Authors: Julie Gutin
qué | what? |
que | what, that |
quebrar | to break (something) |
quebrarse | to break (a bone) |
quedar | to leave |
quedar(se) | to remain |
quejarse | to complain |
quemar | to burn |
quemarse | to get burned |
querer | to want |
querido | dear |
el queso | cheese |
quién | who? |
quien | who, that |
quienquiera | whoever |
la quietud | quiet, calmness |
quince | fifteen |
quinientos | five hundred |
quinto | fifth |
quitar(se) | to remove, take off |
quizá, quizás | maybe |
raro | rare, strange |
un rato | a while |
el ratón | mouse |
la razón | reason |
razonable | sensible |
real | royal |
realizar | to actualize |
recapacitar | to reconsider |
recargar | to refill |
recocido | overcooked |
recoger | to gather |
la recomendación | |
| recommendation |
recomenzar | to start again, |
| to recommence |
recordar | to remember |
rechazar | to refuse |
la red | network |
reeligir | to re-elect |
regalar | to give as a gift |
el regalo | present |
regar | to water |
regresar | to return |
Reino Unido | United Kingdom |
reír | to laugh |
la religión | religion |
el reloj | clock, watch |
repetir | to repeat |
la representación performance | |
(theater) | |
la República Dominicana | |
Dominican Republic | |
responder | to answer, respond |
la respuesta | answer |
el restaurante | restaurant |
reunir | to join |
reunirse to gather, to get together | |
la revista | magazine |
rico | rich |
el río | river |
la riqueza | riches, wealth |
rizado | curly |
la rodilla | knee |
rogar | to beg |
rojizo | reddish |
rojo | red |
romance | Romance (language) |
romper(se) | to break |
la ropa | clothes |
rubio | blond |
el ruido | noise |
ruso | Russian |
el sábado | Saturday |
saber | to know |
la sabiduría | wisdom |
(el) sabio wise, a wise person | |
la sal | salt |
la sala | livingroom |
el salario wages (often hourly) | |
la salchicha | pork sausage |
la salida | exit |
salir | to go out, to leave |
el salpicón | cold non-vegetable |
salad (usually with seafood) | |
el saludo | greeting |
la salsa | sauce |
salvadoreño | Salvadoran |
salvo | except |
la sangría | a mix of wine and |
fruit juices | |
sano | healthy |
santo | saint |
el secreto | secret |
seguir | to follow, to continue |
según | according to |
segundo | second |
seis | six |
seiscientos | six hundred |
sesenta | sixty |
la semana | week |
la semejanza | similarity |
sensato | sensible |
sensible | sensitive |
sentar | to sit |
sentir | to feel |
señor, Sr. | Mr. |
señora, Sra. | Mrs., Ms. |
señorita, Srta. | Miss |
septiembre | September |
séptimo | seventh |
ser | to be |
la serpiente | snake |
servir | to serve |
setecientos | seven hundred |
setenta | seventy |
sexto | sixth |
sí | yes |
si | if |
siempre | always |
la siesta | nap |
siete | seven |
significar | to mean |
el signo de exclamación | |
exclamation mark | |
el signo de interrogación | |
question mark | |
la silla | chair |
simpático | nice |
simple | just, simply, simple |
la simplicidad | simplicity |
sin | without |
sin duda | without a doubt |
sin embargo | nevertheless |
sino | but following |
a negative statement | |
sin que | without |
el sitio | site |
sobre | on, on top of |
la sobrina | niece |
el sobrino | nephew |
el sofá | sofa |
sofocar | to choke, to suffocate |
el sol | sun |
la soledad | solitude |
sólo | only |
solo | alone |
la solución | solution, answer |
el sombrero | hat |
sonar | to ring |
la sonrisa | smile |
la sopa | soup |
la sopa de frijoles negros | |
black bean soup | |
soportar | to put up with |
sorprenderse | to be surprised |
subarrendar | to sublet |
subcutáneo | subcutaneous, |
under the skin | |
el subempleounderemployment | |
subjuntivo | subjunctive |
el suceso | event |
sudanés | Sudanese |
Suecia | Sweden |
sueco | Swedish |
la suegra | mother-in-law |
el suegro | father-in-law |
el sueldo | salary |
suele | does usually (verb) |
la suerte | luck |
el sufijo | suffix |
suicidarse | to commit suicide |
el suicidio | suicide |
la Suiza | Switzerland |
suizo | Swiss |
la superficie | surface |
el sustantivo | noun |
sustituir | to substitute |
el tacón | heel |
tailandés | Thai |
Tailandia | Thailand |
taiwanés | Taiwanese |
talentoso | talented |
tal vez | maybe |
los tamales | corn patties, |
| usually with minced meat |
el tamaño | size |
también | too, also |
tampoco | neither, either |
tan . . . como | as . . . as |
tanto | so much |
tapar | to cover, put a lid on |
las tapas appetizer-sized dishes | |
tarde | late |
la tarde | afternoon |
la tarea | chore, homework |
el/la taxista | cab driver |
la taza | cup |
el teatro | theater |
el techo | roof |
la tela | fabric |
el teléfono telephone (number) | |
la televisión | television |
temprano | early |
tener | to have |
tercero | third |
terminar | to finish |
el término | term |
el ternero | calf (animal) |
la tesis | thesis |
la tía | aunt |
el tiempo | time, weather |
la tienda | shop |
la tienda de campaña | |
tent (camping) | |
el tío | uncle |
típico | typical |
tirar | to throw |
tirarse | to jump |
la tiza | chalk |
tocar | to touch, to play |
tocar la batería | to play |
| the drums |
el tocino | salted pork |
todavía | still |
todo | everything, all |
todos | everybody |
la tolerancia | tolerance |
tomar | to take, to drink |
el tomate | tomato |
la torta | cake |
la tortilla española | |
| Spanish potato omelette |
los tostones | fried plantains |
trabajador worker, hardworking | |
trabajar | to work |
el trabajo | work |
la traducción | translation |
traducir | to translate |
traer | to bring |
el tráfico | traffic |
el traicionero | traitor |
el traje | suit |
transparente | clear |
trece | thirteen |
treinta | thirty |
el tren | train |
tres | three |
trescientos | three hundred |
triste | sad |
la tristeza | sadness |
turco | Turkish |
Turquía | Turkey |
tutearse | to address with tú |