The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (15 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“I’ma drop your ass if you touch me!” Nyzon said to Rhonda.
“And I’ma get in on that too!” Royala added.
“What the fuck ya’ll gonna do?” Starlette asked Royala and Lazarick. “My brothers will fuck you up!”
“Yeah, Joe! How you tryin’ to carry it?” Trudy one of her other friends asked.

“Bitch I don’t give a fuck about your brothers! I got people too!” Royal responded fully prepared to fight her on the spot. “Ya’ll always startin’ shit!”

“You got a nerve! My mamma warned me about girls like you! Dyke!” Starlette smirked.

The look on Royal’s face showed her ego was bruised. Not talking anymore, Royala stole her in the face and watched her hit the floor. Everybody started fighting and although Nyzon didn’t believe in hitting girls, he did choke a few of them trying to get them off of Royala. But once everyone was out the way, and Royala still had Starlette on the floor, she took a blade from her pocket and sliced her mouth from the inside out. Blood spat everywhere as Nyzon and Lazarick managed to pull Royala off of the girl.

Starlette was crying holding her mouth and it looked like a scene in a horror movie. The chaperones rushed to her aid but it was too late, the damage had begun and Royala had given her a smile four inches wider.

The school called the cops and they took her to jail. A few hours later Mrs. Quick, Lazarick and Royala’s mom, picked her up from the holding cell and they dropped Nyzon off at home. It was the first time Royala went to jail, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

After all that drama, all Nyzon wanted to do was go home. He knew Angel was there because his mother told him she asked Angel to sit with him after the party. So before using his key to get inside, he smoothed his waves with his hand, took off his coat, and pulled his chain out of his shirt so it would show. Finally he opened the door and almost fell back when he saw Angel laying on the couch with a tall dark skin guy straddling her as he titty fucked her.

“Oh, snap!” The man said after he tucked his dick in his pants and closed them up.

He looked at Nyzon and then at Angel. He had two gold chains with large medallions hanging from them. Cray knew right away he was a dealer and the same man he saw drop her off with the Audi.

“I thought he wasn’t supposed to be home until later?” the dealer said.

“He wasn’t.” She adjusted her bra to hide the titties that just a few days ago, he had in his mouth.

Nyzon’s heart hurt when he saw her with somebody else, after everything they shared. And in his own house at that.

“Ny…what you doin’ here?” was all she could say as she stood up and walked toward him.

“I live here remember?” he said, coldly. “What you doin wit him?”

“Oh…uh…this is my boyfriend Elite.” She smiled.

“Your boyfriend Elite? But I thought you said you didn’t have one. You told me you liked me?”

Elite busted out in a loud chuckle.

“Like you? Nigga look at your fit? You ain’t just young, you’s a dusty lil nigga at best! How the fuck you think you can land a girl like her. Tell him Angel,” he laughed again. “Before I give this lil nigga a lesson in life.”

Angel turned around to Nyzon and said, “Ny, I can never be wit somebody like you. You know that.”

Nyzon’s limp body fell into the loveseat as he looked at both of them. What did she mean she couldn’t be with somebody like him? She was just with him in his bedroom. In his house.

“Come here, Ny.” Angel said as she grabbed his hand. She was trying to catch him before he said too much. “Elite, I’ll be right back.”

“Well hurry the fuck up so you can tend to your nigga.”

Nyzon cut his eyes at him until they were in Nyzon’s room alone. Both of them sat on the edge of his bed and Angel wiped her face with her hands before dropping them into her lap.

“I know you’re hurt, Ny, but this is life. You sucked my titties and I let you.” She said as if they were discussing a television show and not intimacy. “But it was nothing more.”


“Nyzon…I’m older than you and we can’t be together. Plus I like nice things and Elite can buy them for me. You can’t.”

“But I was gonna let you wear my chain.” He said hoping he could convince her that he was capable of fulfilling her needs and wants.

“Nyzon. It’ll never work. You’ll probably never be on my level. I like what I like and you are too young to give it to me. Everybody not cut out to be hustlers. And that’s all I fuck wit.”

So that’s what he does.
He thought.

“You’re cute, Nyzon. And maybe you can find a girl who’ll like you for that.”
His mind wondered on Monesha. Now he wished he hadn’t brushed her off.
“When you’re old enough you’ll understand what I’m saying. Elite got the money and because of it, he got me.”
She paused and put her hand on his knee believing she gave him enough for the night.
“You hungry? Want a sandwich or somethin’?”
He nodded yes just to get her out of his face. He needed to be alone.

“We still friends right, Ny?” Silence.

She hugged him against his will and his heart beat rapidly against her chest. He couldn’t lie, he liked her, and he liked her a lot. And it would be a long time before he got over his first heartbreak. But there, in his room he made up his mind to hustle and hustle hard. He didn’t want to be like the kids he saw on the block around his way. He wanted an empire. And he’d stop at nothing to get it.




Sweet Payback


hy opened Candy’s apartment door off of Maryland Avenue, in Washington D.C as she straddled his body, kissing him aggressively on the lips. Her weight was nothing compared to his brut strength. His dick grew harder as she gyrated against him. She was a freak in every since of the word.

“You know I’ma tare that shit up right?” he said as he unlocked her apartment door. She nibbled a little on his bottom lip.

“You betta!” she demanded. “I want it rough tonight, Daddy. Real rough.”

She clarified, biting his ear harder than most people could stand.

“Give it to me like how we use to do it before Lil Shawn came into the picture.” She continued.

“Came into the picture?” he said briefly, questioning her use of words.

