The Four Swans (47 page)

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Authors: Winston Graham

Tags: #Fiction, #Sagas

BOOK: The Four Swans
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When they saw Sam and Drake Tom Harry said something that made them all laugh. The brothers would have passed on but Tholly stopped them with his hook held out.

‘Ah, Peter, now, just the man I want. Just the man I need. Reckon ye’re a fine upstanding, lad, and would do well for what I have in mind.’

`Sam,” said Sam.

`Sam. There now, I’ve a memory like an addle-pipe. Put it in one end it comes, out the other–-‘

`Drake Carne,” said Tom Harry, lurching up to Drake. `What’s gone amiss wi’ your face, eh? Something scat your eyebrow, ‘as it?’ He looked at Emma for her approval, and she laughed, but it was not a free laugh. The sun scorched her hair with copper lights.

Behind the four were a half dozen other men, including Jacka Hoblyn, Paul Daniel and his cousin Ned Bottrell and one of the Curnow brothers. They had all been at Sally’s and had decided to come and look at the pilchard scene before dark fell.

‘Closed’ up!’ - shouted Widow Tregothnan to a woman looking out of a window. `Shut up, see! Taking an hour off see. Turned all these lob-lollies out afore they fell out!’ She laughed heartily.

`Peter, now,’ said Tholly. ‘Sam, curse it. Sam, me boy. I’m in charge of the games at Sawle Feast, come Thursday week. You done some wrastling. Reckon ye could be a useful ‘traction. Prize money! I’m organizing prize money ‘n all. We got six lads taking part, and some from over St Ann’s and the Breague brothers from Marasanvose. Does your baby brother wrastle, eh?’

`If so be as you mean me,’ Drake’ said. `The answer’s no.’

`Only good at running away, aren’t ee, boy?’ Tom Harry said. `Only sometimes you get catched and then ye get a tooting!’

‘Leave off,’ said Emma. `Leave off, you stupid great lootal !’ And she gave Tom a shove. `How’s my old preacher?’ she said to Sam. `Been prayin’ much of late?’

`Every day;’ said Sam. `For you. And for all men. But specially for you.’

Sally Chill-Off laughed loudly again at this. She was a buxom, good-tempered woman of forty-five, and she had struck up a friendship with Emma, They were the same type. This had led to Emma being more in the company of her father, and she had learned to tolerate him.

`Ere, what d’ye mean?’ Tom Harry said, pushing his face forward at Sam. ‘Prayin’ for she? I’ll ‘ave no snivelling prating Methody pooling away at his prayin’ for no girl of mine! Look see here.-‘

‘Give over!’ said Emma again, pulling at him this time. She had had a drink or two and was as boisterous as Sally. `I’m no girl of no one’s - yet-and ye’d best mind it. Don’t be so piffy, Tom. Tis ‘a fine eve and we’re going down see pilchards. Got a fine sackful, ‘ave ee, Sam? Let’s see.’

Sam opened his sack and various people peered in, laughing and jostling each other.

Ned Bottrell said: `Char Nanfan got some this noon, but I b’lieve they’re not so good as they. Do ee wrestle, Sam?’

Ned was the soberest and the steadiest of the group. He was a newly saved member of Sam’s, flock and Sam had been much gratified by his conversion.

`Nay, not for these pretty many years,’ Sam said. `Scarce ever since - ‘

`Go on,’ said Paul Daniel. ‘I reckon I seen you once when I was over Blackwater. I mind that tow head of yourn. Brave ye were too. He wrestle, don’t ‘e, Drake?’

`Wager he’ve forgotten’ how,’ said Emma,’ her eyes catching the light. `All this praying for lost souls like me. Make a man tired, don’t it, Sam?’

`What I had in mind,’ shouted Tholly’ over the general noise. `What I had in mind -‘ He was seized with a fit of coughing, during which he hunched his square shoulders and hawked horribly.

`There, there, my dear,’ Sally Tregothnan said, slapping him cheerfully. `There, there, my old lover-cock, spit’n’out. You gulge your drink too fast, that’s all that’s wrong -‘

‘We put Tholly to organize the games,’ Ned Bottrell said to Sam. `He were champion wrestler once, afore he lost his arm. We reckon t’ave a fine spread. Tis for church, ye know. There’s nought to say we should not rejoice, is there?’

Nothing,’ said Sam. “So long as ye rejoice in the Lord, through work or through play.’ But the, greatest joy of all, Ned, be in the salvation of the spirit through cleansing repentance’

`Aye,’ said Paul Daniel, a fallen convert, ‘I seen you over to Blackwater. Twas four or five year agone. How old are ee, Sam?’


