The Final Line (40 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #gay romance, military

BOOK: The Final Line
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“Thinking about setting up house with Sean?” Jonah teased.

“No,” Corey answered a little too quickly. “Well, I sometimes think about what it might be like but no, it’s too early for that.”

“Is it?” Jonah lifted a single eyebrow.

“I don’t even know if this is going anywhere,” Corey said as Jonah waved at Kellan and they climbed into the Jeep.

“Well, when I meet him, I’ll have to ask him what his intentions are toward you,” Jonah said casually.

“Don’t you fucking dare, Jonah,” Corey snapped. “You’ll scare him off.”

“And what if he can’t be scared off?” Jonah asked.

Corey admitted to himself for the first time that he hoped Sean couldn’t be scared off. He just wasn’t ready yet to find out. To change the subject, Corey asked, “Now that I remember what happened, what’s next with the investigation?”

“I don’t know, that’s Kellan’s department,” replied Jonah. “And you can afford to take an evening off from worrying about it.”

Exhaustion swamped Corey with a startling suddenness. He didn’t want to talk anymore. He just wanted to crawl into bed and curl up around Sean. He somehow managed to guide Jonah to the guest parking in front of Sean’s condo.

Jonah helped Corey slowly climb the steps to Sean’s front door while Kellan shouldered Corey’s ruck. It seemed like only seconds after Kellan rang the bell that Sean abruptly opened the door. As soon as their eyes met, Corey breathed a little easier.

“Sorry to impose,” Corey said as he crossed the threshold.

Sean wore a look of exasperation. “Shut up and get inside.” The hand that squeezed Corey’s took the sting from Sean’s words.

Corey headed for the sanctuary of the living room. He perched on the arm of the sofa as Sean asked Kellan and Jonah in.

“Kellan Reynolds.” Kellan extended his hand as he stepped past Sean into the narrow foyer.

“Sean Chandler.”

Jonah stepped into the condo as if he was surveying his own domain. He loomed over Sean as he extended his hand. “First Sergeant Jonah Carver.”

Sean didn’t flinch and he didn’t back down, despite the several inches of height Jonah had on him. Sean was broader in the shoulders, though. He was thicker in the chest. Corey smiled to himself when he realized the two men were trying to stare one another down. He wasn’t surprised to find he couldn’t look away from Sean. For the first time since he’d met him, it was as if Jonah didn’t exist for Corey.

“So you’re Jonah Carver,” Sean said tightly.

“I most definitely am.” Jonah turned away and met Corey’s eyes, one corner of his mouth lifted in humor. He was apparently amused that Corey had mentioned him.

“Jonah, behave,” Kellan said quietly as he set down Corey’s ruck.

“I am behaving,” Jonah replied as he slowly walked the perimeter of Sean’s home. “But I’m also not leaving a friend to be looked after by someone squirrely I can’t trust.”

Corey frowned at Jonah, surprised to be referred to as a friend and not just a witness in his boss’ investigation.

Sean came to stand beside Corey, pressing a possessive hand to Corey’s back. “You’re concerned about your
now? Where have you been these past weeks when I’ve taken his three a.m. phone calls when he’s had a nightmare? Where were you when I was talking him down from anxiety attacks? Have you been making sure he sees his counselor and takes his meds? No, you haven’t.”

Jonah drew breath to respond but Kellan stopped him. “Jonah, you don’t need to take your dick out and piss all over everything. It’s Corey’s choice to be here, you’ll respect it.”

“Yes, sir,” Jonah muttered, turning to glance into Sean’s bedroom.

“You might want to be aware that Jonah is very protective of Corey,” Kellan told Sean with an amused shake of his head. “It’s not like Corey has needed much protecting since about the time he made corporal, but that’s Jonah for you.”

It was after Corey had made corporal that he’d cleaned up his act. He’d always thought Jonah’s assistance had been offered out of a sense of duty, not friendship or personal concern.

“It’s good to know Corey has such loyal friends.” Sean gripped the back of Corey’s neck briefly before running his palm up the short bristles of his hair. “I’m just glad this is where he wanted to be tonight.” Sean’s tone was gentle and filled with affection.

Corey turned to look at Sean, surprised by what he heard. Sean’s hazel eyes were soft and filled with a warm light. Corey’s chest tightened, his own feelings mirrored in Sean’s expression.

