The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2 (The Fallocaust Series) (21 page)

BOOK: The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2 (The Fallocaust Series)
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Sanguine shook his head no. “Not since Mantis. Reno might be an interesting human to experiment on. Though of course it could go wrong and he could be disfigured for life or mentally stunted.”

“I’m already mentally stunted so I don’t mind that.” I reached inside my jacket and pulled out my whisky. I took a long drink and handed the bottle to Garrett. “Could you make me strong enough to whoop Reaver’s ass?”

Garrett took a drink and passed it along to Sanguine. “No, love, but since Silas is probably going to mutilate and murder Nero, perhaps you can replace him in Stadium? I can see my love pull convicts heads from their bodies.” He continued to dote on me by tickling under my chin. I missed human touch so much. “You can be whatever you want to be.”

“Right now I just want to go back to Skyfall and have a hot shower and some proper food.” I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder. “And see Sid or Lyle. I need one of them to do a root canal on me. My cracked tooth is starting to ache.”

“Of course, love,” Garrett said sweetly. “Whatever you –”

Sanguine made a disgusted, choking-type noise. Garrett gave him a look that could peel paint. “Just fly the plane, clown.”

Sanguine laughed and shook his head. “You might need to take over. I think I may throw up over the controls from all this sickeningly sweet doting you’re doing.”

Garrett raised his nose up in the air and squeezed me tight. “Well, get used to it. You’re going to hear me love and dote on him for all eternity. And when you and Jack finally admit you’re soul mates I shall laugh just as hard at you.”

At this, Sanguine scoffed and I saw him press a couple buttons on the display screen. “Do not get me started on Jack. Though we will be landing to pick him up soon. Hold on, I see Anvil in the distance.”


“Oh my god, I missed this place!” I walked out of the steamy bathroom with a towel over my waist and shook my hair like a dog. Garrett laughed and held up his hand to shield himself from the spray.

“You look wonderful, lutra. Did you want to turn your hair silver again?” Garrett asked. I could smell the delicious aroma of hot food, immediately I looked around for it. When I spotted two plastic bags full of containers I rubbed my hands together and walked over to attack them.

“Nah, I want to transition back into Reno. I think I’ll be less depressed that way.” I rooted through the bags and opened up one but it was only green beans, pah. I started digging through some more. “It was fun being the hot, silver-haired cicaro but… I just want to be me now. Silas knows I’m here anyways, I have no one I’m hiding from.”

I opened another container and found potato fries. I cheered and picked up a handful. I started shoving them in my mouth.

Garrett hissed at me and shifted the container away from my greedy hands. “Slow down! Chally, get us some plates.”

Chally? Sure enough, as I turned around the small blond kid was hiding in a corner giving me those scared eyes. Now dressed in a sengil outfit with his hair neatly cut and styled. He was holding a duster in one hand and his other was nervously clenching the sides of his trousers.

“I thought you would give him the boot after the information he gave me,” I said. I smiled at Chally. “We found him, we haven’t found Killian yet but Reaver is out looking for him. He’ll never forget what you did for him, bro. I can tell you that.”

The former slave and now sengil gave me a kind smile back and signed a few quick signs at me. I looked at Garrett for help.

“I told him this once I spoke with Elish, and he is happy to hear that. He did like Killian a lot,” Garrett said. “He also wants you to know I haven’t mistreated him. Well, of course I haven’t.” Garrett shook his head.

“Is he okay being a sengil?” I looked at Chally. “We can send you back to your town if you want. Sengils are technically still slaves just… better treated.”

Chally shook his head and continued to sign.

Garrett translated. “Chally is happy being our sengil. He and Luca have become best friends and that poor boy needs a friend. He is so lonely in Olympus and misses Elish and Jade dearly. Also Sid wants to check out Chally’s vocal cords to see if we can get him to talk. Apparently Sid suspects he has a neurological disorder.”

