The Family Business (6 page)

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Authors: Eric Pete,Carl Weber

BOOK: The Family Business
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Mmm. Now, that’s what I’m talking about,
I thought as Trevor’s leg went over mine and he began kissing the side of my neck. I sat back on the plush sofa in the VIP section of the Nightlife Café with a margarita in hand, content for the first time since I’d walked out of the board meeting. Just as I predicted when I left the dealership, this was just what I needed-good song, good drink, and the possibility of some good dick.
I’d finally gotten Trevor’s stiff ass to loosen up after giving him a blow job on the way over here, then filling him up with shots of tequila right after we hit the door. He still wouldn’t shut the fuck up with all that Ivy League crap, but that was okay, because I could barely hear a word he was saying with the loud-ass bass being pumped out of the club’s speakers, anyway.
I let out a slight murmur when his hand slid its way up my DKNY dress so that his fingers could gently rub the thin material of my thong. He wasn’t talking now; he was attempting to handle his business, and in public no less, but we’d see how far he was willing to go with that in a minute. I turned to him, and his lips found mine as I leaned forward, placing the margarita on the table in front of us. I had to give his Ivy League upbringing some credit, though, ’cause the boy had some skills. I hadn’t messed with a dude in a long time that could do what he was doing with his fingers. He had my pussy dripping like a faucet.
Two jealous-ass bitches I’d seen giving Trevor the eye earlier walked by, staring, and I gave them the finger with one hand while massaging his dick with the other.
Mine, bitches, all mine.
One thing I was grateful for was that Trevor’s parents sure didn’t short him in the dick department. I will tell you the man was blessed with a small baseball bat, and I couldn’t wait to get it inside me. I let go of his dick, then broke our kiss, reluctantly removing his hand from underneath my dress. He said something, looking disappointed, but I couldn’t hear what he said, nor did I care.
I took hold of his tie, then stood up, giving him no choice but to stand up with me. Still holding his tie, I led him past the VIP bar and into the unisex bathroom, where two women, one cute and the other one very butch, were doing coke. It was pretty obvious they had some kind of a relationship going on there.
“You wanna bump?” the butch one asked as she damn near shoved the small spoon up the other one’s nose.
“Nah. Thanks, but I’m after an entirely different high.” I turned to Trevor and pulled him closer to me. I locked my lips on his and sucked on his tongue as I gently pushed him into one of the stalls. “Sit,” I ordered.
He hesitated for a few seconds, but then relented when I took hold of his belt and began to undo his pants. I admired the size of his dick for a brief moment as I kicked the stall door shut. I’m not going to lie; I was more than a little concerned about taking all that meat, but a girl had to try.
I stepped out of my thong, sucking in an anticipatory breath as I took hold of his dick and straddled him. I rubbed the head against my clit, and without even thinking about a condom, I slid down on him, savoring every single thick-ass inch. I couldn’t believe it. I’d never been so completely full in my entire life, and I’d been fucking on the regular since I was fifteen.
As good as it was just sitting on his dick, Trevor didn’t give me a chance to savor the moment at all. He grabbed my hips and started lifting me up and down, pumping that thing in me like there wasn’t going to be no tomorrow. It felt so damn good, all I could do was encourage him.
“Oh my God. Oh, God. Please don’t ... please don’t stop! A little harder. Yeah, right there. Oh yeah!”
My foot almost slipped off the toilet from the sheer force of his upstrokes. The boy couldn’t dance a lick and his conversation was boring as hell, but he had a big old dick that he sure as hell knew how to use. He was fucking me so good, I was contemplating putting up with his boring ass on a regular basis. Especially if it kept Daddy happy.
“Got-damn, you got some good-ass pussy! So wet and tight, makes a nigga wanna scream,” Trevor grunted as his dick ran deep in me, all signs of civility gone to the wind. My pussy had him forgetting his private school upbringing and takin’ it to the streets faster than he could drop his creased slacks to the floor. “Shit!” he screamed.
“Uh-huh, go ahead and scream, baby. Let the world know Momma’s shit is the damn bomb!” I was not shy about admitting my sexual skills, either. Better men than he had lost themselves between these legs.
“Da-yum! I want some of that,” one of the coked-out dykes said a little too loud. I guess she must have been bisexual or something. Her friend shoved her against the wall, asking her if she knew who I was and telling her that she needed to shut up.
