The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (47 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Nyzon Peate

Tiara of DC


ooks and Simon couldn’t believe their eyes. Tiara although beautiful was forbidden and standing in the Jackie’s kitchen. All were relieved that Jackie wasn’t home.

“You remember Tiara right?” Nyzon asked as he held her hand.

Royala already knowing the deal dropped her head.

“Tiara of Bmore?” Cooks asked hoping she had a twin out there somewhere. In his heart he knew the obvious, she was Cray’s girl.

“No…Tiara of DC.” Nyzon said calmly.

“What you doin’, man?! This niggas gonna flip when he find out you wit her. You know he been searching’ high and low for this bitch.”

“You family and I love you. But don’t disrespect her again.” Nyzon told her.

“Well what you want me to say?! You’re about to start a war over this….girl,” he said exchanging his original words for less harsh ones.

“It’s too late now,” Royala added. “We got to deal with the situation as it is.”

“And what about The Kings?” Simon asked. “What about the money?”

Tiara held her head down feeling as if all the violence that was to come, was all her fault.

“Tiara, go to the guestroom.” Nyzon advised. She walked away sadly.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to ya’ll about. The cops have been comin’ around the blocks more anyway. Ya’ll know that. I don’t know what’s going on, but I think somebody tipped them off. I got enough dough saved up for all of us to be a’ight, but we have to get out now before things get out of hand. This shit ain’t got nothin’ to do with Tiara. It was war anyway.”

“But look how you doin’ it, man?” Simon insisted. “You broke bread wit that man. You ain’t got no business bein’ wit’ his girl.”

“It may have been his girl but she’s gonna be my wife. And we in it too deep to turn back now.”

The kitchen was silent.

“Fuck, Nyzon! I can’t believe this shit.” Simon said shaking her head. “This nigga gonna kill you man! You have to let her go.”

“I can’t.” Nyzon said slowly. “Cause if I could, I would’ve done it by now.”

Just when he started to explain, bullets rang through Jackie’s house crashing the windows. Based on the angles, they could tell it was more than one gun. They hit the floor reaching for their pieces when they remembered that Jackie didn’t allow guns in her house so they were all outside in Cook’s car.

“What’s going on?” Tiara screamed running toward them from the back room.
“Get down, baby!” Nyzon called out pulling her to the cold porcelain floor.
With no weapons to defend themselves, they were defenseless.

“Move toward the basement!” Simon advised. “The backyard has a high fence so they can’t get in or see us. We can jump in Cook’s car.”

“Cooks, your car still runnin’ right?” Simon asked. Cooks didn’t answer. When they looked at him he was hunched over on his knees in the corner. “Cooks your car still runnin’ right?”

When Simon moved him, his body slumped backward and onto the floor. He’d been shot in the chest and blood was pouring everywhere.

“Oh no!” Nyzon yelled going toward him. “Get up, Cooks. We gotta go, man! We gotta leave!”

More bullets loomed over their heads and shortened the time for grieving. Nyzon was still tugging at him when Royala pulled his arms. Simon was right beside him speechless. His brother had just been murdered and Tiara sat by the sidelines crying. He looked at her once wandering if her death would put him at ease.

“This not her fault, Simon.” Royala said reading her mind. “This not her fault. We gotta go.”
“Cooks! Come on!” Nyzon continued in shock and not knowing how to deal with the situation.
“We got to bounce, Ny! Come on Simon we got to move!” Royala yelled. She was in charge.

Bullets still ripped through the house as they ran toward the basement. It was obvious they were trying to kill everybody inside, innocent or not.

“My brother!” Simon yelled swinging into the air. “My fuckin’ brother is dead!”

“I’m sorry, man. This is all my fault. I fucked up. I shoulda neva came here.” Nyzon yelled.

“Lada for that shit, we got to get out of here.” Simon grew stronger in the minute.

Out the back door they dipped and into Cooks awaiting car. All of their weapons were tucked inside on the floor. Cray, Blunt, Devon and Jinx saw the car rushing from the back knocking Jackie’s wooden fence down. Cray’s car pursued them in a high speed chase shooting bullets out the window. They wanted blood.


In Cray’s car


“I want that nigga’s heart!” Cray reloaded his weapon as Devon drove.

“But what about the connect info?” Devon reminded him. “If we kill him it’s a wrap. We can forget about findin’ out we been dealin’ wit’.”

“He’s right,” Jinx added. “We need him alive.”

“Shit!” Cray yelled remembering. If he told them to shoot him anyway, it would be obvious that the only thing he cared about was getting revenge on Nyzon for stealing Tiara from him.

He knew they couldn’t understand. He was the one who molded her pussy. He was the one who fucked with her young mind until it was just right. He was the one who made her a queen by forcing her to be
. And at the end of the day, he didn’t know what he had until it was gone. Still he had to regroup.

Coming to his senses he said, “Slow down Jinx. Let’s let them think he got away.” Cray said softly. “I’ll catch up wit his ass later.

No sooner than he said that, he saw a saw a Maryland tag he thought he’d seen earlier. But with everything going on, he thought he lost his mind.
I’m just trippin’


In Cook’s Car

“Looks like we lost him.” Royala said as Simon continued to speed off down the road.

