The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (29 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“And you want me to bang her white ass?”

“You fucked worse.” Cray said firing up a bob before leaning back in the recliner. He took a pull and blew the smoke into the air forming a circle.

“But what if she notices me? I’m around the way all the time. Plus I was tryin’ to be more hands on.” Jason interjected.

“You never got out of my car when she was around.” Cray assured him. “And trust me…this is as hands on as it gets.”

“You sure?”

Cray looked irritated.

“Positive! I been plannin’ this shit for a year. Trust me…neva.” He affirmed.


“So who’s down?”

All raised their hands and Jason also, he just raised his a little more slowly.

“How soon this ‘spose to get started?” Jinx questioned.

“Today my niggas…we need to get rollin’ on this plan today.”

“Count me in!” Blunt responded ready to get blazing.

“Hold up…there’s a bad side to this too. Certain dudes not gonna give in easy so shit’s gonna get violent. Particularly Grimy Mike and Charms. I just hope ya’ll up for the challenge.”

“I was born challenged,” Jinx laughed.
“Damn yo!” Jason yelled shaking his head.
“What?” Cray asked.
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
“Tell me about it.”




Tiara Cartier

Reisterstown, Maryland

Rocked From Up Under


iara sat on her bed with her books open. She’d just finished writing an entry in her diary about Cray and she was staring at his name. It was already midnight and she didn’t write word one for her homework. She couldn’t concentrate…ever since she met him, she wanted to be with him. It didn’t help that he wasn’t perusing her or trying to get with her like the boys in her school. His age made him more appealing. He did everything he said he would last week. Came by the next day, fixed her car, and left without so much as asking her to call him. She waited everyday just knowing he would ring her phone, but it never happened.

“Tiara…you okay?” Kavon asked walking into her room.

His real estate business was doing pretty well but he found himself out later than he wanted to be. A key connected to a silver chain hung around his neck. He never took it off and when Tiara asked about it, he told her it held her future.

“I’m okay, daddy…just doing homework.”

“Don’t look like you’re doing much to me.” He stood over her and noticed nothing was on the white notebook paper. “You need anything?”

“No…I’m fine.”
Kavon was just about to walk out and get some sleep when she said, “Daddy, how did you know when you were in love?”
“With your mother?”
“I knew the moment I laid eyes on her.”
Tiara thought about Crayland, and how he moved her. Her virgin body longed to be with him. Could she be in love too?
“I see.”

“But Tiara…sometimes people mistake lust for love. You’ll know its right when your world is knocked from up under you and the feeling is mutual. When that happens, you won’t be able to go back to your regular life.”

Tiara giggled when she remembered ramming into Cray’s car. In a sense, both of their worlds were rocked.

“Should I know something? You got a boyfriend?”

“No. Just asking. For this project I’m doing.” It was the second time she’d lied to her father. She was changing for the worse and didn’t like it.

“Okay, sweetheart. Good night.”

When he left she thought about what he said. She never thought about a man the way she did Cray. She had to talk to him and she had to do it now.

Picking up the phone she slowly dialed his number.
“What up, beautiful?” His voice set her heart on fire.
The way he answered it, you would’ve thought he was thinking about her as much as she was thinking about him.
“Hi! Why you answering the phone like you were thinkin’ about me?”
“How you know I wasn’t.”
“Were you?”
“If I told you I was would it make a difference?”
She couldn’t’ answer the question. Everything in her spirit told her she was out of her league, but still, she wanted to play.
“I don’t know.”
“What you doin’ now? Playing Yahtzee with your father?”
“Stop playing boy! I’m supposed to be doing homework but I can’t concentrate.”
“Let me come scoop you up. Hang out wit me.”
“I can’t.”
She thought about her father and felt bad enough lying to him two times in a month’s timeframe.
“Okay…well let me handle some things on this end. I’ll call you next week.”
Next week? She repeated to herself. It was hard enough for her to go a few minutes without talking to him let alone another week.
“What time can you be here?”
“Quicker than you give the word.”



Columbia Lake


The water looked beautiful even though they watched it from the car. Cray chose to take her to the lake in Columbia, Maryland to spend some alone time with her. Plus her gear needed work if she was going to be seen with him in public. Sure he could’ve taken her to a hotel, but he wanted her mind not her body. Once he had that, he was confident that everything else would follow.

