The Everything Guide to Cooking Sous Vide

BOOK: The Everything Guide to Cooking Sous Vide
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Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader,

Thank you for purchasing
The Everything
Guide to Cooking Sous Vide
! If you have never tried sous vide cooking, then this is the perfect book for you. My desire for this cookbook is to create an excellent resource of information and recipes to help home cooks discover the amazing culinary technique of sous vide cooking.

I still remember the first time I ate steak cooked in the sous vide. It was rare, just the way I like steak and, wow, was it tender. On top of that, I was impressed at how amazingly simple cooking sous vide can be. From that moment on, I became a believer in sous vide cooking. It is a wonderful way to cook so many foods, including chicken breasts, mahi-mahi, lamb chops, carrots, and even eggs!

I truly hope that this book will inspire you to see the possibilities that come with cooking sous vide. Get creative, try new recipes, and share these amazing culinary masterpieces with your family and friends. Enjoy those times around the table sharing food and fellowship, because those are the moments in life that really matter.

Steve Cylka

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The Everything
Guide to Cooking Sous Vide

Step-by-step instructions for vacuum-sealed cooking at home

Steve Cylka

Avon, Massachusetts

I dedicate this book to my wife, Janna, and my children, Ben, Eli, and Mary. Thank you for all your support and encouragement through the process of writing this book.

Copyright © 2015 by F+W Media, Inc.

All rights reserved.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

An Everything
Series Book.

are registered trademarks of F+W Media, Inc.

Published by

Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.

57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

ISBN 10: 1-4405-8836-8

ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-8836-5

eISBN 10: 1-4405-8837-6

eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-8837-2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cylka, Steve.

The everything guide to cooking sous vide / Steve Cylka.

pages cm

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-4405-8836-5 (pb) -- ISBN 1-4405-8836-8 -- ISBN 978-1-4405-8837-2 (ebook) -- ISBN 1-4405-8837-6 (ebook)

1. Sous-vide cooking. I. Title. II. Title: Guide to cooking sous vide.

TX690.7C95 2015



Always follow safety and commonsense cooking protocol while using kitchen utensils, operating ovens and stoves, and handling uncooked food. If children are assisting in the preparation of any recipe, they should always be supervised by an adult.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and F+W Media, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters.

Cover images © StockFood / Eising Studio - Food Photo & Video; © StockFood / DeSanto, Thom; © StockFood / Campbell, Teri; © StockFood Miksch, Alison.

Photographs by Steve Cylka. Copyright © 2015 by F+W Media, Inc.

Doneness Target Temperatures and Recommended Cooking Temperatures and Times charts © Eades Appliance Technology, LLC/SousVide Supreme
. Used with permission of Eades Appliance Technology, LLC/SousVide Supreme


In addition to my wife, I also want to say thank you to the many people who helped me in this journey to make this cookbook a reality. From those who helped in the researching and development of this book, to the taste-testers and others who offered support and suggestions. A big thank you to my parents, Rick and Rose Cylka, grandmother, Olga Fonfara, and to Greg and Marcy Cylka, Lloyd Lehrbass, Jonathan Duchene, Dustin Skeoch, Mary Dan Eades, David Pietranczyk, Lisa Q. Fetterman, Aaron Robb, Nathan Colquhoun, Ryan Young, and the many readers of my food website, The Black Peppercorn (



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