That’s right, bitch,
I thought.
Glad my reputation precedes me.
“Don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop,” I gasped, and Trevor obeyed, gripping my hips tighter with his strong fingers as he redoubled his efforts. The next thing I felt was an aura of ecstasy that swept over my body like a monsoon. I rocked my hips in rhythm with the driving 808 bass from Ciara’s new song echoing outside the restroom, until my flows of ecstasy coated his dick. I came so hard, I could barely breathe.
I couldn’t be sure, because I was still in quite a fog from my orgasm, but I could have sworn I heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire right before a sudden silence replaced the thumping beat outside the bathroom door. Before I could even react, the bathroom door seemed to explode. The lesbians screamed at the top of their lungs and someone shouted, “Freeze, bitches! This is a fuckin’ robbery!”
Ain’t that some shit? A motherfuckin’ robbery! I should have known better. Rio warned me about all the shit going down in Brooklyn lately. Dammit, why the hell didn’t I ever listen? I glanced down at Trevor, who looked like he was gonna shit on himself. From the space under the stall, I could see two sets of legs. I placed my finger on my lips, signaling for him to stay quiet and not move. Maybe, just maybe, if we were lucky, they wouldn’t realize that we were in the stall.
My wish came true as the robbers forced the two girls out of the restroom without even a glance under the stalls. Talk about it being our lucky day. Trevor helped me down from the toilet with trembling hands.
“I’ll get us outta here. Just ... just stay close,” he uttered, up close in my face. He was talking a good game, but I could see he was scared to death. He unlocked the stall and peeked out.
“Let’s get the fuck outta here.” I pushed homeboy to hurry the fuck up. All I wanted to do was get back home to Queens, but he stopped me.
“Keep your voice down and relax. We don’t know what’s going on out there,” he warned, looking toward the door. We could hear the melee on the other side.
Trevor crept over to the bathroom door and opened it slightly, but then shut it quickly. “Oh my God.”
“What? What’d you see?” I was about to push his ass out of the way and look for myself.
“There’s a whole bunch of dudes out there with machine guns, and they’re making everyone take off all their clothes. Half the people out there are naked, and the rest are stripping off their clothes. I’m not going to lie, Paris. This doesn’t look good, and I’m scared.” He looked like he was about to cry. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck did you get me into bringing me down here? I’m not some homeboy from the hood. I live in Forest Hills.”
I rolled my eyes at him. Forget what I got him into. What the hell did I get myself into, going on a date with such a little bitch? He was definitely not the dude you’d wanna be with in a fucked-up situation like this.
“Right here? Right now on the counter?” Ruby asked me in an almost bashful manner. “But I—”
My tongue ate up her words, and that was not all it desired to eat up. It was hard to tell our tongues were strangers as they surveyed every corner of each other’s mouths, knowing exactly where to go. Although our mouths were like magnets, I could feel her hands resting on my chest almost unwillingly as she attempted to push me away.
“Is something wrong with the kitchen?” I asked. There was a sudden pause in the action, allowing me time to imagine myself throwing her ass up on the countertop, my dick surveying every corner of her pussy with the same familiarity as my tongue had just shown her mouth.
“No, no. Not if that’s where you want it, Mr. Orlando,” she replied, looking everywhere but directly in my eyes. I wasn’t quite sure yet whether she was that intimidated by me, or if it was all part of a coy little act she was putting on. For some reason, I sensed this was no act. Regardless, it only made my dick harder.
“But?” I asked, sensing there was more she wanted to say.
“But I didn’t know we would ... you know ... so soon.” She looked at me—briefly—giving me the pleasure of gazing into those eyes that hummed to a silent Caribbean beat. Then her eyes darted off elsewhere again. “Not that I don’t want to do it now.” This time she rested her hands on my chest to comfort me. “Not that I didn’t want to do it the minute I laid eyes on you. It’s just that, you know, I had this all planned out in my mind. I’d prepare you a nice dinner, we’d eat, talk a little, and then-”
“Let me guess. Cuddle?” I laughed. I could tell it angered her by the slight push I felt against my chest before she placed her hands on her hips. I wondered how long she’d been in the States and how long it had taken for the sisters to get to her. If she started snapping her neck and pointing her finger, I was going to request her birth certificate.