`Then ye’d be scarce more’n twenty when I seen ee. I reckon - ‘ `What I had in mind,’ shouted Tholly between gasps, `was t’ave a real ‘nation feast day like there’s never been not before. How ‘bout

you wrastling, Sam? And you, Drake. More the merrier. And you, Tom and you, Ned. The more the-‘

`I’m wrastling any’ow,’ said Tom Harry, with a grim smirk.

‘Wrastling wi’ you too, aren’t I, Emma.’

`Go on with you,That’ll be the day`

`We’d best be off,’ said Sam to Drake. `I have a class at sundown.’

“Ere,’ said Tom, thrusting past Emma. `Ow ‘bout you, baby brother? You never learned to wrastle, eh? Scared to get yer breeches ploshy, eh? Scared you might get yer muggets pulled out, eh?’

`I’m scared of fighting you,’ said Drake, `when it’s three to one.’

Tom, empurpled, made a sharp rush at Drake, but both Sam and Ned got in his way, and for a few seconds there was a lot of confusion and noise. As the entangled figures separated Tom could be heard shouting that he’d fight either of the Carne meaders with one hand tied behind his back, and break them across his knee. The two women had become equally involved in the struggle, the only one taking absolutely no part being Drake, who stood exactly where he was in the centre of it all, his face composed and set.

After a while he found Tholly Tregirls peering into his face, the flattened nose and, puckered scar, making Tholly look like some masked performer representing evil at a Miracle play.

`No offence meant, young Carne. Our Tom’s a bit hot, like, hot off the mark, like, but no offence. You like to wrastle on Thursday sennight, eh? Or race? You looks as if ye could race.’

`No,’ said Drake. `I’m not in a feasting mood.’

Tom Harry and Sam were staring at each other, Emma holding on to Harry’s arm, though it was hard to tell if this were to restrain him or support herself.

Harry said : `How ‘bout you’n me fighting, eh? Wrastling. Fair and proper. If your baby brother don’t like to wrastle, how ‘bout you’n me. If you’re so; careful to keep me off baby brother.’

Drake said: `If I fight you, jack, it won’t be wrestling.’

`Nay, brother,’ Sam said. `Leave off this useless quarrelling. Twill do no good at all. But I shall hope even so that – ‘

`I’ll fight anyway you say!’ Harry, roared at Drake, baring his teeth. `Fists, sticks, knives’

`Hush, hush Emma had her fingers over his mouth.. She squealed as he gave a playful bite at them. `Why don’t ee fight ‘im, Sam, show who’s master ! Great lerrup! You nipped my fingers Fight him, Sam! Wrestling, I mean, with a stickler, ‘n all. Fair, and proper and on top of the board.’

`Come away, Drake,’ said Sam, making a move up the hill.

Tom Harry was trying to wind his arms round Emma, but she gave him a hearty thrust to free herself, and he staggered back into Daniel, who cursed him for stepping on his foot.

`Right!’ said Tholly. `That’s of it ! Special match, eh? All on top of the board. A guinea for the winner. How’s that, Sam? Guinea for your preaching house if ye win? See the –‘

`I’ll lay a shillun on Sam !’ shouted Ned Bottrell, who before now had fallen foul of both Harry brothers. `Even money. Come on, Sam. We’d all be there to see he fought fair

‘Yes, come on, Sam,’ said Daniel. `Make a change now, wouldn’t it? Wrestling preacher!’

‘Guinea the winner!’ shouted Sally. `Nay, I’ll make it two guineas!’

The way being narrow and the movement up and down considerable, a crowd of about thirty had now gathered, and others began to press the match. Two motives combined in the enthusiasm: the first, a special challenge wrestling match with a bit of spite in it had a great appeal; the second, Tom Harry, for all his attempts to mix in village life, was second only to his brother in unpopularity, and any attempt to take him down a peg would be universally welcomed. ,

Sam, however, was having nothing of it. Smiling his grave thin smile, he told them that his way was no longer the way of violence, even if it was only the violence of, sport. Let others have their games; the Lord had chosen him, however unworthy, to witness as in a glass the glory of God and to work early and, late for the liberation of souls

He was interrupted in this impromptu sermon by Emma, who had freed herself from Tom Harry’s clutches and now stood right in front of Sam, her hair flowing loose, and shouted at him: ‘What about my soul!’

Sam smiled at her, though his eyes were suddenly dark. `Yours Emma? I just said I pray each night of my life for that.’ `A lot of good it do me,’ said Emma, and there was a general laugh. `I feel no betterer. Honest, Sam. What’s wrong? Polish my soul every night, I do shine it up bright as a door knob. Don’t do no good at all.’

Everybody laughed again.

Sam said: `Sister, you should come meetings. Then we would all pray together.’

‘Mebbe I would,’ she said, `if you beat him!’ She gestured at Harry with a thumb. Harry grimaced in the background.