“I can see that,” Kellan replied. He squeezed Corey’s arm reassuringly. “We’ll talk tomorrow. You take care of yourself and get some sleep.” Turning toward the door, Kellan called over his shoulder, “Quit snooping, Jonah, we’re leaving.”

“I am
snooping,” Jonah said indignantly. “I do not snoop. I’m performing recon.”

“It was good to meet you, Sean,” Kellan said as he opened the door. “I look forward to seeing you again under less stressful circumstances.”

Jonah stopped several inches from Sean, who turned to face him fully.

Before Jonah could speak, Sean lifted a hand, palm out. “Whatever threat you’re about to make, save your breath. His smile has more power than your tough guy act.”

Corey’s jaw fell open. He knew he should say something but no words came to mind.

Jonah grinned. “That might explain why he’s been smiling a little more lately.” He extended his hand to Sean. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Sean.”

“And you, Jonah. Thank you for taking care of him until I could take over.” Sean shook Jonah’s hand.

Corey called his thanks and his goodbyes as Sean closed the door after them. He leaned back against it and regarded Corey.

was Jonah Carver?” Sean asked.

Corey relaxed when he saw Sean’s smile. “I told you.”

Pushing off the door, Sean slowly walked toward him. “You look tired. Are you hungry? Can I ask what happened today? Or is it too soon?”

Corey reached out and pulled Sean to stand between his legs. Sean came easily, almost eagerly. Corey wrapped his arms around Sean’s chest and pulled him close. Sean’s arms went around Corey’s shoulders and gripped him firmly. Corey pressed his face into the crook of Sean’s neck and released a shaky breath.

“I’ve wanted to do this all afternoon,” he murmured into Sean’s warm, fragrant skin.

“With me?”

Corey tensed, even though he could hear the teasing in Sean’s voice. He tightened his arms. “Don’t. Not tonight.”

“Okay,” Sean said quickly. His hands moved up to cradle Corey’s head.

Corey followed Sean’s urging and leaned back slightly. Sean placed light kisses in a path from Corey’s temple to his lips. Corey gripped Sean’s chin and held him steady, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his ski-jump nose.

“As hot as you look in your uniform—and you do look hot—it can’t be comfortable. Why don’t you go change and I’ll figure out something for dinner?” Sean pressed their foreheads together as he spoke.

Corey chuckled. “My counselor said you’d like my uniform.”

“Someday, when it’s more appropriate, I’d like to slowly get you out of your uniform.”

“You got it.” Core pressed a final kiss to Sean’s full lips.

Sean started to assemble a simple dinner while Corey changed his clothes. He retrieved the track pants and tank top he’d begun leaving in the corner of a drawer in Sean’s bureau. He hung his uniform at one end of Sean’s closet, on the hangers that were always left empty just for him. Sean had volunteered the space without Corey having to ask or suggest. That meant something, didn’t it?

Walking into the kitchen, Corey watched Sean for several moments. He moved gracefully, his back to Corey as he assembled a quick but substantial meal. Corey’s heart swelled in his chest, thumping painfully against his ribs. Corey reflexively dragged in a ragged breath as he admired Sean’s broad, muscled shoulders. His firm, rounded ass filled out his well-worn jeans. But that wasn’t what made Corey’s chest hurt, and it scared him shitless.

“Can I help with anything?” he asked, pressing himself lightly to Sean’s back and resting his hands on Sean’s hips.

“Nah, I got it, thanks.” Sean tilted his head to give Corey access to the side of his neck.

Corey took advantage of the offer and pressed a gentle kiss to Sean’s warm skin. “You know, I
know how to cook.”

“I’m not surprised,” Sean replied casually, almost distracted. “You’re good at a lot of things.”

“I can’t say I’m good but I’m competent,” Corey clarified. “I’m out of practice, though. I haven’t had a kitchen of my own since I left for Afghanistan.”

“You’re free to cook here if you want.” Sean’s offer was given without restriction or a second thought.

“I should probably start doing that, at least until I get my own place.” This was the first time Corey gave voice to the thought he’d been having more and more frequently. “You don’t need to be taking care of me all the time.”

Sean turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. “Is that what you think?”

Corey pulled back. “Well, we did meet during a pretty messed up time in my life.”

Sean made a face as he turned back to the meal. “Which you are rapidly putting behind you. Can you get some drinks out of fridge?”

The request prevented Corey from arguing. He wondered if it had been intentional.

