The Everlasting Hatred (4 page)

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Authors: Hal Lindsey

BOOK: The Everlasting Hatred
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Under the Obama Administration, things have gotten even worse. Our government will not allow terrorist acts to be labeled Muslim acts of terrorism. The liberal media have bowed to this folly as well. Acts of terrorism clearly motivated by Islam are called instead the acts of mentally unbalanced individuals.

I believe the only reason the United States has not suffered more horrific terrorist attacks is because of the grace and mercy of God. There have been a number of attacks that would have killed hundreds of people if only the bombs had functioned properly.

On Christmas Day 2009, Umar Abdulmutallab, a twenty-three-year-old Nigerian man, attempted to blow Northwest Flight 253 out of the sky. Had his underwear bomb functioned correctly, 289 people would have been blown out of the sky. Al Qaeda took credit for the attempted terrorist attack. It was later found that he was trained and supplied by al Qaeda, which is the most dangerous Muslim terrorist organization facing the West.

In addition, consider the following challenges we still face:

Our borders are as porous as Swiss cheese. In 2009, more than 56,000 non-Latin people were caught illegally crossing into the United States via the undefended Arizona-Mexican border. Most of these illegals were from the Middle East. We don't know how many successfully got into the United States. And we certainly don't know how many may have been trained as terrorists.

Airport security remains a joke primarily because of the fear of being “politically incorrect.” There is no way to correct this apart from using profiling techniques and firing many people that are not suited for this kind of work. The world's best airport security is Israel's. They use aggressive racial profiling and hire their brightest and best to man security. Machines will not take the place of these measures. Minimum wage, poorly educated people cannot “psych out” a trained terrorist.

Our nuclear plants are vulnerable to terrorist attacks because they are not properly prepared to defend against coordinated Islamic suicide assaults by highly trained terrorists. According to military intelligence, a suicide plane could hit them. Terrorists using scuba gear could infiltrate them from adjacent waterways and launch an attack.

Our drinking water and food-supply chain are vulnerable to biological/chemical attacks.


I continue to report on my TV show,
The Hal Lindsey Report
, on the imminent threats facing the world. The following are just a few of them:

A holocaust will occur in the Middle East if Iran is allowed to get nuclear weapons.

Iran has formed a binding pact with Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza to launch a coordinated attack against Israel as soon as they have nuclear weapons.

Iran has slipped an estimated 100,000 rockets and missiles into Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza to be used against Israel if it attacks their nuclear facilities. This makes it possible for every population center in Israel to be bombarded with lethal missiles.

Israel has long had a carefully prepared contingency plan known as the “Samson Option.” This plan provides that in the event Israel is hit by biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons, Israel will launch a massive nuclear strike against the cities of every enemy state attacking her.

To make matters worse, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is a devout believer in an Islamic prophecy that says the Muslim messiah known as the “Mahdi” is ready to return and only awaits the beginning of an Armageddon-type war to break out that will cause him to return and lead Islam to world victory. Ahmadinejad believes that Allah has chosen him to start that global conflict. I believe this is why he is so determined to get nuclear weapons. As he has warned, he will blow Israel off the map as soon as he can—and this, Ahmadinejad believes, will start the war that will cause the Mahdi, also known as the “Twelfth Imam,” to return and lead the Muslims to world domination.

At this moment in history, Islam represents the single greatest threat in the world to the survival of Western civilization.


I believe all of these clear and present dangers can be understood only by learning how this conflict began between the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Abraham four thousands years ago. There is a perfect word that describes the Arab's virulent feelings toward Israel. It is the word
. The dictionary defines enmity as “the extreme ill will or hatred that exists toward an enemy.” It infers a state of hatred that has been nurtured over a long period of time.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is hard to imagine how a four-thousand-year-old family feud could cause the whole world to become involved. Yet this is exactly what the Bible predicted would happen in the last days. These prophecies spell out an exact scenario of events that will come together shortly before the end of history as we know it.

Central to this scenario is the re-igniting of the ancient conflict between the Israelites and Arabs. The conflict has risen and subsided at various times since the destruction and dispersion of Israel in A.D. 70.

It is as a consequence of the rebirth of the state of Israel, the Bible prophets predict, that the whole world will become involved. The Bible specifically predicts what will be the final flashpoint that ignites the war of Armageddon. It will be an unsolvable dispute over Jerusalem between the sons of Isaac and Jacob and the sons of Ishmael and Esau. We know these people today as the Israelis and the Arabs.

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