The Everlasting Hatred (3 page)

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Authors: Hal Lindsey

BOOK: The Everlasting Hatred
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As the Islamic world developed untold wealth through oil, its military might has been increasingly strengthened. The only thing standing in the way of the Muslim nations achieving some degree of parity with the West is their tendency to fight among themselves. But as you will see, there is one cause that can rally them together—hatred of the Jewish state and Western civilization. And Islamic Fundamentalism is the driving force that is
rallying all Muslims to “Jihad” for obliterating Israel and replacing the Western world order.

United States in Serious Danger?

Since September 11, many Americans are wondering just how vulnerable we are. Is our nation truly in grave danger?

Here is just a sampling of warnings given by responsible U.S. leaders:

“The prospect of another attack against the United States is just as real … as it was on September 12. It's not a matter of
, but of
.” (emphasis added)

19, 2002

“There will be another terrorist attack. We will not be able to stop it … I think we will see [walk-in suicide bombers] in the future. I think it's inevitable.”


“Terrorist networks have relations with terrorist states that have weapons of mass destruction … and they will get their hands on them.”

— S
21, 2002

In addition, the United States has placed a high alert status on the following potential targets of terror:

Major bridges, such as the Golden Gate or Oakland Bay bridges

Tunnels entering major cities like New York

Subways and railways

Large shopping malls

Aircraft and major buildings

Statue of Liberty

Computers that control our nuclear facilities and our entire electrical infrastructure

Banks and financial institutions (cyber attack) such as stock exchanges

Are Counter Measures Possible?

These warnings came despite the creation of the new Department of Homeland Security, the complete re-organization of the FBI, placing the CIA on maximum alert, and directing U.S. troops in Afghanistan to destroy the operational headquarters of al Qaeda, the latest star in the Islamic pantheon of terror.

Our country has mobilized for a global war on terrorism, and already we are faltering. Our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have stalled because we have failed to understand Muslim beliefs and practices. We have set as our goal to turn these Islamic countries into democracies, even though a Western-style democracy is totally contrary to the kind of government taught in the Koran. In Islam, religion and government are woven together, and both are inextricably patterned after the tribal culture of the seventh-century Arabian Peninsula. This is why Islamic nations have such a hard time fitting into the modern world.

Take just two examples of this. The Shah of Iran used all of his power to separate religious structures from government organizations and to create a modern nation that could compete in the industrial West. Iran became a flourishing nation, but Shiite fundamentalists rebelled against the Shah's move toward modern culture. As soon as the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to lead a revolution, he drug Iran back to the seventh-century culture of the Koran. Personal freedoms were wiped out overnight, and
hundreds of thousands of Iranians were imprisoned or executed. A country that had been our friend became our avowed enemy and labeled us “the Great Satan.” If the United States and the West had stood by the Shah, the fundamentalist fanatics would never have been able to overthrow his government.

In 1923, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the heretofore-revered father of modern Turkey, brought Turkey out of its backward, non-productive society and began its transformation into a modern industrial state. He eliminated the Sultanate and Caliphate, which were the joint political and religious arms of the fallen Ottoman Empire. He declared Turkey a secular state and separated religious and state affairs. He gave women full political and social rights and eliminated polygamy and harems.

Turkey has flourished and grown under the application of Ataturk's plan. But for decades, Islamic fundamentalists have sought to overthrow it. In 2003, the fundamentalists finally came into power with the election of the Justice and Development Party, headed by Recep Erdogan. Since then, Turkey has begun to leave the Western world and re-enter the Islamic world of Iran and Syria. The Turks have pulled away from NATO, of which they have been a part since 1952. The United States and Israel have been snubbed. Both Israel and the United States gave much valuable military technology and training to Turkey during their previous times of friendship, and now both may face those weapons in future conflicts. I expected this turn of events to occur because Turkey is part of the Gog and Magog invasion predicted by the prophet Ezekiel.

These two examples show the pull of the Islamic view of government upon those who take literally the teachings of the Koran. This Koranic pull is why, in my view, the efforts of the United States to democratize Iraq and Afghanistan are misconceived and futile. Instead, we need to destroy their war making capability and leave. And then warn them that we will destroy them if they are complicit in further terrorist attacks against us. This is the only language that Islamic fundamentalists understand.

Probably more important than anything else is that the West, especially the leaders of the United States, understands Muslim beliefs and practices.

Who Is the Terrorist “Du Jour”?

Because of a lack of true knowledge about what Islam's sacred books teach, Western leaders are proceeding unknowingly down an impossible path. The mantra constantly repeated by our “politically correct” government leaders today is that “Islam is a religion of peace and love.” I am sorry—that is just not what the Koran, the Hadith, and the history of Muslim conquests clearly teach. It is true that the majority of Muslims are not fundamentalists, thank God. But when any one of them gets serious about his faith and becomes zealous about what his holy books teach, he is a candidate for becoming what we know as a terrorist.

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