the imprecation of wizards

Read the imprecation of wizards Online

Authors: Shahram Azad

Tags: #action adventure, #drama action, #scary adventure, #mystery action adventure

BOOK: the imprecation of wizards
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Red dream

By shahram azad



At a cold vernal night which
the rain was falling heavily, the Green village was in complete
silence. There were many gardens and homes which were near each
other and their farms were outside the village. Inside one of
houses which were empty, Mikhail a seven-years-old boy with yellow
eyes was crying loudly and nobody was in around. At around the
house just was garden and wasn’t any home. Mikhail was at the
courtyard while his feet were nude and he was completely

When the lightning flashed,
he screamed and ran quickly toward outside and he went out of the
home. At outside the home was dark and Mikhail was moving quickly
toward the outside of the village while his eyes were weepy and he
had a bad feeling. After a while, Mikhail reached to the farmlands
and looked at his front, it seemed that he wanted to find somebody
who was very far from him. He continued his way from among a stony
path which was between the farmlands. Near the way was a rivulet
which was turbulent.

Mikhail could not see
rightly, but he was just running until after a few seconds, he
stopped aghast because at once his visibility almost become clear
as he could see his front. He saw from far away a beautiful,
seventeen-years-old, girl called Linda, who was escaping with a
turbid pajama while her face was ulcerous and her hair was

She had scared and she
looked constantly at behind herself. Among the meadow, two strange
creatures that were almost like human were pursuing her. They were
tall and they had very ugly,
hairy, manly
faces and their bodies were big and hirsute like animal. Color of
one of them was red and the other was black. Their legs were
curved like animal as it was
causing they ran fast. Their hairs were like clothes as their
genital organ were hidden.

After a few moments, Linda
arrived at the rivulet which was turbulent and its surrounding
ground was slippery as she couldn't run rightly and she fell on the
ground, when she got up frightened and looked at behind herself,
saw them who were very close to her.

Linda ran quickly in the
path of the rivulet and a few seconds later she decided to jump of
the water, but when she twirled toward the rivulet, she slipped and
fell into the water. When she fell, Mikhail could not see her
anymore and after a few moments he heard a frightened scream


Mikhail jumped from sleep as
he was breathing hardly. His heartbeat was fast and his body had
perspired while tears were pouring from his eyes. Mikhail was a
twenty-years-old boy with medium size and thin now. He had a tall
hair which had covered a part of his face. His face was cold and
sad and his eyes were red. His clothes were old and patchy and it
seemed that he had spent several years with those clothes as they
were small for him.

He was on roof one of house
of the Green village on an old rug. Alongside his thin blanket was
an old pillow and finally an old slipper completed his poor stuff.
In around the home, were a few neighbors’ houses and gardens. The
air was almost dark yet and the morning air was cold. When
Mikhail's heartbeat became calmer slightly he got up and moved
towards the stairs. But he still didn't walk one step from his
place that heard a loud womanish voice from inside the courtyard,
“Hey! Worthless accursed! When you want to wake up?! ”

Mikhail sighed and he went
slowly down from the stairs. An ugly, grumpy old woman was inside
the courtyard. The house was small and neat. There was a small barn
which how many cows were inside it. The old woman had a big, thick
cane in her hand that had leaned on it and her face was like a hag.
She moved angrily toward the stairs and said, “Hurry up

Mikhail without attending
to her went toward the barn. Inside the barn were three cows and he
took out them while the old woman was looking angrily at him. He
opened quickly the door of home and went out of the house. Nobody
was outside and he was shivering with his old dress. Mikhail was
just looking at the road and he was trying to go out of the village
before the others wake up. Green space of village had not any joy
for him and he was like a walking
scarecrow that was walking in a paradise.

At front one of the houses,
Anahita a seventeen -years-old girl with a beautiful long dress who
had an innocent face was sweeping the outside of her home. Her hair
was tall and she was a little shorter than Mikhail. Anahita's
clothes were decent as all of her body was covered.

Anahita with her hand was
playing with her hair while had a beautiful smile on her lips. When
she saw Mikhail, she left her hair and took a deep breath while had
stared at him. When Mikhail arrived in the home, his head was down
because he was still sad. But, Anahita became angry for his
inattention and said loudly, “Hey! Miserable accursed!

Mikhail stopped quickly as
it seemed he had startled and his heartbeat become fast. Mikhail
looked at her and wanted to say something but he was in a very bad
mood. He tried hardly to show himself calm and smiled. Anahita gave
him the broom and while was grimacing, said angrily, “Clean here

Mikhail got the broom while
was looking at her face and his heartbeat was fast yet. Anahita’s
anger was sweet as it could not bother anyone. Mikhail got his head
down and started to sweep while the cows were continuing their way.
After a few moments, Anahita went near him with smile and after
looking at her around said lowly, “Is my dress pretty?”

But Mikhail without looking
at her said, “Yes.”

Anahita with her hand hit
slowly to his head while had frowned and said, “Why are you so

Mikhail put his hand on his
head and looked her surprisedly and said, “But I said

Anahita said sadly, “But you
did not look at me.”

Mikhail, who already was
sad, became more sad and gazed at her eyes and said, “I’m sorry. I
did not want to annoy you.”

