The Forbidden: A Huntress Novel (The Huntress Series Book 1)

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The  Forbidden

A Huntress Novel

Adria Wade







Copyright © 2014 Adria Wade

Cover Design © 2014 Big Bang Book Services

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored  in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.







To Catherine, who heard Athena’s story first. Thank you for the support.

For Baby Sum, my white blonde princess.














Chapter One



His cold hands gripped my wrists, digging into my skin as he fought to hold me down. It was dark and I couldn’t see his face, but I could hear his rapid breathing. I knew it was my enemy, a vampire desperately wanting my blood, but I couldn’t let him win.

“Stop it!” He hissed, frustration oozing out of his deep voice.

He growled low in his throat as he grasped my shirt, yanking me from the ground and slamming me back down. My head bounced off of the hard surface as pain shot through the back of my head.


His voice…I have heard it before. It soothes my insides every time I hear it. I knew he would come just like he always did. My knight in shining armor came to save me once again.

The vampire’s hands immediately set me free as he stood and ran away. I laid there with tears strolling down my hot cheeks as I panted. My hero’s cold hands gently touched my skin, raising the hairs on my arms as a cold chill ran through my body. My tense body relaxed as I laid there so still, breathing in his cologne. He smelled so good, so intoxicating that I could feel the desire to have him build in the pit of my stomach.

His dark shape grew clearer as he leaned in closer, showing the most exquisite aquamarine eyes I have ever seen. Those eyes of his were all I could see. Not his cheeks, his nose or even lips, just his eyes. My breath hitched and my lips parted as I stared into his eyes, not able to tear my gaze from his.

I sat up from my dream in an instant. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I let out a breath as I laid back down on my canopy bed. It is always the same in my dreams. It is dark and I’m powerless against my attacker.

Then that same voice comes and calms me in an instant, and I know everything will be okay. I know I am safe with him. And his eyes are all I ever see, they are soft, warm and inviting. My insides liquefy at the sight of them.

I shouldn’t like those eyes of his because they are the enemy’s eyes…the eyes of an immortal. The immortals I hunt down and kill to rid the world of their evil ways.

When I was three years old a vampire killed my mother. My father Aaron Bram was so distraught he had spiraled out of control, binging on alcohol to help soothe the pain he held in his heart. That sorrow eventually turned into anger and bitterness. He vowed to get revenge and to kill every immortal that roams the earth to protect the humans from those monstrous abominations. So he moved me out of the city and into a manor on an estate near the mountains of Colorado, forming a society of hunters. The hunters and huntresses joined our family and moved into the manor. My dad’s society of hunters has grown massively since he started this project of his.

He has a society of hunters in every state hunting down vampires.

“Bad dream?”

I gasped and jumped out of bed in a fright. I folded my arms and scowled down at the tan, blonde haired, and baby blue eyed girl who laughed away.

“Chelsea!” I scolded.

My best friend Chelsea in my opinion fits the description of a model not a huntress. Although looks can be deceiving, she has quite a temper and can defend herself when necessary. She is a tough ass with a hot body.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

I crawled back in bed and groaned as I pulled the covers over my head. 

“You’re too perky, go bother Taylor.”

She groaned…that’s not a good sign. “Not good?”

She shrugged. “He’s annoyed at the moment.”

Taylor and Chelsea have been on and off for two years. I’m not quite sure why they have broken up a couple of times, but all I know is the attraction and love they have for one another is what keeps them crawling back every time. It is that and there zero tolerance of seeing the other in the arms of someone else.

I smirked. “Which explains why you are in my bed watching me sleep.”

“You were sleeping peacefully; I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Anyway, I am sorry for bailing on you yesterday.”

I shook my head. “The one night we aren’t off on a mission to kill monsters is the night my best friend decides to stand me up and go to a cabin with her boyfriend.”

“He asked me last minute. He said he wanted to spend time alone, so I went. I said I was sorry, what do I have to do kiss your feet so you will consider forgiving me!”

My brows raised as I smirked. “How long did it take until you guys were ripping each other’s clothes off?”

“If you must know, we had dinner then we got in the hot tub.”

“And I’m sure that is where all the action took place.”

She giggled. “Okay Virgin Mary, don’t be angry. I promise I will make it up to you.”

I chuckled. “Virgin, Mary.”

She doesn’t know I haven’t been a virgin for a year now. I will not tell her that I no longer am a virgin because I am not in the mood to discuss my first time when I just woke up. She will be upset that I didn’t tell her right after it happened and that’s another reason I am not telling her yet.

My stomach growled as the smell of bacon filled my room.

Chelsea grinned and patted my stomach. “Hungry, are we? Breakfast is almost ready, I will see you downstairs.”

I climbed out of bed and stretched. The light from the moon shined through my French doors. Hunters and Huntresses sort of live like a vampire. They sleep while the sun is up, and they are taking care of business while the moon shines in the night sky.

Throwing my long white, blonde hair up in a ponytail I headed downstairs. I gasped as I was hit from behind and fell face first, splitting my lip as my mouth and teeth collided. I grabbed the back of their head as I got to my knees and flipped them over top of me. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips as light brown eyes stared into mine with a huge grin on his face.

“We’re doing this again, Adam?”

“Oh yeah, this is just the beginning.”

Adam has been obsessed to beat me in a fight after rumor got around that I was one of the best fighters in my group of huntresses. Needless to say he hasn’t succeeded in taking me down yet, but I am sure his determination to beat the best will have him training extra hours to improve his skills.

I helped him to his feet and ran my hand through his sandy blonde hair.

“Hey, watch the hair!”  He stepped backward as he pushed his hair back in place.

