The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (38 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“So what’s up?”
“You got the wrong dude, yo.”
“Fuck you talkin’ about?”
“I ain’t got no pops.”
When Cray hung up Nyzon said, “Everything straight?”
“Neva been straighter.”


In a rundown Baltimore City Row house


Grimy Mike looked at the cellphone as if he didn’t hear Cray correctly. Cray’s father sat on the middle of the floor tied to a chair, his mouth gagged.

“What he say?” Doles asked with the gun pointed at his father.
“The nigga hung up!”
“What?” James Factory said looking at him crazy.
“He hung up.”
They all looked at one another.
“Damn, he really don’t give a fuck.” Doles said.
“Exactly.” Grimy confirmed.
“What we gonna do now?” James asked.
“Kill his ass.”
With that, they lit his father up like a tree on Christmas day.


Kirk Bowler

Common Ground


irk parked his car and walked down the street with one of his white KYC captains in the D.C. police department. They were in the 7th district off of Southern Avenue. He was showing him one of his most crime ridden areas and his desire to put more patrolmen on the beat.

Normally Kirk wouldn’t listen because he busied himself with consulting only with William Jamison. But now since he’d lost yet another mayoral race, and was told by his advisors that making a major impact on crime might win him office, he was willing to listen. He knew one major drug bust could help him a long way.

“This is where I’d really like to have more patrolman stationed. I don’t know but it seems like the past year crime has saturated this area.”

“So what are you doing now?” Kirk asked wanting answers.

“Well we use the men we have to cruise up and down the blocks, and we’ve made a few arrests but nothing’s sticking. It looks like they have mostly juveniles selling hand to hand and taking the hit. And when we arrest them, they’re not saying a word. So we can never find out who’s really behind the money.”

“If they do that enough they’ll run out of folks.”

“Like I said they’re kids so we can’t keep them long. Eventually the system will spit them back out into the streets and they’ll be rewarded for not snitching.”

“You’re saying they’re organized?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about sir, there’s a new crew and they’re calling themselves, the Kings of 295. They’re much more organized than what we’re accustomed to seeing around here. In fact based on the information I have, they have the entire beltway from D.C, to Baltimore locked.”

“Who are they?”

“No one knows. Nobody’s talking.”

Kirk was finally listening. If they were as big as he says they were, this would be the perfect case to break. With him as mayor, he could finally make good on his promise to a few big real estate companies who wanted to see DC clean by moving the niggers out. Since it was obvious they didn’t care for their city anyway he figured he’d help them on their way. He’d do this by knocking down the projects and making the cost of living in the same areas impossible to live in.

“I didn’t realize how serious this was. What do you need from me?”

“More black undercover officers on patrol. These drug dealers are smart and not for nothing, we stand out like sore thumbs around here. Look around.”

When they did everyone was looking at them. Kirk swallowed hard and said, “You got it. But you better get me more info on this crew.”

“Thanks chief!”

“Thanks, shit! You got to get this block clean. Then we’ll have something to be thankful for.”


Royala in her car across the street from them


“Yo Ny, guess who was out here on the beat?”


“The chief of police!” She said to him on the phone. “That’s some funny ass shit dude! Niggas got ghost when they saw him and some otha white cop.”

She was out there making sure her money was right from her runners. 7th District was her area.
Nyzon laughed.
“It don’t matter what they do, they can’t stop us now.”
“You mothafuckin’ right about that.”



Tiara Knight

Owings Mills

Sweet Stranger


iara walked slowly to the college hoping to see her new friend. It was Thursday and he didn’t come yesterday as he promised. She’d gotten use to his presence and he was starting to be the highlight of her day. But most of all, she wondered why she even cared.

“Tiara!” she heard a voice call out to her from a black Hummer. A smile broke across her face instantly. “Can I holla at you for a minute?” she peeped the DC tags and liked the idea of him not living around the way, plus her father was originally from DC.

“Didn’t I tell you I have a man?” she tried to play hard to get.

“And didn’t you tell me your name was Tishon?”

“How do you know it’s not?”

“Cause you answered to Tiara.” He smiled at her and the scent of vanilla from his truck rummaged through her nose. “Let me take you to get something to eat.”

“No! Anyway I have to go to class.”

“Play hookie with me.”

“You don’t go to school.”

“How would you know unless you go to dinner with me.”

“You’re a bad influence.”

She couldn’t stop blushing, there was something about him she liked.

“I’ll be the best influence in your life. If you let me.”

