The Folly at Falconbridge Hall (3 page)

BOOK: The Folly at Falconbridge Hall
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Chapter Three

Vanessa rose before breakfast and dressed in the divided skirt she’d worn when cycling in Cornwall. She rode around the estate enjoying the titter of swallows in the trees, past the gnarled old apple trees, the grass dotted with fallen fruit after the harvest, and along the lime tree walk. The wind had risen in the night, the air sweetly scented with fallen blossoms covering the ground. As she followed the gravel drive, she thought about what she had learned from the
Penny Press
the night before. It had proved to be an old edition. An article was critical of Queen Victoria’s son, Edward, the Prince of Wales, who led a life of notorious luxury and was known to have had a number of public affairs, most notably with the celebrated beauty and actress, Lillie Langtry, as well as Mrs. Alice Keppel. The prince had been pursing society beauty, Clara Montague, daughter of the Hon. Clive Montague, cabinet minister, before she married Viscount Falconbridge of Falconbridge Hall. A grainy picture showed an elegant Clara at the Ascot races, wearing a wide-brimmed hat lavishly decorated with feathers and flowers. What a handsome couple Lord and Lady Falconbridge must have made.

Vanessa rode back toward the shed, planning to change before breakfast. She startled two female servants walking up the path. They stopped to stare at her riding by, speaking in hushed voices.

Vanessa hesitated before returning to the house. She hated that she was watched and criticized. She’d never before come under such scrutiny. This world was so formal and so different to the carefree life she’d lived. When she entered the kitchen, talk abruptly ceased only to begin again when she left the room. She straightened her shoulders and refused to let it upset her.


Vanessa and Blythe settled into their routine. Lessons in the morning, lunch followed by a walk in the gardens, and the afternoons taken up with Blythe’s music lesson with a visiting teacher, reading or an art lesson with Vanessa.

When Lord Falconbridge gave notice of a botany lesson at three o’clock, Vanessa decided to attend.

He put on his glasses, stood at the blackboard, and picked up a stick of chalk. “I must confess I know more about Amazonian vegetation than Britain’s flora and fauna.” He turned to the board. “Now we’ll begin with ….”

An hour passed, and the lesson altered focus with Blythe’s insistent questions about his upcoming expedition. He described the supplies they needed to take with them—bedding, tents, mosquito nets and medicines—and the mules and the native bearers they’d acquire before entering the Amazon. Once Blythe had run out of questions, he began to talk about the butterflies, animals and bird life that inhabited the jungle.

Vanessa was riveted. No wonder his lordship was eager to return.

“Do they really have snakes that big?” Blythe’s eyes were like saucers.

His lordship appeared to be enjoying himself just as much as his daughter. “They are called boa constrictors. They squeeze their prey to death and swallow them whole.”

Blythe gave a wild squeal. “Tell me about the leopards again.”

“All right. But next time the lesson must be about flora rather than fauna,” he said, with a sheepish glance at Vanessa.

She looked down with a smile. It could not be described as botany, but he had spiked the child’s interest and drawn her out of herself. Vanessa only wished her lessons had the same result. Blythe usually said little, completing her sums and spelling without complaint. Increasingly, Vanessa had felt there was something wrong. The child was unnaturally glum, even though there were no black-draped mirrors or signs of mourning in the house. Surely, losing her mother some time ago would no longer lie at the heart of this sadness. Her father clearly doted on her.


At lunch the next day, Blythe looked heavy-eyed. She yawned.

“Didn’t you sleep well last night?” Vanessa asked.

Blythe shook her head. “It was too hot.”

“Yes, it was. Surely the weather must change soon.”

“Soon we shall have autumn winds then winter frosts and snow, I suppose.” Blythe toyed with her plate of custard.

“I like the autumn. The leaves turn beautiful colors like ochre, crimson, and amber.”

Blythe’s mouth pulled down. “I hate it.”

“Hate is a very strong emotion.”

“My mother left us in autumn. I remember because I was pressing leaves in a book.”

“Oh, my dear!” She reached across and patted Blythe’s hand. She was unsure if she meant her mother had gone away or she had died. Lady Falconbridge wasn’t spoken of, and Vanessa had yet to learn the circumstances of her death.