“No, not cuddle,” she said with her sexy-ass accent.
“Talk,” we both said in unison. I was being sarcastic again; she was dead serious. I couldn’t help it. Maybe this was an act. I mean, for real, a paid escort really thinking she was going to get paid to talk?
“Yes, talk. But then, you know, ease into things.” She wrapped her arms around herself as if she were already buck naked and had caught a chill. “I told you this was my first time doing something like this.”
She dropped her arms in defeat and turned to face me. “Look, you sure you don’t want someone else? Someone more experienced? From what I can tell—from what I’ve heard—you deserve the best. Although it would be too good to be true for my first time doing something like this to be with someone like you, I’d totally understand if you’ve changed your mind.”
Damn, damn, and damn! Those eyes were starting to hum again, and I swear to God I thought I even heard them sing a note this time.
“It’s okay,” I told her, now dead serious. It wasn’t a laughing matter anymore. Perhaps the best pussy I might have ever experienced in my life was about to walk away. “Look, I was just joshing around. I thought joking around might loosen you up a little bit, not hurt your feelings.”
She didn’t say a word. She just stood there, looking like she was debating whether to respond.
She finally spoke. “You didn’t upset me.” I exhaled, but before my breath could barely hit the air, she added, “But you did hurt my feelings a little bit.” Her eyes stopped humming, singing, or whatever they’d been doing—though they were still smiling.
“Look, I didn’t call you over so I could hurt you.”
Her eyes smiled wider. “Is that your way of apologizing, Mr. Orlando?”
I walked closer to her. “It’s my way of saying let’s start over. Let’s do things your way.” Instead of laying another passionate kiss on her, I placed a soft, gentle one on her forehead, turned the stove back on, then headed out of the kitchen before calling over my shoulder, “I’ll be waiting in the living room.”
We played the game her way. Yeah, I was on home court, but it never hurt to let the visitor call the shots every now and then. I retreated to the living room while she prepared the meal. Once it was done, she appeared in the doorway and summoned me to the kitchen. I followed the scent, both hers and the meal, into the kitchen, where she had a nice setting for two laid out.
She served me and made sure I had everything I needed before she even sat down to join me. The meal was exquisite. I hoped she could cook in the bed like she could in the kitchen. Hell, even half as good would have gotten me off. When it came to women, seconds were usually a no-no, but I already knew that rule would be null and void when it came to this delicious Caribbean meal.
“You have something on your mouth,” Ruby stated after she’d cleared the table and joined me back in the living room. She nestled in beside me on the couch, wiping the corner of my mouth with her thumb.
I didn’t know if something was really there, but I liked her touch. Maybe this was what she meant by leading into things. Funny how I’d just been promoted to lead the family, yet here I was, willing, ready, and able to be a follower.
Not only was Ruby a good cook, but she was a good talker as well. I was actually impressed by how much she knew about cars. Then again, Maria could have had her do her homework in that aspect. Nonetheless, I appreciated the effort, and that, like pretty much everything else Ruby did, made my dick hard.
After a while it became difficult for us to concentrate on a conversation because the sexual tension was building. She excused herself to go to the bathroom. Knowing that was her cue, I gladly directed her to the master bath adjoining the bedroom.
As she walked away, I couldn’t take my eyes off that ass. Her eyes hummed, sang, and all kinds of other shit, while her ass made me think of the sound of ocean waves hitting the shore. No, it didn’t really make a sound, but if it could, that was the sound it would have made.
The shrill sound coming from the bathroom caused me to leap from the couch and run to Ruby’s aid. “You all right? What’s wrong?” I wondered if I should grab the protection I kept in the nightstand drawer, but I didn’t want to scare Ruby and make her think she was fuckin’ with some gangster or something.
“Oh my goodness. A Jacuzzi? A big, huge Jacuzzi?” she said in excitement. Or shock. Or both.
“Are you serious?” I asked, trying to watch my tone. I usually wouldn’t have given a fuck about walking on eggshells around a broad, but my dick would never forgive me if I allowed this one to get away without tapping that ass. “You’ve never seen a Jacuzzi before?” I decided to make a quick save. “Then again, it is pretty big.”
