The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (24 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“Since you wanna hook a nigga up, what’s up with Jasiya?” Blunt dropped the hood and rubbed his hand on the white oily towel. “Cause you actin’ stingy as a mothafucka wit that one.”

They laughed.

“That’s cause I ain’t smash yet! Greedy ass nigga tryna get the pussy before me.” Cray raised his arms up in the air with his beer in hand. “When I’m done she’s yours.”

“A’ight…but remember however you treatin’ these broads, somebody could be doin’ yo mother the same way.” Markise was so dead set on proving his point, that he didn’t care about who he was talking too. One crazy ass mothafucka.

“What you say, nigga?” Cray asked approaching him.

“Aw shit!” Blunt said wiping his hand on the towel before dropping it to the ground. “Come on, man. Ya’ll peoples.”

Every now and again Cray liked to fuck with Markise because after all these years, he still couldn’t get him to follow his lead the way he could with Jason. Markise always stood his ground and today was no different.

“Oh so you gonna hit me while I’m down? If I wasn’t in this cast, you couldn’t go one round with me.”

“Is this nigga serious?” Cray looked around for backup. “I could sit in a chair with one arm strapped behind my back and still kick yo ass.”

Cray was high and mad about everything that happened at his crib. He was angry for putting his mother to the test believing had he not, she would’ve really tried hard. He was mad at having to work for Melody and he was mad at the world. So for real, now was not the time to go toe to toe with him.

Instead of responding, Markise laughed.

Blunt and Jason looked at him wondering what was funny.

“Yo, love showin’ off in front of niggas. I been tired of yo shit since we was kids. Hate for a nigga to speak their mind. I put this on everything, weapons down, I’d knock your block off if I wasn’t hurt.” Markise added shaking his head and sipping his beer.

Without warning, Cray took the glass bottle of beer in his hand and smacked Markise so hard against his head it shattered on his face. Blood was everywhere.

“Oh shit!” Blunt yelled out. “Cray what the fuck you doin’ man? That’s your boy!”
Markise placed his hand on his head and held his eye. He would definitely have to go to the hospital behind that shit. Cray was about to swell on him again when he saw this girl getting out of a car a few doors down. Her golden hair and chocolate skin caught his attention. Who was she?

“Fuck! Now my neighbor’s home.” Blunt said holding his head. “This a respectable community, man. You can’t be doin’ shit like that ‘round here!”

“Nigga, this Reisterstown, Maryland! It’s still the ghetto!” Cray corrected him.

“Man, you can’t be doin’ that east Baltimore shit out here like that!” Blunt continued. “Yo Jay, take this nigga to the hospital. I can’t stand niggas sometimes! That’s why people want to live with the white folks! As a people we don’t know how to act. Damn!”

“Shut yo, Do The Right Thing ass up!” Cray continued.

“I’ma get your ass back nigga!” Markise promised. “I put that on everything!”

As Jason lifted Markise off the ground, Cray’s attention remained fixated on the girl. And she didn’t see him until after her door was open, and she smiled.

“Yo, Cray?” Blunt yelled brining him back to reality.
Cray turned around and looked at him.
“What’s up?” He finally remembered what happened as he saw Jason pull off, with Markise in the back seat holding his face.
“That was fucked up, man. You know that nigga ain’t mean it like that.”

“Fuck that shit! I ain’t neva fuck wit him for real for real.” He lied. He wished he hadn’t took it that far with Markise but the damage was done. Literally. But outside of Jason, he was the only family he had. “I was tired of his shit.”

“I still think you were wrong. Man, I’m goin’ in the crib. I need to fire up after that shit.”
When blunt left he looked back at the house and the girl was gone.
“You gonna hit this?” Blunt asked returning with some bomb ass weed from Jamaica.
“Naw…but I do wanna hit that girl. Who is she?”



Monesha and Gabriella

Washington, D.C.

Let’s Wait Awhile


abriella opened the yellow chiffon curtains to let the afternoon sunlight inside of her one bedroom apartment and pulled her long brown hair in a ponytail out of her face. The music was so loud she could barely hear her footsteps. She looped Janet Jackson’s “Let Wait A While”, a thousand times because that’s what Monesha had always told her, and she was tired of waiting. Gabriella was hopelessly in love.

She was just putting her lunch sandwich, lemonade and chips on the living room table when Monesha came bolting through the front door with her keys. Flinging her red Prada purse on the couch, she threw her weight down next. It had been a month since she’d heard from her.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Gabriella asked frightened at her distorted angry face.
Her beautiful skin flushed red.
“He’s related to my family.”
“Who’s related to your family?” Gabriella stooped down in front of her and caressed her knees. “What’s going on?”

“Nyzon. I can’t believe this shit! All this time and he’s related to my family! He won’t answer my calls or nothin’. I don’t know what to do.”

A sigh of relief overtook Gabriella because maybe she’d finally give him up. “You say it’s over anyway.”

“I know. Still!” Monesha folded her arms against her body and dropped her head back. “I can’t get over him.”

