The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (44 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“Nyzon.” Her voice caused him to shake and sounded as beautiful as the ocean’s waves. She had complete control of his soul.

“Man, I’m not feelin’ this nigga puttin’ his hands on you.” Nyzon said seriously turning around. He walked up to her. “I was five seconds from turning my gun on this dude. But that’s my man and you his girl and this shit is fucked up. I wish I neva met you!”

“Don’t’ say that.”
“It’s fuckin’ true! This not a game, Tiara!” He yelled not knowing who to be angry with, himself or her.
“I know.” She said softly. “I wish things could be different.”
“We can’t do this no more. We can’t.”
“Don’t say that, Nyzon. You’re the only reason I’m able to be with him.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If I didn’t have you I wouldn’t be strong enough to deal. And I know he’d come looking for me if I ran away.”

“Something gonna have to give, baby.”

“I know, Nyzon. I love you so much.” She said kissing him. The yellow bathing suit she wore showed her sexy body and all he wanted to do was make love. “Say you won’t leave me.”

“I can’t say that,” he said in between heavy breaths as their lips touched.

“Please, Nyzon. Tell me you won’t leave me.” She kissed him softly on the neck.

“Fuck are you doin’ to me?” he said pushing away from her. “Together, me and that nigga worth millions! I don’t even know if this shit is worth it. Being with you means war.”

She walked up to him and grabbed his hand placing it on her perky breasts.

worth it?”

“I hope you are. ‘Cause I’m in too deep.”
“You don’t know how hard I been tryin’ to get away from him!”

“How did you?” he asked looking toward the pool only to see the Kings loud talking and doing cannonballs in the water.

“Yolanda asked him to play Marco Polo with her and Felecia and he went for it.”

“She know about us?”

“No. I’m afraid to tell anybody.”

“Good.” He said kissing her again as they walked further out of view. “I got to think things through, but I know I can’t stand you not being in my life.”

“And I can’t stand not being in it.”

When they walked far enough away, they made love on the beach with the beautiful Cancun sky as their witness. There love was one that would last, at least they hoped.



Tiara Cartier

Owings Mills, MD

I Put A Spell on you cause you are mine


iara stood in the kitchen singing as she cleaned the dishes by hand since that’s the way Cray preferred them to be done. The dishwasher hadn’t been used since they moved in. As the water ran over her skin she thought about the way Nyzon licked her entire body in Mexico on the beach. She smiled and stopped washing dishes. Rinsing her hands off, she lifted her skirt and reached between her legs. Biting her bottom lip softly, she shrilled with pleasure as she fingered her wet mound. The water had been running for a minute and was just about to spill out onto the floor.

“You aight?”

Chills ran through her body when she turned around and saw Cray standing in the kitchen.

She pulled her skirt down and faced him. Thinking he could see her unfaithfulness, she got nervous and ignored the water spilling everywhere. He walked up to her and looked into her eyes. When he reached up, she flinched thinking he was about to hit her. Instead, he reached around her and turned the water off.

“Fuck you so happy for?” He stepped away and opened the fridge, drank orange juice out of the container and stared her down.

Tiara tried to wipe the thoughts of Nyzon out of her mind but as long as she thought about Ny it was difficult to think straight.

“No reason…just happy to be alive.” She grabbed the mop and began to clean the floor.

“I never got a chance to ask you if you was feelin’ Cancun.”

“It was nice.” Another smile popped up and Cray saw it.

“Oh yeah? What you like about it most?”

“The people. They’re nice.”

Something was up with Tiara and it bothered him. She hadn’t been this happy since her father was alive. Brief thoughts of what Jason said entered his mind. Was something going on with his right hand man and his woman afterall? He pushed that thought out of his mind after realizing wasn’t another nigga alive like him. Tiara loved him because he was in control. And in his mind, he hadn’t changed a bit. Still, he wanted to be sure.

“Look…Tiara, I been fuckin’ up cause I ain’t been treatin’ you right.”

“That’s not true.” She lied. “You treat me good, baby.

“Tiara, you know that ain’t true, but I’ma change. No more disrespecting’ you wit bringin’ bitches in our house or any of that shit. I been lettin’ this dough get to my head and I’m wrong. I’ma start bein’ home more and doin’ right by you.”

Tiara was stunned. If he was at home more, that meant she’d have to see Nyzon less. And she needed him.

And if that wasn’t enough, he hit her with, “I love you, Tiara.” He hadn’t said those words in forever. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Don’t ever leave me. You the best thing about me.”

Her head dropped.

“I…I’m happy.”

“Stop lyin’, baby. I was supposed to take care of you when your father died, and I didn’t. Let me do right by you. Let me treat you how you’re supposed to be treated. Your father raised a woman who deserves to be respected. You not out here like some of these bitches who be sleepin’ around smuttin’ themselves out.”

Her stomach churned.

“You’re wifey material all the way and I’m sorry for not realizing it.” He placed both hands on the sides of her face and kissed her lips softly. The same lips that had been wrapped around Nyzon’s dick earlier that day.

