The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (23 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 87

3:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 New York - The Network, Brad Williams’ Office

Brad’s second show today was the evening news at 5:30 p.m. He would be covering the day’s events from the studios in New York. He had asked to be, sent to Kansas City to, broadcast live from there, but he was, shut down. That was unusual. Normally all the networks would be on location with something like this Jack phenomenon going on, especially The Network. The powers, that be had said no and that Brad was to lie low and take the bad ratings until they could get Jack South up against the wall. Then they would go in for the kill. He felt they did not trust him anymore. He was going over the notes in his office when he got a call. “Hello?”

“Mr. Williams?”


“Mr. Williams, I wanted to let you know that Jack South was just released from an Israeli airbase where he and an associate of his, a Veronica, were held for several hours for illegally entering the country. My understanding is that the President of the United Sates himself got him off the hook and Mr. South is on a private jet, on his way back to New York and should be arriving around 2:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. I might add Stevenson had to give the Israelis assurances they would get those new bombers they wanted in order to get them to release this person and now his friend. Sounds like a payoff to me, and the President seems to have a stake in Mr. South. At least, that is what it all sounds like.”

“Who is this speaking?”

“Oh sorry Brad, I can’t tell you that. However, you have many resources. Check out the information if you want. It makes good headlines with the President giving war planes to Israel to bail out Jack South.”

Click, Brad heard the dial tone.

What the hell, he thought. He grabbed a piece of paper and noted the conversation as well as he could remember. He then got on the phone and called his chief investigator.

Chapter 88

4:00 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Old Municipal Airport

John Roddenberg’s plane landed at the old Kansas City Airport downtown. It was, used primarily as a commuter airport since KCI opened in the late seventies. The good thing about this airport was that it was located in downtown, about a ten-minute drive to the Bear affiliate on Broadway. He was waiting for transportation to the city.

On the flight down, I was finalizing the 5:30 p.m. Bear National News that he would anchor on-site at the Liberty Memorial Park in Kansas City. With the help of South’s people, they had set up an anchor desk with all the equipment on the north side of the stage, which also was, enclosed in bulletproof glass. Tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, the broadcast would originate from there.

Tonight’s show would be, extended, and had been, advertised all day as a two-hour special from Kansas City. This would show a good look at the mass of people already here, and in some cases, walking from as far away as Columbia. Columbia is where the federal government shut down the highways except for transportation of goods and local residents. They also had placed on the spot reporters in all seven threatened cities that Jack had said would feel the wrath of God on both the eastern and southern coasts. Each on the spot reporter would be reporting on the plight of the people there and interviewing local politicians about plans they may have.

Another part of the two-hour special would be, focused on the Camp David meetings in Maryland. Even though there was a tight lid on the proceedings there, our reporter would report outside the gates and speculate as to what was occurring.

In addition, there would be footage of the mess in California, which under normal circumstances is where he would be. But California may well pale compared to the carnage on the coasts over the next few weeks, and the real news was here, especially after Jack took the challenge of the panel yesterday and on the spot predicted the volcano in the Pacific Ocean. He is the most sought after news since either 911 or the Kennedy Assassination.

We also had reporters in the Middle East and Africa reporting on the rain that had already started today and the repercussions to that entire region. It had been raining between the coordinates Jack gave since this morning.

Chester Nichols, our weatherman, had been in consultation with academics all over the world today to decide the far-reaching effects of all the weather changes. I knew that today the North Pole registered a whopping eight degrees above normal for the entire day and from satellites, you could start to see small spots of ice breaking up near the costal ice sheets.

The only thing missing from the news was Jack and his location. The viewers want to know where he is and what he is doing. After they left the building on Monday, no one had heard anything about him at all. It was as if he disappeared.

I did know though that Reverend Marks was here in Kansas City overseeing the setup of the Rally and working with the local government, and now the federal military machine, in setting up for Thursday’s Rally. They were trying to track the Reverend down to see if he had any comments for the special. 

Other news events today were unprecedented. The stock markets in the U.S., and oil trading were, suspended by the SEC. There was no timetable as to when they would reopen.

The Europeans were bailing on U.S. stocks and especially treasury notes. The Chinese almost caused a run on the banks. Gold went up over two hundred dollars more an ounce. Trading of gold was, also stopped, not only here, but in Europe as well.

The highways in Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and on the east coast were now jammed with cars and trailers expecting the worse. They were moving to different parts of the country they felt were safer, even though some still had several weeks to evacuate. 

