the imprecation of wizards (2 page)

Read the imprecation of wizards Online

Authors: Shahram Azad

Tags: #action adventure, #drama action, #scary adventure, #mystery action adventure

BOOK: the imprecation of wizards
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He was doing it with hate
and much anger and he had acquired much skill in throwing stone.
Mikhail was doing it at various distances so far as he could hit
all the stones without mistake from top the valley. But it couldn't
spend more than an hour of his time. After it, he went toward the
other side of the valley and took out a notebook and a pen from
under the grass. Mikhail went under the sunlight again and he
started to draw. He was
skillful at it as
he drew Linda’s face while was pouring tears slowly, but at the
same time, he was smiling.

When Mikhail finished his
work, kissed it and said, “Hi sister, I love you very much. Do you
love me?” Mikhail smiled and said, “I know that. I just wanted to
spoil myself.” He became silent a little and said happily,
“Oh honey! Of course I make it for you!

Mikhail kissed his sister
and got up from his place and he hid the notebook under the grass.
He went up slowly of the valley and looked at around there and when
he became sure nobody is there, turned his head and looked at a
field full of the flowers which was near the valley. He took a deep
breath and went happily toward the flowers. Mikhail took out his
gloves while was in his dream and he started to pick white flowers
that were there. He with special attention picked the flowers and
returned to the valley.

Mikhail sat near the room
and started happily to make a wreath. He was doing it very
professional while a nice smile was on his lips. After it he lied
down on the grass and stared at it. Seeing the wreath with a
beautiful background of the half cloudy sky was delightful for him.
Mikhail was in his dream that got up with hear a sound of a

Mikhail brought out quickly
his ring and he inserted it inside the ground and went up from the
valley. When he saw Gary, his mind became comfortable and stopped.
Gary moved slowly toward Mikhail as a big, red, old envelope was in
his hand and said, “Follow me.”

Mikhail with Gary entered
the valley while he was staring at the envelope. When they arrived
to the room Gary stopped and said, “I want to tell you a very
important thing that I had hidden from you, because I had given
promise. But you're twenty years old today, and I can tell you now.
Soon, your life will change.”

Mikhail said surprisedly,
“What do you mean?!”

Gary took a deep breath and
said, “Do you remember what your father said about

Gary showed him the envelope
and Mikhail realized to his purpose, and he said again, “Your
father had given it to me thirteen years ago. I was intending to
send it earlier, but I had promised. But don't worry; I am hopeful
she can help you. ”

But Mikhail was just looking
at him with wonder as his mouth was open. Gary smiled and said,
“Just wait. I will take it today to your aunt and I will speak with

Finally Mikhail said hardly,
“I can't believe that!! You knew my aunt?! But you waited all these
years!!! Why?!! ”

Gary became sad and said, “I
swear, I was very sad, but your father implored to me! He had
insisted to me that I must wait until this day! I don't know why!
Believe me, I hate from any promise! But you will know later. Now,
I should go.”

Gary went toward his
motorcycle as Mikhail gazed at him and he was still aghast and he
stood there for a few minutes. Mikhail’s mind was perfectly
confused as he could not think at all. He took a deep breath and
moved toward the ring. He removed the ring and cleaned it and put
it in his finger. When the ring became blue he kissed it and lied
down on the grass. Soon his mind became free and he could to

It was near the noon and
Mikhail entered the room and he drank a little water and ate some
fruit while he was thinking to Gary’s speech. Next he went out of
the room and looked to the sun which was at the center of the sky.
He lied down on the ground and suddenly his eyes became close and
he slept soon.


Seven-years-old Mikhail was
playing happily with his seventeen-years-old sister inside a green
plain which had beautiful flowers. His eyes were yellow. After a
while they ran toward their mother who had sat on the hill. Mikhail
arrived to his mother sooner than Linda. Their mother was a
beautiful woman called Mary, who with a kindly smile looked at
them. Mikhail kissed his mother and lied down on the ground and put
his head on his mother's knee and his mother fondled kindly his

Soon Linda arrived to them
and she after kissing her mother sat beside Mikhail. Mikhail said
as had stared at his mother, “Why was father so angry?!”

His mother smiled and said,
“Your father hates of Key Holder; he does not like to spend his
time with Key Holder.”

Mikhail, “Why?!”

His mother sighed and said,
“We all hate him. But you must not tell this to anyone. You will
understand when you become grown up. ”

Linda said angrily, “Key
Holder is a very bad man, you always must be afraid of


Why should I
?! I am not scared of nobody.

Mary kissed him and said, “I
know baby; but you must promise me to get away from

Mikhail, “Why?!”

Mary, “One day, you will be

Mikhail turned his head
toward his mother's belly and said: “I never get close to Key
Holder; I'll stay with you forever.”

Everywhere became dark and
became bright again. Seven-years-old Mikhail was playing happily at
his father's room and his eyes were yellow. His father's named was
Kenton and he had sat on the chair at the corner of the room and he
was writing something inside a paper which was on his

Mikhail was jumping happily
up and down on the bed. His father with a loving smile was watching
him at the time of writing and he was writing again. A wedding
photograph of Mikhail's parents was on the wall. The other devices
were simple and ordinary. A very small library was at the corner of
the desk which a small photograph was at the corner of it which
Linda and Mary and Kenton were at it.

After a while Mikhail went
toward father's desk and with curiosity looked at the paper and
said, “Dad, what do you do?!”

His father fondled him and
said, “I'm writing a letter.”

Mikhail, “For

Kenton, “For your

Mikhail said happily, “Do I
have an aunt?!”