“You know what I mean…before we had him.”

“You need to watch what you say out yo’ mouth.” He wished she could’ve been a better mother instead of the worthless bitch that he was accustomed to.

“Well, why don’t you teach me about my mouth?” She was looking for any excuse to use violence with sex.

Once inside, he locked the door and she jumped down. The moment he closed the door, she slapped the fuck out of his face. SMACK!

His head moved to the right and when he looked at her, he had a devilish grin on his face. He loved every bit of it. The red bruise from her force showed immediately on his light skin.

“That’s all you got, bitch?” he said, wanting to be hit again.

He took his coat off and threw it to the floor. She did the same as they left a trail behind them.
“Like that?”
“You got to come betta than that.”

“Oh, for real?” Candy moved away from him backward as he followed her into the bedroom.

She took off her blouse, threw it on the floor and hit him again. SMACK!
“You like that shit, don’t you? You like when I beat that ass.” She removed her bra, her C cup titties swinging in the air.
“I like when you hit me but you ain’t did shit yet!”

He laughed as he contemplated how hard his dick would get after all the pain he put her in. Candy was the only girl he knew who when she said she liked it rough, that’s exactly what the fuck she meant. And with Lil Shawn being over her moms, they could get as nasty as they wanted.

Shy had been staying over Candy’s house for the past three weeks faithfully, not necessarily to hide from Kavon because he wasn’t afraid of him, but because he didn’t know where he was. The truth of the matter was that he didn’t think Kavon was bold enough to come after him. Shy was more concerned with controlling where the war took in the event he changed his mind. And at the latest, until he found him.

Day and night his crew looked for Kavon, but was unsuccessful. It was as if he had fallen off of the face of the earth. He wasn’t at his house. He wasn’t with the people he rolled with and neither was Tara. Had it been average beef, he was sure Kavon wouldn’t know how to handle it. But since Shy brutally raped Tara and threatened her on her hospital bed, he wasn’t sure how Kavon would react.

“How about now! Is that hard enough?” She smacked him consecutively two more times.

His face now inflamed and red. She walked in her dark room and still he followed.

“I ain’t feel shit.” He laughed standing in the doorway.

“What about now!” an unfamiliar voice said as he stole the fuck out of him.

Shy was caught off guard as he stumbled to the floor. Candy, wearing only her pants, jumped on the bed screaming her lungs out. The stranger turned the lights on and stared them down. She stopped crying momentarily.

When Shy looked up at who just hit him, he saw a man twice his size hovering over his body. And with his build and stature being as large as it was, the man above him was gargantuan. Within seconds, Kavon appeared from the closet holding a 9 millimeter directly in Shy’s direction.

“There’s a time and place for everything,” Kavon said in a low deadly tone, reminding him of the last conversation they had together. “I venture to say that now is the time.”

He sat in a chair across the room.

Candy continued to yell and scream.

“Bitch, shut the fuck up fo I pop yo ass first!” Kavon told her.

It was the first time he talked to her so brutally.

“So you found me, huh?” He laughed as he wiped the blood from his mouth and made an attempt to stand up. When he did, he got knocked on his back again.


“I think you betta stay down.” Kavon’s tone was cold and steely.

“Who is this mothafucka?!” Shy asked, looking at the man who hadn’t said one word since they met.

“They call him Kurtis Blow and I’m sure you already know why. But we’ll get to everything you need to know later.”

Kavon remained in the chair letting it be known that he was in charge. Kurtis was a long time friend of his and the one man he knew he could count on, despite it all. Kurtis only flaw was that he stayed in and out of jail. As a matter of fact, this was his first job since he’d been released from a five year bid.

“How did you get in?” Shy asked, looking at Candy as if she’d set him up.

“It’s not hard to get a key if you pay the right person at the rental office.” He winked. “Ain’t that’s what you always told me. It ain’t a thing in the world you can’t buy. The key’s to this apartment included.”

“What the fuck you want then, nigga? Cause it’s obvious you ain’t about shit cuz I’m still breathin’.”

“For now, Shy. First I wanna know why you pull Tara into our beef?”

Shy looked at Candy. It was evident from the glance he gave her that she hadn’t heard the full story.

“You know I was gonna make her my wife and you raped her, beat her and left her for dead.” Kavon finished. “Next to me, she loved you the most.”

Shy looked at Candy, and then Kavon. She was confused. She had no idea he was going to rape anybody let alone Kavon’s girlfriend. She thought it was about money.

“Nigga, fuck that shit! I’m the one who gave her to you. She was a whore when I met her and she was a whore when I fucked her. She wanted it just as much as I did!” Shy sounded maniacal. “I was tryin’ to do you a favor by lettin’ you see the truth.”

“Are you serious? You gave her to me?! You introduced me to Tara to clear up the debt you owed for takin’ my money.” Kavon let it be known right then that he was aware that Shy held on to the money he stole from Paris. “But I counted as an “L” because she was worth every bit of it.”

Shy looked like he seen a ghost. All this time he thought he was fooling a
ass Kavon. When in actuality, he was fooling himself. That brought him to his next question.

“How you know that?”

“’Cause the folks you got into the money for started askin’ a bunch of questions and came for me. I was the last person Paris owed money to. So they put one and one together and got me. You just had to take the entire 100 didn’t you?” he laughed. “Greedy ass, nigga. ’Cause of you I made Miami connects. Had it not been for my gift of gab, they would’ve taken my life. I told them I ain’t have shit to do with it, despite knowing it was you. They took me as a man of my word and left it alone. We’re still in business to this day.”

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