The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (45 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Kirk Bowler

A Vacant Alley In DC


t was midnight when Todd Jamison called Kirk and his father and told them to meet him at a vacant alley in DC. They’d met there before to discuss other matters that could only be done in private. Neither Kirk or William wanted to deal with him because lately Todd’s behavior had become out of control. When they saw his car pull up they waited impatiently.

“What is your son doing now?” Kirk prayed no one saw him. “Trying to ruin my career?”

“Your guess is just as good as mine.” William said. “This boy is out of control.”

When Todd got out he tugged at Carolyn and J-Swizz who were gagged in the car. Everybody was confused but especially Carolyn and J-Swizz who were sleep in an apartment they’d rented when Todd kidnapped them. All this time William thought Carolyn was living by herself and here she stood before him, his only daughter, with a nigger.

“Todd, what the fuck is going on?!” Kirk yelled.

Todd was high as usual. “I want to prove that I’m still useful to the KYC.”

“And this is helping?” William asked removing the gag from Carolyn’s mouth and untying her arms. She rubbed her wrists and helped J-Swizz out of his restraints.

“I should kick your fucking ass!” J-Swizz yelled running toward Todd. When he waved his gun everyone backed up.

“Calm down, son.” William said softly. “We don’t want this kind of heat.”

“Trust me, dad! You’ll be happy after you find out who he is,” he yelled waving the gun wildly. “He’s involved in the case you’re working on, Kirk. He has information about the operation and everything. And all this time, Carolyn has been fucking him! At one point she was even pregnant by him.”

“What are you sayin’?” William asked. “Carolyn, is this true?”

“Dad, can we talk about this later?”

William looked at Kirk than at his daughter. He was repulsed.

For Carolyn, it was the first time it was confirmed where her pregnancy test had gone.

Todd had no idea that J-Swizz had been cut off from Melody’s operation the day Melody was killed. All he wanted was for his father to accept him.

“Todd, you’ve gone too far!” William said angrily. “You two get in my car.” He pointed to a black Lincoln Navigator. He never thought he’d see the day when a nigger would be in his ride.

Kirk disgusted at everything just walked off and jumped back into his cruiser.

“But, Dad!” Todd called out as both of them jumped into their cars and pulled off. “I love you! Why won’t you accept me? Why?!”

They both left him in the alley, alone with his feelings and emotions. With nothing else to do, he took his gun out his pocket, placed it in his mouth, and pulled the trigger.



Nyzon Peate

Shawty Got Me Strung


yzon was laying on Angel’s bed on his back fucked up. After two weeks he still couldn’t get in touch with Tiara. Wearing a black pair of basketball shorts and no shirt, he stared at the TV although he didn’t know what was on.

“What’s on your mind?” Angel asked taking her index finger and rubbing it through the grooves in his chest.

“Nothin.” He said grabbing her hand and pushing it off. For some reason her touch irritated him.

Since he’d been staying there, she wanted three things all of the time. Sex, Money and a Relationship. Sex and money he could give but a relationship was out of the question.

“Nyzon…you come and go when you want to and I neva say nothing to you. But you still treat me like shit. You must got her on your mind again.” She remembered the connection between him and Tiara at Devon’s release party.

“You want me to leave?” he threatened with his eyes. He didn’t have time for her shit.
“You know I don’t want you to go. But I need some attention, Ny.”
“Well you betta take it how it is.”
“You use to like when I was around you.” She reminded him, hinting to the time he was a kid. “Remember?”
“You mean do I remember when you were a pedophile?” he laughed trying to hurt her feelings.
“Nyzon! I wasn’t a pedophile. I…I,” she couldn’t think of the proper words.
“You were fuckin’ a kid. They call that a pedophile.”
“I cared about you, Nyzon.”
“Yeah…and you let me know right away what kind of female you were.”
“Fuck that supposed to mean, Nyzon?”
“Angel, please! I got a lot of shit on my mind. Okay?” He said jumping up off the bed and looking at his self in the mirror.

“Alright, Nyzon.” She said sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her hands as she spoke to him. “But I wish you would let me in. I could be so good for you if you’d just give me a chance.”

He laughed to himself. Angel had no idea that the only reason he allowed her back in his life was to exact revenge. He was fucked up for months when she did him the way that she did.

“Yeah well I’m done wit givin’ people chances.”

“Can I do anything to make you feel good right now?” she asked walking over to him wrapping her arms around his body. “I don’t care what you do to me, Nyzon. I just want to be that bitch you need. Beat me. Fuck me. Do anything you want to me, just try to love me.”

“Is that right?”
“Yes. What do you want me to do?”
“I’m sure you could think of somethin’.” He said licking his sexy thick lips.

He was treating her like a whore, but it was the only way he could control what he was feeling. Here he was worried about Tiara, a bitch that wasn’t his, when he should’ve had his mind on his money. Still the question loomed…where was Tiara?

“I’m feelin’ you, Nyzon.” Angel said waking him out his thoughts.

