The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (49 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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“That was for Jason.” Markise said as he dipped off, and back into a car that had been following Cray the entire time. It was the car Cray spotted hours ago. His suspicions were correct.

Everyone looked on in disbelief as Cray, the most dangerous nigga in Baltimore, lie dead on the concrete. And just like that, the Kings of 295 were no more.



Kristina’s Diner

Present Day



eliza’s mouth was agape after hearing the story. She thought it was one of the most violent, yet romantic things she’d ever heard in her life.

So let me guess, you’re Nyzon.” She smiled knowing the answer.

No…I’m not.” He said on his third piece of pie.

Wait a minute. You can’t be Cray because he’s dead. Right?” she asked as she moved in her seat. Remembering the story of his violence had her frightened.

No. I told you he was killed.” He winked.

Than who are you?” she breathed heavily with excitement.

Right before he could answer a beautiful pregnant white woman walked into the restaurant. She smiled when she spotted the stranger Beliza had been talking to for the last hour.

Sorry, honey!” she said kissing him on the cheek. “I was held up for hours in a traffic jam. The weather is getting worse out there.”

Wait! You’re…you’re J-Swizz?” Beliza said excitedly.

Yes. And this is my wife Carolyn.”

Beliza immediately recognized her from TV. She knew her as Carolyn Daye so she didn’t put one and one together when she heard the story. “I know you from TV.”

Carolyn smiled, “That was probably me although TV makes me look five sizes bigger.” She laughed.

After William let Carolyn and J-Swizz go when Todd kidnapped them, J-Swizz never said a word about anything he knew about the drug operation. He wanted to be part of the solution but not that way. Especially after learning from Carolyn the truth about her racist father. J-Swizz hated his life and made some serious changes, and Carolyn loving him, did also. She cleaned her act up and decided to run for councilwoman of DC. She won. She was known around DC as being brutally honest about racism and the real problems plaguing the city. She wanted things changed and she was causing enough ruckus to get things done.

She had plans to run for mayor, and people were pretty sure she’d win. J-Swizz on the other hand helped run the Take Back the Streets campaign with Modell and Cray’s mother who was totally clean and active in her city. After she buried Cray, her only child, she dedicated her life to the war on drugs.

But…I don’t get it. How did you know so much?” Beliza responded thinking about the story again.

You’re not telling the story again are you?” Carolyn asked as she took the seat next to him and ate from his pie.

He winked. “You know I am.”

Carolyn laughed. “Well go ahead. Finish up so we can hit the road.”

Well, Beliza, a year later, after seeing Carolyn on TV, she received a package in the mail containing a journal. The person sending it said they wanted her to have the story chronicling her life and the things she’d gone through. The woman felt Carolyn was brave for comin’ out and she wanted to do the same. She felt someone could benefit from her story. And she asked that she share her story, but keep her identity. Always.”

Was the package from Tiara?”

We can’t say.” Carolyn smiled.

But it has to be!” she said as they collected themselves to leave. “Are Nyzon and Tiara okay?”

That’s all we can say for now.”

Beliza exhaled. The story moved and inspired her.

Give me a second.” She said holding her finger up. Afterwards she pulled her cellphone out of her purse and dialed a number. “Daddy it’s me, Beliza.” Silence. “I just wanted to tell you that I know you care about me and I love you for that. But I have to do what’s best for me, and what’s best for me is Trent.” Silence. J-Swizz and Carolyn looked down at her. Instead of being upset, her eyes brightened. “Thanks for listening, daddy and I know you’re not totally happy about my decision, but I won’t let you down. Goodbye.” She ended the call and put her phone in her purse.

Thank you.” Beliza continued looking at J-Swizz. “You saved my life.”

No problem, shawty. Good luck on your future.”

And good luck with yours,” Beliza said.

With that J-Swizz and Carolyn walked out the door







veryone was cheering in their native language as Nyzon, who now went by Shelton raised his boxing gloves in the air. He’d won yet another fight. His coach back home had international connections and was able to get him the match in Africa after learning about his legal woes.

With the money Nyzon saved and won from fighting, they bought a beautiful home on the water in Africa. But as beautiful as their home was, it was Tiara’s six-month pregnancy that made him proud. For the first time in their lives, both of them found happiness.

Kirk Bowler in conjunction with the FEDS continued their work to take down the Kings of 295, not realizing they were done. Someone sent an anonymous piece of paper listing the major stash houses as well as a few key player names. That paper was the document Jason gave Markise at the Baltimore Harbor before he was murdered. In the end the only people Kirk could arrest was Charm, Grimy Mike and a few block niggas. Needless to say no one would be jumping at making him mayor, especially since Carolyn Daye was running.

Jinx took his cash and moved to LA to become an ordained minister. While Blunt was shot in a Laundromat a few months after Cray was found dead. He roams Baltimore alone.

William Jamison continued to have his racists views but realized times were changing. If he wanted to get his message across, he’d have to do it underground. So he held his meetings in private. The KYC although small, are as big as ever.

After the boxing match Tiara and Nyzon went home to celebrate. Their home was filled with new friends who wished them well. The music boomed symbolizing there was much to celebrate. But with all of the excitement, Tiara forgot about her life back home. She needed to share the great news with someone she promised she’d always keep in contact with.

She picked up her golden handset and said, “’s me.” She watched Nyzon out of her huge bay window entertaining some friends by the water.


Tiara?” she repeated surprised that she’d called. Nyzon not wanting to hurt his pregnant wife failed to tell her of her mother’s betrayal. “Where are you?”

In Africa, mamma! I’m in Africa!”





The Cartel Collection


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