I shrugged and grabbed another handful of fries. “Most greywasters do. When did you stop being able to talk, Chally?”

“Ten,” Garrett responded for him. “I have him going over there tomorrow morning. Since we have tea with Silas the day after that I would rather Chally be out of the skyscraper. Why dangle meat in front of a dog.”

I groaned and disappeared back into the bedroom to quickly change. King Silas was someone I wasn’t looking forward to seeing. I never knew if he was going to torture me, electrocute me or give me a hug. That guy was exactly what Garrett and Elish called him: a mental shapeshifter. It was exhausting being around him because you never fucking knew what to expect. Though I didn’t miss the greywastes and I was happy to be back with Garrett, at least Silas wasn’t a constant dark threat over my head. That was one thing the greywastes had on Skyfall.

When I emerged Garrett and I took our food and ate on the couch, sitting beside each other and picking apart our hamburgers like we always did. As per our agreement he got my tomato and I got his pickles. I was sure it wouldn’t be hard to just order our hamburgers without the ingredients we didn’t like, but well, it was kind of cute.

After we had eaten and Chally had vanished into his bedroom to play video games I snuggled with Garrett on the couch, a movie playing on the television.

He was petting my hair back, I was half lying on him, half lying on the couch.

Garrett kissed my neck, then my cheek bone, then my ear. “I love you. I’m so happy you’re home and not angry with me.”

I turned around so I was facing him. “You won’t do it again? You know… stop me from helping Reaver? You know… once I’m healed…”

Garrett’s face became grave. “Never will I disappoint you again. I will be going with you. We can help them together. We are partners now… which… actually…” I moved off of the couch as he got up and watched him go into his office. He returned a few moments later and I saw he was holding my engagement ring.

“How about it?” he said with a smile.

I laughed at his choice of words and held out my hand. Killian had told me how Reaver had asked him to be his boyfriend and I had, of course, told the cute story to Garrett. “Alright… since you seem to have learned your lesson, chimera. Go ahead, make an honest man out of me.”

How could I have ever been mad at this man? There was a stupid grin on my face as he slid the engagement ring back onto my hand, but it faded as he leaned in and kissed me.

The butterflies came back, like the first time we had kissed. I opened my mouth slightly to take him in deeper and with the fireworks exploding inside of my chest his tongue met mine.

The movie continued to drone on but we weren’t paying attention. We made out on the couch, our hands going everywhere but where I wanted them to go but that was alright with me. I respected Garrett and I still felt guilty for fucking Jesse, even if Garrett had had sloppy-seconds.

His skin was so soft. I had loved Jesse’s rough greywaster physique but there was something about Garrett’s smooth, lotioned skin that drove me wild. I found myself kissing and sucking on his neck just to fill my senses with as much of it as possible.

It was driving me crazy, I was fully hard and he was too. Coyly I pressed my groin against his and used this opportunity to nip at his neck.

Garrett let out a small moan, and I felt his body rise and fall as he took in a deep breath.

“I am not as strong as I think I am,” he whispered, pulling himself away from me. I leaned in and kissed his lips again and was surprised when I felt his hand, which had been resting on my chest, creep down my pants.

I pulled back and looked down. My mouth opened in a gasp of surprise as he started touching my hard dick. My chest shuddered and started to tighten as his warm, soft hands started to gently touch and fondle it.

He was watching me, taking in every expression on my face. I closed my eyes and groaned, feeling my ears go hot with adrenaline and want. I knew if he pulled away this time I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I wanted him.

My hand strayed, I moved it down to his own pants and slipped it in, past his underwear and down to his groin. I felt a brush of his pubic hair until I found the hard member radiating heat. I took it in my own hand and started stroking it up and down.

We kissed; only breaking away to let moans escape from our lips, each of us touching and rubbing each other as the heat reached the inner core of my mind. I could almost see the energy seeping off of our bodies, encasing us in a lust no hotel fling could match.

