The Geary Series Boxed Set (14 page)

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Chapter Thirty-Three


I picked up my satchel and shoved it over my head, so it was crossways over my chest. I carried her massively oversized bag to the door of the bathrooms where she was. I waited five minutes and became impatient, a woman came out, and I asked if she’d seen a tall, blond haired, woman wearing a short black dress. She told me that there was a woman in there sobbing in one of the stalls.

I pushed passed her and hammered on the only closed stall.

“Open the door Olivia, I want to know you’re ok.” I bellowed, not entirely sure why, it was a small bathroom, and she was the only one in here. I felt frustrated that I didn’t know how to help, and I sounded angry.

Sniffles came from the other side of the door, and it broke my heart that I could not take her in my arms and comfort her. It was driving me crazy.

“Let me the fuck in, sweetheart, before I kick the door in.”

“You’re such a charmer.” She grumbled loudly, and I heard the latch move and the door creaked open slightly.

I pushed the door open further and took in the sight of her. She was sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, ankles apart and knees together. She was slumped over burying her face in her hands.

I knelt in front of her, not caring what was on the floor and took her hands in mine and kissed both her sets of knuckles. She looked down at me with watery eyes, and I was transfixed by the pain pouring out. I needed to extinguish any hurt that she was feeling, snatch it out of her heart and flush it away.

“Come on sweetheart, let me get you back to your hotel so you can sleep and meet your hangover in the morning.”

She snickered a little and grinned. Using my shoulders to stand up Olivia wiped her face and shooed me out of the stall. I didn’t move from the bathroom and ignored the looks from the other women coming in. I watched as Olivia splashed her face with cold water and dry her face. Our eyes met in the mirror, and her face was grave, it made my heart skip a beat. Her intense expression was palpable, maybe she was more honest about how she felt when she was drunk. The lustful look that was shooting out of her eyes gave me the courage to ask what I wanted to know all week.

“Are you attracted to me Olivia?”

“Very much so, right now I want nothing more than to strip you naked. Climb up your body and sink myself down onto what I know is a large beautiful cock” She answered without hesitation.

My dick jumped to attention, gagging to be let out of its confines and propel itself into her soft folds. That was a brazen answer, and I loved it. It was just a shame that I had a conscience and was not going to touch her unless she was sober and sentient.

“I think I just fell in love with you Olivia Gage.” I whispered so low she did not hear clearly.

“What?” she asked.

“You have a filthy mouth, and I cannot wait to remind you tomorrow what you told me. Come on drunkard, let’s get you back.”

She took my outstretched hand and let me lead her out of the bathroom and through the crowded bar. I was still carrying her bag so she could concentrate on walking. When we met the fresh air, she shivered in her almost not there dress. I handed over her handbag and asked her to hold my bag after I lifted it over my head. Shrugging off my jacket, I held it open for her to put on.

“Hold the bags and put the jacket on, do you think I’m superwoman?” she quipped.

“Ok, smart ass put the bags on the floor and put the damn jacket on.”

She complied, and I slung my bag over my shoulder whilst I watched her wrestle with my jacket sleeves. They were far too long, and she spent quite some time rolling them up so that her hands were free. Taking her hand again, I walked her back to the hotel. We didn’t say a word the whole way, not until we were standing outside the doors to the reception lobby.

She gave me back my jacket, and I put it back on and rolled down my sleeves whilst contemplating my next move. I took Olivia in my arms. One arm snaked up her back so that my hand scrunched the hair at the base of her neck and the other arm wrapped around her waist. I pulled gently on her hair so that her head tilted up to me, and I could stare into her pools of green eyes. I had a flash of the future and our kids having the same colour eyes as Olivia’s.

“If I could make one wish,” I said and swallowed the lump in my throat, “it would be to wish that you were not married.”

She stared back at me, moving her eyes to the left and right trying to read me, reading my sincerity. She opened her mouth and what came out was shocking.

“I’m not married Jack.” She whispered.

I didn’t wait to question what she’d just said, I took it at face value. I lowered my head so that our lips were nearly touching and moved back and inch. Moving back in and then out a second time, in indecision. Third time I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her once, twice and a third time. I softly pecked her lips, testing the water to see if she would respond. Her lips were soft and plump, and they kissed me back. I moved us closer and tilted my head to deepen the kiss, she rewarded me with the tip of her tongue sweeping over my closed lips. I grunted and opened my mouth, and she shot her tongue in searching for mine. As our kiss grew urgent so did our breathing. Heaving breath and duelling tongues, I could feel that I was getting excited and hard for her. She pressed her hips to mine and threaded her hands into my hair while she explored my mouth. She took complete control of the kiss, and I was along for the ride. She was amazingly sensual in her kiss, moulding her lips to mine.

