The Final Catch: Book 1: See Jane Charm (A Tarot Sorceress Series) (2 page)

BOOK: The Final Catch: Book 1: See Jane Charm (A Tarot Sorceress Series)
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Chapter 2

Querent’s Question

Where is Theodosia?

I had that eerie, spine-jangling feeling; that feeling of eyes raking you over, like being followed and watched, and undressed with x-ray vision; the feeling fell over me like a heavy spider’s web.

It’s happened to me before, of course. When you’ve been called sensual or friends tell you it’s because you’re a blond ( I smiled to myself thinking how furious Manuel was when I cut my hair short and sassy ditching my long tresses after the divorce.) I’ve got a rocking bod, curved in all the right places. I make the butt pockets on a pair of jeans smile. But I work at all this tight fitness. I like going to the gym. I lift a few weights. I like to run and do yoga. But I think the stare happens more to short, tiny women like me.  And that’s disturbing.  I wish I was taller than my five-feet-two-with-eyes-of-blue (actually my eyes are brown--that's the one thing my magical abilities can't do for me, change my appearance.  Well, they can—but only temporarily).

But this time the feeling of being ogled was different.  The gaze felt intense, like a laser beam—and it made me feel exposed like never before.  I turned quickly and looked up and down the dark street, but it’s just the same clusters of girls shopping, street guys in doorways, or businessmen talking to invisible phones. 

I could never catch anyone’s eye. 

Until one day after my morning yoga class. I’d had a particularly excellent meditation, and when I left that day, I actually felt a bit high. Riding on the white-light buzz of that class, I felt the stalker’s dark, sinister force like a cloud choking out the sun. He definitely had an evil vibe. I always caught his shadow out of the corner of my eye. But this time I saw him for an instant, etched clearly against a white wall. The light had changed its angle and seemed to catch him off-guard. For a split second I could actually see him. He dressed himself in black, like the bad guy in a spaghetti western, with a long black duster of a coat, black hat--more a toque—and black gloves, the gloves creeped me out, like Darth Vader without the breathing. Except for his eyes, his face was hidden in shadow, but the glint of his cat-eyes seemed ferociously upset and angry at me for catching him in the light.  He ducked his head, and then quickly vanished into the shadows of the buildings.
I hoped Manuel hadn’t sent someone after me.

After that one exposure I didn’t go into my garage after dark, and I didn’t date for a while. Then one day, while grocery shopping, I sensed a second stalker in the frozen turkey section. The fine layer of ice began to melt off a bird I picked out. This sinister dude had a completely different vibe, a soul crushing presence; he made me feel like a naughty girl in the school yard. And when the turkey I picked out completely thawed out, I dropped my bird and booked it outta there, barely remembering to grab my Dior purse and pay for the rest of the groceries.

When I got to my car the locks popped up without me even using the key, and the car started on its own, too. I got in and locked the doors, but I was so unnerved I forgot my grocery bags in the cart. When I finally got up the courage to take a good look at the weirdo who followed me, I thought I’d made a mistake, he looked pretty good! Probably not someone Manuel would send to off me. He didn’t have the same kind of dark, dramatic presence as the first stalker, but he had a kind of movie star grunge that was appealing.

Still, he hid in the shopping parking lot down between cars and had scared the crap outta me.  When I’m scared I get angry and when I’m angry I shout! I lowered the window a crack. “Tell Manuel his scare tactics aren’t going to work and if he doesn’t stop he’ll need to watch
back!” I yelled from the safety of the interior of my car, and hit my window for effect. My ice cream began to melt and drip from the bag to the tarmac.

“Sure, Janey. I’ll tell Manuel that. Anything else?” he said, his voice was deep and gravelly sounding, like he needed to clear the crap off his larynx. Still the sound of him relaxed me! I found myself wanting to hear more from him, but another part of me knew talking to this guy was my first mistake.

My second was to allow him to help load my groceries into the car, that’s when I noticed the tattoos running up his neck. The symbols looked Asian. When he reached for a bag of groceries I noticed a strange star on the back of his hand, in the webbing between thumb and finger.

I offered him five bucks once the last bag went in; he laughed at my offer. “Keep your money. But can I have one of those brown paper bags?” He asked politely. It meant I had to take the groceries out and distribute them to the other bags, but, hey, what the heck. I stared long and hard at the bags, imagining how to reorganize them into the other bags, trying to figure out some kind of equation. The sneeze began to creep up on me, the lip chew, the nasal heave, and suddenly the heavier items, the jug of milk, that ten pound bag of potatoes, the giant box of kitty litter began to vibrate inside the bags, and when I thought the stranger wasn’t looking, I imagined milk plus potatoes equals kitty litter and boom they all hopped from where they sat and redistributed themselves into the other bags, leaving one bag empty. The street man, he licked his lips like a hungry dog, and I noticed something odd about his teeth. They looked slightly pointed.