Anahita got the broom sadly
from him and put her hand on his chest while it seemed he was
listening to something and soon she smiled shortly and looked at
her house and took a deep breath and said loudly, “Get away,
miserable accursed!”

Mikhail smiled and moved
quickly toward the cows while Anahita was looking sadly at him
until he became far from there. Soon Mikhail’s smile disappeared of
his lips and his face covered with sadness again while he went
quickly after the cows. They were walking slowly and he could find
them soon and led them toward outside the village.

At the way a
thirty-three-years-old man called Gary came toward him with his
dog. The dog ran toward Mikhail and stopped beside him while
Mikhail was looking at him and sat beside the dog. Mikhail was
caressing him and the dog indulged himself a little and ran toward
the cows. When Gary reached to him, smiled and said, “Happy
birthday, I get something for you, as usual.”

But Mikhail only said
coldly, “Thank you.”

Gary sighed and said,
“Please don’t think to your nightmare.”

Mikhail got up and stared at
him and said, “It’s easy for you to say!”

Gary wanted to say
something, but Mikhail left him. Gary sighed and went. In the
continuation of way wasn't anything and Mikhail without any problem
continued his way but he was just walking because he was at his
mind as wasn’t attentive his around. When he went out of the
village he arrived to the farmlands. There was a lot of farmland
which exactly was like the same scene that he had seen in his

Mikhail was moving from the
black stony path between the farms and he bewared that the cows did
not enter in the farmlands; of course, Gary's dog was doing it.
After a few seconds, they arrived at a rivulet which was passing
between the farms. The rivulet wasn't very deep and wide but
Mikhail stopped quickly while was looking at it with fear and
hatred as his heartbeat become fast again.

The cows passed slowly of
the water and they continued to their way. But, this action wasn't
easy for Mikhail, because his legs was not moving and his breath
had become hard, but these were not his main problem, because
suddenly Linda's scream reverberated in his ear and it became loud
and louder as was annoying him.

Mikhail pressed sadly his
ears but it wasn't useful and the scream was torturing him as he
started to cry. Mikhail went a little back and he jumped over the
water and went after the cows. When he became far from the rivulet
the scream was becoming less and less in his ears. Mikhail was
crying like a child and was moving quickly.

Mikhail continued his way
until after a while he went out of farmlands and arrived at a
great, verdurous land. There was very useful for grazing, but he
didn't like to stay near the village so continued his way. The sun
was coming up slowly from behind the mountains. Very soon
starvation feeling dominated to him, but it wasn't a pain that he
couldn't tolerate it.

After a while they arrived
at a great, arid land which was like a circle and a very small
village was in the center of it. The hamlet was abandoned. But
everywhere was green in around the arid circle. The hamlet had
earthy houses which were half-ruin.

When Mikhail looked at the
hamlet stopped. Four old men were near the hamlet as a very long
chain was on their feet and their hands were tied like the
prisoners. All of them were looking at the hamlet with fear and
their chain had
extension from there to
the green land where three unknown people were and Mikhail could
not see them.

Those old men were walking
very slowly and even one of them was crying. When finally they
entered to the hamlet, suddenly they disappeared as the chain was
moving slowly yet. But when it reached to the hamlet, it was
disappearing. On the other hand, Mikhail wasn’t surprised at all
and he just sighed and got up. Mikhail followed quickly the cows
while they weren't entering the arid land.

After a while they arrived
at a big stone that many beautiful flowers were around it. He
looked carefully around there and went toward the stone and
inserted slowly his hand into a hole which was under the stone and
he brought out happily something from there. In his hand was a
beautiful ring which its jewel was a white flower.

The ring was womanish till
be manly. He put the ring in his right finger and stared at it. The
color of ring changed and its jewel became slowly blue. Then a
strange feeling emerged inside him which was very pure and
pleasurable so that at once all his sadness disappeared. Mikhail
was relax now and had changed completely his mood. He kissed his
ring, something that was very valuable for him.

After it, he took a deep
breath and inserted his hand into the hole again. He brought a
girlish glove out which a flower design was on it. The gloves were
old but Mikhail looked at those gloves with smile and he wore them.
He sat on the ground and put his hand on his face for a few
seconds, and then he got up happily and moved toward the

Finally Mikhail arrived at a
location after an hour that there was his ideal. There was a great,
verdurous valley that a small room was in the center of it. He
after entering in the valley left the cows and he moved toward the
room. The room had a wooden, thin door which was made too simple
and its lock was a rope which had adjoined to the wall.

He after opening the rope
entered the room. There were a barrel of water, a small basket full
of the fruit and a small cake. On the cake wasn't any candle or
text. He was very hungry and he went toward the fruits and removed
some of those. Mikhail ate the fruits and he after removing the
cake went out of the room.

Mikhail went toward a place
which was sunlight and he sat on the ground to rest. Watching the
half cloudy sky in the pleasant spring weather was calming him.
Mikhail in silence stared at the sky for an hour. Next, he got up
and went toward the room. Near the room's wall were some big and
small stone. He laid the big stones in a row and he became far from
there and started to hit the big stones with small

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