The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (22 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 82

2:10 PM EST Day two of 1260 Somewhere over the Atlantic, AM4000 Jet

Aafre was still in the forward cabins, communication’s room when the phone rang. He picked it up, listened to the caller, and said, “Thank you.” He hung up the phone and stood to return to the lounge.

He laughed and said to himself, amazing how simple and trusting people really are. He had known about the file that Jack had, and using his considerable skill, had suckered the Attorney General into turning in Jack. Getting Jack into one of his associate’s clutches and getting the original document that supposedly came from God. Even the Israeli government did not know that Moshe and the Director worked for him when needed. All men were corruptible, he thought. He would have to make sure they received a very large bonus soon. Now he needed to make sure Mr. Ken Giles, the Attorney General, would never have the opportunity to ever, write a book or anything else. He was sure that he would not be, missed, for Stevenson hated the person. Easy come, easy go. It is so easy.

Chapter 83

2:20 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland

Ken left the President’s office furious. Screw him, he thought. He would not take this lying down. He had friends too and Stevenson would not like what he may be able to do or dig up on the old man. He and Stevenson had been at each other since I could remember and this was not the first threat he ever got. It was his connections, that when Stevenson took office, that assured he would get the AG spot. In addition, I knew if he played his cards right, he would be President in the next few years. He had a lot of party support.

Resign. No way José, I said to himself. Never!

I knew he could not go back to the meeting, so I had called for a limo from the carpool available to the government and said he needed to get back to his office from Camp David. The limo should be here shortly he thought, as he waited outside the door smoking a cigarette. I normally did not smoke much, but it did help calm my nerves.

I saw the limo coming from around the edge of the woods leading up to the camp’s administration building. I reached down and grabbed my briefcase, put it on my shoulder and stood by the road. He would get his other things later or they could send his bag to his house. He needed to get out of here.

The car stopped and he opened his own back door of the limo and sat inside. I then knocked on the window and told the driver I needed to get back to Washington, D.C., to the office. The driver grunted and put the car in gear and drove down the driveway.

The limo passed the gates and started down the access road to 15, which would then take them to the beltway, and then on into D.C. I figured he would just lean back and enjoy the ride. The helicopter ride had only taken about a half an hour. However, that was not an option today, but depending on traffic, he would still get back around five or so.

Then, I thought, I‘d start pushing the buttons on old Stevenson. Resign? I doubt it.

I was looking out the window when I noticed that they had turned off 15 and were going down some road he had never been on. I banged on the glass that separated him and the driver, but got no response. I suddenly felt I was in danger. The hairs on the back of my neck started sticking up and my whole body tensed up. I lived on intuition and trusted it. I knew he was in trouble.

I tried opening the door, but it was, locked. I continued banging on the glass separating the driver from him, to no avail. I picked up my cell phone and tried to dial, but was not getting any service. The car started to slow down, and I watched as the car stopped in the middle of the woods. The driver got out, opened my door, and the last thing I heard was the shot.

Chapter 84

9:25 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Over Ramat David Air Force Base, Israel Airspace

I sat in my seat on the jet, strapped in, as it took off from the airbase. I looked out the window even though it was becoming dark, with the lights I could still see the sprawling desert that surrounded the base and the buildings that made up the area. I was trying to decipher which one he had been in, but I could not.

Veronica was also looking out the windows and she turned to me and said, “It was the building to the right of the very large hangar,” and she pointed it to me. I looked at it and noticed it was just like all the others, but I still could not shake off being, held prisoner there, even though it was not for very long. I kept staring at it from the window.

After they had questioned me about the file, they had left me there, again in the blackness. It seemed forever, but they came back. This time I kept my eyes closed until I adjusted to the light again. There was only one guard and he had a bundle in his hands. It was my clothing and personal items. The soldier reached behind me and removed the handcuffs from my wrists and then bent down and released the shackles from my ankles. He simply said, “Get dressed,” and he turned and walked out the door. This time they left the lights on.