“Yeah…for now.” Nyzon said knowing he’d never give up until he had them. “For now.”



Monesha Heart

Southeast D.C



hat feels so good baby.” Monesha moaned as she lie face up on the couch while Lazarick sucked her toes. “Make it real wet.” She loved when he put extra spit on them and twirled his tongue around her toes. It turned her on.

She was wearing a pink mini t-shirt and her thong panties. Lazarick had always been wanting Monesha since middle school and now that Nyzon made it clear that he wasn’t entertaining her, despite her, she settled for a flunkie ass nigga.

“Like this, baby?” he asked putting four of her toes in his mouth at a time.

She was just about to play with her pussy when she heard a slight knock at the front door of the apartment they shared together. Lazarick jumped up to open it without seeing who was behind the door first. They ordered some pizza and thought it was there.

When he opened the door, Cray unleashed four bullets into his body. Once he dropped to the floor, Cray, Devon, Blunt and Jinx moved behind him and inside the apartment.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!” Monesha screamed.

Cray walked up to her and wrapped his hand around her throat silencing her.

“Shut the fuck up!” he warned. He had the eyes of a killer. “Now you got my cash so tell me where I can find Nyzon.”

When he released her, she rubbed her throat and said, “I told you where he was when you gave me the money. That’s all I know.”

“Yeah well he ain’t there no more.”

“But I don’t…”

Before she could finish her sentence, he shoved the barrel of his gun inside her pussy and jabbed upward. The heat from him just shooting Lazarick burned her skin.

“I promise.” She cried harder, shaking her head from left to right, careful not to move too much for fear of the gun going off. “I don’t know where he is. Please don’t kill me. I wouldn’t lie to you. I know you don’t play that shit.”

Cray not up for the games cocked his gun back.

“Okay…Okay…I might have something else.”

“Start talkin’.”

“A few days ago I think Nyzon called Lazarick to find Tiara’s mother.”

“Tiara’s mother?” he said. He had forgot she was even alive.

“Yeah. He said he seemed upset. He didn’t tell him why.”
“Go head.”
“I think…I think the number may be in his cell phone. Lazarick stored it in there for Nyzon when he got it from work. Maybe he’s going there.” Lazarick worked for Verizon, the telephone company, so he was able to get any information he needed. “His phone is in his pocket.”

“Get it.” He told Blunt.

Blunt rummaged through the men’s jeans on the floor releasing a cell phone. Cray sat impatiently.

“You see it?”

“I don’t know what I’m looking for.” He said scanning through the numbers.

“I think her name is Tara.”

When Blunt saw the name he nodded that he had it.

“See…I told you.” She said hoping he’d leave her alone. “I wouldn’t fuck wit you.”

“Yeah you really came through. Good lookin’ out.”

She smiled. “So…so you gonna let me go now?”

“Yeah. After you hold something for me.”

He fired inside of her, killing her instantly.
“Damn, man!” Blunt said. “Fuck you do that for?”
“No witnesses. You know the rule.”

Blunt and Jinx thought he was going too far. He was crossing the line between business and vengeance and they didn’t like it one bit.

“Now lets go get this nigga.” Cray said wiping the bloody barrel of the gun on Monesha’s shirt. “I’m tired of fuckin’ wit this dude.”




Nyzon Peate

Tiara’s Mom’s Apartment In DC

Apple Of His Eyes


ara’s apartment was small and cozy but lonely. She’d been clean for a year but still looked unhappy. Nyzon believed she needed to see Tiara just as much as Tiara needed to see her. It was amazing how much they looked alike and before now, he never thought another woman existed whose beauty could challenge hers. He was wrong.

When Nyzon glanced at the coffee table, he saw a framed picture of a man who looked familiar to him. Where had he seen him before?

“Who is that?” He asked Tara.

She lifted the picture and gazed at it as if it was the first time she’d seen it. She smiled and said, “It’s Kavon, Tiara’s father.”

Tiara looked at the picture also and a single tear fell down her face. Nyzon softly kissed it away and held her closely.

“He still loves you.” Nyzon reassured her. “And trust me he got your back.” Tara looked at their display of affection and knew it was genuine. “I’ve seen him somewhere before.”

Tiara looked up at him slightly confused. Neither she nor he knew he was the man Nyzon encountered when he went to the safety deposit box a while back. And because he’d come in contact with so many in his lifetime, he left the matter alone.

Tiara’s eyes suddenly searched her mother’s apartment. It was as if she was looking for something.

“I’m sorry, Tiara. I don’t have any pictures of you here.”

Tiara’s head dropped.

“It was too painful. After all, I am the reason we don’t have a relationship. I failed you.”

“Is it something I did?” Tiara asked. “Was I bad as a child?”

Hearing her pain caused Nyzon’s heart to ache and he was hoping her mother accepted her failure fully, thereby freeing his girl from years of pain.

“It was me. All me.”

“But Why? I want to understand what I did to you to make you hate me.” Tiara said looking at her mother, with tears in her eyes. “Why would you put me through so much? All I wanted to do was make you happy.”

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