“Take me to the bedroom,” I whispered, rubbing the head with my thumb.

Garrett nodded and at his acceptance, at the glaring fact that he wasn’t putting a stop to this, my chest quaked.

I got up off of the couch and he rose too. Then, without a word, we went into the bedroom we had once shared.

I threw the last of my clothing onto the floor and sat down on the bed. I looked up as I shifted myself into the middle of his king size bed and watched him remove each piece of clothing from his flawless body.

Toned arms, actual abs, and just a slight wisp of chest hair on his firm body. I shook my head and looked down at my own horrible physique. I might have had some muscles but I was pale and still bruised.

“You’re just beautiful.”

I looked up and flushed with embarrassment as Garrett whispered those words to me. I rubbed my nose and looked away to try and hide my red face. “You know I’m not.”

Garrett got onto the bed and crawled over to me on his hands and knees. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “No… you’re perfect and your body is perfect. Don’t let me ever hear otherwise.”

I blushed some more and felt him kiss the corner of my mouth. I waited for the kiss on the lips but he started to slowly lick my collarbone. I put my hand between his legs and took his dick into my hand and started to stroke it, admiring finally being able to actually see it.

So chimera bodies weren’t that bad, maybe they did have a lot going for them.

Garrett kissed me, and leaned his groin into mine. Like I had done to him before he kicked me off of him, he started to grind and rub himself into me.

“You know, I’m rather versatile,” Garrett purred into my ear. “I could go either way. What would you like?”

What would I like? “You’re my big tough chimera aren’t you?” I smiled at him and started grinding him back. Garrett laughed at this and kissed me again.

“Sure, but if you think you’re going to get away with not showing me how good greywasters fuck you have another thing coming.”

I gaped at him, before giving him a smack on his thigh. “Language! We’re making love, asshole, and it’s going to be wonderful and magical and we’ll still be talking about it five hundred years from now.”

“Mmhm, I guess we do have an eternity to rip each other to shreds. I know you well, lutra, and I know you’re just waiting to release all of that energy,” Garrett said. He slipped down until he was between my legs and took my dick into his hand. He locked his eyes with me before sticking his tongue out and giving it a hard lick. “I’ll give you your love now, amor meus, but rest assured… I am going to be ravaging every inch of your body.”

Chimera talk? What little Tasmanian devil had I awakened in my sweet fiancé? I cocked an eyebrow but before I could question just what I had done he put his mouth over the head of my dick. Instead I leaned back and let him do his work, taking in every moment of what I knew would be an unforgettable evening.

His mouth worked me over good, showing off skills that reminded me of good ol’ King Asher. Though as I felt that talented tongue lick and massage the head and shaft of my dick I realized they had all probably learned their skills on him and each other. I wonder how many of his chimera brothers he’s had in bed?

Well, I had fucked the king, I would always be proud of that one.

“Ah… wow,” I gasped, spreading my legs apart as I felt his finger start to probe lower. Then to my shock I felt his tongue beside that finger, both teasing and licking my hole. I closed my eyes and groaned from pure ecstasy. I couldn’t get over how good it felt and how gentle he was being. It felt like he was lighting small fires with just his tongue and his touch.

I have never experienced before.

I liked it and I showed him I liked it. I took my dick into my hands and stroked my self slowly as he licked and lapped the tight opening between my legs. My mind was being blown right now and after several minutes I had to force myself to stop stroking.

Though I didn’t want this to be one-sided. I moved my body away from his tongue but no sooner than I had he grabbed onto my knee and tsked me. “Nope, all you. Lay back down or I’ll handcuff you to the bed.”

“You kinky little fuck.” I relented and back went his tongue though it found its way to my dick once again. “You do take control when you want to, don’t you?”

He didn’t answer me and I didn’t say anything else. I closed my eyes and let him lick me until I felt his tongue pull away.

BOOK: The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2 (The Fallocaust Series)
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