Sitting at the counter of Sean’s kitchen, they made small talk as they ate the meal Sean had thrown together. Corey complimented him but Sean waved it off. He seemed so cheerful, so happy just to have Corey there, despite the imposition.

Setting down his fork, Corey finally asked, “Why do you keep taking care of me? Isn’t it getting a little old yet?”

Sean looked stunned. “I don’t think I understand.”

Corey sighed. “My nightmares, the anxiety attacks, my trouble sleeping, all the times I’ve come here after some shit has happened to me. You cook for me, I’ve started leaving clothes here. What do you get out of knowing me? So far, I haven’t been anything but a needy little whiner.”

“Is that how you think I see you?” Sean laughed incredulously. “Jesus Christ, where do I start? You are the least needy man I have ever met in my life.”

“You don’t have to placate me,” Corey said impatiently.

“For such a supremely confident Marine, you are a bafflingly insecure man!” Sean lifted his hands in frustration. “All the times I’ve had to go out of town for auditions or meetings, you’ve been disappointed enough to make me feel wanted, but you never pressured me not to go or to come back before I was finished.”

“Of course not.” Corey would never consider doing anything like that. “You’ve never bitched and moaned about me having duty or night trainings. You know it’s my job.”

“Exactly.” Sean sat back and regarded Corey for several moments. “In all the time we’ve known each other, you have never asked me what my back up plan is, in case I can’t make it as an actor. You’ve never told me I should get a real job with regular hours so I’d be more available to spend time with you.”

Corey frowned. The words of his own parents echoed in his head, asking him when he would have this Marine thing out of his system so he could come home and get a real job.

“You like being an actor and you’re good at it. Why would I expect you to do anything else?” He gestured around Sean’s modest but clean and comfortable home. “And you make a decent living at it, obviously. I’ll deal with your sometimes shitty hours if you’ll deal with mine.” He swallowed hard when he realized he was talking about the future, as if he and Sean had one together.

“It’ll suck from time to time, but we’ll make do.”

Corey and Sean both laughed, mutually realizing Sean had used one of Corey’s common phrases. Corey’s chest eased and a wave of euphoria swept through him.

Sean sobered slightly. “Remember the night I told you that one of the things I like most about you is that you talk to me like I’m just another guy? That you don’t obsess over my looks and don’t always want to go out so you can be seen with me?”

Corey searched his memory. The words sounded familiar but he couldn’t place when or where he’d heard Sean speak them. He shook his head. “No, I don’t remember that. I just remember the night you were teasing me and saying I’m hot enough to make gorgeous guys notice me.”

Corey froze in surprise when Sean’s hands gripped his face and forced him to meet Sean’s eyes.

“Why do you doubt yourself, Staff Sergeant?” Sean demanded. “Where’s that sexy confidence you have about everything else? Where’s that…what do you call it? PMA. Where’s that positive mental attitude you have somehow managed to hang on to through all this shit other people have been causing you?”

Corey grasped Sean’s wrists. “I can
something about the shit that’s been going on. I can take action, make decisions. I can’t
you like me or want to be with me.”

A blinding smile split Sean’s face. “You don’t even try and I think that’s why I do so much.”

Corey’s mouth fell open and words escaped him completely. His pulse thundered in his ears so loudly, he almost couldn’t hear anything else. Suddenly, he knew just what to say. “Me, too,” he rasped.

Sean burst out laughing, his entire face lighting up with delight. Then he kissed Corey. “Good,” he whispered against Corey’s lips, “good.”

“So,” Corey said shakily, clearing his throat, “we’re officially in a relationship now?”

“Yeah, we are,” Sean replied firmly. “I’m going to start referring to you as my boyfriend. And I’m monogamous.” His last statement was almost a challenge.

“Good.” Possessiveness unfurled inside of Corey like a living thing. “I don’t want to have to kill other men for touching you. Except when you’re working, of course.”

“I’m not going to have to kill any other men, am I?” Sean asked, humor only thinly veiling his worry.

Corey shook his head emphatically. “No. I’m too lucky to have you. I’m not going to intentionally fuck it up.”

Sean nodded. He closed his eyes when he pressed a gentle kiss to Corey lips. Corey suspected he saw tears just before Sean’s lids settles over his hazel yes. It was miraculous that he could elicit such a reaction from a man like Sean. Corey was going to do his very best not to fuck this up.

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