The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (46 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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iara rushed home from school early to get ready for Cray’s and her night together. She was doing her best to make it work, despite the fact that Nyzon consumed her thoughts. When she opened the door to her home and jetted upstairs she heard heavy panting.

“Damn your pussy wet as shit!” Cray’s voice called.

Was she hearing things correctly? Was she losing her mind? Slowly she opened the door to her bedroom and saw the white sheets moving up and down. The muscles in Cray’s back flexed with each thrust. And suddenly she heard the rain pounding against their home. All it did was symbolize the pain in her heart.

“Cray? What’s going on?” She walked further into the room and stopped. A force wouldn’t allow her to go any further.

He jumped up from the bed snatching the sheets off the woman’s body to cover his own. What she saw forced her to question if God really existed. Because if he did, she couldn’t understand why he would cause her to hurt so much. In her bed, lay Yolanda, her dearest and closest friend. She’d expect Felecia to do some bullshit like that but not Yolanda. Still, she couldn’t help but remember all the times Yolanda told her she was lucky to have Cray. She even remembered how she kept jumping on him in the pool in Cancun. She’d been obsessing over him for years.

“Oh shit, babe! What you doin’ here?”

“I live here, Cray! I fuckin’ live here!” Tiara never got loud with him before. “How could you do this to me?” she sobbed. “You said you wanted to marry me!”

“I’m sorry Tiara!” Yolanda said covering her sweat soaked body.

“Bitch shut up!” she yelled pointing at her. “If I thought you were worth it,” she said looking at Yolanda. “I’d scratch your fuckin’ eyes out.”

She stumbled backwards, and the wall caught her limp body. She was done. No longer did she care about living a lie. Some how she got enough energy to leave. And it felt like a force was carrying her out of the house and her spirit told her it was her father. She heard Cray’s voice trailing behind her as she jumped in her Benz. Fuck him! He could have the house, the money and Yolanda. All she wanted was Nyzon. She didn’t care what it took but she needed to convince him to take her back because there was no place she’d rather be.


At Nyzon’s Crib


Tiara parked in front of Nyzon’s house and walked toward the door after seeing his car out front. The rain poured heavily on her body drenching her totally. If he rejected her, she didn’t know what else she’d do. All she wanted was for him to hear her out. But before she could knock, she heard the alarm on his car disarm and the door open. He stopped when he saw her in the rain…hair sticking to her face.

“Nyzon…I’m sorry. I’m sooooo sorry, baby. I made a mistake and I need you in my life right now.”

“Fuck you mean you need me, T? You playin’ games wit me, makin’ me think we were down like that then you cut me off without even tellin’ me why? Fuck out my face.” He walked around her and toward his car.

“Nyzon, please! I was such a fuckin’ fool! I know it now and I’m willin’ to ride with you no matter where we go. Don’t do this to me! Don’t do this to us!”

“Do this to us? You did this shit! I was ready to take a bullet for you! And you made me realize you ain’t worth it.”

He stopped and she ran up to him, dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around his legs. The rain soaking them both didn’t stop the emotions from running heavy. All he wanted to do was lift her up and tell her everything was okay. But the games. The hurt. He wasn’t willing to deal with it. In his book, it wasn’t worth it anymore.

“Nyzon…what’s going on?” Angel asked witnessing the entire thing as she stood behind them, umbrella in hand.

“Nothing…go to the car.” He told her as she walked passed them both, without a rebuttal. She knew Nyzon would rip into her if she didn’t obey him.

Tiara stood up and kept her eyes on Angel until she got into the car and closed the door.

“Nyzon, I know you don’t love her. She’s not the woman for you. It’s me. It’s been me all along. Let’s start our family. She can’t love you like me. She can’t make you call out her name like you call out mine when we make love. Your body needs me and mines needs you.”

“It don’t matter cause it’s over, Tiara.” He was saying all of this without looking into her eyes.

“I was afraid, baby.” She continued ignoring his comment. “Afraid to let you love me. I thought Cray was what I deserved because he was there for me when my father died. But I was wrong. So wrong. I deserve better. I deserve a man with the honor my father had. But if you leave me, I’ll die.” She was crying heavily.

“You shoulda thought about that before you chose. I’m out of here.”

Nyzon walked to his Benz and pulled off. Tiara held her stomach as she cried so hard that it felt as if she’d been doing sit ups. Her life was officially over and she needed God himself to come down and give her direction. The headlights going completely out of view symbolized the end. She dropped to her knees and prayed for an answer.

“God, do You want me to die? Do You want me to kill myself? Because if that man leaves me, I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to live!”

And then she saw him, running back toward her as if he’d forgotten something. He’d sent Angel on her way, without him and his ride. Just the sight of him eased the ache in Tiara’s heart.

Standing before her, Nyzon reached down and extended his hand. She rose. Wiping the wet hair from her face he said, “If you’re down wit me then be down wit’ me. Don’t fuck wit my head, Tiara. It’s all or nothin’.”