“There,” I said, handing him the empty brown paper bag. And so the deal was sealed. He took the bag from me and disappeared into the hedge around the parking lot.

I was pretty naive. When I got home I tried to make those groceries move. Eventually, I had to carry them into the house one by one and throw out the melted ice-cream. It seemed I had to be worried or scared to make anything happen.  I had a date that night and I loved to 
get ready
 for my dates, a pedi and mani, find a piece of jewelry to catch the light, and maybe even find the latest erotic movie just in case. So, I threw the groceries into the fridge and the cupboard. I knew I had to get to the triple X before it closed for the afternoon to rent my date movie. I always like to have a special DVD ready to set the atmosphere, in case the evening went in a sexy direction. When a ripped, pumped up guy exposes his swollen triceps, and does a little flex, and makes me melt like hard candy on a hot tongue, I’m his.

That’s how I ended up at this ATM machine and my preoccupation with getting money blinded me to the street guy that I kept seeing everywhere. The ne’er-do-well from the grocery store; the one I decided looked a lot like a pirate; with the right eye that winked a bit, and he always looked like he needed a shave. The thought of those teeth nipping my flesh—Mmm--              

What was the matter with me?

I was too busy swearing and slamming my palm against the mechanical monster, to notice him at first. Finally, I sensed someone behind me, and I automatically adjusted my body to block a sneak peek at what I was doing.  But I should have paid more attention. Maybe there was a chance to save myself from my eventual predicament.

Anyway, the effing ATM refused to give me any cash. I hate it when a machine tells me there's no money, and I know for a fact there is! “They cooperate if you talk nicely to them, but I’d lost any patience, especially when, once again, the screen flashed zero balances. 

That really pissed me off. 


I carry a pair of mini needle nosed pliers around my neck, on a chain, like a necklace, and this damn teller machine wanted to take my card, but I’ve got a way of pushing my card partly into the machine's slot and hanging on to the wafer thin thing with the pliers. I didn’t realize it at the time, but you’ve got to be the slightest bit magical to make this trick work.

While I was in a vulnerable position bent over the ATM, someone ran his hand over the curve of my butt; his hot breath tickled my shoulder. I wanted to turn and smack him, instead I yelled, “I'm not done!” Again, it started to swallow my card, but I grabbed hard with my needle nose and pulled like a succubus stealing a last breath. I did it.  I beat the machine. But I didn’t get any money. I was ready to whack the head off of who ever had touched me, but when I turned around all I saw was a long, dark shadow slip around the corner of an office building. That really made me nervous.

I quickly headed home, defeated. I contemplated my failure with the ATM.  Normally, I was the money-machine whisperer, but not today. I went through the steps in my head. Different ATM’s require different approaches. Usually I could get the machine activated, hang on to my card with the pliers, and then coax out some cash. Time and patience had shown me how to achieve success by stroking and whispering out money. Patience is a rare quality for me even at the best of times. I hadn’t yet perfected my money borrowing ability, but it was getting there.

As I drove home I rolled passed a street person. At least that's what I thought he was, with his hood up and his hand out. I paid him little attention, but I guess I should have, because it was him, the guy from the turkey aisle.

I was being followed. 

I rolled on down into the underground parking and only then did I remember that I didn’t have any crunchies at home for Sia.  I was afraid to go into my place without food for her. I’d have to pick up some cat food, and I had no money.

Chapter 3
The Devil Crosses


I'm begging this corner all night waiting for Jane, the light of my life.


Made some cash,

Stole some cash,

Spent some cash,

Froze my ass.


You won't be sorry I got you some coffee money. 

Here I come, Jane.  


--The Knowitall Journals--


 I dug through all the pockets of my clothing and down between the couch cushions for coins and scratched enough cash together to get Sia her favorite food, at least she hadn’t disappeared and killed anything, in the meantime.
was happy. Soon as I got more money I’d buy her that new collar. I cancelled last night's date because I couldn’t get any money which meant I couldn’t afford the most fun part of the evening – getting ready for the date. Anyway, here I am struggling with another effing ATM. I nearly got arrested for kicking the crap outta one of these things the other day.

Not having a teaching job through the summer really sucked! Last night I set my alarm for five a.m. and intended to drive out to the most god forsaken ATM available and try again to get cash, but this morning I was too tired to go any further than a block from home.

When I got there a few zombie like night folk were hanging around on the corner, even though the sun crept up on them. One of them spied me and I saw him coming my way, no doubt to make his pitch for cash. "Back off you effing freakoid!" I yelled.