Her words hit her like a ton of bricks. No matter what Gabriella did, she couldn’t make Monesha love her, and she’d tried so many times.

“Maybe he still wants you. I know I would.” She let out slowly.
“You think so?” She was thrilled and appeared hopeful.
“Maybe.” She sat next to her. “But I miss you Monesha. Let this thing with Ny go. Please.”
“I miss you too but there’s so much going on right now. You have to wait awhile with me, Gab.”
Gabriella sighed.
“I need your friendship.” She touched her face lightly and Gabriella’s pussy jumped. “Can I count on you?”
“You know you can.”
“Cause I have a plan.” Monesha grinned. “And it’s one that’ll lock him down for good.”



Nyzon Peate

Baltimore Washington Parkway

A Fucked Up Mind


yzon stood in the ring of the sweaty boxing gym as his trainer Bowman yelled from the outside as he sparred with Shavel. Shavel although a good boxer, could never get his breaks as a professional because he failed to get his endurance up. Still he did an excellent job working with other boxers.

“Nyzon, stop being a counter fighter! You waitin’ until a mothafucka throw a punch before you throw one. You’ll never win a decision like that!”

Nyzon heard him but his mind was on his mother, or the woman he thought she was. Between her lies and Monesha still trying to get with him, he wasn’t on his game. Everything was fucked up in his life!

Shavel was still punishing him this round.

“Ny! Lead with your jab and stop sittin’ on your punches!”

Bowman was the most sought after coach on the east coast. He recognized the potential in Nyzon and wanted to grab him before someone else did. But today Nyzon was jabbing but not landing shit. And when he stumbled, Shavel knocked him down with a firm right.

“That’s it!” Bowman yelled. “The man took enough beatin’ today.”

Nyzon got up, hopped out the rink and walked over to Bowman.

“Son, I don’t know what’s on your mind, but get it off, or don’t come back in my gym. I only work with the best, you know that. How are you gonna think about fightin’ internationally if you’re movin’ like this?”

“I know, sir.” Nyzon said wiping his face with a towel Bowman handed him.
“Now, on the other note, if you need to talk to me, I’m here.”
“Thanks, man.” He took off his gloves, “but I’ll be fine. I just have to work some shit out on my own.”


In His Car


Driving down the BWI parkway drunk out of his mind, he tried to reach Melody again. He hated to admit it, but he was sure he was dodging him. He owed him ten thousand dollars from the last drop off and hadn’t paid him. With him staying at the Holiday Inn, in Laurel Maryland, he needed all the money he could get.

He wasn’t even thinking about spending what he had saved because he had plans to buy a package from the connect Melody used. He wanted his own operation. But the last time he approached Juarez, the Columbian connect, he told him don’t even think about stepping his way with less than a million. He only dealt in major weight. Calling one last time with his number blocked, he wasn’t surprised when he finally reached him.

“Melody, it’s Ny…where’s my dough man?”
“Your what?”
“My cash!” Nyzon was heated. He knew his bitch ass heard him the first time.

“I’ll get it too you when I get it to you.”

“And when is that?”
“Next week.”
This was the third time he changed up. This nigga just bought a Yacht so he knew he had his money.
“What’s wrong wit now? I can roll to Bmore.”
“I’m in Hawaii.”

How the fuck can he run and operation when he ain’t ever here
? He thought. It had gotten to a point when instead of dealing with him, he had to go through J-Swizz.

“Man, I’ma need my dough now. I’m gettin’ the strange feelin’ you tryin’ to bullshit me.”

“Bullshit you? Lil nigga, you done lost your mind! When I get back you’ll get your cash but afta that you cut! I’m sick of dealin’ with ungrateful mothafuckas like you!”

“Shit!” Nyzon hit the steering wheel.

Melody had him on some whole ‘notha shit, and he was getting ready to deal with it. Straight up. He just didn’t know how.

He needed to talk to somebody so he called Royala. Ever since they graduated from high school, they became closer. And if anybody could calm him down, she could.


In Royala’s 1991 Cadillac Coupe Deville


“Yo suck that shit right!” Royala told her girlfriend Simple as she bent over in the passenger seat of her car and sucked the dildoe she had strapped on. Royala had it in her mind so much that she was a guy, that she wore her strap all day everyday. This was not common for most dominate women.

Slapping her vanilla colored ass, she encouraged her to take it all in. Although she was sucking the brown colored dildoe and not her, Royala was still getting aroused. So when the phone rang and she saw it was Ny, she couldn’t answer it. At least not right now.

“Who that?” Simple asked as she looked up at Royala holding her cell phone.
“Don’t worry about that,” she said tossing the phone down. “Worry ‘bout this dick.”
With that she continued to suck it.


Back in Nyzon’s Car


Nyzon slammed his RAZR phone shut when Royala didn’t answer. Grabbing the half empty Hennessy bottle in his seat, most of which he’d drank on the way from the gym, he almost missed his phone ringing. Without seeing who it was first, he answered.

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