The kiss lasted for minutes but felt like hours, we were kissing like teenagers. Our lips never left each other’s and my heart sang. I felt a burst of passion I had been waiting for in a long time. I broke the kiss and pecked my way down to her collar bone and nibbled the skin on her throat. She let out a moan in the back of her throat. I wanted to take her right then, sink into her and bury my head in her neck.

“What do you mean you’re not married? You said less than an hour ago that it was your wedding anniversary today.”

“Was, I said it was our wedding anniversary, and we would have been celebrating four years. Past tense, Jack.” She said and lifted her head to kiss me again, I tilted my head back not allowing contact. I needed to understand what she was talking about.

“I don’t understand, please explain what you mean.”

“He died, my husband died a month ago. I’m not married, I’m a widow.”

I let her go, she teetered slightly but remained upright. I rammed my fingers through my hair, turning full circle on the spot as I took in the information she’d just shared. It all made sense why she’d finally said yes, she was free from guilt. I couldn’t believe she was a widow, we had another thing in common.

“I know how you’re feeling Olivia, I understand.” I stepped back to her and cupped her face in my hands and stared deep into her eyes.

“How could you possibly know how I’m feeling, one month after he is in the ground I’m lusting after another man.”

“I love the fact that you’re lusting after me.” I confessed and laughed still holding firm to her.

“Yeah, lusting, you have a fine arse Jack Geary.” She said.

She knocked me for six with her confession, she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

“Tomorrow, Olivia, will you go on a date with me?” I asked.

“What kind of date?” She asked, furrowing her brow.

“Just you and me, no one else, a proper date, where I take you to dinner and we may dance afterwards.”

She tapped her finger on her chin and looked up to the night sky, pondering my question with a serious face. The waiting was agony, I needed her to say yes. I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

She finally dropped her finger and traced my lips with it and looked me straight in the eye.

“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you. You had better pull out all the stops Mr because I want to be impressed.” She told me.

She had no idea what I was capable of, and I could not wait to start planning it.

“It’s a date sweetheart, I’ll pick you up here at six tomorrow evening, wear the sexiest dress you have and the highest heels.” I said as I dropped my hand to her arse and squeezed hard. It felt good to be able to freely touch her.

I kissed her breathless once more and watched as she walked into the hotel lobby and into the waiting lift. Once she was out of sight, I jumped in the air and punched the sky.

Even if it were just for one night, she would be mine, and I was going to make the most of it. I couldn’t have been happier than at that point.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Sprawled on the bed the next morning, I couldn’t stop smiling at the thought of Jack’s kiss last night, he was an amazing kisser. I could have stood in his arms with his mouth on mine all night. Although I had been up for an hour and showered, I had gone back to lie on the bed due the gigantic hangover from yesterday’s excessive drinking. I was too old to drink that much and not suffer significantly.

I didn’t intend to drink yesterday but getting a phone message that Jack couldn’t see me was too much. I felt hurt especially as I had decided to tell him the last bit of my secret. I wanted to celebrate that day and not feel sorry for myself, on what would have been my wedding anniversary.  This was none of his fault as he didn’t realise the significance of the day or what I had planned to tell him.

Finding out about my sales report decided the direction my day would take. I wanted to celebrate, but there was no one to celebrate with. I wished Cecily was here, she would be able to put some perspective on this but I didn’t want to call her and disturb her day. I knew Elijah had a job to do at the bar, and I didn’t mean to take up any of his time, and he would find out if I were not happy. He had already picked up on it the other day.

Decidedly on my own, I had dressed and had left the hotel before Elijah would arrive. I let reception know I had gone for the day, so if he asked at least he would know he didn’t need to hang around. I turned my phone off, left my laptop at the hotel and wandered around Edinburgh. It was a lovely city to walk around, and I would have appreciated it more if I were in the mood to look at beauty. It didn’t take long for me to tire of it. I bought a bottle of champagne and went to the oak tree where Jack and I had our picnic.

Forgetting to buy a glass or straw, I swigged the bubbles out of the bottle like a drunkard. The rough bark of the tree bit into my back, a stark reminder of pain. I drank to forget, after the park I went to a bar and then I waited at Blue’s for Jack. When he wasn’t there like I thought he would be, I grabbed the hottest guy I could see and danced with him. Trying to forget what is was like to dance with a loved one, my husband had been a fantastic dancer.

When Jack had arrived, everything felt right, and I was so pleased to see him. Kissing him was exhilarating, the alcohol giving me the courage to kiss the life out of him. I was paying for that courage now, with my banging head. I was wishing that breakfast could be delivered to my room when my phoned beeped, indicating a message had arrived.

: Morning beautiful, are you up?

: My eyes are open but not sure how long I can stand upright for.

: Open your door.

: What will be there?

: Open the damn door.

I didn’t answer the last text message, and I shoved my body off the bed and shuffled to the hotel room door, tightening my robe on the way. Opening the door, I saw a stunning view of Jack. Dressed in a chocolate brown three-piece suit, he looked sensational, as always.

