Running there, she discovered three Trolls surrounding a woman who looked like an African-American model. Her long braids swung in the air as she kicked at one of the creatures, but it had no effect on them. Sierra knew she had to help. Concentrating on her powers, she aimed her attack on the Trolls before they knew she was there. The force of the assault threw the perpetrators into the wall, knocking them out. Sierra grabbed the girl’s hand and ran.
She looked up at that same dark-skinned beauty and shook her head. She could now remember everything.

“Oh, my god, Jean. I am so sorry. Does Chandler know what happened?” Sierra whispered, hugging her friend.

“No, I have to explain it to him before we go any further, but I had to tell you first. It’s something I don’t want to remember but have no choice. He has the right to know what happened.” Sliding down the wall, Jean sat on the floor and looked up as tears streamed down her face. Sierra curled up next to her and pulled her into her arms, comforting her.

Sierra’s dad paced the room. “The Trolls have to be stopped. This can’t happen again. Too many women are disappearing.” Turning to Jean, he stated, “You’ll always have a home here. I’m sorry about what happened to you, but know this, if the man is worth anything it won’t matter to them about anything. They would support and love you. I haven’t known Chandler long, but his family is well known.” Drake kneeled and hugged both women.

“We have to let the others know. Are you two ready for this?” Drake looked from Sierra to Jean.

“Jean, why don’t you wait up here? We’ll get Chandler and send him up. You can tell him without anyone else around,” he said, kissing her forehead as she nodded. Jean got up and sat on the bed to wait.

“Do you want me to stay with you, Jean?” Sierra sat down next to her on the bed, holding her hand.

“No, this is my story, my shame. Go…you have a meeting to attend.”

“There’s no shame, Jean. You were a victim. We’ll all be here for you if you would like to talk later.” Sierra hugged her friend one more time before she walked to the door to find Chandler. Chandler stood there tall and ominous as little lightning flashes danced around his huge frame.

“You heard?” Drake asked, coming up behind Sierra.

“Yes!” Chandler said. The corner of his mouth twitched with anger.

“Jean’s scared and needs you now. Go to her,” Drake said, pulling Sierra down the stairs where her mates stood waiting for her. Sierra knew her mates could feel her sadness, but they didn’t try to read her. Instead, they waited for her to open up to them.

“Can we do this only once with everyone there?” she asked her mates and her father. “I don’t want it mentioned again. It would hurt Jean too much.”

Her mates nodded in agreement each taking one of her hands, giving her the comfort she needed but didn’t ask for.


Chapter Twelve


Guests gathered in the conference room except for Chandler and Jean. Sierra sat in Roman’s lap and watched the people arrive. Her head lay on Roman’s massive chest while his hands stroked her stomach. Garth held her hand which rested on her thigh. Roman and Garth’s clan had arrived. She’d been introduced to the whole clan quickly before the meeting started. She didn’t know if she would remember their names or not.

Jack’s angry words rang in her head all of a sudden scarring her,
No one can have you, you’re mine! I don’t care how many you have to protect you. You’ll be mine!

Roman’s arms tightened around her.
You’ll never have her! We’ll find you, and you’ll pay for what you’ve done to our mate! I’m going to rip you to shreds!
His gaze held hers as he spoke to Jack, letting her hear everything he said. His arm squeezed her waist, and Garth’s hand tightened on hers to reassure her.

Her father stood in the middle of the room surrounded by at least one hundred and fifty people. He began his tale. “I want to welcome Roman and Garth’s family to our home. As everyone can see, their whole den is here, so let’s make sure that we show them our hospitality. Have their guest rooms ready after our meeting.” Her father paused and looked around the room. “I have a story to tell and I’ll only speak it once, because it’s not a pleasant story for one of our family. This tale also explains how my daughter has inherited the extra powers we’ve noticed over the last few years.” He glanced at her and smiled.

Sierra tried to listen to what her father said, but her mind zoned out a few times. There was so much to consider, and now that Jack had a path to her mind, it scared her. She knew Roman and Garth were her mates—there was no doubt in her heart about that anymore. Their connection wrapped around her soul so tightly she thought she would burst. Her eyes shut as she inhaled Roman’s scent. Her nipples became sensitive, tightened into hard little nubs, every time they rubbed against the sheer lace of her bra she wanted to groan in delighted anguish. Sierra slid her hands into his shirt. The thick hair on his chest reminded her of a soft satin cloth. Forgetting about everything, Sierra wriggled from the erotic heat that swept her, needing relief. Roman’s hand moved down to her ass and pinched it hard.

“What the hell? Why did you do that?” Sierra yelped into his face as she jumped and tried to move off his lap. He held her still and adjusted his pants around his huge erection.

“Your dad is asking you something. You haven’t heard a word he’s said in the last ten minutes, so pay attention,” he stated with a grin.

Her cheeks burned. Sierra turned to face her father. Everyone stared at her. She could only imagine what they were thinking.

“Uhm…sorry Dad, I didn’t get much sleep last night. What did you say?”

Roman and Garth both laughed as they helped her up. Everyone in the room smirked or laughed. Her father just shook his head and smiled at her. He walked over and lifted her up. She wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.
This is not funny and you won’t find it funny when you try to come to my bed tonight, you pigs!

Her father walked her to the center of the room. She heard the low growls from her mates. Her gaze sought theirs and challenged them.
We’ll see tonight, sweetheart,
Garth purred.

“Sierra, your grandmother would like to test your power level now that she knows what other kind of magic you have. After this demonstration is done, we can go get some breakfast. I’m sure you would like to spend some time with your friends.” Her father leaned down, kissed her cheek, and stepped aside for her grandmother.

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