The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 1 (The Fallocaust Series Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 1 (The Fallocaust Series Book 2)
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I saw his teeth clench, almost all of them since half his cheek had been torn open. He shouted at me and as he did blood sprayed on my face and shirt. “I fucking killed him; I get to leave that was our deal.”

This moment... this exact moment. Where there is still hope in his eyes, where he still thinks I’ll let him leave. I live for these small, fleeting junctures. I can smell the fear; it’s as potent as the blood around me. It’s moments like these when I understand why they feared what I would become, no what I
become. It’s moments like these where I know I am the clone of the abomination who killed the planet.

I am the Reaper. I choose who lives, I chose who dies.

Unbidden a knowing and sinister smile graced my lips. “Who do you take me for, Redmond? You really believe I carry myself on some moral pedestal where you think I won’t deceive you for my own amusement? You’re a fool. You two should’ve tried to overpower me when you had the chance.”

As the words spilled forth Redmond’s face fell, as soon as the last syllable left my lips he charged at me, an anguished scream breaking the thick mood in the room.

I dodged him easily with a sideways glide made smoother by the blood. Redmond wasn’t as agile though; he slipped and lost his footing. He caught himself on the wall near enough to me that I was easily able to overpower him.

I held his hands behind his back and clenched them. I looked towards the steel door and wiped my boots on my pant leg for traction. I waited as I heard light footsteps down the hallway and Elish’s muffled voice.

The door opened, Killian took one look inside and I watched his face turn to ash. His eyes first fell to Hollis but quickly met with Redmond’s, then my own.

“Killian? Killian... he made a deal with me, he made a deal with me!” Redmond screamed, his words twisted in fear. Where was that bravery I had seen when I first came in? “Tell him to let me go.”

The boy stared, he took a single step inside but paused, I watched as he lifted his boot up realizing the floor was coated in sticky red blood.

“It’s up to you, Killian,” I said to him, tightening my grip on Redmond’s wrists. “They hurt you, they hurt Reno. It’s your call. I’ll do whatever you say.”

I watched his face intently, wondering with sick fascination what I would see. I had gotten my fill as I saw the horror descend on Redmond’s face, and earlier on Hollis’s too. Whatever Killian decided to do was just dessert. My bloodlust was quenched; I wanted Killian to have a say in this one’s fate.

The boy stared, not a word or the start of a word coming to his lips. Then in the same silence, he turned and left the room; the door closing behind him with a light click.

I stared, trying to hide my disappointment. Hearing the footsteps get fainter, I was about to loosen my grip on Redmond though when the footsteps stopped. A moment later they started to get louder.

The door opened again, Killian emerged now holding a thin but long object in his hand. Redmond saw it first, curses spitting from his broken mouth like water.

The boy didn’t mince words; with an emotionally charged scream he swung the long piece of rebar towards Redmond’s head. It connected with a sickening crunch before it ricocheted back hitting the wall.

The blow knocked Redmond off of his feet; I let him fall onto the ground.

Killian raised the metal bar again and rained it down onto the back of his head. This impact broke his skull open like a watermelon; the next one exposed his brain and the third made it into pudding.

When he was done Killian dropped the rebar. The clang echoing off of the walls, the floor, and ceiling, sending vibrations up my legs. He stood in front of Redmond’s corpse, his chest rising and falling with every sharp breath. I could see blood drops and spray all over his face and shirt, only moments ago clean and soft.

As he turned away, I saw a mixture of anger and satisfaction. His blue orbs burned into mine, not an ounce of malice intended but I could feel the hostility radiating off of them. An over-stoked stove, heated to boiling and spitting flames but still with unused fuel inside.

Fuck, look at all that blood on him... the sweat on his temples...

I felt a familiar throb in the back of my head, one that travelled all the way down to my groin. It burned like a small sun, sending electric impulses to all the wrong places. It was infiltrating my body and my mind, sending images to my head that made my briefs tight.

I don’t know what came over me but I grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall. I trapped him with one arm, my mouth pressed up against his, with my free hand I grabbed his backside and pushing my groin into him.

The inferno inside me flared to an unbelievable level as he passionately kissed me back, his own hand not shying away; he pushed it down my pants and grabbed my stiffening member.

“Fuck...” I inhaled a breath; it had been an incredibly long time since I took him last and with the bodies of our enemies around us, spilling blood and organs I couldn’t think of a better way to break us in again. I undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor, taking his hardening dick into my hands and rubbing it against my own.

Killian dropped to his knees in front of me, and with a wave of resolve-bursting pleasure he started to suck on the crown. As my knees trembled and my boots slid I moved down to a kneeling position on the floor, he started eagerly tasting every inch.

Admittedly since I had not even personally taken care of myself in that span it couldn’t have been more than five minutes before I started to feel the rapidly multiplying pleasure well inside of me. With one arm behind my back, holding me up, and the other on his cheek I came in his mouth.

When his lips found mine again we made out on the blood-soaked floor, him on top of me, grinding his hard penis into my recovering one. I could feel the back of my head resting against Hollis’s cold leg. His blood pooled around his body, getting into my hair and my bent arm. I could feel the sticky mess everywhere around me, and fuck it turned me on in ways I couldn’t believe.

I hooked the head of Killian’s penis between my pointer and middle finger and started massaging the tip with my thumb; my mouth flexing and sucking on his neck. I could feel wetness grace the tip, I rubbed it into the slit and broke the seal on his neck.

I moved my mouth down and started licking and playing with his collarbone and nape. My hand sliding up and down the shaft with a soft but forceful caress.

With a trembling moan his semen slicked my hand. I caught him as he collapsed into my arms, before with a gentle roll I placed him on to the blood-smeared floor.