A few minutes later, they put a blindfold on me and took me back to our jet. When I got out of the car, they took the blindfold off and stood there while I walked up the steps; they had said not a word. Veronica was already in the cabin and said, “Strap yourself in. We are leaving.” She pulled up the hatch and sat down. I could hear the jets start up. We started taxiing out to the runway then the jet turned and started down the runway, then it lifted off the ground. I realized that I had been holding my breath the entire time.

I looked over at Veronica who was just staring out the window and I asked her, “Have you been here before?”

“Yes,” she said. “I used to work here. And the people that you met were my co-workers.”

“Couldn’t you have just put in a good word for me so I wouldn’t have had to have gone through all of that?”

“I tried Jack. I really tried, but it appears someone in the U.S. Government wanted you taken in, and so they did.”

“Any idea, who?”

“No, I’m not sure. It had to be the President, the Attorney General, or the Director of the CIA. Otherwise, they never would have forced our plane down, especially here. So it had to be one of them.”

“I guess you aren’t an angel then.” I laughed at some more of my dry mid western humor. 

“No Jack, I’m not. Now you are playing with me. This is serious and not a joke. I am your protector and I am your helper as I said before, but I could not foresee this happening. I had no inkling that someone would have done this. Fortunately, nothing bad happened and I can assure you, I will not let this happen again.”

“Where are we headed now, since you are my personal tour guide?”

“New York to refuel, then fly to Kansas City. We should be in Kansas City Wednesday afternoon. Your sermon is at 7:30 p.m., Thursday. Gabriel will tell you what is next after that.”

“Thanks,” I said trying to take all this in. For the past two days have been like a jumble of words, country jumping and an incredible race that seemed to never stop. “Mind if I smoke?”

“No, go ahead. I will get you a Coors Light. Can I ask a favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“I want a cigarette too, and a shot of whiskey.”

“Help yourself.”

“Oh by the way, Jack.”

“What Veronica?”

“Don’t talk about any plans or anything, other than small talk please.”


“Because, if I still was working there, this plane would have so many bugs in it, you could call it an infestation. When we get to New York I will have some associates meet us there and have the jet swept.”

“Can you hear me Moshe, as she laughed out loud?”

Chapter 85

2:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

When President Stevenson returned to the conference room after dealing with the Attorney General, they were just now getting some sandwiches and drinks from the buffet table up at the end of the room. The conversation levels were up pretty high. It seemed everyone was talking at the same time and in small groups. As he walked towards the buffet table, he scanned the room to see who was grouping together. As a seasoned politician, he knew that when people ate, they usually liked to be close to those whom they felt most comfortable. In his years in the state legislature, then the senate, he had found that watching this could sometimes point out people who really were not on the team or had other agendas.

Most of the people around him were on his team, but some he knew had doubts about his abilities, and also doubts about his integrity. The sad thing was, for those gathered they did not know the power is, given to only to those willing to allow others to have power over them. Being President of the United States was a trade off, of what you wanted to accomplish and whether or not the real powers to be wanted your agenda to happen or not. The reality was that money had the power, whoever had the most money, had the most power. Even the wars of Europe were, financed by the money brokers. No money, no war.

He, like most of his predecessors, got to this position with money. It took a lot of money and it took many promises and surprisingly enough, as he had clawed his way up the system, he started finding out where the real power lay, and it was not in the U.S. He mused a bit on the thought and then sort of laughed to himself. If the world really knew all of this, we would all be, taken out and shot immediately by the people. Then in time, it would start all over again and in a few hundred years, it would be just as it is now.

Jamal started walking over to Stevenson and said, “After lunch we are going to start tackling the logistics of moving and relocating most of the eastern seaboard, parts of Florida and the Gulf coasts. General Stoups said to me that he might have a good plan that we can put into affect starting with the first strike in Houston, and then work our way around the coasts. He also, I guess, has a plan to move our national treasures from DC and New York. I guess Mr. President, at least we have time, and it is not like a nuclear attack where we would only have a few hours or less.”