“What at twelve years old you already have a date?”

“Yes, there is a line filled with girls waiting to date me.”

I laughed and shook my head. He is so much like his brother Isaac. The good looks, the charm, and lovable personality…not so lovable in my eyes anymore though.

“Oh yeah, Isaac sent me up here to tell you that Cameron is here, so play nice.”

I groaned. “Great.” I muttered.

Cameron is Isaac’s new girlfriend they have been dating for six months.

She loathes me because I am the ex- girlfriend and she hates the fact that her boyfriend lives under the same roof as me. She has yet to learn that I no longer love him due to him cheating when we were together and there is no chance of us getting back together. Of course my father doesn’t help the situation when he insists that Isaac and I rekindle our romance. He expects marriage and future hunters, but I refuse to go along with his plan.

“Race you downstairs?” Adam asked as his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I just couldn’t say no after that.

We got into a runner’s position.  “Throwing down another challenge, I see.”

“On the count of three, we go,” he said. “One,” he added.

I bit down on my lip in anticipation as he began to count nearing the number three.


He took off laughing as he ran down the hallway.

I gasped and ran after him. “Cheater!”

I was determined to make him pay for that. My legs sprinted down the hall as I caught him in no time. My heart slammed against my chest and my eyes grew wide as I came up right behind him. Turning the corner to enter another hallway, I put my foot in front of his and ran passed him as he fell.


“Sorry brat, cheaters never win.”

I flew down the double staircase, hearing his footsteps grow closer behind me. I was almost there; I could see the door to the dining area. I gasped when he grabbed my shirt as I grabbed the door handle and swung the door open. The dining area was crowded with hunters and huntresses filling up three long dining tables in the massive room. Stopping abruptly, the room grew silent as everyone stopped eating to gaze upon me. I could feel the heatcreep up on my cheeks as I locked eyes with my father.

My father scowled as he ran his hand through his graying dark, brown hair and shook his head.

“Sorry,” I mumbled and quickly took my seat next to Chelsea and Taylor who sat in front of Isaac and Cameron. Cameron was all Pale skin, freckles, and long thick red hair. Her impressive cleavage spilled out of her pink low cut top and I am sure her behind is hanging out of her skimpy little skirt, also.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice, then filled my plate up with pancakes and eggs, aware that the devil that is Cameron was stalking me with those green eyes of hers. My brows raised as I looked up. Cameron was glaring my way as she bit off a piece of her bacon.

I grinned….show time. “Hello, Carmen.” I said sweetly.

“I’m Cameron,” She said as she rolled her eyes.

I was dying of laughter inside, but somehow managed to keep a straight face.

The fact that she hated me so much gave me pleasure in pissing her off.

Isaac ran his hands through his light brown hair and narrowed his eyes my way. I knew that look, that was my warning, but I had no intentions in stopping just yet. Hey, I had to get my laughs in somehow and she was an easy target.

I swallowed my food and nodded. “Oh, right. I’m sorry, Carmen was the girl he had here what was it, two weeks ago?”

Isaac choked down his milk as he slammed the cup on the table. Cameron dropped her fork and glared his way as he gaped at me.

“Excuse me!”

His eyes shifted from me to her, his mouth still wide open as he slowly shook his head. I grinned down at my plate as Chelsea and Taylor snickered beside me.

“No, that’s not true. She is kidding,” Isaac said.

“Oh, am I?” I took another bite of my pancake.

Isaac shot up from his chair, his glare fixated on me.  “Tell her you’re kidding!” He demanded.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

“Athena!” My father said sternly.

I smirked as I glanced at my father, who scowled my way.

“You know I don’t tolerate any arguing at my dinner table.”

I sighed. Leave it up to him to ruin my fun. “I’m sorry, and yes, I was only kidding.”

Cameron shook her head as she stabbed her fork through her pancake.

I glanced at Isaac, who pushed his food away as he scowled my way.

I looked down at his sleeve tattoo that consisted of skulls inside of black and blue flames, remembering that I was with him when he got his ink done…but now that memory is in the past.

“May I be excused?” I asked my father.

“No!” Isaac snapped as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I folded my arms also, narrowing my eyes. “Since when did you become my father?”

My dad sighed. “You barely touched your food.”

     “Yeah, four bites of your pancake, two bites of your eggs, and nibbling on your bacon does not fill you up.”

“How much I eat doesn’t concern you any longer.”

Taylor snorted as he looked down and shook his black hair from his eyes.

“You guys fight like a married couple,” He said.

Cameron swallowed her food with a look of disgust on her face.

“Yes, you may be excused,” My father said.

I smirked at Isaac and stood from the table as I made my way out of the dining area. “Enjoy the rest of your night, Carmen.” I grinned as I heard her groan and mutter under her breath.

A firm hand grasped my arm, turning me around and pushing me against the wall. Isaac glared down at me, his breathing was harsh and his broad shoulders stiffened as he fought to stay in control of his temper.

“Why must you make my life miserable?!”

“I was only joking.”

“You’re not the one who has to deal with her attitude. I asked you to be polite.”

I scoffed. “Sending your kid brother to my room doesn’t get you anywhere with me. Next time you can ask me yourself.”

“It doesn’t matter if I asked you myself; you would’ve done it anyway.”

I nodded and smiled. “Yes, that’s true.”

His brows pulled together as he searched my eyes. “Do you still love me?”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Oh please, of course I don’t.”

“Then what other explanation do you have for treating Cameron like that?”

I shrugged. “She hates me, so I purposely anger her for that reason. It has nothing to do with me still loving you or being jealous of her.”

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