“I am down with you, Nyzon, and I don’t care what happens.”

“All hell is getting’ ready to break lose if we stay together.” He said calmly. “Are you ready?”

“I’ll go through the fire with you.”

“Good.” He said seriously. “Cause that’s what you gonna have to do.”

With that, they engaged in a heavy kiss, and she gave her heart to him, and he vowed his life to her.



Nyzon Peate

Calm Before The Storm


yzon and Tiara had been staying at his aunt Jackie’s for two weeks. All he told his aunt was that he was in love with her, and that they had to get away. Pouring the love she had for her sister onto Nyzon, she willingly allowed them too.

Cray still didn’t know that Tiara had run off with Nyzon but everyone saw the visible effects of Cray missing her on his face, not to mention business was suffering greatly in Bmore. He didn’t shower and he became meaner than ever before. And as if matters couldn’t get any worse, the DC cops had made it known that anybody who was willing to give them solid information about the Kings of 295 would be rewarded….greatly. All Nyzon wanted to do was stack his chips and leave the state. And after talking to his boxing coach, he knew exactly where he’d go.

“What’s wrong?” Nyzon asked after hearing Tiara sniffling next to him as they lay in the bed together.

“Did you have a good relationship with your mother?”

Nyzon moved uncomfortably never fully telling her about his past.

“Not really.”

“I…I never understood why my mother didn’t love me.”

“How you know she didn’t?”

“It never felt like it. It felt like she hated me for some reason.”

“You said she was on drugs baby. If that’s the case, you never got a chance to know your real mother. That shit gets your mind fucked up.”

“I’d really like to see her before we leave. I got to know why she did me the way that she did. But I don’t know where she is.”

Tiara was going through a mental breakdown worrying about everything. Just like her mother, when the heat was on, she lost all reason. And she wanted loose ends tied before they left.

“I’ll find out where she lives. DC too small to hide. I’ll take you to her before we roll. I promise.”

“I love you Nyzon.”

“I love you more.”




Cray Bailor

My Man, A Hundred Grand


hree weeks had passed and still no word on Tiara’s whereabouts. Cray was at his wits ends. He wasn’t handling business, he didn’t bathe and he drunk Hennessey like it was water. He was sitting in his living room with Devon, Jinx and Blunt when his phone rang. An insignificant female he picked up earlier sat by his side as he pressed the button to the speakerphone.

“Who’s this?”
“Somebody who knows where Tiara is going next.”
“What’s your name?”
They all looked at one anther.
“How you know her?”

“I don’t know her but I
know Nyzon. And she’s with him.”

“With Nyzon?” he asked looking at the phone like it was a science project. “Fuck you mean she wit Nyzon?” He’d just seen Nyzon yesterday and he acted as if all was good. I guess it was, he was fucking his girl.

“I overheard Lazarick talking to Royala about it and me and him together. I think there over my stepmom Jackie’s house. They’re planning to run away together.”

“You heard all this shit?”


Cray wanted to dismember Nyzon for embarrassing him. And to think, he’d killed his best friend right before he tried to put him on to Nyzon’s deceit. If Jason knew, he wondered who else did. The alcohol made him believe everyone was in on it.

“Ya’ll knew about this shit?” he questioned his boys.

“Why you gotta ask me some bullshit like that?” Devon asked. “I told you not to trust them DC niggas.”

Cray cracked his knuckles and for no reason, hit the female with him in the face so hard, her jaw automatically readjusted itself and she passed out cold.

He rubbed his knuckles carless about whom he just hurt. He was beyond furious. He had this nigga in his house and here he was fucking his girl. His boys shook their heads in disgust after hearing the news and witnessing the victim on the floor. The same nigga who saved his life wanted his wife. The Kings of 295 were no more after this shit.

“You betta not be fuckin’ wit me.” Cray told her. “Cause I’m the wrong dude.”

She paused sensing his evil. “Uh…uh…I’m not lyin! I heard about you.” She assured him.
“What do you want?”
“I got the address and all I’m askin’ for is some money and for you to leave my aunt Jackie out of it.”
“Stop lyin’. This ain’t about money. What is this about?”
“I got my reasons.”
“What’s the address?”
She gave it to him.
“You’re not going to bother my aunt right?”

“I’ma pay ya ass,” he said ignoring her question. “but let me know if they go somewhere else. I gotta find this nigga like yesterday.”

“I will. But what about my aunt...”

He hung up. When he got off the phone he looked at his boys angrily.

“I want this mothafucka found and brought to me! And if anybody get in the way, murder them too!”

“I told you not to trust them DC niggas.” Devon said not helping the matter one bit.

“It don’t even matter no more. Bring his bitch ass to me, I don’t care if you have to launch a thousand bullets to find him.”

“What about the connect info?” Blunt asked.

“If you keep Tiara alive, he’ll tell us everything we need to know.” Devon reminded him.

“Cool, and when we’re done,” Cray said sipping the last of his drink. “I want them both buried!”


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