“How many girlfriends you got?” she asked as Raheem Davaughn’s CD played.
“I ain’t got no girl.” He turned around and looked at her.
She wore a plain red skirt and a black blouse.
“But why are you so beautiful?” he asked as his eyes roamed to her thighs.
“Stop sayin’ that.”
“Okay.” He said turning around.
“Okay what?”
“I’ll neva say it again.”
“Stop playin’ wit me, Cray!” she said hitting his arm. “And I know you got somebody.”

She didn’t realize she sounded childish. He was trying to make millions yet her young mind couldn’t conceive anything outside of a boy and girlfriend relationship. Kavon sheltered her too much. He hid her from the world trying to protect her when all he really did, was make her more vulnerable.

“I don’t believe you’re a virgin.” He said totally from left field.
They weren’t even talking about sex. It was time that he kicked his control game into full gear.
“I am! I swear it.” She said shaking her head up and down.
She didn’t want him even thinking that she was a freak. “I’ve never been with any body in my life. Why you say that?”
“Cause you hang wit Felecia. I heard about her. My man Blunt stay over her crib beatin’ that pussy up.”
“But I’m not the same way.” She pleaded. “I wish there was some way I could prove it to you.”
“There is.” He said devilishly. “Take your skirt and panties off.”
She quickly did as she was told and sat naked from the waist down in his car seat. She didn’t bother asking for his reasoning.

He positioned himself to get a good view and said, “Now put your finger in your pussy. If it goes too easy, I’ll know you a liar, but if it don’t I’ll know you’re tellin’ the truth.”

She eased her fingers inside of herself and tried to provide traction. She couldn’t tell him that this wouldn’t prove a thing considering she stayed playing with herself on a regular.

He knew she was telling the truth but liked the control.
“I can’t believe you just did that.”
“Did what?” she asked looking around.

“Took your clothes off just cause somebody asked you. If you were a real virgin, you’da neva gave in so easy. Put ya shit back on yo, I’m takin’ you home.”

Without saying anything else he pulled off on the way to her house. She rustled to put her clothes back on and tried finding her dignity. She was pouting the entire way and he saw remnants of tears falling down her face. He loved it.

Once he made it to her house he stopped and said, “Get out my car.”

She grabbed the door handle and said, “Cray, I know you don’t believe me, but I’m tellin’ the truth. And I really like you. I’ve never been with anybody before and I hope I can see you again.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” He said pulling off.

Tiara cried as she walked into the house. She had no idea that his mind games were just getting started.




Playa, playa


oe’s, a seafood restaurant off of Eastern Avenue in Bmore was were the players roamed. Fly rides dressed the outside of the spot like a thousand dollar suit and anybody who wanted in the game or wanted to be around others who were, chilled in Moe’s.

People were running in and out of the restaurant when Jason hopped out of his green Honda Accord. He knew who she was because he’d been tagging her around ever since the meeting adjourned with Cray last week. The moment he saw her walk out with two black chicks, he rushed in the restaurant brushing her lightly with his arm.

“Oh shit!” she said looking at him.

She and her friends smiled at how fine Jason was. He was looking hot in his Evisu blue jeans, black belt with a silver skull head buckle. And he completed his look with a plain white t-shirt. He dressed simple but smooth.

“How you doing?” she said running her hands down his arm, clearly intoxicated.

“I’m cool…just ‘bout to grab somethin’ to eat.” He said pulling away as if he wasn’t interested.

“Got a second?” She asked.

Her friends stood on the sidelines ogling him. One was wearing a red cotton mini sport dress from Gap, holding her green Gucci purse. The other wore a pair of fitted blue jeans and a pink top. She was carrying the traditional brown and tan Louis Vuittton bag.

“I got a few seconds for you, ma.” He said giving her a seductive smile while allowing the door to close without him going inside the restaurant.

“So where you goin tonight? To your girl’s house or somethin’?” Carolyn asked.

“I am if you goin’ to your man’s crib.”

“I’m single.” She said.

For a second she appeared hurt. Jason had no idea that just last week she aborted J-Swizz’s baby because she was tired of him cheating.

“Oh really? Why do I find that hard to believe?”
“I guess because of the way I look.” She said as he eyed her fat titties.
She looked cute in her black halter top and white kakis.
“So are we done playing games or are you coming with me?” She persisted.

Ever since J-Swizz did her wrong she’d been running around town sexing in and everybody. And now she was beyond intoxicated so that meant Jason was next.

“I guess I’m rollin’ wit you then.” He said as he ran his hand down her back.

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