“I’ve not only never seen one this big, but I’ve never seen one at all. I’ve heard about them, but have never seen one live and in person.” Her smile was beautiful. I hadn’t noticed until just now.
It was definitely time to move things along. I walked over to her. “Then I guess you’ve never made love in a Jacuzzi before, either.”
She looked up at me, and no words needed to be spoken at that point. I turned the water on at a nice warm temperature, and as if on cue, both Ruby and I began removing our clothes, staring each other down the entire time.
When her succulent breasts fell out of her bra, I thought my shit was gonna shoot right then and there, but I kept it together. It was that bare-shaved triangle that had my ass scooping up a buck naked Ruby and setting her feet down gently in the tub as if I were carrying her across the threshold.
I stepped in after her, and we stood, my rock hard manhood pressed against her, resuming the passionate kissing that we’d left off at earlier in the kitchen. My tongue reached depths down her throat that made my penis jump for joy in anticipation of its chance to experience her deep throat.
“You know, I honestly never imagined myself doing something like this,” Ruby confessed. “But since I am, I’m so glad it’s with you. I can see it now. I want to see it. I want to see it all.” With that being said, she bent over and rested her hands on the edge of the tub, facing the mirror. “I want to see,” she repeated, “everything.”
“Oh shit,” I moaned as her chocolate moon stared up at me. I spread her open wide to shoot for the pink stars. I entered her, and it was like falling into a pool, though her body hadn’t even been in the water yet. She was wet for me. She’d wanted me all along. She’d wanted this all along. Well, now she was about to get it.
“Mmmm, Mr. Orlando,” she crooned, her ass up against me, watching my every move through the mirror.
I stared back at her as long as I could before I got in too deep, way too fucking deep, as I thrust in and out of her. Out farther and then back in deep. Hard. She threw it back like the pro she said she wasn’t.
The smacking, the wetness, they were sounds my ears had never heard. It was like a real live Caribbean band was right there in the bathroom, serenading the moment. I’d screwed, fucked, boned, smashed, made love—whatever else you wanted to call it—but I’d never, ever made music.
If I hadn’t watched the shit in the mirror, I wouldn’t have believed she did it, but Ruby threw her leg up backward and managed to twirl around on a brotha’s dick until she was facing me. I was speechless, and it was a good thing, too, because the “talking” part of the night was long done and over with.
We sank down into the water without missing a beat. She rode me like she knew me. What the fuck was up with that? Up, down, fast, then slow. She teased; she tormented; she pleasured. Bells and whistles, sirens, fireworks, and all kinds of shit started going off. I even thought I heard some ringing.
Fuck! I did hear some ringing. My phone was ringing. Ruby fucked, pounded, and pounced. The phone rang and rang and rang. Whoever was calling really needed to talk to me, but I really needed to finish what I’d started with Ruby, and I wasn’t about to ruin the moment, the ecstasy of it all, with a rushed orgasm. I decided to let the phone keep going to voice mail. Five more minutes—I’d return the call then. What more could happen in five minutes?
The phone began its shrill ringing again.
Fuck! Nothing more would happen if that phone kept ringing and messing up my groove.
“Damn,” I cursed under my breath.
“No, no, no. Not now,” Ruby practically begged. “I was just about to do my special little trick.”
“Yeah, well, I want to be able to enjoy your special little trick, and I can’t with that fucking phone ringing nonstop.”
Thank God I was in great shape. I was able to lift my body and reach for my pants with Ruby still on top of me. I got a grip on them and pulled them near. Just as I got the phone out of the pocket, I saw the moon, stars, heaven, and earth. I didn’t know what the fuck she did, how she did it, how she moved to make her pussy pop off on me like it did, but she’d done it, and before I knew it, I’d exploded deep inside of her.
The ringing phone would have to wait—indefinitely, considering that it was now resting at the bottom of the Jacuzzi, while an exhausted Ruby rested her head on my chest.
“So, Mr. Orlando, is it really true that you never see the same girl twice?” Ruby asked, knowing she’d put it on me.
“Never,” I replied without even a second thought. I couldn’t give her room to doubt me.
She slowly lifted her head and stared at me. “Really?” There was a sadness about her now. Still, I stuck to my guns.
She looked down, then back up at me again. “Oh well.” Her lips split into a smile. “Guess I better make the best of it now, then.”

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