With his semen as lube I eased myself inside him, his opening was tight but I was able to push through. Killian gasped and dug his fingertips into my back. We locked our lips together as I clasped the back of his head with my hand; his legs hooked over my arms. I started rolling my hips into him, our lips never breaking apart for more than a second.

The smell of blood and semen took me away, the flames of desire burning my body without a second thought. I felt every inch of myself on fire, wanting more and more of him. It wasn’t enough. I wanted every part of him near me and under me.

It took every bit of my restraint not to do him hard, my blood burned to ride him with fierce fervor, claim him and own him but I had done that once after I had burned the townspeople and now I knew my strength. Though my heart raced to take him in every horrible way possible I kept my pace fast but cautious. Losing control in the throes of passion was different than losing control of the wild and morbid thoughts in my head. I remained steadfast.

Killian’s low cries of ecstasy kept me in the moment and kept my mind from wandering as it had before. I felt his hot breath in my ear with every moan, I counted each one, weighing their tones on how fast or how slow I would go.

After a period of time his moans quickened. I could feel his hand by my stomach, stroking his own shaft vigorously, unable to restrain himself any longer.

I sped my own pace; I had already brought myself to the brink several times and my member was aching for release. I buried myself to the base into his warm inner flesh and when I saw the cum start to spurt from his swollen head I gave myself the several hammered thrusts needed to throw me over the edge. I held myself up with a slippery blood-slicked hand and stifled the cry on my lips though it spilled through in a rattled gasp.

When I had had a moment to regain myself, I separated us with an exhausted sigh. Then I got up and started putting my pants on, feeling more than just a little sheepish at what we had just done and where we had done it.

I looked around the blood-soaked room, Redmond and Hollis both very dead, one on each side of us.

I smirked, unable to shake the coy grin on my face and took a step towards Killian.

I stopped though as I noticed the silence in the room, all but a buzzing in my ears. I looked up and my eyes fell onto a camera.

Oh jeez...

I glared at it for a second, as if daring any one of those jokes to even bring it up if they were watching this. I turned away and helped Killian to his feet.

We locked eyes for a second. His blue oceans were lit up and sparkling with the trickled remains of our passion. His mouth slightly slacked to accommodate his still heavy breathing.

I stared back and gave him a guilty smile. Killian kept his resolve a moment before he flushed and smiled embarrassed.

He gave me a playful push. “You’re crazy.”

Though the slick floor worked against him, he slipped and I caught him with a laugh. I threw him over my shoulder and gave him a smack on his ass. I opened the door and walked into the hallway, Killian laughing and smacking my back.

We took our boots off to keep from marking up Elish’s carpet and made our way up both separate flights of stairs.

Together we tried to slip into the main area of the house to make a break for the shower but I should’ve known better. As soon as we emerged through the doors the shit-eater grins of Jade and Perish greeted us.

“Did you enjoy your birthday present?” Jade grinned. The hyenas erupted into laughter. I rolled my eyes and quickly ushered Killian into the bathroom ignoring Elish’s open laptop on the coffee table.

“I put the bows on their heads,” Perish piped up.

“It’s your birthday?” Killian said to me, as I quickly shut the door behind us, the catcalls only getting louder in the living room. No matter if it is Aras, a closed off bunker or Skyfall, men will never change.





Chapter 10








Garrett was the happiest I had ever seen him. He was crowing over me as Luca straightened out my fancy clothes and did the last finishing touches on my hair. I looked like... well, I looked like I had just walked out of a fancy magazine.

My hair had been sprayed, flicked, and teased into wavy silver strands parted on the side, my face had been powdered and my eyes lined with black eyeliner. My clothing, chosen by Garrett, was a black vest and a crisp blue shirt underneath, my pants black slacks with a blue belt. I even got myself nice shiny shoes too.

“You look beautiful.” Garrett beamed. He was dressed in his usual suit and tie, blue to match mine with a blue kerchief tucked into his pocket. He smelled like spice and cologne. I probably did too; Luca had been anointing me with many things since he had arrived. It was like Christmas for that guy, he was having the time of his life playing beautician.

It was my coming out party, if you could call it that. Our engagement had been announced, plastered on the bulletins and now we were going to the stadium to celebrate. I was supposed to smile and wave and let everyone take a good look at me. The president of Skytech was getting married to a mysterious former pet; that was something to celebrate. As Saul pointed out with a chuckle it only came once every ten years.

Har har, Saul.

And what was Stadium? Garrett had told me the previous night with an eager smile that ‘Stadium’ was the place to be on Saturdays, the weekly execution of all the condemned prisoners of Skyfall. It was where Silas would pit their freedom against the three immortal brutes: Nero, Ares, and Siris. If they managed to kill one... they walked free.

Executing prisoners in front of a live cheering audience, hmm... sounds familiar.

“Really? Burned them alive? Eesh!” Garrett shuddered as we made our way to the car; I had been telling him the grisly details of the execution in Aras a few months ago. He gave a shudder and we strolled hand in hand out to the awaiting car. “I would not want to meet that man in a dark alley. He sounds positively insane.”

I chuckled. I really missed Reaver, I wonder if he missed me as well. “He’s really a great guy, people just see the dark parts of him but I’ve never had a more loyal friend. When it comes down to it, he would do anything for those in his circle.

“Silas is the same way.” Garrett’s lips raised in a proud smile, though it turned into bemusement when he saw the confused look on my face, topped off with a raise of my left eyebrow.

“Your experiences with Silas haven’t been that great, yes, but just you see... besides the obvious things he does to us. He would burn the world to keep his creations safe.”

BOOK: The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 1 (The Fallocaust Series Book 2)
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