`Sister,’ Sam said. `I’m sorry but tis no jesting matter. If my words could but reach your heart, twould be a different concern-‘

`Oh,’- said Emma. `I thought you was serious. I thought you wanted to save me.’

`I do. You know I do. Tis one of the dearest wishes-‘

`All right,’ she said, hands on hips. `Fight this lerrup and beat him fair Thursday sennight and I’ll come your meetings!’

There was a gust of laughter all round and a few cheers. Drake now took Sam’s arm and tried to edge: him away. But in the midst of all the laughter two people were now on the edge of a deeper challenge.

`Serious?’ said Sam.

Emma nodded. `Serious.’

He said: `The wine is speaking.’

`I’m speaking !’ said Emma. ‘Damme.’

“Ere,’ said Tom` Harry, coming into it. `What do I get if I win? Marry me, will ee?’

`Maybe,’ said Emma. `Maybe not. That’s your worry.’

`Come along, Sam,’ said Drake. ‘Come along.’

`Special match, eh?’ shouted Tholly. ‘Winner gets me daughter!’ There was another roar of laughter. `How long?’ said Sam.

`How long what?’ asked Emma.

`How long will you attend meetings?’ If you win. Think you’ll win, do ee?’ `Maybe.’

‘He ‘asn’t got smell of a hope,’ said. Tom Harry. `I’ll break him in twain.’

`Not if I’m stickler ye won’t,’ said Tholly. `If I’m stickler twill all be fair and on top of the board. Fair wrastling or nothing.’

`Three months,’ said Sam.

`Hey, come along!’ said Emma. `Three months! Tis a life sentence!’

`Not less,’ said Sam. `I could do no good for ee in less. Ye’d have to learn to pray.’

Emma laughed. ‘Good Gripes ! I reckon - I bit off more’n I can chew!’

‘Chew away, maid!’ shouted someone.

‘Well,’ said Sam. ‘Twas your idea. If tis your wish now to withdraw, then I’ll withdraw too.’

‘No !’ said Emma, temper flashing. `Three months it be. But don’t ee forget you’ve got to win first, mind !’

‘Hooray!’ shouted Tholly. `Now don’t ee go away, Sam. Don’t ee go away, Tom. We got a match but we got to get the details worked out!’




Fifteen rioters appeared in court at Bodmin. Five were found not guilty of the charges brought against them and were discharged. Ten were found guilty and. sentenced, three to terms of imprisonment, four to be transported, and three to be hanged. The news startled the villages; but presently it was known that after the trial Lord de Dunstanville had had private word with the judges and they had together agreed that the execution of one only of the three might have sufficient deterrent effect; so two had had their sentences reduced to transportation - which in these days of war meant impressment in the navy.

The two reprieved were William ‘Rosie’ Sampson and William Barnes. The one left to die was John Hoskin of Camborne, nicknamed Wildcat, for `violently assaulting one, Samuel Phillips, miller, and for stealing goods above the value of 40s in an outhouse belonging to a Dwelling House. Hoskin was the elder brother of Peter Hoskin, Sam’s partner at Wheal Grace, and Sam remembered’ the last time he had visited the Hoskin family with messages from Peter, and John Hoskin and `Rosie’ .Sampson had come in flushed: and excited from a protest meeting. So now it had brought them to this.


That week Ross rode over to see Baron de Dunstanville. There were two or three things on his mind, and he arranged to arrive about five when he knew Basset was often in his study seeing to estate business. But today he was shown into a dining room where dinner was not quite over, although the ladies had left. Six men were there, two strangers, two he knew slightly, and Basset himself and George Warleggan. They had all drunk well, and Ross reluctantly allowed himself to be persuaded into one of the seats vacated by the ladies and to accept a glass of brandy, and was introduced to the rest of the company. They were men from upcountry, and it took a few minutes for him to realize that this was a meeting of the Members of Parliament whom Basset effectively controlled: Thomas Wallace and William Meeks, Members for Penryn, Matthew Montagu and the Hon. Robert Stewart for Tregony, and George for Truro. It fell into place when Basset told him that Pitt had dissolved Parliament and that there was to be an election in September.

George had not looked at Ross after the first cold bow, nor Ross at George, but conversation continued on a parliamentary level undeterred by Ross’s presence. It seemed that great efforts were being made to bring Pitt down, and after years in office he wanted his majority and policy, confirmed by a vote of confidence from the country. Although many off the Whig nobles had repudiated Fox and supported the government - as did Basset - there there was sufficient opposition and war fatigue to make Pitt’s position difficult to sustain. Indeed there was, strong feeling within the nation that the war now never could be won, what with the armed forces still on the edge of mutiny, parts of the country near starvation, the exchequer bankrupt and the whole of Europe ranged against them. To all this Pitt had answered: `I am not afraid for England. We shall stand till the Day of Judgement.’ But he looked a grey tired man.

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