There was speculation that the Smithsonian was trucking valuable items from displays and moving them to safer quarters. It was the same in D.C. and other areas of the country. The Metropolitan, as well as other museums in the east, were taking items and possibly trucking them to safer places. There were not specific news sources to confirm any of this other than the Smithsonian and the Metropolitan was going to be, closed as of next Monday until further notice. 

Amazing, one day ago he had to create news, now he could barely cover it.

My thoughts were, interrupted by one of the stewards, who said, “Mr. Roddenburg, your chopper is ready. Please follow me.” Hmm I thought, the roads must be, blocked.

Chapter 89

4:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Chicago, Illinois - Mark Anderson’s Law Office

I immediately had jumped into action after getting the call from Jack on the plane and receiving a fax from the Attorney General’s office. Knowing that Jack was in Israel, he knew that Mossad would bring him in and try to obtain information from him and he needed to stop that as soon as possible.

My first call went to Ken Giles who never acknowledged the call and he ended up talking to some clerk instead of Ken. The next call went to the White House, but once again, he was blindsided and had to leave a message.

He then decided to cash in a favor. The one thing about being a defense attorney, he made money, friends, and enemies. He had gotten the President’s nephew off an alleged rape charge some years ago. The President and his brother’s family were, very, pleased with his firm, and would probably help. He then called the President’s brother to ask a favor.

It had worked. He was, called back about two hours later and was, given, the fax number to Camp David. He had, faxed his pleas to President Stevenson. Well it must have worked. Veronica had called and said they were en route to New York.

Exhausted, I just sat in my chair staring at the wall, and thinking to myself and wondering how many more times this will happen. I shook my negative thoughts off, got up, and left the office. I needed to go home and rest.

Chapter 90

5:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

General David Stoups had been talking now for over two hours and I had started to drift off in other directions. Being President I knew required me to, occasionally listen to very long speeches, but they were usually in the Senate. Politicians and military brass always had an agenda and they droned on forever. I usually tried to get them to speed up, but to no avail usually.

I just wanted to be, given the facts and then the solution so we could move on. The General had at least five hundred pages of documentation he had passed out for his portion of the meeting and seemed to be having the same amount of PowerPoint slides, as he kept talking.

Basically he could have summed most of it up in ten minutes by simply saying we are going to start to evacuate the affected areas once we felt one-hundred percent sure that Mr. South’s predictions were true and would happen. Then we already were sure. He had not missed a beat yet, and after the island prediction, that sealed it.

He also outlined the residual effects of getting people relocated when the hurricanes hit the Gulf areas. Hurricanes usually move due north after they hit land, which meant that in Texas, the flooding would be far inland and moving up into Oklahoma. Then the other two to hit the Gulf would move rain into the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, also causing severe flooding. The other issue was that planting season had just started and there was concern over crop loss in these areas. It could well be disastrous and a total loss of crops in some areas, not counting the loss of life and property.

The General showed us on the map of the U.S, with expected flooding and the hurricanes themselves, more than eighteen states would be, affected by the hurricanes and ten to fifteen other states affected by flooding.

He suggested that we call up the National Guard immediately and all unassigned military personnel that are not overseas be, dispatched to manage the FEMA camps located in various areas of the country. His plan is to seal off cities that have been, severely damaged as soon as they were evacuated. As he said, we were going to have the equivalent of seven Katrina’s at almost the same time and there is no way to deal with it.

It was also suggested that we first try and keep Houston afloat, as a national priority over other cities effected. This would be due to the oil refineries in that area. They need to be back in operation as soon as possible, as a matter of National Security. The next priority would be Washington, D.C. and then New York City. Everything else would have to wait. If the people did not want to evacuate in any of the cities, then we would force them to, or we could just leave them there to fend for themselves, depending on the severity of the storms and availability of FEMA camps.

The other logistic was the amount of displaced people that needed to be, moved. In New York City alone, with New Jersey’s population, there are almost seventeen million people. Then add another two million for the D.C. area, plus Maryland and Virginia. That now makes it somewhere around twenty million people. Now add Jacksonville and Miami, Florida. There are two and a half million people in Dade County alone and some two million in the Jacksonville area. Savannah, Georgia and Houston, Texas have around two million people in each of those cities, as well. It was mind, boggling. Oh, I forgot Mississippi, I thought. I cannot seem to focus on all the numbers presented, for I know we cannot fix the problem.

The other issue he brought up was the national treasures in our museums stating they needed to be, moved out of the predicted areas. If the weather did not destroy them, then the looters would. That meant hundreds and thousands of trucks to move the nation’s art and history collections to different parts of the country. This was becoming a nightmare.