“Mother waved to me from the carriage, but she never came home again. Her portrait is in the upper corridor, wearing a green dress. She was very beautiful.”

“I must go and see it.”

“She died in Paris. That’s in France.”

The child’s flat, unemotional tone disconcerted Vanessa. “How sad. I am sorry.”

“I never saw much of Mother,” Blythe said, a catch in her voice. “She was always very busy.”

“I expect she had a lot to do.”

Blythe wiped the tears clinging to her lashes. “I didn’t mind her going out all the time. She made Father unhappy when she was here.” Her face crumpled. “And I don’t think she loved me.”

Concerned, Vanessa moved her chair closer and placed an arm around Blythe’s shoulders. “Of course she did. How could she not love you, silly?” She gave her a squeeze. “Why, you are so loveable, and all mothers love their children.”

“Do they, Miss Ashley?”

“Of course they do,” Vanessa said firmly.

Blythe rested her head against Vanessa’s bosom and cried hot tears. Holding the child’s sobbing little body, Vanessa bit back her own tears. Blythe had carried this for such a long time. Society couples often weren’t very involved with their children. She stroked Blythe’s hair and tried not to despise her mother. Marriages failed, and it was impossible for others to cast blame, but the neglect of a child was unforgiveable.

“You have elf-locks.” She smoothed back the thick black locks that had come loose from Blythe’s braids.

“What are elf-locks?”

“Your hair is tangled. Have you heard the fable of Queen Mab and her night fairies? They created mischief while everyone slept. Mercutio says so in Shakespeare’s
Romeo and Juliette.
This is that very Mab that plaits the manes of horses in the night; and bakes the elf-locks in foul sluttish hairs, which once untangled much misfortune bodes.”

Blythe gave a watery giggle and wiped her eyes.

“It’s getting in your eyes,” Vanessa said. “I’ll brush and braid it for you later.”

Blythe uttered a heavy sigh and leaned against her. “Will you read to me?”

“I suggest we begin another book,” Vanessa said. “How about
The Light Princess?
It is a story about a princess who floats in air and has to be brought down before the wind carries her off. Alas, she cannot cry, and a cure must be found to break the curse.”

“Oh, yes, please.”

“Have you eaten enough?”

Blythe nodded with an eager smile.

“Let’s go then shall we?”

In the schoolroom, she fetched the book. When she settled down and opened it at the first page, Blythe moved her chair closer.

They were still reading it some hours later as Blythe interjected often with questions, which resulted in lengthy discussions. Vanessa’s throat grew dry, and she was glad when Dorcas brought in the tea things.

She was relieved the story distracted Blythe from her sad thoughts. It was light-hearted and perfect for what the child now needed. She would think of other books in the same vein.

After tea, Vanessa removed Blythe’s braids and brushed her long ebony hair. The door opened, and Lord Falconbridge entered.

“Father!” Blythe leapt from her chair, her long locks flying as she ran to him. “We have been reading the most interesting book.”

Vanessa handed the book to him, hoping he would not disapprove of something so nonsensical.

He looked carefully at Blythe then nodded and handed it back. “Carry on, Miss Ashley.”


While Blythe was with her music teacher the next afternoon, Vanessa cycled to the village. Passing an inn called The Black Horse, and a blacksmith’s, she crossed a small stone bridge where the river that ran through Falconbridge land gushed over rocks. A fine row of Georgian houses graced the south side of the green. On the northern side was the small cluster of shops. As she turned the bike and sped toward them, shopkeepers and their customers paused to watch her. Women gossiping in the street pulled their shawls closer and stared. Trying to ignore such a surprising reaction, Vanessa rode past the post office and butcher to reach the general store. There was a teashop next door with a fine bow window, and a farrier and stables further up the street. A sign over the door of the general store read:
Mr. Fernley proprietor
. She parked her bike against a lamppost and entered intent on purchasing the few items she needed. The store offered a variety of services and products from grocery items to buttons and silks, hosiery, stationery, hardware, medicines and even toys. The heady aroma of fresh baked bread wrestled with the less attractive odors of boot polish and coal. A vacant barber’s chair sat in a corner. With the growth of Clapham Junction only a few miles away, she wondered if Mr. Fernley’s business still thrived.

“You’re from the Hall,” the red-haired Mr. Fernley said, smoothing the white apron at his waist.