Her heart fluttered. It was the nicest thing anybody had said to her in a long time. Because truth be told, Cray had been an entirely different person since the money started pouring in. He never had time for her anymore, and when he did, he smelled of perfume. Still loyalty and fear of taking care of herself kept them together.

“I got to go…bye stranger.”

“I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“You said that before and didn’t come.”


She realized that her feelings had shown through.

“So you were waiting on me?”

“Bye stranger.” She said before disappearing into the building.


The Next Day



“Tiara! Tiara!” Cray yelled from his movie room. “What’s up with these weak ass curtains?!! I don’t like this bullshit.”

When Tiara came running down the stairs, she saw a girl sitting on her couch with her legs folded Indian style, and him taking the curtains down.

“What happened to the black ones I ordered?”

Tiara heard him but couldn’t get her eyes off the cute chocolate girl. She was wearing a T-Shirt, which read, DC’s finest. She knew they must have had some sort of past because she felt comfortable enough to take her shoes off and plop down on
couch. It was the girl he met at Takoma Station.

“I put them in the closet. I wanted it to be brighter in here for you.” She said slowly waiting for an introduction.
Is she his cousin?
She thought.

“Well go get em ‘cause I want those up instead. This a movie room so it’s ‘spose to be dark.”

She couldn’t’ move. He was disrespecting her in the worse way.

“Tiara!” he said waking her out of her trance.


“Did you hear me?”

Tiara was hurt and embarrassed. He didn’t bother telling her who the woman was. Instead he bossed her around like she was a child.

“Yes. I heard you.”

“Good and stop being rude.” He said softly, looking at the TV. “Give my friend Dimples a kiss.”

“Wh…what?” she stuttered.
“I said give her a kiss, on the lips.”
“I’m not going to do that, Cray!” she cried. This was too much for her.
“Do you want me to get up?” he threatened.
She shook her head no.
“Than give her a fuckin’ kiss.”

Dimples thinking it was funny giggled as she puckered up and Tiara did as she was told. Her stomach turned when their lips touched. She stepped away and wiped her tears.

“And before you go to school, bring me two glasses and the Belvy. Me and my new friend are thirsty.”


On the way to school…same day


As promised Nyzon was parked right at the corner waiting for Tiara. She knew he was there before she saw his face because his music was blaring. But today she didn’t feel like entertaining anybody. Cray hurt her more than she’d ever been hurt in her life. But she knew if he left her, she would be homeless and alone. She was nowhere near finishing school and couldn’t provide for herself. Now she finally understood why her father wanted her to get an education. She finally understood why he wanted her to be self sufficient. How she wished she could hear his voice now.

Not in the mood to talk, Tiara rushed past Nyzon’s car to dip inside the building unnoticed. But Nyzon had been waiting on her, so he saw her crying.

“Tiara…what’s wrong?” he jumped out of his ride and blocked her way.

“I don’t want to talk! Just leave me alone please!”

“I’m not gonna leave you alone.” He rested his hands on her shoulders and it comforted her. She felt safe around him. Again, he reminded her of somebody, but who?

“Now what’s goin’ on?” He continued. “Are you hurt?”

“It’s my boyfriend!” she started wiping her face with the back of her hand. “He got some bitch in our house and is totally disrespecting me.”

She decided not to tell him about the kiss.

“Did you knock her ass out?”

“No…I didn’t want to embarrass him.”

“Hold up, a chick is in your house and you didn’t want to embarrass

“No. He takes care of me and I don’t want to seem ungrateful. But he could care less about me. I’m such a fool!”

Nyzon was interested but he wasn’t Dr. Phil either. He didn’t know what to say because truthfully he’d been dogging his share of girls all his life. So who was he to talk?

“Let me get you something to eat. Or better yet, get some drinks. And we can talk about everything you want.”

Tiara’s shoulders dropped and she considered going with him. After all, Cray had company so why couldn’t she? Why not give him a taste of his own medicine?

And when Nyzon felt he was breaking her down he said, “
on the rocks will do the trick. You won’t think about his bitch ass for the rest of the night. I promise.”

And than she looked at him. Belvy was what he was drinking with another woman, in their home. Her stomach flipped. He had said one thing too many.

“I can’t do this.” she cried running into school. “I just can’t.”


After Class


Tiara had been thinking about the stranger all day. His kindness despite how rude she was made her respect him. A lot. She couldn’t help but wonder how things would’ve been if she would’ve jumped into his Hummer. She wouldn’t have to wonder for long.

When she came outside, she heard music and smiled brightly when his truck came into view. She strolled up to it and looked through the passenger side window.

“What are you doing here?” she smiled trying to hide her pleasure.

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