The Family Business (35 page)

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Authors: Eric Pete,Carl Weber

BOOK: The Family Business
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Discussion questions
Who would you have chosen to lead the family?
If you could be any member of the family, who would it be? Whose personality is most like yours?
When did you realize the Duncans were more than meets the eye?
Did you like the idea of Chippy naming her children after cities she wanted to visit?
What were your thoughts about Paris and London’s relationship?
Orlando once paid Maria $10,000 for night of pleasure. Do you think a night with anyone is worth that much money?
What did you think of Orlando and his relationship with Ruby?
Was Junior stupid for not wanting a larger leadership role?
Was LC homophobic? Did he treat Rio differently than his other children?
Was Paris misunderstood, or a true black widow?
How long did it take you to figure out the secret behind LC’s car?
Did you think LC was going to kill Paris? Should he have?
Was London wrong for sleeping with Tony? Was Mariah’s kidnapping her fault?
Was Orlando wrong for disobeying LC and sending Paris to L.A.?
What would you have done if you were Alejandro and your child was killed?
Were you surprised by the Italians’ involvement?
What did you think of Harris’ family ties to Sal Dash?
Do you think LC ever planned on giving up leadership of the family?
What were your feelings about Vegas? Would you like to see more of him in the future?
Whose baby do you think Paris is carrying, Miguel’s or Trevor’s?
Are you looking forward to the second installment of
The Family Business?
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
The Family Business Copyright © 2012 Carl Weber and
Eric Pete
The Family Business 2012 Trademark Urban Books, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-5998-3270-8
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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