Kenton, “Yes, my dear. But
you can't see him now.”

Mikhail said with surprise,

His father kissed him and
said, “When the letter reached to your aunt, then you will see

Mikhail, “When?!”

Kenton, “When you are twenty
years old.”

Mikhail, “Why so

Kenton, “Because I promised,
my son. Just, never forget one thing. We love you very

Mikhail hugged his father
and said, “I love you very much too.”

His father pressed him in
his arms and said, “I know my son, I know.”

Kenton removed the letter
which was written with a beautiful, big, red envelope which was old
(the same envelop which was in Gary’s hand) and went out of there.
But he returned very soon and he removed the photograph which was
on the library and he put it inside the envelope and then kissed
Mikhail and he went out of the room.


Mikhail woke up by the sound
of dog. The dog had stood near his head and was barking. Mikhail
sighed and got up slowly and said, “I know, I know, I have to come
back to that Hell!”

Mikhail looked at the sky.
It was near sunset. He was lucky because he was the cows' shepherd.
They knew way back and Gary's dog helped so much to him. Mikhail
removed his wreath and he moved. When he arrived to the big stone,
stopped and looked at his hand. He sighed and brought out his
gloves from his hands and he kissed sadly the ring. He took out the
ring reluctantly while was becoming sad. When he did it the color
of jewel changed and became slowly white again. Mikhail put the
ring and glove inside the hole and he moved again.

Everything changed again and
Mikhail's feel became bad. His smile disappeared of his lips and
sadness engulfed him again. In the way back he looked at the
hamlet. There was dark and silent, but beyond the hamlet, on the
grass, two things had sat on the ground again as he could not see
them. Of course he had no any interest to see them and he guided
the cows toward to the village.

After a while they arrived
at the farms. The village men were working at the farmlands. When
they saw Mikhail they returned their head with hate. Mikhail
regardless to them approached to the rivulet. When he arrived at
the rivulet the scream reverberated in his ears again. But this
time, Mikhail was just crying and he endured his pain. He stared at
the wreath and kissed it sadly. He knew that the others aren’t
watching him and it was good for him. Mikhail threw the wreath
inside the water as was sending a kiss for the wreath and he closed
his eyes and passed from the water.

He entered slowly into the
village. The people were outside the homes and it was unpleasant
for him. The women were insulting to him and their children were
worse than their mothers. They were throwing the stone for him and
they were insulting to him loudly, but he did not anything and he
was just enduring their work while was very much angry. Gary's dog
left him in the way and Mikhail took loneliness the cows toward the

After a while he arrived to
Anahita's home. This time, Anahita with a beautiful dress with her
beautiful, tall friend called Jill had stood outside the home.
Jill's dress unlike Anahita was short as some of her body was naked
and she was older than Anahita. When they saw him, they glowered
contemptuously to him. Jill looked at Anahita and said, “It is
better we go inside the house until this accursed animal

But, whereas Anahita was
bringing out some pebble from her pocket said, “I have a better

Anahita and Jill started to
throw pebbles and they were laughing. But it wasn't important for
Mikhail and he passed from there without looking at them. When Jill
finished her pebbles said sadly, “You must was bringing the bigger

But Anahita said as she had
stared sadly at Mikhail yet, “We do not want to kill him! We just
want to molest him.”

Jill, “Good for you, you do
this every day.”

Finally Mikhail arrived home
as he had not good sensation. The door was open and he took the
cows to the barn and went quickly to the roof. The air was almost
cold and the wind was blowing gently. Mikhail's work had finished
and nobody had work with him anymore. Mikhail was hungry but he
knew that he should not wait for dinner. After a while he heard the
old woman's voice who was grumbling, but this was a good mark
because he knew that he could go now.

Mikhail jumped slowly down
from the roof and he moved from between the garden which was near
the home. He continued his way from the gardens because the people
were still outside of their houses he did not like that somebody
see him. However he after passing from several gardens reached to a
house which its walls were almost ruined and traces of burn was on
them. Outside the garden was a narrow alley which was empty and the
door of home had a big lock and Mikhail after looking at there came
back toward the tumbledown wall and entered to the

There was almost like the
house which he had seen in his dream. The house had become ruined,
now. Soon tears came down from his eyes and he started to cry.
Mikhail went inside one of the rooms which had not door and he sat
in the dark. There was his home which had become empty and cold and
the dark had surrounded it. Mikhail was crying like a child while
he tried to hold his voice down until somebody could not hear his
cry. It seemed that his sadness had not any end and he was crying

After almost two hour that
Mikhail had become languid, a voice was heard from inside the
courtyard. But Mikhail did not realize and soon he saw a light
which was approaching to the room. When Mikhail raised his head he
saw somebody who was entering to the room with a flashlight. She
was Anahita who had gazed to him as she was sad and inside her hand
was a food pot. She put down the flashlight and Mikhail approached
to her while his eyes were wet yet and said, “Why you

Anahita cleaned his tears
and said sadly, “I brought your dinner.”

Mikhail looked at the pot
and took a deep breath and said, “I told you don't do it. I don't
want food.”

Anahita put down the pot and
said angrily, “Why are you disputing with me every night?! When you
want to become a man?!

Mikhail looked at himself
surprisedly and Anahita hit to his head and said, “Fool!! I meet
you for three years, but you don't understand why,

Mikhail looked her and said,
“Because you are gentle.”

Anahita hit sadly with fist
to his chest like a tiny child and said, “You make me sad. I
imperil my life for you. But you are very stupid! ”

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