I grabbed his tie and pulled him towards me and kissed him hungrily. He responded by kissing me back and pushing me into the room by his chest and kicked the door shut behind him. Manipulating my movements he turned me so that I was flat against the door he just closed and took over the kiss. His tongue plundered my mouth and nipped at my lips alternately. I surrendered to his passion and wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him closer. His arms were nowhere near me, I couldn’t feel his hands on me, and I wanted them on me, all over me and his fingers inside me.

I turned my face to the side to take a much-needed breath and opened my eyes. I now understood why he was not touching me. The arm I could see was carrying a cup of coffee. It smelt heavenly, and I wanted to drink it, but I was sidetracked with his tongue sweeping over my ear.

“Did you bring me coffee?” I asked joyfully.

“Mmm hmm.” He mumbled into my neck. I could feel his head nodding but felt his tongue trace its way up my neck.

“Can I have it?” I half moaned.

“In a minute, there is something else I want to kiss first.”

Jack bent his head to my cleavage and opened one side of my robe with his teeth exposing my left breast. He stretched his mouth wide and licked my nipple with the flat of his tongue just before closing his mouth over my breast. He sucked hard on my nipple once and then he released me and stood upright in front of me. He was wearing an enormous grin, and he looked damn proud of himself. I was impressed that he had managed all that without the use of his hands and did not spill a drop of coffee.

Truly talented, I couldn’t wait to find out where his other talents lay.

“You brought me coffee, that is very thoughtful. I thought that we were not seeing each other until later?”

“You’re most welcome. I couldn’t wait until later to kiss you again, I went home and dreamt about you all night. I had wanted another taste before I headed off to work.” He said.

“Well, I’m happy to see you too that was one hell of a kiss good morning.” I said as I took the coffee out of his hands. “What’s in the bag?” I asked, looking at the brown paper bag he was holding by the handles.

“Breakfast, I wasn’t sure if you would make it down to the restaurant in time after the amount of alcohol you consumed yesterday. So I brought you a breakfast bagel, well three bagels because I didn’t know what you liked in the morning. There are bacon and mushroom, smoked salmon and cream cheese and a sun-dried tomato omelette bagel. Which do you want?”

“All of them. They sound great, gimme.” I said using childlike grabby hands towards the bag.

He chuckled and passed over the bag to me. I peered into the bag and saw the bagels wrapped up in paper alongside a bottle of grapefruit juice and a brownie.

“A brownie?”

“You may need a sugar hit later this morning, so I put that in too. I can’t stay as I need to get going this date I have later will not be impressive otherwise. I just wanted to check you’re ok and that you hadn’t changed your mind about tonight. You have not changed your mind have you?”

I walked over to where he was standing and threw my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

“I’ve not changed my mind, I even plan on going shopping for the required sexy dress and the highest of heels. Do you have a favourite colour Mr Geary?”

He pulled me closer by grabbing both my arse cheeks, squashing my whole body up against his, and he kissed me thoroughly. Breaking away after a few minutes, he kissed my forehead and let me go. I swayed slightly, dizzy from my light head and also from his deep punishing kiss.

“You would look beautiful in any colour, but I do have a penchant for purple. Once you have chosen your dress would you send me a text to let me know what colour you did finally choose?” He asked.

“Yes, of course, if it matters to you.”

“It matters to me sweetheart, please don’t forget.”

“I won’t Mr Bossy. Where would you suggest I go shopping for a sexy dress, I don’t know Edinburgh at all.” I asked him while walking to the side table and placed the bagels on the side. I flopped back on the bed and lazily worked my eyes up his body until I reached his face. He raised his eyebrows to me and didn’t make a comment.

“Princes Street, George Street and Multrees Walk should have what you’re after. I’m flattered that you’re going to go shopping for our date, I shall make an equal effort to look my best.”

“You would look gorgeous in anything, dressed in dungarees you’d look hot.” I said and chuckled at the vision that was forming in my head.

“Thank you ma’am. I need to go, don’t forget to tell me what colour and do not be late. Six o’clock sharp.” He said in his stern voice.

“Yes sir.” I said and saluted him at the same time.

He moved towards me on the bed and covered me with his body. Before I could protest, his mouth was on mine, kissing me senseless. Even through my robe and his suit I could feel his hardness rubbing against my thigh.

He stopped the kiss and stood up leaving me breathless and a crumpled mess on the bed. I beamed up at him and closed my robe back on my body.

“You’re euphoric that I’m not married aren't you?”

“You have no idea darling. See you later and stay out of trouble.”

He turned and walked out of my room, it wasn’t until I heard the door click closed that I thought about how he knew which room I was in. Powers of his charm at work I assumed.

I bounced off the bed and zoomed in on the bagels and munched my way through the bacon and mushroom delight. I didn’t wait for mid-morning, the brownie soon followed.

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