“You gonna keep talkin’ or get to work?” he removed himself from his shorts, already to a partial hard.

Angel got on her knees and sucked his dick like she needed to survive. She moaned so much you would’ve thought he was eating her pussy. It was a shame how good she handled business. Every lick, suck and kiss made his body shiver. He placed his hands on the sides of her head and pumped into her mouth. The look on her face told him she loved it, but she could not have more than he did.

“Don’t stop.” He told her looking down at her. “Am I the only nigga you want?”
“Yes.” She whispered making her dick sucks wetter.
“Tell me how much you want me.” He demanded.
“I would do anything for you, Ny. I can’t see not being with you.”
“Don’t stop sucking.” He told her.

And she didn’t. And when he came, he fucked her…proper like. The best part about it was, he had got his revenge, because he wasn’t even trippin’ off this bitch. She couldn’t hold a candle to his true love, Tiara.


Later That Night


Hours after giving Angel the crucial dick, Tiara called. He crept out of bed to talk to her.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he asked eager to hear why she’d been dodging him. He was so worried he made plans to pop up over Cray’s house just to confront her.

“We have to talk, Nyzon. Can you meet me tomorrow?”

“Fuck that shit, Tiara! I been worried about you for weeks. Tell me what’s up now.”

“This is hard for me.” She sounded like she was crying. “Real hard, Nyzon.”

“Did that mothafucka touch you? Did he put his hands on you? I’ll murder his bitch ass if he did.”

“No…no!” she was quick to get that notion out of his mind. “It’s the exact opposite. Shelton....Cray asked me to marry him.”

Nyzon felt faint. This girl was his world but the man inside him would not allow him to beg like every cell in his body wanted too.

“What you tell him?” his heart raced as he waited for the answer.

“Yes.” She sobbed. “I told him yes.”

“Tiara, don’t do this bullshit. Don’t you see this dude is fuckin’ wit you? He probably knows what’s going on between us and he tryin’ to wrap your mind all up.”

“I’m sorry, Nyzon.”
“Don’t fuckin’ do this! You deserve a real nigga. I’m that nigga, baby. I’m that nigga you need. Let me be that for you.”
“I can’t.”
“Why you wanna fuck my head up like this? You my fuckin’ life. Why you want me to murder that nigga?”
“Please. Don’t hurt him.”
“I will if you marry him, Tiara.”
“Don’t say that!”
“I’m serious! All he doin’ is fuckin’ wit’ you!”
“He’s not!”
“You betta give me a good reason why I shouldn’t.”
“You shouldn’t because I love him.”
Nyzon fell back into the wall for support.
“I…I…love him. Goodbye, Nyzon.”

When she hung up he started boxing the air wildly. He brought himself to a sweat from moving around so quickly. He didn’t get it how a woman could stand by and let a dude dog them out, and carry somebody who gave a fuck. And then Crazy thoughts like telling Cray what happened between them entered his mind. And than he remembered, it was all about the dollar and Tiara complicated things anyway. As far as he was concerned if she wanted to be with a nigga that didn’t respect her, she could suck his dick! Now all he had to do was convince himself that, that was how he really felt.


At Royala’s Crib


Nyzon went to Royala’s to get away. But who did he see the moment he hit the door? Lazarick’s hoe ass. Things were going from piss to shit quick.

“Fuck this bum ass nigga doin’ here?” he asked pushing his way past him and into the door.

“Nigga, this my sister’s house. Fuck you talkin’ about?”

“Hold up yall! Don’t do this bullshit in my crib!” Royala had her arms stretched out between Nyzon and Lazarick. “Now hear me out. Laz, you was wrong as shit for fucking Monesha and not puttin’ it to Ny. I told you that the moment I found out.”

“I ain’t think he would give a fuck.” He said raising his arms in the air. “I thought they were cousins.” Lazarick was copping a plea.

“That’s some bullshit!” Ny yelled. “You were still supposed to tell me nigga! We were boys. And just so you know, that bitch stay hittin’ me up to this day.” Nyzon could tell Lazarick didn’t know about her calls because his face was tight. She told him she wasn’t tripping off Nyzon anymore.

“No she ain’t.”

Nyzon laughed. “You know what, fuck it! You stuck wit her ass now, I ain’t even trippin’ off that shit no more. I got otha shit on my mind.”

Really Nyzon started to think about the situation in its entirety. He was mad at Lazarick for fucking Monesha and not telling him, yet he fucked Tiara behind Cray’s back. He was participating in the worse hypocrisy.

“I’m sorry, man. I shoulda told you.”

“Fuck that. You do owe me some dough for all that cake I kicked out on her ass and your kid.” Nyzon laughed.

“Good luck on tryin’ to get it back, man.” Lazarick chuckled. “I ain’t one of the Kings.”

“Be lucky you not.”

With that they shook hands and put the shit behind them. Where it belonged.




Tiara Cartier

Makin’ It Work

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