The Folly of Fools (54 page)

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Authors: Robert Trivers

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Infatuation with beautiful mathematics:
Krugman 2009.

“Wolf Man”:
Schatzman 1973;
for the malignant cultural phenomenon that Freudianism was in the US
: Torrey 1992.

Freud’s quote:
Rosenzweig, 1997;
Feynman’s 1964 lecture given to Cornell students:



323 David Haig’s genes do not care about him.

Mindful meditation:
Davidson et al 2003.

Japanese nuclear safety:
Onishi 2011.

Soap or mouthwash:
Lee and Schwarz 2010.

Business conference calls:
Larcker and Zakolyukina 2010;
experiment run on undergraduates:
Lu and Chang 2011.



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