“You’re right Jamal, having time does help but it only delays the inevitable. What kind of resources will this take? Did he say?”

“No, not really. He said that he felt he would just tell everyone at the same time and then we can work it out from there. By the way, since we are going to Kansas City and then The Waldger Group meeting is right after, are we going to be coming back to Washington or are we going straight to Cheyenne?”

“I don’t know Jamal. I really do not know. We’ve only started the process to move necessary equipment and some staff.”

“Okay. Thought I would ask, for we need press releases and to work out the details. Vice President Johnson will be on the ground in about three hours and on his way out here. We had a delay in getting him out of China for the state visit he was attending. Do you want him brought directly here or wait until tomorrow morning?”

“No, tonight. We have a lot to cover and a very short time to do it in.”

“I will take care of it then.”

Jamal started for the doors to the communication’s room and as Stevenson watched him leave, he thought, even as President of the world’s superpower, he felt overwhelmed. He knew it was only going to get worse.

Chapter 86

1:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Arrowhead Stadium

Mayor Madeline Sipes, in Kansas City, was surrounded it seemed, by every agency that existed on the planet, let alone the United States. There were people from Interpol, the Vatican, several countries’ secret services, to top it all off, brass from every military unit in the U.S. They were meeting in makeshift quarters at Arrowhead Stadium using the Chief’s media room, which was the only place that was capable of handling this amount of people in a single meeting room and away from the press that was, camped out at City Hall. How the feds got their people here so quickly, she had no idea.

The City Manager was asking Reverend Marks as to why they could not relocate the Rally to Arrowhead or some other venue. Their answer was always an emphatic no. They said, Arrowhead Stadium was a closed building and could not house the multitude that was gathering in the city.

Mayor Sipes knew that her city was bursting at the seams and even if the Feds shut down the highways leading into the city and rerouting travelers from MCI to other airports, it was still a mess. People were actually walking to the city and to Memorial Park. There was already thousands camped out, just sitting, and waiting, even though Jack South would not even be here until Thursday evening, not much more than forty-eight hours.

Now she was with the understanding that the President was coming, which meant dealing with the Secret Service. On a prior visit a year ago, Stevenson was a pain to deal with. Now the Vatican was sending representatives and a large group of high level Europeans, including many leaders from there and Asia. Many corporate leaders around the world were coming or were already here. They all wanted to be here for this Rally and it made no sense to her at all.

She found out that The Waldger Group had rented the entire City Center Complex for a meeting Friday and Saturday. That meant a lot more of very high profile world leaders would be here not only for the ‘Rally, but the scheduled meetings. This was scheduled out of, the blue. Normally, groups as large and powerful as this had their meetings scheduled, well in advance of a year, if not more.

She turned her thoughts back to what was going on here. Fortunately, the South people had agreed to let the dignitaries that were coming, have secure seating on the stage, which would keep them from the public. A clear bulletproof glass wall was being, erected on both sides of the stage, and would surround them, but still allow them to hear and to see the event.

This whole ordeal was becoming a nightmare and a total drain on the cities’ resources. Fortunately, the Feds had come to the rescue. She noticed it had become quiet, so she turned her attention to the front of the room.

Roland Winters, a full Bird Colonel in the Army, stepped up to the microphone and started speaking. “Thanks all of you for coming. As you well know by now, this Rally that should have been at most a few hundred people, has now taken on worldwide interest.” He paused for everyone to take this in. “As of right now, the City of Kansas City is under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Government until further notice. Like the disaster in California, it is in the nation’s and the region’s interest that the military take command of the city and its’ policing of it. I realize this is not normal, but we have absolutely no choice. It is the only way we can insure the safety of not only the city itself, but also many dignitaries whom have seen fit to come here. This is unprecedented, but we have a plan and we will follow it.” He then flipped on a switch and a grid of the city came up on the screen.

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