“Yes, I’m the new governess.” She was not surprised he knew for news traveled fast in small villages.

A pretty lace collar and a small bag of lavender for her underwear drawer caught her eye, and she added them to her other purchases of hair pins, stockings, pencils, needles and thread the right color blue to match Blythe’s dress.

Mr. Fernley packed her cloth bag with the items and handed it to her.

“Got quite a history, that place,” he said.

“Has it?” Vanessa waited for him to continue, but he just shrugged and took her money.

“What’s that contraption you’re riding?” an elderly man asked her as he came in.

When she explained, he laughed and shook his head. “It will never replace the horse.”

She wondered what he would make of the new horseless carriages she had read about in the newspaper. They were tarmacking the roads–the article said–in anticipation that they would one day replace the horse.

Returning through the Falconbridge Hall gates, she met the groom, Lovel, a crimson scarf tied around his neck, and his bright shirt open, displaying a tuft of dark chest hair. He led a horse that had lost a shoe along the carriage drive to the stables. Was she being fanciful or did he give her a look which seemed to strip her clothes from her? Uncomfortable, Vanessa dropped her gaze. When she raised her eyes to look after him, he was still watching her. He grinned and doffed his hat but thankfully didn’t stop to speak to her.


Vanessa woke in the night. She sat up as brilliant flashes of lightning appeared around the edge of the curtains. Despite sleeping naked, she was too hot, and her throat felt dry. She climbed out of bed and poured herself a glass of water from the jug on the dresser. Sipping it, she walked to the window. Heavy rain had begun to batter against the glass. Sweeping aside the curtain, she saw water on the windowsill. As she reached out to close the window, a muffled cry carried to her on the wind. She stilled, listening between claps of thunder, and it came again.

Blythe’s room was almost directly below hers. Could it be the child? She had seen Lord Falconbridge departing in the carriage earlier. It was possible he had not yet returned.

Vanessa hesitated then shrugged into her dressing gown, tying it tightly. She ran down the passage and down the stairs. Reaching Blythe’s floor, she opened her door and peered inside.

A lightning flash highlighted Blythe’s small heaving body as she sat up in bed. Another clap of thunder sounded, and the child moaned with fear.

“My dear.” Vanessa hurried over to close the window. She pulled it shut and drew the curtains to cover it. She went back to Blythe. “It’s only a summer storm.”

“I don’t like storms,” Blythe sobbed.

Vanessa gathered her in her arms and patted her. “Lightning and thunder won’t hurt you; I promise. Why they bring the rain, and rain replenishes the streams for the fish and makes the plants grow in the garden. You like the birds to have water to drink and bathe in, don’t you?”

“Y … yes.”

She smoothed the child’s hair away from her face. “Storms seem frightening, but they cannot hurt us here snug in our beds. Lie down and close your eyes. When you wake in the morning, it will be gone.”

“Will you stay with me awhile, Miss Ashley? Just until I’m asleep?”

“Of course I will. Let me fluff your pillows. My mother did this for me. Is that better?”

“Thank you.” Blythe lay back and shut her eyes. She looked so delicate; the sight tore at Vanessa’s heart.

“I’ll turn down the lamp and sit in this chair by the bed, shall I?”

“Yes, please, Miss Ashley,” Blythe said in a small voice.

Vanessa curled up in the floral chintz-covered chair. The storm appeared to be abating at last. She rested her head against the chair back and watched the small form on the bed. After a couple of restless turns, Blythe settled down. She seemed to sleep.

Deciding to stay for a while to make sure, she closed her eyes.

When a hand shook her shoulder, she woke with a start, her heart pounding. “Who is it?”

“Shush.” It was shadowy in the room, but there was enough light from the lamp in the hall for her to see who it was.

Lord Falconbridge’s whisper came out of the shadows. “You were sleeping, Miss Ashley. I just returned home and thought I’d look in on Blythe. And see what I found? I suspect you don’t like your bed.”

Vanessa rose, discomfited by her braided hair, and worse, she wore nothing under her dressing gown.

“I’ll turn up the lamp.” Lord Falconbridge moved to the table.

“Oh, no, please don’t,” Vanessa begged in an anguished tone. Her belt had come loose, and a flash of pale thigh showed whenever she moved.

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