The freakin’ street person pointed a finger at himself, questioning me; 
do I mean him
? He pulled at his hoodie and brushed at the rips here and there. 
Yeah, I mean him
, “I mean you!” I tried to hide the ATM screen because I sensed Mr. Street-creep looking over my shoulder.  "I'm not done."  It never occurred to me that he might be the “toucher” from the other day.

I slammed away at the buttons. "Eff, eff, eff off!”

"Looks to me like you're done. All zeros," he said in a very familiar deep and gravelly voice.

“The only zero here is you, creeper," I said.

Undaunted, the creeper, said, "Need some money honey?" 

I ignored him.

Jane you’re so hot when you fight with the machanica. Can’t wait to get you where I want you.

I stopped smashing the buttons because I swear I heard his thoughts in my head as clearly as if he’d spoken them.

“Where's the effing security when you need it?  Where are the police when you need them? Where is anyone when you need him?”  I craned my neck for security to get rid of this guy. When I didn’t see any security, I hammered at the machine with my fist.

"Allow me to the rescue, bitchy lady." 

 Wow! The nerve of this guy. I stepped away who knows what he’s packing.  He smacked the screen with his palm.  "Like that’s gonna work." Then - the machine spit out money -- like the slots at Vegas. My account showed full-- full of cash.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I reached for the money. "Hey, thanks, creepy man."  But when I looked around he was gone. The street people gathered round me like hungry zombies and started clapping. I gave them each a twenty.

 By mid-day I wondered if all that money really did come from my accounts, or did that gravelly voiced creepy-man  actually rustle up someone else’s account? Maybe he used sleight of hand to impress me and there really wasn’t any money. Or, what if that was his money and he took it from his own account?  I know some street folk are little off and do things like give away their stuff. Whichever, I spent it all.  I paid bills. I don’t normally do that, at least not as regularly as I should, but I’m sick of the collection agency calling me.  I struck a deal with the worst one. I offered to pay him half my owed debt and he agreed.  Hopefully, I won’t be hearing from that collector again. I bought things for my next date; wine, h’oderves, new naughties, sheets and lots more, oh, and cat food for Theodosia.


I swore that cry came from the kitchen pantry, but the door to the pantry stood open and when I stuck my head in there all I saw were my shelves of neatly packed pickled items, and my herbs and spices. Nothing appeared amiss. 


This time the sound came from the bedroom. I ran there. I had a distinctly uncomfortable feeling in my bra, as if a rather large rodent crept and crawled around inside one of the cups—almost like, I hate to say it—as if a kitten  wriggled around in there. I snapped the bra off and tossed it across the room, too terrified to look inside the cups in case an insect of some variety crawled there.

I went to the closet to look for Sia. No cat! When I looked back to where my bra had landed, I saw it mysteriously sliding across the floor.

As I watched it closely, my pink lacey bra went from a really slow slide to a quick scurry across the room.  I didn’t see any cat legs beneath it, but I figured she had to be in there somewhere. 

“Theodosia, stop!” I ran over to grab a strap, but each time I reached down for it, my fingers passed right through as if a holographic garment lay on the floor. The bra stopped its pink scurry and lay still.  With both hands, I went in for the ‘kill’ and grabbed the garment with way too much force and slipped, fell on my butt and tossed the bra to the ceiling. It landed on my head, one strap around my chin! 

That eerie feeling to put things in order and make patterns took hold of me again; the compulsion hit hard. I smoothed the surface of the bed spread. I found one of Sia’s favourite cat toys, a small knitted rainbow ball and placed it on the bed. I got a cup of cat litter and sprinkled it carefully around making a circle.

I don’t know why I did these things. The vision to do so came into my head, and I felt compelled to carry out this ritual until it looked exactly like my vision.

I placed my bra on the bed and pulled the straps out from either side. I made minute shifts and adjustments to the objects until it felt right, until I created a kind of picture, or equation of story, the same way I had with Sia’s dead animals. The almost sneeze began to itch at me and I let go with a stifled aachoo. Once again, this small but intense force blasted from me, but the feeling of release began with the thoughtful chewing of the bottom lip. Aaaachoo!  I sprayed everywhere.

 Afterward, I put away my bra and returned Sia’s ball to her basket and vacuumed up the kitty litter.

A short time later, I found my beloved Theodosia, fast asleep deep inside my dirty laundry basket.  I felt a wave of relief. I sat a few minutes and watched her dream and twitch; a small ear flicked at something invisible. Her pink heart-shaped nose was too adorable for words. I ran my fingers through Sia’s velvety fur. She went on breathing heavily and twitching her lovely whiskers.  I’d noticed a pattern. When Sia slipped out of her collar, she disappeared-- literally.  Maybe I would shop for that new collar a little sooner rather than later.

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