The General was winding down talking about troop placement in the areas and that we could expect damages in the areas of five hundred billion dollars to infrastructure alone, not counting personal property, loss of production, and camp administration costs.

For the first time in my life, I was not happy to be who, I was and really wish I were not the President of the United States.

Chapter 91

5:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

Announcer begins, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bear News tonight with John Roddenburg. We are live from the Liberty Memorial Park in Kansas City, Missouri where Thursday night we will be exclusively broadcasting the self-proclaimed Witness of God’s sermon at 7:30 p.m. tonight is our two-hour special edition on the state of the world. Your host, John Roddenburg.”

“Good evening America and the world,” John began. “In the past thirty five hours the world we knew came to an end. With the advent of the Witness from God, as he calls himself, Jack South, and after his proclamations in not only the U.S., but also Northern Africa and the Middle East, we are all on a watch to see if he continues to be one hundred percent accurate in his predictions or prophecies, as others call it. Today is Tuesday evening and yes viewers, it is raining in Northern Africa and the Middle East. This makes Jack, once again, one hundred percent right.”

“Tonight we are covering this story from coast to coast, border to border, and continent to continent. We are going to start with an update from Southern California. We will then be going across the Southern coastal cities talking to the leaders of each city that Jack has said will be, in the path of his predictions and the folks who live there. We will also be speaking to people who live on the Gulf and east coasts who also will feel the effects very soon. Then we will move on to Africa, where we have our correspondents set up in major cities in Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries.”

“First let’s go to Brian Wilcox who is standing by live in Pasadena, California for an update in Southern California. Brian?”

“Thank you John. It is about three thirty here in Pasadena. You can see behind me that it looks like a war zone. I am standing in downtown Pasadena and as you look around there is nothing here, but rubble. You will also see behind me troop carriers that are being, loaded with refugees or people with nowhere to go. They are being, transported by troop carriers to buses and being, shipped to a makeshift FEMA camp at Twenty-nine Palms. Our estimates, since the military moved into the area yesterday, are that over a hundred thousand people moved so far. They are lined up everywhere in all the areas that were destroyed and are waiting for transportation to hopefully food and shelter. There is not any shelter, which has not been, destroyed in these areas. There are also no utilities. Firefighters are using pool water when available because all the waterlines are broken and the broken pipes are flooding certain areas. People are desperate.”

John said, “Have we been able to get a news crew into the camp at Twenty-nine Palms?”

“No John. The military has refused any entrance to the area. Actually, all the roads coming into the L.A. area were, shut down because of damage. This extends from Palm Springs to L.A., from the east and Orange County to the South on both the 405 and the 5. The same is true from the north. Many of the roads are not passable for regular traffic, so that is why the troop haulers are being used.”

“Any reports of criminal activity?  Like looting, robbing, or other crimes?”

“Yes. Occasionally you can hear shots off in the distance. We also understand that all of downtown L.A. has been ransacked, but once again, we are unable to get our cameras in certain closed off areas.”

“Do you feel like you are being censored Brian?” John asked.

“Definitely John, definitely.”

“Okay Brian, Standby we may be back to you.”

“Now let’s turn to our Washington correspondent, Debbie Cochran. She is outside Camp David where certain members of Congress, the President’s Cabinet, and the President, have been holed up since 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time this morning. Debbie?”

“Hello John. We are still outside the gates of Camp David here in Maryland. We have all been here since around 10:00 a.m. this morning. You can see around me all the news vans from about every news media or agency you could think of. They, like us, are waiting to see if anyone from inside is going to make any kind of statement. The only unusual thing that happened today is that Ken Giles, the Attorney General, left the camp several hours ago in a limousine. It was, assumed he was going back to Washington, but he has disappeared and has not gotten in touch with anyone. He was expected at his office around five or so, but has yet to show up.”

“Do you know who all is there at Camp David with the President?”

“Well the President, his immediate staff, his Cabinet, the Majority Leaders of Congress, and Minority Leaders. We are also under the impression that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are here. There are also rumors that they are spending the night and will not disperse until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Oh and some professors in meteorology are here. One I think is from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. His name is Professor Eugene Rawlins.”

“Thanks Debbie. We will get back to you later. Please stand by.”

“Before we break for a commercial, I want our viewers to understand something I am seeing. I think there is something going on and we are not being, told what the government may be planning, not only in California, but also at Camp David. Whatever it is, I personally believe it will affect all of our individual freedoms and us. We will be right back.”

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