What was she doing?

Cray was right. Her father didn’t raise her to be a whore. And sharing her body with Cray and Nyzon at the same time was doing just that. She wasn’t even trying to make it work with the man who took her in when her father died. She owed him her life.

Cray wrapped his arms around her and she fell into his chest. Perhaps if she had been a better woman, Cray would’ve never stepped out on her. She needed to end things with Nyzon and she knew it would be hard. Little did she know that Cray smiled as she cried, realizing she was under his spell. Once again.



Cray and Nyzon

295 Parkway

The Thick


ray was driving a new black 07’ Maserati Quattroporte as he and Nyzon cruised down the road on the way to DC. There was a lot going on with the cops and for some reason, they were targeting all of their shops.

“The cops been fuckin’ wit us hard, dude.” Nyzon said smoking a blunt. “I think Kirk Bowler’s bitch ass tryin’ to become mayor by sacrificing’ us.”

“I know. So what’s the plan?”

“The main problem is the re-up and not havin’ nothin’ on our folks when they raid and start locking’ niggas up. And some of these block niggas singin’ like birds when they get caught. So I’m bringin’ this dog trainer in from Kansas to come out and…”

“A dog trainer?” Cray said cutting him off as he passed a tractor trailer. “We got problems wit the cops and you bringin’ in dog trainers?”

“Hear me out. This nigga can train a dog so good, they can understand commands based on hand signals. With them dogs we can attach the re-up around their necks with these pouches Crackhead Tina gonna make. When somebody want somethin’, we’ll have a dog not too far away ready. The thing is, the dogs will break the moment the cops come through and nobody will get caught with nothin’ on em. I’m tellin’ you Cray, the shit is genius. We’ll just have one person near the stash to restock the dogs. And you ain’t catchin’ no dog. Trust me.”

“So how you get the dogs back? And what if somebody tries to take the re-up from around their necks?”

Nyzon laughed. “Did I forget to mention these dogs are killas? If somebody tries to take our product the dogs don’t recognize, it’s a wrap.”

Cray liked it. In fact, he loved the idea.

“It may work. But you could kill the dog.”

“And we’ll get another one.”

“I see. I see. Has it flaws but it’s good.”

“You B-more niggas hate to give a nigga credit.”

“I’m said it may work.”

“Yeah aight, nigga. It
work,” he joked. “So what’s up wit Charm? Heard anything from him yet?”

“Yeah. We got most of our blocks back but Blunt told me he heard a few of them was puttin’ out product on one of our corners. Charm may be behind it. They not movin serious weight so I’m not trippin’ right now. I’ll get at em lada.”

“It should be sooner than lada. We don’t want this shit gettin’ out of hand. Let one nigga take advantage, we might as well go out of business.”

“I got this,” Cray assured him.

“I hear you. But look, I hear we got bounties on our heads. Can we deal wit the heat?”

“No doubt. We know who it is and that situation will be dealt with in a few days.”

Nyzon peeped his chain that said
The King of 295
and hated it.

“Nice chain.” Ny said mugging it a little. “You forgot the “S” though?”

Cray laughed.

Nyzon didn’t.

There hadn’t been heat between them since they squashed the drama. Only a woman could make a man hold his tongue where he wanted to speak his mind. But Nyzon knew that what he felt for Tiara wasn’t the only reason there bond had been strained. Ever since Devon got out, he’d been filling Cray’s head up with shit. Telling him DC niggas wasn’t needed.

“Yeah. When I picked it up, I found out he left the S off. Ain’t that somethin’?”

“Yeah. But for all the dough you dropped, you’d think a nigga would spell it right.”

“You can’t pay know body to do shit right nowadays.” he said picking up the one hundred thousand dollar medallion. “It ain’t nothin’.” He continued driving. “So what’s up wit shawty you use to check from around my way?”

“Aw…I ain’t fuckin’ wit it no more.”

“That’s good. Cause I been thinkin’ bout that for some reason.”


“Yeah. You betta be careful cause she may have a nigga.”

Nyzon looked at him and wondered if he knew.

“Why you say that?”

“Cause Bmore girls get down differently than DC ones. I wouldn’t want no bullshit poppin’ off you can’t handle.”

“I can handle anything that comes my way.” Nyzon looked him in his eyes and they both felt the message.

“You sure? That nigga’s heat might be too much.”

“Doubt it. He’s probably a bitch.”

Cray laughed.

Nyzon didn’t.

“That’s cool.” Cray said smoothly.

“And what’s good wit Jason? I ain’t seen the nigga in a minute. Why he wasn’t in Cancun?”

“I don’t know where he is.” Cray adjusted in his seat. “Maybe he buried himself.”

Nyzon knew then that he killed him. What fucked him up was not that he killed him because everyone knew he was loose with his lip game. What had Nyzon angry was the fact that he didn’t tell him. Right then he knew the Kings were not as strong as they used to be and with the love he had for Tiara, he doubt they ever would.


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